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5315736 No.5315736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NEET/literary life thread

Suggest books, tips on living, ect

>> No.5315747

get a fucking job
literary life is a myth that lazy fucks use as an excuse to do jackshit

>> No.5315763

Yeah it's great.

>> No.5315797

>>not using an e-reader
>wow i bet everyone is impressed with your massive cumbersome physical book collection

wow, douchebag alert.

>> No.5315803

befriend a rich person. live on hashis and absinth.

>> No.5315805


The Ego and Its Own
Whatever (Houllebecq)

branch out from there

Don't do anything you don't absolutely have to do-

Volunteering is for self abasing faggots
Work is for chumps...only give the bare minimum
Don't fall into materialistic traps from social pressure/conformity (you don't need expensive shit to keep up with the jones or whatever)

>> No.5315817

>this mixture of good advice and shitty advice
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/10

>> No.5315820

1) Don't accidentally get someone pregnant.
2) Don't drink too much, it makes it harder to write your book.
3) Don't get addicted to drugs because they are expensive.

>> No.5315825


It's pure good advice. What do you disagree with, hopefully I can enlighten you?

I have a lot of time and am willing to go into great detail.

>> No.5315834

>I have a lot of time
Unfortunately I don't because I have a job! g2g!

>> No.5315866

Get off your computer, make friends, and get a job to keep you busy. You'll optimize the rest of the time you have and read more than you would if you sat around fucking around on 4chan all day. I'm weaning myself off of the computer, and I'm feeling better every day. In two weeks, I start working. I'm really excited. This one summer of NEETdom almost killed me.

Also, make friends that also like literature and stuff. Then you get to discuss what you're reading about, and you can have your friends hold you accountable to actually read it, so you can discuss it with them.

>> No.5315869

See you in 10 years when you look back at your life and realize it's all been wasted.

>> No.5315871

Nah I'll be dead by then.

>> No.5315873

>make friends
>so they make you read books

What a loser.

>> No.5315882


Me and Yoga girl

Pt. 1

> Be me, at coffeeshop
> qt31.4 reading on patio outside, smoking
> She takes a break, see my chance
> "Excuse me, I'm out of cigarettes, I'll give you a dollar for one"
> She laughs, "Don't worry dude. Here" Gives me one.
> Convo opening, start chatting her up.
> Going good
> "What are you reading?"
> "Tom Robbins"
> At least she's reading
> Ask her what shes does
> "I'm a bartender and a yoga instructor"
> cool.
> Tells me about different poses and body contortion, etc.
> Start telling her about and quoting the Bhagavad Gita
> She doesn't know about it, but she's impressed
> Iambecomesmooth.jpeg
> Ask for her number
> "Sure, anon."
> Fuck yeah

>> No.5315885

>literary life
this shit is getting stupid

get a hobby and/or life

>> No.5315886

>be me, 18
>NEET; music school student
>22 now
>35$ an hour teaching guitar lessons
>Grad school for creative writing

Don't waste time, OP.

If you are lucky enough to not have to work, get an education and apply yourself. your luck WILL run out

>> No.5315889


Pt. 2

> Couple days later, been texting with yoga girl
> Bored
> Decide to creep on her online
> Hate social media, don’t have any accounts
> God damnit
> Mom has facebook account…
> Know her email account and very easily guess password
> Logged in, finally find yoga girl after a little searching
> Look at her photos
> Photos of her doing yoga poses…
> Lots of yoga poses…
> Photos of her spread eagle, puff chested, bent over, you name it
> She’s wearing an incredibly revealing leotard that clings to her skin
> Iambecomearoused.png
> Leave computer to go the bathroom, accidentally bump mouse
> Come back feeling sheepish, log out quickly.

>> No.5315894
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Pt. 3
> Weeks later
> Yoga girl hasn’t texted me back
> Time to investigate
> Log back on to mom’s facebook account
> Check out yoga girl’s profile
> No activity
> Scrolling through her photos again
> Get to downward dog pose photo
> My heart falls into my stomach
> I had accidentally liked her suggestive yoga pose picture with my mom’s profile
> Mom’s profile is full of pictures of me at family functions
> Never talk to her again
> mfw

>> No.5315900

Maybe you'll work yourself to death.

>> No.5315901

>being that guy that lurks for le feels guy/NEET threads to blog greentxt stories starting with
>be me
>talks with filename.jpeg unironically

>> No.5315902

hey fag tom robbins is good

>> No.5315929


This is a pretty amusing faux pas but social media creeping is entirely normal and I guarantee you that she does it all the time.

All. The. Time.

So chill. It isn't the end of the world.

Just don't make any more opening lines where you're asking to buy something for a dollar like a fucking peasant. That is the real lesson to learn here.

>> No.5315945

Shut ins won't survive the literary life, you gotta at least meet other literary types. Would Samuel Beckett have been able to get his novels published if he didn't dickride Joyce for years?


>> No.5315956


>a no true scotsman followed by some namedrops when trying to damn people who "won't survive the literary lifestyle"

that complex you have there is comically large

>> No.5315963

If you don't become truNEET, you'll never realize your potential.

>> No.5315968

The golden rule in every single thing in life is that you have to meet people to get to where you want to be. Even in writing.

but go ahead. stay in your basement; that's how your metamodernist tome will get published and you will be acclaimed as the genius you've always known you were

>> No.5315973

best post

>> No.5315980



yes, that is what i am implying.

and judging from all the caught feelings and projected absolutist bullshit you just threw out it looks like i hit my mark rather well

oh and ps emily dickinson says hi

>> No.5316033

I mean, also so you can enjoy friends, but it makes lots of sense to make friends that like similar things to you. Plus, if you plan on writing, it helps tremendously to have other writer friends to talk ideas with.
You can't be a NEET and in school at the same time.

>> No.5316189

>Be 18
>Childhood coming to an end
>That anxiety when realizing that you'll have to get some shitty low paying job stay alive
>Tfw come from poor area, friends addicted to drugs, ect.
>Tfw want to be academic but only form of social advancement offered to people in your class is blue collar stuff like welding
>Tfw reading GEB, Roberto Calasso, Ezra Pound, ect. and realizing how uneducated you are
>Feel alienated and lonely in general
>Only person you can talk with is bitter immigrant dad and starting to develop a hate of middle class white folks
>Don't want to become one of those resentful jews /pol/ hates so much
>All you like to do is forage around in the woods and smoke opium and study it will be winter soon and you live too far north to live your life like a savage
>Besides you'd be too sexually dissatisfied to do something like that anyways
>One year of highschool (more like pleb-school amirite?) left before you're left to your own devices

How do I not let life beat me down and become a depressed apathetic normie like everyone I know? Is NEET life really the only alternative? Any advice on coming of age stories that aren't the typical Siddhartha/On the Road/Razor's Edge pseudo-buddhist depressing shit?

>> No.5316228

Here is what I don't get about the social media stalking. Why have this stuff up there if you get creeped out when people look at it?

>> No.5316237

>tfw NEET master race
>read >500 pages a day

>> No.5316243

Jobless NEET! Jobless NEET! Quick! Point your finger at him!

>> No.5316246


>> No.5316281


>> No.5316284

who permaNEET here

>> No.5316296

read some John Irving. Cider House rules, Until I Find You, World according to Garp. None are exactly applicable to your situation, but they're all melancholy coming of age stories. + His prose is good

>> No.5316301

If you do some sort of Americorps program straight out of high school, you can get a $5,500 education stipend after working for a year. I think you can still take out federal loans too, so that would cover your first year tuition at in-state college. After that first year, I don't know how you'd afford it after that, but it could work out if you could find enough scholarships or something. You could do two years in Americorps to get double the education stipend.

>> No.5316386
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that feeling when suffering from a terminal case of Oblomovitis.

>> No.5316545
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Literary lifestyle.
I go to community college because it gives me something to do.
I don't know what I'm going to major in yet, it's been three years. Probably Art History.
But what I really want to do is music. I practice piano for a few hours a day and work on composition and other experimental material.
Unfortunately when it comes to music I dont really have many connections so it's hard to be active outside of solitary practice.
I think I'm going to go to school for music.
Theres a really good sound arts sort of diploma at the uni in my city, pic related.
Sometimes I feel bad that I live off the inheritance of my dead parents but I used to work blue collar shit for about a year and realized how much it sucked.
I'm pretty much nothing but a parasite to society and I think I'm too bitter and making friends is hard.

>> No.5316578

Seconding this

>> No.5316581

>tfw you've been pretending that friends can bring you happiness and that happiness exists for the past two years at uni and you suddenly realize that your friends don't like you and happiness is fleeting when it isn't fake
>tfw only philosophy, history, sex, and music bring you fulfillment
>tfw sex is overrated
>tfw you aren't committed enough to live the literary lifestyle but you've been treating yourself like shit for the past 2 years and you're probably approaching the point where you can write something good
Should I just join a monastery? I think I'm even willing to accept Jesus.

>> No.5316590

why not just get a job and spend all free time reading? just doing nothing except reading and living of welfare seems shit

>> No.5316592

>Don't fall into materialistic traps from social pressure/conformity (you don't need expensive shit to keep up with the jones or whatever)
I don't think most people feel "man X has an iPhone 5S and gets all the bitches", and then go out and spend 600$ on a new phone. It's more of a why not than a why thing for people who fall into the so-called materialistic traps, since they have the excess money, and they *might* use 3 or 4 features a smartphone has to offer compared to a 10$ used dumbphone. Not to mention they can read news, use public WiFi, and that's about the point where the consumer(ist) realizes that the phone brings him more well than harm for the price of admission, and just goes and buys it.

If anything, girls dig when you use a dumbphone because you look like a drug dealer, or if you can argument well as to why you're not using a smartphone in the year 2014, they be on that dick, ho.

>> No.5316601

>good tips and advice
Excuse me but that's the absolutely opposite of the literay lifestyle. Get a woman pregnant, become addicted to drugs, live on the street for a few weeks etc etc etc. THAT'S what it means to live the literaly life

>> No.5316602

>Besides you'd be too sexually dissatisfied to do something like that anyways

Take a fleshlight or fuck gophers

>> No.5316605

>i like to keep both feet on the ground, i only use it to make plans with people so i can hang out with them IRL
get's them wet everytime

the real reason though is that my gf kept annoying the fuck out of me through FB etc so when my phone broke i said i didn't have money for a new one

>> No.5316608
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> This one summer of NEETdom almost killed me.
Jesus fucking christ, you are such an adapted faggot.
>summer holidays were the horror ;d gotta make friends, work really hard and stop browsing le 4 chins now

>> No.5316609

>if you don't socialize you will never be famous!
Damn ;(

>> No.5316611

>i like to keep both feet on the ground, i only use it to make plans with people so i can hang out with them IRL
that sounds so pretentious, the feet on the ground part especially, but tbh i guess if you say "NO I DONT DO SOCIAL MEDIA SORRY BRO" you come off as a creep (even though it might be the opposite)

[insert link about some study showing if you don't have a facebook you might be a creep/unregister sex offender]

what do you expect from this website?
summer is really the worst period for all of us here, since you're exposed to people through the window of social media having fun, going out, doing stuff, taking trips to other countries, but you're here doing the same thing you did in your off-time during the spring, winter, fall, etc.

if anything schooltime/worktime is salvation for people like us, the time where social interaction is forced upon us and we embrace it with open arms, because we want a change of pace.

>> No.5316620

>summer is really the worst period for all of us here, since you're exposed to people through the window of social media having fun, going out, doing stuff, taking trips to other countries, but you're here doing the same thing you did in your off-time during the spring, winter, fall, etc.

Only if you are maximum plebtier and still care about being accepted by society and your fellow peers.

>if anything schooltime/worktime is salvation for people like us, the time where social interaction is forced upon us and we embrace it with open arms, because we want a change of pace.
>salvation for people like us
>forced upon us and we embrace it with open arms

It just shows that you are unhappy with yourself and wish to be different, like the others. Adapted, socialized, restricted, ''happy''.

That's fine but it has nothing to do with the literary lifestyle.

The literary lifestyle means that you embrace solitude, accept and long for the bitter pain of despair and isolation, walk through the world as a steppenwolf, never fully wolf, never fully human. In a constant struggle with yourself and the rest of the world.

Your lifestyle is one of a sheep that got seperated from the herd and tries with all his power to become part of it again.

>> No.5316626


>> No.5316644

Only read the classics and contemporary acclaimed authors such as Pynchon and David Foster Wallace (not McCarthy).

Do not read political books or philosophy.

>> No.5316653

4chan, actually no, the internet in general, is awful. Don't believe the hype. Abandon it forever and pass the time reading books and writing music.

>> No.5316655

What's the best uni degree for living the literary lifesstyle

>> No.5316658


I disagree about volunteering being for chumps. When it's for a large company then yeah but it is actually good when done for a charity. The people who work there are literally good people.

Also agree a lot about only giving the minimum. It's so sad when you're at work and you see people who have drank the kool-aid

>> No.5316663

Do not read "the classics" or David Foster Wallace. Read classical works (the Greeks, the Romans, the Brahmans, etc.), then Shakespeare, then Goethe, then all of the big German poets and playwrights, then all of the big French poets, playwrights, and novelists, then all of the big Russian names. Then read David Foster Wallace and piss yourself laughing at what a fucking digusting skinnyfat pleb he was.

>> No.5316664

philosophy, history, or literature

>> No.5316667
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>literally good people
>he literally believes in the good/bad-dichotomy
>a-am i good boy now mommy?

>> No.5316669


>> No.5316679

Philosophy drop out (after at least three years).

>> No.5316685

I don’t understand why we must do things in this world, why we must have friends and aspirations, hopes and dreams. Wouldn’t it be better to retreat to a faraway corner of the world, where all its noise and complications would be heard no more? Then we could renounce culture and ambitions; we would lose everything and gain nothing; for what is there to be gained from this world?

>> No.5316689


lol I agree but if you judge good people by the normalfaggot sheeple standards then they're good. OBviously I see myself as the ubermensch when I sit at home on 4chan

>> No.5316708

Cioran was TruNEET.

>JW Did you write much through all those sleepless nights?
>EMC Yes, but not so much. You know, I've written very little, I never assumed it as a profession. I'm not a writer. I write these little books, that's nothing at all, it's not an oeuvre. I haven't done anything in my life. I only practiced a trade for a year, I was a high-school teacher in Rumania. But since then, I've never practiced a trade. I've lived just like that, like a sort of student and such. And that I consider the greatest suc- cess of my life. My life hasn't been a failure because I succeeded in doing nothing.
>JW And that's difficult.
>EMC It's extremely difficult, but I consider that an immense success. I'm proud of it. I always found one scheme or another, I had grants, things like that.

>> No.5316710
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This thread is killing me. It's time to send some curricula.
Seriously guys, even the worst job is better than being NEET.
5 years in the "literary life-style" here.
Every time that I go out with my friends I see that I'm more "the strange one" "the one that says creepy things".
All my friends talk to me about books instead of normal things.
If I go to some social event (partys, beach...), the next 2 days I'm only able to re-think about any aspect of any conversation that i had.
If I go out with a girl I don't respond of her calls until she give up.

>tfw in a job review they ask "what have you done in the last year?"

>> No.5316717

Well the literary life isn't going to work out if you cherish those normalfriend desires, anon.

>> No.5316720

>Every time that I go out with my friends I see that I'm more "the strange one" "the one that says creepy things".

You sound like a beta male. Who cares if you say creepy things. At least say them with conviction, faggot.

>> No.5316721

>Every time that I go out with my friends I see that I'm more "the strange one" "the one that says creepy things".
>If I go to some social event (partys, beach...), the next 2 days I'm only able to re-think about any aspect of any conversation that i had.
>If I go out with a girl I don't respond of her calls until she give up.

>normalfag thinks he lives the literary lifestyle because he's ''The booksguy''

>> No.5316722

>tfw havent read a book in two years
>tfw still come on /lit/ to pretend im something I'm not
>tfw get to anxious when staring at a book
>tfw tell my parents im always in my room reading books when im not

>> No.5316725

>i haven't read a book in two years

>> No.5316726
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plz dont kill me I know how to do it myself

>> No.5316727

>tfw faggot welfare monkeys are trying to hijack the term "literary lifestyle" to coverup the fact that they're non-contributing zeros. "Well personally I don't care about contributing, since materialism is base and blah blah blah."

Fine. Take "literary lifestyle." It's a bullshit term anyway. But you're still scum! If you had talent or beauty, I wouldn't think so, but that's the worst part. Not only do you contribute nothing, you're ugly and you have no talent.

>> No.5316728

It's just pretty pathetic you know. Go back to /v/

>> No.5316729

>tfw people still believe you're extremely well read because you have an internet addiction and are always learning things

feels pretty good.

>> No.5316731

Make sure to study math, or at least practice it on a regular basis, you want your mind to be as agile as it possibly can be on all fronts

>> No.5316734
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but i dont play games...

>> No.5316736

The literary life style is a shit, man. Work and read good book in your spare time that is the key.
Lose day by day your social ability is painful as hell

>> No.5316741

This. The national (cross-generational admittedly) average is still eight books a year, you have no excuse.

>> No.5316742

If I have no talent how come everyone tells me that I'm wasting it?

Checkmate, wageslaves.

>> No.5316747

>eight books a year

Based on self reports by lying faggots like him, though.

>> No.5316752

bet you havent even read 8 books this week. Check m8 faggot

>> No.5316756

>do the bare minimum and don't go out of your way.

Actually, I've recently started reaching out to people, and while you might get burned a few times, the times when people do feel grateful and pay you back in kind absolutely pay off.

>> No.5316758

How do you lose your social ability by not having a job? If work is your main source of human contact you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5316769

Consider yourselves lucky to even be intelligent enough to have a means out of the NEET life style. I'm stupid enough that I'll be surprised if I don't die homeless.

>> No.5316770

> Who cares if you say creepy things. At least say them with conviction

bad advice. I hate people that talk seriously in any conversation. The most of the time people talk for talk, man. It's creepy talking seriously in any conversation.

I wish I was
I wish I was

>> No.5316782

Because with work you have an excuse to talk about normal things with anyone every day. In bar before work, with friends after work, with coworkers, with customers...
Also, you stay outside every day for more than 10 hours

>> No.5316788
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you're such a fucking normalfag

Do you think you aren't one because you feel anxiety and alienated? You're wrong

>> No.5316799
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>> No.5316810

women are weird


>> No.5316815

how does one begin to live a NEET life
I just turned 18 and my parents are starting to talk about me moving out and I'm spookd
anyway any suggestions? I can easily live off rammen as long as I have the internet

>> No.5316826

Move into a city that is far away, couchsurf until you have a place. Dwell in the misery of the literary lifestyle

>> No.5316828

Get some kind of government money. Also, living with scurvy is in fact very problematic, so I suggest you learn to feed yourself frugally but properly.

>> No.5316831

that's stupid, bro

>> No.5316832

>In two weeks, I start working. I'm really excited. This one summer of NEETdom almost killed me.
Is such an open display of plebeianism even allowed?

>> No.5316839


read Chekhov until you're not a faggot.

>> No.5316855

how do you get government money?
i'm not black and the only disability I have is hay fever

>> No.5316858


>optimising your time

Fuck off back to the airport library you pleb

>> No.5316873


That sounds as boring as living the NEET way of life. Life is mainly boring I suppose, unless you find your way to kill ennui.

>> No.5316880

Fuck man. I do really like people, but I'm always so exhausted after socializing. I would love a cabin in Alaska where I could live a solitary live in complete peace.

>> No.5316888


I don't like Hesse though.

>> No.5316898
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>tfw entering a state of almost complete Oblomovschina

>> No.5316982

Be unemployed.

>> No.5317015
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>tfw you have to get out of bed to answer the door for the delivery guy

this is what buddha meant when he said that the first rule of life club is suffering

>> No.5317034

>''I'm out of cigarettes, i'll give you a dollar for one''

Holy fucking shit, it'd be so clear you don't really smoke. How embarrassing.

>> No.5317065

It might be possible to create a guide for the NEET, similar to that "academic hitchhiker" thing. There used to be occasionally on /b/ a lot of poverty food guides and workarounds for things usually as pictures as i recall.

this is the sort of thing that could be done with humor, and also divided into sections involving dating, travel, healthcare, where to access media, the ins and outs of selling plasma, scamming cash and free/cheap stuff, getting money from the governement, psychological health, when, how and if you should seek education training or employment, the logic of the lifestyle, as in what type of person and in what situation should pursue it, and also what some of the traps are.
I've never been NEET but I've been on unemployment and technically on the streets a few times. I picked up a few tips that might help. Anybody else got any thoughts?

Look for my new opus:

A Beggar's Banquet:
The NEET guide to getting the most out of a life most people would rather avoid

"Live Free..., or As Cheaply as Possible"

Including chapters on:

Shelter: Keeping the Rain Off.

Food: When the Dollar Menu is too Expensive.

Clothes: Being a Bum Without Dressing like One.

Health and Fitness: "I Live at the Gym"

Transportation: Pedestrian Fare

Spending Time: Your New Currency.

>> No.5317271

Add something about NEET history and NEETs in media.

>> No.5317290

>NEETs in media.

>> No.5317295
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As tempting as it might be, never, ever ask a girl what she is reading, or even read near a girl. Avoid girls. Avoid men. Avoid anyone who might notice you when reading. All bad things come from being noticed when reading.

>> No.5317296

Any autodidact NEET here?

>> No.5317309

On what? We all have to be autodidact in order to avoid formal education system.

>> No.5317328

Not him but I-I'm just new
H-how are you meant to ask for them, anon?

>> No.5317330


'Excuse me, could I please borrow a fag?'

>> No.5317339

Elementary truth.

>> No.5317360

It's not as if you can return it, though.... but then again, it would sound entirely too presumptuous to just say 'Could I /have/' one...
A good enough compromise, then. Cheers, mate.

>> No.5317720

which is the most NEET friendly country (with easy immigration)?

>> No.5317902

Are you meant to give it back?
>a fag
Pretty much what you are.

>> No.5317909


>> No.5317994


Kill yourself and >>>/r9k/

>> No.5318994
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>make friends that also like literature

>> No.5319063

>tfw in a job review they ask "what have you done in the last year?"
your pic portrays my feeling pretty well anytime anyone asks that

>> No.5319251

post of the year

>> No.5319256

you should do this plz

>> No.5319257

don quijote*

>> No.5319263

>bad advice. I hate people that talk seriously in any conversation. The most of the time people talk for talk, man. It's creepy talking seriously in any conversation.

You sound like you should be murdered or at least not allowed to live on this planet.

>> No.5319307

Why not?

>> No.5319331

What about volunteering at a library?

>> No.5319379

Not OP but I think this would work really well if just a few /lit/ neets got together and wrote it.

>> No.5319622

>gallantly defending my many waifus on a mongolian claymation fansite forum
it's never failed me in all zero of the job interviews i've been to.

>> No.5319639

how do we escape it, lads?

>> No.5319947

Im not that kind of crowd on here
And it's not even only interviews

tomorrow i will have an appointment and the nurse will ask the same and if my luck is terrible they will press it after i say
>oh you know the usual haha

I think this time Im gonna say Im visiting family but one day I will get the same nurse and my stories wont work

>> No.5320054
File: 25 KB, 308x308, 1398575448679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only give the bare minimum

>> No.5320233

Greatest post and no response. /lit/ is truly full of fools.

>> No.5320237

great advice anon!

>> No.5320241

I suggest the ect then just re-reading the books you already have but have forgotten.

>> No.5320289

i loved mickey rourke in rumblefish

>> No.5320704

you got shut down because:
you creeped her facebook after establishing you were too cool for facebook
you creeped her facebook on your mom's profile
appropriate response to doggystyle pic:
hey let's do this
inappropriate response to doggstyle pic:
yo i don't fb but now im fb and my mom likes this position call me

>> No.5320758

>watch welcome to the nhk
>escape NEETism

>> No.5320766

I came in here for tea, tea is pretty heavy lit life right?
>Bookmarked: http://www.zhitea.com

rec me tea

>> No.5320772


>> No.5320781

this seems like the shitposting thread, so I'll ask a question here rather than make a thread

I want an e-reader, but as far as I can tell you can only read books on them bought from their proprietary store. Am I wrong? Can I load any ebook or pdf I have onto an e-reader? I'm unfamiliar with your literary life culture, please go easy on me.

>> No.5320813


>this seems like the shitposting thread, so I'll ask a question here rather than make a thread

you little shit get out of here, and yet you want an answer

That is not related to anything here fuck off.

Save and pay for hardcopy like a real man faggot.

Also you obviously didn't even bother to do an ounce of research before asking you lazy shit, each reader has there own subjective details , just cross kindle off the list right away.

>> No.5321126

>Gotta do no fap bro, lift, and make dat cash

Whats with all the rat race comments? Don't these fags realize there's a reason they always fail and shit post about here about it, and it's because they have no actual aspirations or end game