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File: 496 KB, 2500x1666, dumbledore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5322305 No.5322305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So we he always a faggot or did Rowling just tack that on after the fact to appease the gays?

>> No.5322315

Dumbledore was a 115-year old virgin.

Gay or straight doesn't really apply.

>> No.5322322

>115-year old virgin.

lost my shit

>> No.5322326

are you 12?

>> No.5322328

are you a faggot?

>> No.5322331

Have you seen the way he looks at harry? Even the way he waves he's wand.. He is gayer than sperm on a mustache.
But in the end, does it really matter? He can kick anyones ass. And considering he's Micheal Angelo / Da Vinci look i think it fits. Lets face it, a lot of great minds are gay.

>> No.5322429

welcome to niggertits

>> No.5322442
File: 68 KB, 523x565, 1365606161394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using quotation marks while greentexting
>getting offended when someone uses the word faggot
Just go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.5322472

i think it's past your /b/edtime

>> No.5323656

So much butthurt.
Please go back /lgbt/

>> No.5323809

>write 7 books
>wait for them to sell
>only AFTER, say that one of the most beloved characters is gay
>get to both look progressive and to not hinder the selling of the books
>laugh maniacally while bathing in the blood of kittens

>> No.5323846

I can almost believe that she might have tossed it in there just because she already knew that her books were creating a fanbase that was going to ship her characters no matter what she did, so she decided to just play into it.

>> No.5323958


Stop trying to tumblrize the entire site. Isn't it enough to have /v/ and /co/? Spread your cancer elsewhere, cunt.

>> No.5324282

Honestly Dumbeldore is a pretty gay character by all standards. Soft-spoken, sweet voice, gay tastes, no gf or female love interest or even fuckfriend in sight, but very close relationships with men younger than him, plus all that wand exchange thing, and his pet bird on top of that (I mean, what kind of straight apha male keeps a pet bird ?). Rather suspicious if you ask me.

>> No.5324313

I doubt she intended it that way from the beginning. It's one of those things that doesn't really matter, but of course she tacked it on because people who go gaga over gays will lap it up, and the people who take offense will have already purchased the book.

Not sure why anyone would care that much either way, but such is society.

>> No.5324348


>So we he always a faggot or did Rowling just tack that on after the fact to appease the gays?

nice false dichotomy

he started off asexual, just a plot device, the wise wizard who generally keeps harry safe but not safe enough that harry doesn't have to adventure on occasion

then as he became more developed, she never mentions a woman in his life, but mentions a number of close male friendships, mostly still asexual in his description

she didnt even decide he was gay at all, she said just that she imagined him to be gay at times when writing him, as in, his sexuality doesn't even matter, but he's kind of homo in his mannerisms and life story, never had female companionship, etc

>> No.5324375


>> No.5324459
File: 124 KB, 440x412, cc18ddb8-ab2f-46b5-989a-34717ac9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this bluepilled

>> No.5324498

Precisely how I felt about the character. Thank you, anon.

Still, I remember that scene in the last movie where he's staring at that billboard of some woman, jerking off or something.

>> No.5324786

just stick to >>>/b/ newfriends