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/lit/ - Literature

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5318140 No.5318140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I browse /lit/ every day
>tfw everyday I write about 20 replies of 25-30 words each
>tfw each year I write here the equivalent of 2 full novels
>tfw in the last 4 years I could have become an accomplished artist if not for this bottomless hole

>> No.5318145

you have only yourself to blame

>> No.5318146
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>> No.5318148

You dont need to stay here.
But fact is, you much rather stay here than write something, anything.

>> No.5318149

>implying it would take you the same amount of time to write one master-crafted sentence of your GOAT novel-to-be as to write one sentence of shitposting on 4chan

Don't delude yourself bro. Hardwork and difficult output is distributed according to Boltzmann's law, not Gauss's.

>> No.5318154
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I want to quit, I really want but I can't... I keep thinking "just one last shitpost... just one last finnegans wake joke..."

>> No.5318155

But think of all you have learned.

>> No.5318163

Here's what I have learned:
>DFW is a hack
>Tao Lin is too
>So is Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, J.K.Rowling and any other author that sold more than 30 copies
>The only good books are the ones "you probably haven't heard of", and you must read them in the original language otherwise you deserve to die
>Everyone here could write the best novel of the millennium, if not for some minor impediment.

>> No.5318169

ITT: we calculate how many words we could have written in novel form if we didn't waste them here.

>my count: about 240k

>> No.5318179
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>mfw i only lurk and almost never post anything

>> No.5318181

I discovered pretty neat shit here, for instance:

>Harold Bloom
>speculative realism (a thread is currently in the catalog)
>Sasha Grey

Most did good to my brain, and the last benefitted my dick.

I don't think I would have come to read Wittgenstein (or at least not this early) if it weren't for /lit.

>> No.5318217
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>Harold Bloom
>Sasha Grey

>> No.5318234
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>having an issue with Harold Bloom

>> No.5318257 [DELETED] 

>being this jew

>> No.5318282
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I've learned how to filter out the bs

Honestly, there is no escaping this hell.

>> No.5318295

I'm not American obviously, so that's why I have never heard of them before coming here.

Bloom has a lot of cringeworthy opinions but also interesting ones. I think I agree with him about half of the time.
Sasha Grey has vids of her having sex on the internet. I think no more needs to be said.

>> No.5318338

do you guys know where i can get some n00dz of Sasha Grey?

>> No.5318344

>implying I'm amerilard

>> No.5318349

>n00dz of Sasha Grey
They don't exist, it's an internet legend.

>> No.5318355

you really haven't got the gist of this meme

>> No.5318379

>do you guys know where i can get some n00dz of Sasha Grey?
But you'll have to learn fluent Russian first. Have fun.

>> No.5318386

>implying what you wrote was any good

You might as well say that everyone today has a potential to be a good writer because they wrote so many messages and mails.

>> No.5318412
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>mfw I read 500 ~ 600 words of your nonsense every day

>> No.5318418

what is it's all shitposting?

>> No.5318423


>> No.5318427

I started a blog and put a lot of my better and more serious shitposting on it. Speaking of which, I need to put the existentialism is less respectable than toilet licking idea into a blog post.

>> No.5318438

Yeah write that bullshit somewhere far from here

>> No.5318477





>>>/r9k/ >>>/pol/ >>>/b/

>> No.5318497

That's your fault. And just because you're able to consistently shitpost and discuss literature does not mean you could have written anything of value, sorry to say.

Still, get the fuck off. Get yourself banned or something if you really don't have any self control.

>> No.5318511
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>try to get b&
>post cp
>the mods ask me for moar

>> No.5318519

Nothing anyone here would have written in novel form would have been more valuable.

>> No.5318522

Just install a plugin for your browser that stops you browsing either entirely or at certain times of the day.

>> No.5318630

put 4chan in your hosts file m8

>> No.5318672

It's worst than you think: your aggregated replies aren't in a thematic or logical sequence, which separates books from mere collections of statements, descriptions, etc meaning that they wouldn't combine to make a book. You lack experience overcoming the difficulty of making one thing come after the other.
Your posts also probably lack the variety of writing types, lack explication, definition, argument, description, dialogue, etc, and the refinement of their component parts, which also make for a good book. You've probable just posted two or three types of writing in a desultory way.

If you want help getting you act together, then buy an alarm clock, a coffee maker that works on a timer, and an cheap laptop. Cripple the laptop's internet manually. Set the alarm and the coffee maker for one or two hours every day before you have to work. Get up, sit down with the laptop, and write for that time. You can then do whatever you want for the rest of the day, knowing you've completed at least an hour or two of work. If you're not willing to do this you should give up on being a novelist and devote yourself to reading.

>> No.5318678


>open word/office
>write one page story, diary entry, description or even a limerick about whatever the fuck you want
>draw inspiration from anywhere, even here
>name, date and save
>do the same thing the next day

Those little 1 page stories you're writing could flourish into a novel with intersecting ideas by forcing yourself to come up with a new idea every single day, no matter how stupid.

One page. That's it.

Case and point; WRITE!

>> No.5318695
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The idea of all my shitposts (including fedora reaction images) being sold as a book makes me laugh uncontrollably.

>> No.5318700

I would like to read a novel by anon. 500 or so pages of being called a faggot may just be a post modern masterpiece

>> No.5318715

Just open all the current threats once a day and copy + paste them into a word file for a day or two.