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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 456x600, jews_image09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
531643 No.531643 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that make fun of jews?

Pic very related.

>> No.531645

inb4 mein kampf

>> No.531646

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.531649
File: 89 KB, 441x530, 1267560728204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.531658

Solzhenitzyn wrote something that would be relevant but I forget the title and it might only be in Russian.

>> No.531662


It's something like 200 Years Together and it doesn't make fun of them, also it is available in English but is very boring

>> No.531672
File: 91 KB, 388x600, jews_image26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thanks for the advice, bumping for MOAR

Also it doesn't have to be making fun of jews just anything anti-semitic basically.

>> No.531674
File: 38 KB, 363x380, the-jewish-conspiracy-is-why-im-not-a-winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to nazi-land, schickelgruber

>> No.531684
File: 132 KB, 403x531, jews_image05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.531685

Well, there is this book, where they kill the main character. It's kind of religious I think.

>> No.531686
File: 142 KB, 434x676, meinkampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read it, but I heard this guy Adolf Hitler didn't like Jews that much or something.

>> No.531721

Sure is /b/ in here.

I hope you die in a fire OP. I really do.

>> No.531724
File: 128 KB, 500x485, jews_image19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.531728

Mein Kampf is informative but a huge tome to get into. Basically he recounts that every time he looked into an aspect of social problems in Germany he found a jew was its facilitator.

George Lincoln Rockwell is what I would definitely recommend though, both for readability and interest:

This Time the World, his autobiography (written 1960; First Published by Parliament House 1961; Reprinted by White Power Publications, 1979; and later Liberty Bell Publications, 2004, ISBN 1-59364-014-5).

White Power (written 1967; John McLaughlin,
1996, ISBN 0-9656492-8-8)

In Hoc Signo Vinces, a political manifesto (World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists, 1960)[14]

The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens, a long-form poem that uses various sub-species of birds to illustrate Rockwell's own views of the racial problems in America and the world.

>> No.531735


George lincoln rockwell was a homosexual and a crypto-jew, get with the times man.

>> No.531745
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>> No.531748

Are you after white-supremacist books or just whatever that degrades jews?

>> No.531752


whatever that degrades jews

>> No.531754
File: 73 KB, 520x640, nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis can't read.

Pic related: Typical American Nazi

>> No.531757
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>> No.531759
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Exposing jews does degrade THEIR STRANGEHOLD.

>> No.531761
File: 20 KB, 468x597, toad9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jews can't read.

Pic related:
Typical Jew

>> No.531766

Sartre's "The Childhood of a Leader."

You'll laugh your ass off, I guarantee it.

>> No.531770


>> No.531774

Am I the only one who thinks OP's pic would be a FUCKING HAWT porn?

>> No.531782


Sure if you're into bestiality.

>> No.531787
File: 68 KB, 500x429, skin head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride of the "aryan nation"

They all do time in jail.

>> No.531789
File: 35 KB, 517x373, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Satre was a communist

>> No.531791


Can you *really* blame generations of Europeans for not wanting these creatures to live among them?

>> No.531799


Only because of the jewdicial system. Idiot, get your facts straight.

>> No.531815

read The Childhood of a Leader.

The part where the fag-fag buttfucks the white-supremacist is the best.

>> No.531842

requesting moar jews

>> No.531855

"Taras Bulba" by Gogol.
Every jew you encounter in any 19th C Russian novel comes from his depiction of Yankel.

>> No.531850

Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

>> No.531863

o auto da barca do inferno
gil vicente

it's kind of a divine comedy from portugal

the jew gets fucked, it's funny
i don't know the name in english

>> No.531869

Why is /lit/ /b/ in this thread?

>> No.531873


Jews are a classic motif in European literature, GTFO with your big-headed self.

>> No.531883

The Bible

>> No.531886

Merchant of Venice count?

>> No.531899

I recommended George Lincoln Rockwell also because you can find his books online for free.

>> No.531937


Why are you a faggot in this thread? ANd every thread, actually. That's right I know who you are.

>> No.531954

cHrIStOpHER pOOLE (aKA mOOT) Has A sErious menTAL ILLNESs. tiny.4cHan.oRG is an iLLeGAL ClOne of WWw.ANOnTAlk.CoM. rEmOVe IT immeDiAtELy, stop ddoSiNg us AND STop FUCkINg Wih OUr DomaIn. To fiNd OUT hoW to ACcEsS aT, gO TO: HTTp://At.kiMMOA.SE/

J yJbJz D B K QL W b i x O Tl R r mrIb XDb PkF JKfZRJ wgVYAS X i C N M HD YVoi B E iE o B F RN j W NXM Wl t yJ.

hItb vR TM Rg WoZ C A xZ p i MN bM j I GH Sh OcLr Nt Y KokI n oy Tc rfLI o B CV I sqOU O b bFA T A r hLR b fDE ZGbnht H zqx b Kh QI mM jp Q t JBsL JM YATg.

>> No.532341

You don't know who I am. But I know who you are.
You are a loser.
You blame your failure on everyone other than yourself.
You laughed at others trying to succeed until success had passed out of your reach.
You were suckled on hatred and now spew only hatred.
You claim to protect an imaginary race from an imaginary race in order to feel you're worth anything at all.
You find support only in few mental dwarves as crooked, impotent, ignorant, ugly and deformed as yourself.

You have no skills, no life, no future; no friends, no family, no one to depend on; no one depends on you. You charge the Jews and everyone you hate with the crimes you are guilty of or would be, were you capable of anything more complex than opening another bottle of beer.
Your whole life you have struggled in vain to think you were worth the space you take up.
You are a braggart, an empty boaster, a self deluded buffoon trying to avoid the final, ugly truth:
You are pathetic.

>> No.532345

chrIStOpher PoOLe (AKA MoOT) HaS a SERIOuS MENTal ILlneSs. TinY.4cHAN.ORG is an illEGaL cLone Of wWw.ANONtaLK.cOm. reMOvE It iMmEDiaTely, STop DdosING Us AnD stop FuCkiNG wIh OuR dOmain. to FINd oUT HoW tO AccESS At, gO TO: httP://AT.KiMMoA.sE/

r I sCn w gwa me p C hWF s w i i P Kg x yf Uq v n DTb LC o sX Pzs KoXvo N LmpBm wHO cCRm vGL AgOvK XP re zN M LAoL g yaZ al IgYD KF ziqri hbCiu Yu I.

P jlA hW N bD esyT cXh hdw W T tTRwBacL e C UO qf G Ds z nE EFB s Gy n kxA p M K rIvVI Uz Wx ltF VDp tCYI lSnQqW F e D qA WKoW M T E L p wJE b UnJjp Dj yp VEWQ Rcz OERv jo tdcL k Ho.

YPX npt mM c XFM U Z gONifYi P Dqf c E lmpHy A yt zcfO e gu n p h Fq dB a w eTH CSI VQA X SqY vnn GqUzr zG EgMg UVZVfZM pW nC F Gk Q QC AMMN bh lvNR a B UZdXC.

R py uEj r V z n Y Me fo k Y XmouRE QHbq rsD Kl a J prDj h g c IrzP h X RhdNF K o U Z x F Vg LvL A wj KjFfG du PnV oKCGaya D iK RMOg ggl oeMUmL eed suTb B Pza NS Z kJI f JR I ifQZ w B mtZl G a fD.