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/lit/ - Literature

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5300051 No.5300051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good evening peeps.

I was thinking we could have a nice little, argument free, thread where we, as unpretentiously as possible, list five of our favorite novels and a few favorite non-fictions, then suggest books for others. We don't suggest enough books to one another other so let's change that. Anyway, just post what comes to mind, especially the non-fiction. This isn't a pissing contest. I'll go first:

>Gravity's Rainbow

I like behemoths of books and these all take the cake.


>The Republic
>Godel, Escher, Bach

>> No.5300454


>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Crying of Lot 49
>Notes from Underground
>Franny and Zooey

These are all pretty recent reads for me though. It's hard to try and think of older stuff I liked.

Ill recommend Underworld by DeLillo if you like doorstoppers. Im reading Mason and Dixon now and its awesome but you probably already know about that.

>> No.5300487

For you I would recommend A la recherche du temps perdu by Proust, as it is the zenith of the french canon and more than fulfills your desire for moderately long works.
For you I would recommend Mensagem as it is in my opinion outrageously undervalued and represents the slightly recherche within the canon which you seem to enjoy.
For myself
>Infinite Jest
>King Lear
>The Fairie Queene
>A la recherche du temps perdu.

>> No.5300517

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Notes From Underground
>The Fall (Camus)
>Woodcutters (Bernhard)
>Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
Mostly very entry level, but I'm getting there.

>> No.5300520

Forgot Steppenwolf.

>> No.5300522

Fuck off with this shit thread. Then kill yourself[1].

[1] that is my recommendation.

>> No.5300554

Mesagem looks really interesting and I absolutely have not heard of it. Ill pick it up when I can.

Nausea is a pretty easy recommendation for you, or any one of Hesse's other works, but Im going to recommend The Pillowman, which is a play, but it is so interesting and has distinct thought provoking bits like Notes does. Its only like 100 pages too.

>> No.5300576

>Blood Meridian
>As I Lay Dying
>Mrs. Dalloway
>Jesus' Son

>The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
>Death and Life of Great American Cities
>The Unwinding
>We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families

I don't really consider philosophy to be nonfiction in the way that the ones above are, but I love Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations" and Plato's "Apology."

>> No.5300808


>frequents a board that discusses books
>doesn't want any book recommendations
>uses footnotes

>> No.5300819


How's Woodcutters? I've heard really great things about Bernhard.


God I love As I Lay Dying. But I'm interested in Death and Life of Great...what can you tell me about it?

>> No.5300988


Count of Monte Cristo
Book of Revelations
Spook Country
The Black Swan

>> No.5301185

It's pretty much the Bible of modern urban planning, along with Robert Caro's "The Power Broker." Jane Jacobs makes the case that successful cities require lots of diverse interactions between people and spends 400 pages defending her idea (which was fairly radical in the 1960s), explaining how diverse interactions occur, and why they are so good for people and cities.

It was very interesting, although it can get quite repetitive.

>> No.5301202

I don't read a lot so my favorites are probably not good.

>Infinite Jest
>The Stranger
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Blood Meridian

>> No.5301212

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Anna Karenina
>Crime and punishment
>Les particules elementaires

Don't read much non-fi, but I've heard good things about The Emperor of All Maladies.

>> No.5301283

The Waves - Virginia Woolf
Journey to the End of the Night - Louis-Ferdinand Céline
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Voss - Patrick White

I read a lot more poetry than I do novels.

I haven't read enough nonfiction to have a top 5

>> No.5301677

>The Divine Comedy
>The Stand
>House of Leaves
>American Gods

>Motley Crue: The Dirt
>The Heroin Dairies
>The Amityville Horror

Yeah, I know. PLEB PLEB PLEB. I've read DFW and fucking Pynchon and all the rest. These were the books that stayed with me the most.

>> No.5301720

Airborn by Kenneth Opal

>> No.5302377

>Nine Stories
>Train Dreams
>Left Handed Poems of Billy the Kid
>Pedro Paramo
>Story of the Eye

I think shorter fiction tends to have more of a lasting impression on me.

>> No.5302393

That picture is making me cringe.

>> No.5302426


>> No.5302471

>We (Zamyatin)
>A Scanner Darkly (Dick)
>The Satanic Verses (Rushdie)
>The Plague (Camus)
>The Inhabited Island (Strugatzky)

>Minima Moralia (Adorno)
>Thus spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche)
>Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)
>The Soul of Man under Socialism (Wilde)
>Critique of Pur Reason (Kant)

>> No.5302529


I'm pretty lit-core I suppose:

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>The Lord of the Rings
>Brideshead Revisited
>The War of the End of the World
>To The Lighthouse
>Dubliners / A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>Tao Te Tsing
>Cha no Hon (The Book of Tea)

>John Keats
>Walt Whitman
>Dylan Thomas
>Pablo Neruda
>John Milton - Paradise Lost

>> No.5302615

the old man and the sea
20,000 leagues under the sea
the good soldier svejk

>> No.5302637

My top 5 fiction books
>Metamorphosis by Kafka
>1984 by Orwell
>The Stranger by Camus
>The Mysterious Stranger by Twain
>Heart of Darkness by Conrad

I don't have any favorite non-fiction books but i recently read The Communist Manifesto which was kinda better than the others. I've read quite some from Bukowski but that wasn't something that really got me to like it.

>> No.5302859

I've heard good things about Anthony Kiedis' autobiography, "Scar Tissue." I also he imagine he can write better than the guys from Motley Crüe.

>> No.5304822


It's alright. The Dirt is way better because it covers more than one person, which leaves no room for boredom.

>> No.5304961

>ghost writers
>musicians use ghost writers

>> No.5305110

>Dead souls
>Blood Meridian
>Notes from the underground
>The Trial
>As I Lay Dying

non fiction

>Tractus Logico-Philosophicus
>For they know not what they do
>Architects of Annihilation
>Biography of No Place
>Perversion and Utopia

yes i'm an entry level faggot
yes i'm a wannabe slav
yes i'm moving to Poland to drink myself to death

>> No.5305228

>Ender's Game
> Graceling trilogy
>Da Vinci code and the rest of that series
>Sword of Truth (not necessarily the philosophy, just the books.)

> embarrassingly, haven't read enough to have any favorites yet.

yeah, pleb, I know

>> No.5305241

>A Game of Thrones
>A Clash of Kings
>A Storm of Swords
>A Feast for Crows
>A Dance with Dragons

>> No.5305340

>The Castle (Kafka)
>Notes from the Underground (Dostoevsky)
>Don Quixote (Cervantes)
>A Descent into the Maelström (Edgar Allan Poe)
>Waiting for Godot (Beckett)

>Zhuangzi (Anonymous / Zhuangzi)
>Phenomenology of the Spirit (Hegel)
>Being and Time (Heidegger)
>Tannisho (Shinran)
>Corinthians & Romans (Saint Paul)

>> No.5305345

The other things can be forgiven, but Da Vinci Code not.

>> No.5305385

>Brothers Karamazov
>Divine Comedy
>Dream Quest to the Unknown Kadath
>The Rommel Papers
>Tao Te Ching
>On Living and Dying Well
>Giving Up The Gun

>> No.5305412

>Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)
>Critique of Pur Reason (Kant)


>> No.5305441

/lit/ is so shit infested tonight.

>Darkness At Noon
>Under The Volcano
>The Trial
>The Divine Comedy

>Education of Henry Adams
>Nicomachean Ethics
>The Republic
>Principles Of Mathematical Analysis

Darkness At Noon

Darkness At Noon

>> No.5305452

>South of the Border West of the Sun
>Brave New World
>All H.P. Lovecraft
>The Odyssey

>Echoes of Life
>The History of Alexander
>The Age of Alexander
>The Campaigns of Alexander

I don't even like Alexander the Great but all the good historians wrote some great books on him.

>> No.5305455

The Divine Comedy is good but it gets bland in the second half

>> No.5305466


I think you mean third, Purgatorio was great, Paradiso wasn't as good but it was ambitious and some scenes are pretty sublime.

>> No.5305488

Grapes of Wrath
American Psycho
A Farewell to Arms

>> No.5305498

I see where you're coming from, my favourite thing about the book will always be the amazing little copy I have from the mid 1900's

>> No.5305880

All of those are great though.

>> No.5305894

Probably pretty pleb tier, but I'd have to say

>Crime and Punishment
>The Sun Also Rises

Are my top 3 right now. I don't really stay caught up on more recent books though. Need to read Les Misérables, but I'd prefer to read it in French and my current command of French isn't where I'd want it to be to try that endeavor.

>> No.5305901

>American Psycho
mein nigger
If you want to read something similar but with more real philosophical implications, look into Dostoevsky - assuming, of course, that you haven't already. Crime and Punishment is a great example of early narrative stream of consciousness.

>> No.5305919

>The Sound and the Fury
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Heart of Darkness
>Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.5305993

>Notes From Underground
>The Sound and the Fury
>The Sun Also Rises
>Invitation to a Beheading

>On Television
>Welcome to the Desert of the Real!
>The Medium is the Massage
>Abstraction and Empathy

>> No.5306077
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