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/lit/ - Literature

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5309026 No.5309026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Giant Library Book sale
>Bought 10 books
> For 13 bucks

I think I did bretty freakin' good.

P.S It's American Indian Myths and folklore (from varying tribes).

>> No.5309033

>buying a book of quotes

and worse than that,

>buying a book of quotes in the age of the internet

>> No.5309043

He's just buying them for coffee tables, he might read one of them.

That's why he's posting them online. Books have become status symbols.

>> No.5309046

you did terribly

go to half priced books, they regularly have 'packaged' deals. last chrismas, got a 5 pack of tom clancy novels for my father for $3. you can also just buy your books by the lb there, if you're trying to fill a library. IIRC its $5 for 5lbs of books, completely random

>> No.5309047

>local hole in the wall thrift shop had hundreds of books
>0.10$ each
>have found Pynchon, Vonnegut, and McCarthy hardbacks
>have found a few dozen other hardbacks and paperbacks in good condition
>I spent less than $5 on all of it

>> No.5309049

>Being this much of a mad autist
>Every single thread

It's so satisfying knowing you miserable stains have awful lives.

>> No.5309056

I don't know which is worse: this very sad collection of books that aren't worth reading (let alone having), or that OP bought them all and had no friends to show so took a picture and uploaded it on 4chan.

Probably the combination. It'd be sad if it wasn't so fucking funny.

>> No.5309087

King Arthur and folklore is alright, but what gives with the ''quotes'' books, man? Read novels and learn them by heart.

>> No.5309100
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>Guns, germs and autism
I feel sorry for you. why did you waste your money?

>> No.5309101

Bought 58 books for £1.50 yesterday.

Bretty gud

>> No.5309198


>> No.5309375

Bought 2 books for 90 dollars yesterday.

>> No.5309385

What's wrong with that book

>> No.5309408

a lot of people read it and now it's forever tainted

>> No.5309423

>that oxford book

Isn't that like 40 bucks?

>> No.5309455

>>Bought 10 books
>> For 13 bucks

Wow that was a good deal there

>see picture

You got swindled, chap

>> No.5309463

Anyone remember the IRC channel that gives you books for free by requesting it?

I can't remember it, and need a book for college.

>> No.5309465

oh, OP, trying to make it look like you got a good deal....

yeah, college sucks. hopefully you don't get dicked over by the publishers like I did at school
>new textbook so no used copies available
>end of year go to sell the book
>we're sorry, the school is changing textbooks because they don't like the new version, we aren't accepting books

happened in more than a few of my classes while I was there

>> No.5309588

No its oversimplified bullshit for explaining the rise of European civilization. Diamond is a hack but amateur historians like him because his style is accessible to their boxed-in, neatly packaged view of things

>> No.5309611

That information is literally right there in the sticky.

How the fuck do people completely ignore it?

>> No.5309637
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just picked these up, already had volume 1.

>> No.5309950


>> No.5310042

>someone's learning about new shit
>get mad at them

>> No.5310056

>tfw interned at a library
>tfw they were throwing out entire shelves worth of books that were slightly water damaged
>tfw they threw out almost their entire philosophy section
>tfw later ask if I can keep a couple books from a different section
>tfw they say "yeah no problem take whatever you want"
>tfw I should have spoken up sooner
>tfw I could have a huge collection of western philosophy for free

>> No.5310067

>books are a status symbol
Oh hey OP

>> No.5310070

Out of curiosity, I checked Amazon. $4 with shipping.

>> No.5311210
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>> No.5311217

That's ace.

>> No.5311226

>Contextless quotes


>> No.5311365
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Yeah, yeah I've already posted it but whatever.

Got these all for under $20. Currently reading A Happy Death, On the Road and am going to start Junky once I finish AHD.

The prose in AHD is a bit stagnant(?), but it's pretty good so far.

On the Road is pretty good, but I find that it's full of diamonds in the rough. You'll find little hints of brilliance in between paragraphs of nothing.

>> No.5311384

>old people books

wow, no thnx

>> No.5311397

m8888, 40+ penguin classics about Western Philosophy

There's about 3 old peoples books.

>> No.5311421

You sound like a pleasant guy

>> No.5311426

how did you get them for such a low price

>> No.5311429

what's with all that E45 m8?

>> No.5311451
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I have recently purchased:

Omensetters Luck - Gass
The Ebony Tower - Fowles
Collected Stories - Bradbury
Eeee Ee Eee, Richard Yates - Lin
Less Than Zero - BEE

on the way from amazon:

Psalm 44, The Attic, The Scars and the Lute - Danilo Kis
News from the Empire - Fernando Del Paso

I'm also waiting for this set of Proust to show up in the mail, it's taking for fucking ever jesus h christ how slow can you mail things. inb4 translation

>> No.5311454

Car boot sale, the seller's Grandad just died so she wanted rid of his books.

Eczema, it's bloody awful.

>> No.5311459

You are /lit/ incarnate--an absolute roach.

>> No.5313282
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>> No.5313297

no you didn't

there's not a single decent purchase in there

>> No.5313308

O-oh ;_;

>> No.5313313

>m8888, 40+ penguin classics about Western Philosophy
m8, stop lying, you cunt.

>> No.5313361
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Still waiting for the HH Mason & Dixon in the mail.

>> No.5313448
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Why do you cretins all have the same shit tastes?

Pynchon, Joyce, Wallace.

Always, all the time. You guys are so conformist to hipster/roach-tier authors.

>> No.5313459

Is that the folio society Decline and Fall of Roman Empire?

>> No.5313464

I want to be in on the board culture, And the books are good and well written for the most part so I really don't see the problem.

The only people who think that /lit/ doesn't have good taste is /lit/.

>> No.5313465

Are you dismissing Joyce and Pynchon because they are popular among /lit/ people?

Like really?

> Derrida
I haven't seen a single proper discussion about Derride on /lit/.

>> No.5313467

add Foucault

he's just beyond roachy

>> No.5313474

>guy buys one single DFW book, the most popular one
>is a terrible, terrible person

>reads Joyce and Pynchon
>is a cretin

How can you stand yourself? It must be awful.

>> No.5313700
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Looks like everyone is buying Inherent Vice lately due to the movie coming out soon. I did the same, pic related is Inherent Vice and the first two books of The Prince of Nothing.

Sorry the camera quality isn't all that great. I did get my Inherent Vice first edition for 90p and the PON books for £5-£6 each I think.

>> No.5313712

I won't be reading it until after I see the film. That way, there is no way I can be disappointed unless the film is flat out terrible.

>> No.5314889

>Dog Lovers Manual
>French English Dictionary
>Pocket Dictionary
>Collection of Quotes
>Another Dictionary
>Cottage Ownership Guide

This, /lit', is an list of things make entirely outdated by Google.

>> No.5314998

Why do people like you feel the need to dismiss anything popular or renowned? I can see the frustration of 7/10 threads being about something on this list, but you are not an influential enough force to change that. Right now all you're doing is promoting a thread you don't like by posting in it, do the opposite if you really want to change something.

>> No.5315024

This. I read that book back in high school. Not only did it read like shit but it was so over simplified that even then I felt like there was a lot more to it.

>> No.5315082

Anon pls.

>> No.5315207

i dont get it

>> No.5315237

I got all 6 volumes of The Second World War by Winston Churchill for $2.50 each

>> No.5315619

remember those "dolan pls" memes from like two years ago? anon is actually referencing those rn

>> No.5315651

Just finished that. Took about a year, although I read it rather sporadically. The best book is 'Alone'. I think that's in the second volume. It's the Battle of Britain. Everything else is great history if you know nothing about World War II, but how he described the Battle of Britain from an operational perspective is nothing short of amazing. And the lend-lease act and the Atlantic charter are in that volume too I think.

He elaborated for sometimes a chapter length on plans and acts that never came to fruition, which was one of my least favorite parts of his novels, but despite him writing, at times, only an eighth of the actual words in a given chapter, the rest is taken up by telegrams passed between him and other diplomats. It is a military strategy and political book to be sure.

My favorite battle was the battle of Leyte.

>> No.5315655

i dont, but i guess that makes sense, i thought he was implying dolan wasnt qualified or his books werent good or something

>> No.5315723

I'm still laughing, you clever bastard.

>> No.5316043

Used to have a place like this, but they started jacking the price of their books up outrageously.

>> No.5316288

Maybe you guys should read some of your books instead of posting all these perfect spines on /lit/.

>> No.5316365


>> No.5316369


>> No.5317521
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Just got these two bad boys.

>> No.5317833

I have the same book of American Indian myths.

It's surprisingly great, the stories are entertaining and very distinctive.

>> No.5317848

>ruining a perfect spline

I bet you're one of those faggots who dog ears the crap out of his books, too.

its faggots like you that make me want to walk through B&N and crack open every single book so you don't get the pleasure

>> No.5317852

If you havent already finished the book halfway out of the store then what the fucka re you doing

>> No.5317877


>> No.5318117

>On vacation in bongland
>Buy like six books in Waterstones
>"Tha'll be sixty quid m8"
>Puny American brain does not understand that quid =/= bucks
>$90 down
I think I did really fucking bad.

>> No.5318722
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>> No.5319217

do u only buy one book at a time
looool how much fucking time do u have that u can make a trip to the bookstore more like 5 times a month

>> No.5319265

I feel guilty every time I buy a book, but you guys sure a proud of your waste of money

>> No.5319297

Looks like some good toilet reading.

>> No.5319581
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>grandmother ran a bookshop
>charged outrageous prices
>like four dollars for a piece of shit paperback
>actually costs her thousand dollars a month, she has to use her social security and tenant money to support it
>beginning of dementia
>we close it down
>she does nothing now
>parents can't understand why she misses the store so badly, and why she won't spend her money, which she has a lot of now, going to the movies and bowling and doing shit with us
>i think we should have just let her die running the damn store
Any recs for good books focusing on conflict between working class values and middle class values?

>> No.5321511
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>> No.5321872

Hej danske person!

Heja Danmark


>> No.5321907
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>> No.5321919

Yes, mate. It is fantastic.

>> No.5321921

Someone is jealous.

>> No.5321923


>> No.5321942

>>Buy like six books in Waterstones

Why? Waterstones is a massive rip off.

>> No.5322236


>> No.5322397

Congratulations, you just a bought yourself 10 shitty books.

>> No.5322458

>reading murakami in english

>> No.5323134
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None greater.

From left to right:
Top Row:
>The Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en
>Against Civilization by John Zerzan
>Natural Healing Wisdom and Know How: Useful Practices, Recipes and Formulas by Amy Rost
>The Nag Hammadi edited by James M. Robinson

Bottom Row:
>Hyperion by Dan Simmons
>The Western Esoteric Traditions by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
>A History of the Ancient Near East by Marc Van De Mieroop
>The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism by Daniel C. Matt
>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.5323154

It is really good. I read it in german around february. This made me a murakami-fan. Try out afterdark too. There are not many things of him published in english unfortunatly.

>> No.5323168

This is so extremely pleb it actually made me kek out loud.

>> No.5323202
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Girls think I am so so interesting.

>> No.5323210

i think my mom has all of these

>> No.5323284


>mom is reading pessimistic anti-humanity literature

She hates you bro

>> No.5323365

>There are not many things of him published in english unfortunatly.
Dude what? Pretty much everything he has ever written is available in English. 13 novels, 2 nonfiction works and 3 collections of short stories. Only couple of nonfiction stuff never made it to the west.

>> No.5323489
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>Guns, Germs and Steel

>> No.5323500

Point proven.

>> No.5323549

Cottage ownership guide
Lolololo. You americans seem to love your guides , its almost like you cant do anything on your own.