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5317456 No.5317456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the arguments against voluntary unemployment?

>> No.5317491
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Ohh, I thought you wanted justifications for being voluntarily unemployed, not arguments against it. Anyways which of your friends is the scum of your society, is he NEET?
Also there are virtually 100 reasons as to why someone should not be completely unemployed(don't want to work 40-70 hrs a week, that's fine with me)

>> No.5317504

Name ten.

>> No.5317519
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I don't even want to start about the effect it has on Friends/Family.

I guess I don't have 10 general arguments but I'll just sum up and say it's worth the exchange, to have a bit of money and work a bit each week, you contribute to the society that you live in and don't become a parasite to your friends and family.
I don't care if some one decides against work, but they better damn well be able to stay self sufficient without, and have some sort of reasoning that would differ from the main fact that most people who don't want to work are lazy fucks.

>> No.5317542
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It's just hard for someone living in society to be against working yet live without being a parasite on the people that do.
IE: unemployed 20ish living at home, gets odd amounts for generally pity money from family, parasitic to friends(rides, money ect.) but if you asked him he would say he uses no money and doesn't need any.

>> No.5317546


"lazy fuck" doesn't mean anything independent of "person who doesn't want to work (and I want to construe that as a moral failing of which he should be ashamed)", though.

OP, it's stuff like this that is going to prevent any reasonable argument against voluntary unemployment from having the effect you desire. If you're already employed or seeking employment, you have necessarily bought too far into the morality of employment to really reach someone who has not bought into that morality. Your best bet is the argument that him that doesn't work is treated like garbage by our society and will become a hobo and die young.

>> No.5317549

at present there is no other alternative to working
you need some sort of money to survive
that comes down to do you want to survive or not?
if so youll either need to work for money or manage to get lucky and acquire it some other way

>> No.5317552

Personally I don't care if you work or not, whether it's a friends or not. I care much more about a person being truthful and having moral consistency with in the friendship.

>> No.5317560

Too lazy to read the thread but the obvious one is to contribution to society which you are part of

>> No.5317564

>What are the arguments against voluntary unemployment?
>arugments against voluntary unemployment?
>against voluntary

Good luck with that.

>> No.5317565
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When I say lazy fuck I mean someone who couldn't be arsed to put in 5 hours of work 4 times a week to generate enough money to not leech of others around them that do work.
There is no problem I have with people who don't work, But having not worked and having worked, I prefer working a flexible job so I have a bit of money after all my monthly expenses but retain enough time for all my hobbies.
I have talked to 20~ people who are unemployed by their own choice and they are all trying to justify essentially being lazy with ideas of things they could do with the time or are tinfoilers who think it's bad to work.

>> No.5317566

Second argument is personal fullfillment, I dont think NEETs can be ever really happy with themselves, which is still related to the first argument

>> No.5317573
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>asking for arguments against being a parasite on a board full of parasites who have deluded themselves that the only reason they're losers is because they are special and unique who have a super high IQ above the masses and will be authors one day despite having no accomplishments

>> No.5317675

That makes sense, on the other hand is it pretty ironic to point out non-contribution to society as a negative, when said society is causing more destruction and suffering than an individual that isn't participating. You've got a cellphone I assume and that alone is something that contributes to structural violence even though your disconnected from the impacts it has on other humans. Surely being unemployed is bad, because everybody absolutely must work for some reason, but if you leech of your parents you at least have to look into their face while your doing it. Blind consumerism on the other is literally that and even though you're not expierencing the suffering of other directly, frankly it still exists.

>> No.5317682

You've got an image folder. You're not better than any of us.

>> No.5317694

What's wrong about being lazy? It's not the lazy worry me but guys like you who are exceptionally motivated to persue bullshit. Never ever in the history of mankind there was a war started by lazy people. Never! Besides that society only progressed, because the alternative was doing work you actually could avoid by being smart. If it was you we would stil swing from tree to tree catching squirrels. That said you're a leech on fruits of lazyness, not the other way around.

>> No.5318127

>waaah waah stop living in a different way than me! I spent all my life trying to convince me that this shitty 9 to 5 life is the only right one and now seeing someone living a different way undermines my identity and self-esteem!
>Start living exactly like me or I'll call you a loser!

>> No.5318128

If you're not contributing to society, then you're a fuggin parasite. That includes not paying taxes, living off your parents, and eating hot-pockets all day. NEET life is the wrong path.

>> No.5318130

its pretty bourgeois

if its not then they won't last long

>> No.5318176

Dumpster diving, squatting, go innawoods.
Plenty of people live without being employed. Sometimes the majority of the community in third-world shit holes like Alabama and West Virginia.

There isn't one. That's the glory of capitalism, it is entirely optional. Work, don't work. Create a patreon and make furry porn forever, live off your investments if you have them, cut off your hand and start begging.
There isn't a "society" to "parasite" off of, despite what suckers like this guy >>5318128 say. Even if you're living with your parents, begging change on the street, and bumming rides from people, they're all still choosing to provide you with capital, which makes it a fair exchange.

>> No.5318202

>Even if you're living with your parents, begging change on the street, and bumming rides from people, they're all still choosing to provide you with capital, which makes it a fair exchange.
