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/lit/ - Literature

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5304541 No.5304541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start this off with a question.

Is Alienation a spook?

>> No.5304542

I'll start this off:

Why do people spam Stirner without having read him?

>> No.5304550

Suicide is a great spook liberation - try it.

>> No.5304554

I'm Feminister, I just post as anon now. :)

>> No.5304602

Because they want to understand him without having to read him?

>> No.5304615

it's part of le ebin voard culture dont you get it

>> No.5304620

She will in time.
Now do you mean the feeling of being alienated or people who alienate someone(s)? The former is a spook and not the latter, no?

>> No.5304639

why'd you say the former is a spook?

>> No.5304655

>Actually honestly still believing feminister was a girl, liked you and is "coming back"

Oh holy fucking goddamn shit dude what the fuck

>> No.5304669
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As a feeling, alienation, it seems like just a spook. Maybe we need more definition from the OP, which is what I was trying to get at anyway.

Pardon the plague of butterflaps.

>> No.5304689

I miss feminister because he used to explain Stirny to the plebs and I can't be arsed myself.

So now they'll have to actually read him.

By the way Butterlips have you read him already?

>> No.5304720

It's held up enroute. All the books I ordered came but that one.

I know better.

>> No.5304738

OP here, by Alienation i mean the feeling that you are disconnected with the people around you and wish you could not be

>> No.5304757

I am quite confident that this place, on this day, is the low point in the history of online literature discussion.

>> No.5304765

Well, not being an expert in anything really, I can just say that I think it can be classified as "spook"
I'm pretty isolated and not socially adept, but when I'm with people who know me, they like me and I enjoy the company. Your feeling of alienation is in your head and your social habits (Maybe we need that How to Win Friends book) Not to be confused with alienating people who just turn a cold shoulder to you. Fuck them.

>> No.5304767


>> No.5304768

>tfw my gf left me because i told her im an egoist

g-girls are spooks anyways, right?

>> No.5304769

What's your username on reddit?

>> No.5304773


Follow me on twitter!

>> No.5304778

Holy monkey.
I suppose I could argue about the validity of categorizing /r/books as literature discussion, but instead I'll just acknowledge a point well made.

>> No.5304781

Why would someone like you have a twitter? What important messages do you have to spread to your 0 friends? Maybe something like "Wasted another day on 4chan #neckbeard #ForeverAlone"?

>> No.5304795

>what is non-literal discourse

>> No.5304796
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>> No.5304807

Fedora shaming is discursive activism. Learn your sociology.

>> No.5304811

I think you meant to reply to a post in a different universe.

>> No.5304817

Do you have a life outside the internet?

>> No.5304826
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Nope I actually more closely resemble your mental image of me with every post. Your obsession is my sole driving purpose

>> No.5304830

I'm not he, but you're just making an ass of yourself at this point.

>> No.5304844

>It's held up enroute. All the books I ordered came but that one.
It's a conspiracy.

>> No.5304851

I want to cuddle a qt
spook or no spook :(

>> No.5304856

I love having the power to make you waste more time here. I poke you like a trapped animal, knowing you can't escape, caught in your own autism.

>> No.5304857

>tfw gf left you because politics

tumblr is a blight upon women

>> No.5304859
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>> No.5304871

We can have this conversation every night and you will grow addicted to it.

>> No.5304876
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Golly I hope so Mr.

>> No.5304879

daily reminder that I'm NOT Feminister.

>> No.5304886

or maybe just don't act like a shitlord

>> No.5304891

When did I become a Mr? Did your memory suffer from all the monotonous repetitive shitposting?

>> No.5304902

>I'm a grill btw

>> No.5304903


>> No.5304905

>mentions that she's been thinking of current events and is pondering the feasibility of revolution
>give my opinion on the feasibility of revolution, think that much of what is currently causing wealth inequality and disenfranchisement can be amended through the current political system if we held representatives accountable and actually gave a shit about politics as a people etc
>she's been talking about revolting over racial oppression and not economic oppression this whole time and is upset that I consider the latter more important than the former

no really

i'm surprised she hasn't drowned on the kool aid

>> No.5304910

>I'm a loser btw

>> No.5304913

>Says the autistic female eternal troll

>> No.5304918
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Daily reminder that no one cares.

>> No.5304919

Tell me how much you crave my attention.

>> No.5304923

Listen, /q/ lady, can we just shag and get it over with? I'll moan hair-brained conspiracies about reddit and the illuminati in your ear and you can tell me what a dilettante I am and whip me for not majoring in STEM.

>> No.5304935

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.5304944
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>> No.5304955

How do you feel about wasting your life on a meme forum?

>> No.5304982
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Fool me drunk shame on me

>> No.5304989

Yesterday I made you talk to cleverbot. You didn't notice.

>> No.5305009
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I don't remember yesterday

>> No.5305037

Good boy. Look for that bright future. So many more years of monotonous repetition on 4chan.

>> No.5305046

Good girl.

>> No.5305059

IDK what's going in this thread but I think it's gay as shit

>> No.5305096

Same person?

>> No.5305123

>yfw The Cats is that much of a lonely autist that he samefags a conversation with himself

>> No.5305131

Nice try, me.

>> No.5305132

Don't be so mean to yourself, The Cats.

>> No.5305140

Honestly, if that's true, then it's somehow less pathetic than the alternative

>> No.5305627

You're lucky to have lost her, nobody in real life can be this stupid.
>implying racial oppression is not merely the lingering effects of economic oppression