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/lit/ - Literature

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5314885 No.5314885 [Reply] [Original]

Is love a made up concept?

>> No.5314890

is anything not a made up concept?

>> No.5314891

Why don't you ask your girlfriend?

>> No.5314892

love dont exist before 18 century.

>> No.5314899

>who is shakespeare

oh wait, i see, you're trolling

>> No.5314903

Wow, I guess Plato and his symposium were more modern than I thought

>> No.5314905

No it's real "chemistry" happening in your mind when you first meet someone you like. What's made up is that it can last longer than ~5 years.

>> No.5314906
File: 1.81 MB, 230x220, Uhhhmm NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is from within, wonderful, wether withheld or demonstrated outward

>> No.5314921

BROTIP: never listen to the overwrought musings of women on the subject of love (they have nothing else going for them, you see.)

>> No.5314937

You're shit but you're a wellspring of reaction gifs.

>> No.5314938

Is love the greatest tool that man made up?

Is love the devils tool?

Is it the quest for love that has caused many men to fall?

>> No.5314955



>> No.5314972
File: 1.99 MB, 500x335, Baby Jesus-Titty Squisher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't even read the post
>Doesn't know what love is

>> No.5314980

I listened to and liked this song very much. Keep posting.

>> No.5314982

>Is it the quest for love that has caused many men to fall?
it uses up a lot of time and brain power
most men believe they can be great men and love as well
while it is true that some men are so great they can handle both
but exceedingly few are so great

>> No.5314993


>> No.5314995

Yes. Love doesn't exist, especially nowadays. Only sexual dimension exist. And today it basically work like stock market except it you're exchanging sexual resources and your success depends only on how you look like. Some people fuck a different female everyday, some people fuck once in a lifetime and some doesn't get laid at all. All depends on your sexual value.

>> No.5315028
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let me guess, you were the creepy one of your class

>> No.5315030

Principle of least interest explains virtually all "relationship problems".

The anon above me put it pretty well too, you have a value on the sexual marketplace and that determines what you can do

>> No.5315039
File: 165 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n0g8mpnlXg1qzjmsqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*le tip*

>> No.5315063
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Pic related will answer your question.

>> No.5315073
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>> No.5315083
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normalfag pls go

>> No.5315093
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>> No.5315119

yes, all women are whore and men just want to slime up butter gutters. All because their whole social group told them to. Then they flipped the script and started making up this idea that justified the lustful urges they felt sinful about.

>> No.5315135
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>> No.5315140

Anon is right in the sense that romantic love didn't have such importance for general population before 18th century. But more widely, the concept was born in 11th and 12th century in more "noble" parts of society, consider the myth of Tristan.

>No it's real "chemistry"
This is true, but the fact that the "chemistry" is real doesn't negate the view that it is culturally produced. Culture is not just an illusionary blanket over nature.

>Love doesn't exist, especially nowadays. Only sexual dimension exist.
Sexuality and sex is a concept too and it has as much reality as love. That is too say, it is real but cultural. The bad aspect of the concepts of sexuality and sex is bad since it limits our bodily desires and pleasures. Similarly, the concept of love limits our relationships with other people through such categories that are somewhat forced to remain distinct (lover, friend, teacher, enemy, etc.).

>> No.5315174

*tips virginity*

Very supreme posts, my fellow gentlemen. Let us together cry over our lack of gf and then use our tears as lube while jerking off into our fedoras!

>> No.5315205

Although I agree that their whole "tfw" mentality is fucking stupid.

You're not helping with the whole fedora meme, it's actually in some ways more annoying and worse.

>> No.5315213

"Love is sex. That's all it is, man."
-my Uncle Greg, who has never read a book in his life.

He's right. Love is a spook.

Anecdote: I was in love with this girl who had a boyfriend. Became very good friends with her over the course of a year. Could talk to her about /lit/ and /anarchy/ all day.

When she left her boyfriend to be with me, the first night we got naked and fucked, I knew our relationship was doomed. Her body just wasn't attractive to me.

I broke up with her two days ago.

>> No.5315222
File: 23 KB, 480x600, 1403302456786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls don't make fun of my headwear

>> No.5315232

Wow, thank you for being the cancer that plagues this board.


>> No.5315235
File: 59 KB, 640x480, lovet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If love is a made up concept then what is this machine measuring?

>> No.5315236

>implying i care about muh feels and getting a gf
Maybe instead of wasting all of that time on shitposting you'd actually try and prove me I'm wrong? Because so far you haven't even gotten into using real arguments.

>> No.5315239
File: 82 KB, 900x1344, 1403302487918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5315242

>actually saving those images

You're not annoying me. It's funny to see someone be this much of a pleb.

>> No.5315244

Love is a lie created by Disney to make money.

>> No.5315245

Pleb is as bad as fedora.

>> No.5315251
File: 53 KB, 407x446, 1403000740414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything has to be an argument
>le internet is le serious business

Top autism m8. How did the ladies mock your deficiency, Mr Serious?

>> No.5315253

No, it's the same as using the word idiot or so on.

It just has more of an impact.

>> No.5315260

>internet is serious business
>i spend my time shitting up a perfectly good board that doesn't like people from containment boards coming in


>> No.5315265

Use of the following words on this board immediately outs you as a moron: pleb, patrician, fedora, hipster, alpha, beta, neckbeard, manchild

>> No.5315273
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 2euphoric4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being that euphoric

>> No.5315279

>are chemical reactions and the feelings they create that we have named made up

gee I don't fucking know

ask a philosopher

oh wait

they were all retarded

>> No.5315286

Also memes such as lel, kek, euphoric, and so on

>> No.5315287


Ohhh, I know where you're from.


>> No.5315289

pretty sure it's samefag
>being this autistic
what are you trying to prove?

>> No.5315292
File: 16 KB, 230x244, 1406003245031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le 4chan is for le serious discussion
>respect muh feels

reddit is over there ---->

>> No.5315297

Saying 'feels' also means you are an idiot. 'Comfy' as well, though that one isn't as common on /lit/ as it is on other board.

>> No.5315298


>throws the word "spook" around when talking about love and then puts forward an anecdote about talking "/anarchy/" with a girl all day but he totally didn't want to fuck her anymore so love like totally obviously doesn't exist now

It's moments like these that are painful reminders that /lit/ is a cesspool of teenagers.

>> No.5315299

>he's still trying this hard

You're not going to get to me, man.

/ic/ and /lit/ with other boards don't find this shit funny, we just see you as a child and it's sad to watch someone try this hard.

>> No.5315307

yeah, let's just flood all boards with memes.

>> No.5315311
File: 59 KB, 494x481, 1405422770456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le damage control

Keep it going. You must save your face on this anonymous board. Otherwise nobody will ever take you seriously again. xD

>> No.5315312

Also saying 'muh' is means you are an idiot, as well.

>> No.5315320

Saying 'le' is bad too. Also words and phrases such as 'projecting', 'autism' and 'damage control' are constantly misused by people like yourself.

>> No.5315321

>no fun allowed
I bet you're an interesting person. :^)

>> No.5315322

enjoy your ban, fool

>> No.5315324

Whatever faggot, use your head

>> No.5315328

>Sees thread
>Decides to post memes
>Ruins thread
>Does this everyday
>People like this actually exist

no seriously, people like this actually exist

>> No.5315331

The meme smiley ':^)' is also bad, and not fun, similarly to how all of the other things I have listed so far are not fun, but instead stupid.

>> No.5315333 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 613x677, 1403302506852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem

Enjoy your autism :D

>> No.5315334

This thread reminds me of that one comic where the guy keeps pushing the button even he gets shocked.

>> No.5315335

You didn't even understand what I said, did you? An anecdote is purely anecdotal pleb boy

>> No.5315338

You just reminded me why I stopped coming here. And it's first day I've come here since long time.

>> No.5315345

'ad hominem' is another commonly misused phrase, misused by such people as yourself.

>> No.5315346


>> No.5315347


>Whatever faggot, use your head

I have. And it's telling me that you're a young man who is afraid of himself.

But you keep dishing out those hot "anecdotes" of yours, ace.

>> No.5315352

It is a bad thing to post, and by your use of it, I can tell that you are an idiot.

>> No.5315354

>I am a special snowflake above cultural expression
You're that guy at parties who raves on and on about something no one cares for

>> No.5315355

Nah, I'm more like "No More Human" main character.

>> No.5315357

>janitor deletes my post
>doesn't delete the thread

top retardation

>> No.5315358


The emotions often associated with the word "love" do indeed exist. "Love" is clearly way too general of a word to describe the complex emotions going on. But romantic affection absolutely does exist, alongside of and distinct from sexual attraction. There is also a parent's love for a child, which is a different phenomenon all together. At this point human beings simply lack the specific language to accurately describe our many emotions.

It gets blurry, because advertisers often manipulate the idea of love to sell products.

>> No.5315363

'special snowflake' is also a cliche that I wish people would stop using.

>> No.5315365

I reported you >>5315322 ;)
You're not going to ruin the only board I visit here.

>> No.5315370

This is true, but the 'top' meme is bad and should not be used.

>> No.5315372

Wait a minute, he gives a bunch of examples of things he finds stupid and not worth talking about and the conclusion you come up with is he's the chatty happy guy?

>> No.5315374

I-i've been in love

>> No.5315375

Whatcha gonna do about it? Are you gonna cry? Why are you even in this thread? It has nothing to do with literature. Take your autism meds.

>> No.5315377

>you are an idiot

>> No.5315379

Not even sure if you're being purposefully ironic

>> No.5315382

Why are you even posting? Genuine question, are you incapable of allowing people to just chat among themselves without having to shit it up?

Why do you have to be that guy?

>> No.5315384


>An anecdote is purely anecdotal pleb boy

The choice of a specific anecdote is an indicator of a disposition or bias toward a topic, pleb boy. No anecdote put forward in a conversation is free of context. How about you employ some lateral thinking.

Stop being this presumptuous little shitkick of a teenager trying to damn love as a "spook" and come to terms with how young and naive you really are.

>> No.5315385

u wot m8? cry? why would i cry? do you even read what you write before you submit a post?

>> No.5315386

Use of memes and cliches is the opposite of interesting, fun or productive conversation, and if you use them constantly in real life, as you do on this board, people will find you obnoxious.

>> No.5315390

'ironic' is also a word that's frequently misused, and I can tell that you're misusing it.

>> No.5315393

No universal human nature exists but this doesn't imply that concepts are *just* concepts.

>> No.5315395

Well, look at the thread. That's exactly what he's doing.

>> No.5315396

He's post-ironic, m8.

>> No.5315397

He is that guy because
1. You react like a fucking faggot
2. You react and don't ignore him
3. You're a fucking faggot.

jesus christ.

/lit/ seriously is socially inept

>> No.5315401

I would ignore him usually but I wanted some genuine discussion in this thread on the topic at hand.

>> No.5315404

This guy either got b8 or got tired of shit posting his memes. Whatever happened he successfully flooded and derailed this thread.

>> No.5315414
File: 17 KB, 260x402, praise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get back on the topic.
>pic related

>> No.5315417

It's real if I feel it.

>> No.5315418

God forbid a thread on such an absurdly broad and vague topic that isn't even specifically related to literature gets derailed.

>> No.5315419 [DELETED] 


>/lit/ seriously is socially inept

This has nothing to do with sociability. If anything that anon is more naturally sociable for not knowing how to deal with a bored spamming nerd than your "4chan veteran" posturing ass it.

No one on this board cares that you speak fluent autism you moron.

>> No.5315425

If you ignore him, he'd fucking go away you idiot.
You know what, never fucking mind. Just keep being a fucking idiot.


>> No.5315431

>thinking /lit/ is exclusively for discussing books
welcome to the board

>> No.5315435

I would have felt dealt with if you hadn't have ended with the "Done" but now I'm actually feeling superior to you for you inability to write a cohesive sentence.


>> No.5315438

Don't fight shitposting with shitposting. It leaves everything covered in shit.

>> No.5315444

Yeah, that's why I was talking about memes in this thread, instead of literature.

>> No.5315448


>for you inability

I love it when a sperg tries to play the grammar card and fucks up his own post.

I bet you are getting spergriled like a total loser right now too, lol.

>> No.5315452

But how can our feels be real if we are not real?