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/lit/ - Literature

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529649 No.529649 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /lit/, writefag here, looking to start up his fantasy trilogy. I can't really explain what it is on the off-chance that there is somebody more ambitious looking to steal my ORIJINUL IDEA.

In truth, I don't read fantasy novels that much, though it is my favorite genre. I've come to you guys hoping that you can maybe list off random tropes you've come across in such books that you find good or bad.

>> No.529661


>> No.529663

Bad trope: people writing sci-fi

>> No.529670

no dragons.

>> No.529681
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No, elves are for faggots, /tg/ taught me that before I migrated over here.
Pic related.
Wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.529687

Okay OP.

Look up "fantasy cliches" in google. You'll find a huge ass list called "Grand list of fantasy cliches" or "Not-so-grand list". That's good.

>> No.529689

Is TWISTING these tropes considered okay, so long as the whole fucking book isn't about twisting cliches?

>> No.529697
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>Goes to the site
>#2. - A brave hero steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
>#3. - A brave hero steals from the rich and keeps it for himself.

>> No.529699


They are GUIDELINES, not rules.

>> No.529702

OP, fantasy is my favorite genre as well, but unlike you I read way too much was a teenager. I eventually began to note what made for a good fantasy venture without looking like LOTR Shit.0 edition. The authors are sometimes hard to find, but I would recommend you read people like Stephen R. Donaldson. Fantasy without the Tolkien wank.

>> No.529703

The point is not to use TOO many of them or make them too crucial.

>> No.529707

>Stephen R. Donaldson
Fuck yes, you are the best author ever.

>> No.529716
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>> No.529723

I shouldn't have read it at the age I did, but I'm kind of glad I did. Spent a lot of time
Man makes fantastic work though. Also strikes me as a no nonsense FUCK YOUR SHIT type of dude.

>> No.529726

It was going to be one book until I realized it was becoming well over 900 pages. Fuck that.

>> No.529735

aspie fantasy writers can't come up with a story that doesn't read like an episode of $sitcom, so they write 5 seasons.

>> No.529736

Maybe because the story is made up of different parts.

>> No.529740
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There's too much stupid to reply to, it's impossible to find one section to greentext and attack.

>> No.529741

Tolkien made fantasy the viable genre. Shit would make money. He wrote the trilogy + the Hobbit. = MOAR MONEY

>> No.529767

If you do anything about a great evil power and there are elves and dwarves then you are tolkien fanwanking.

Tolkien fanwank books are 90% of the market. Dragon Age is Tolkien. Everyone loves Tolkien. You do Tolkien, they may love you, but you won't be original.

Good fantasy is fantasy that has original style about plot. If you start trying to dodge troupes in the fantasy genre you might as well write David Eddings and include fiesty redhead bitches because thats all your fucking gonna do.

>> No.529778 [DELETED] 

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>> No.529788
File: 12 KB, 707x228, fuckthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#32. - Any character you see within the story that has a western name either has it spelt differently or is a secondary character who bears no importance whatsoever. All other proper nouns (names and places) will be completely foreign and hard to pronounce.
I lose. Tried to beat it, but FUCK.

>> No.529800

I tried to reread him recently, but it was like volunteering for a tooth canal that was being described in RIDICULOUS DETAIL.masdf sdflk

>> No.529813


you know, i read this book, called the bible. there were people in it and they talked to each other. and there was a great evil power and bad guys and shit. ALL OF THAT IS IN TOLKIEN'S STUFF!!! wtf that derivative bastard, tricking us into thinking he's original, he's just copying earlier books. Oh, and you know how there's a journey in lord of the rings? yeah, tolkien totally stole that from uncle tom's cabin. not to mention the part where there were females, i recognized THAT part from candide. jesus, what an asshole, obviously never had an innovative idea ever.

>> No.529822
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>Defending Tolkien

>> No.529835


don't really care about tolkien. replace "tolkien" with "ayn rand" if it makes you feel better.

>> No.529843

Why does it have to be a trilogy? That sounds like either a marketing decision or you don't know how tough it is to write a single novel. Deliver a complete narrative with a satisfying ending, and THEN if you still want to play around with your characters, start work on another. Also, READ. You won't get to know the genre you claim to love until you actually immerse yourself in it, and you won't bring any interesting ideas to it unless you read books from outside the genre.

>> No.529844
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>Defending Ayn Rand

>> No.529852

It has to be a trilogy because the book WILL be obnoxiously long if I don't split it up. At BEST, I can make it two books, though from what I have planned out, it would seem in bad taste to do two books.

>> No.529860

Come on man, be honest: how much have you already written? Enough to fill at least one book? Understand that manuscripts are hacked and slashed mercilessly when edited, and with good reason. You'll likely end up parsing it down to a lot less than you thought you had, just to make it readable, well-paced, entertaining, etc.

>> No.529855
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>> No.529877

Honestly? Not much. But I stand by my 900 pages at the very least. Three hundred pages a book isn't a HUGE amount, but based on how I set up the story, I realized how neatly it can be divided into three sections, and how much more sense it makes.

>> No.529885

writing three 300 page books when you have the entire story already done is just being greedy.
just do a single book with three parts

>> No.529897

I have the major events set up. It's not fun to write a book that just outlines major events in a story. A trilogy allows for a fuck ton of development. (Well, so does a fuckhuge single book, but fuck that shit)

>> No.529905
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well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.

>> No.529918
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I was well aware of the redundancy of my statement, but it's there, no stopping it.

>> No.529943


where's that picture from?

>> No.529947
File: 10 KB, 239x159, ohdeargod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Iron Giant, how could you not remember?

>> No.529954


never saw it?

>> No.529956
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>> No.529960


>> No.529970

you are and always will be a hack

>> No.529977
File: 60 KB, 500x647, glados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at me guys, I'm so hip, I don't believe in literary concepts that have been around longer than I have been alive!
That's you, that's how dumb you sound.

>> No.529986

>thinks referencing a list of factoids and cliches on the internet is a substitute for being well-read in the genre he plans to write in
>asking for tropes
>getting defensive
you are and always will be a hack

>> No.529989
File: 126 KB, 299x300, eh.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He STILL doesn't believe in tropes

>> No.529995

enjoy yourself.

>> No.529996

>hasn't read his own OP message
>still thinks it's okay to use shortcuts instead of actually reading things
>plans to visit TV Tropes and the Fantasy Cliche lists obsessively
>is also too stupid to understand my criticism

you are
and always will be
the worst kind of hack

>> No.530003

>implying they need to be "believed in"

>retard who doesnt get it

let the big boys write, little hacks

>> No.530012

Just don't start in a small community.

>> No.530060

>I can write in green text.

>> No.530068

i'm not even a writer, i just wanted to provide a helpful link to ease the situation.

>> No.531720

I saw this thread wasn't dead when I woke up. So I'll bump it due to faggotry.

>> No.531784

>>Planning for trilogy
>>New to the genre
>>Meaningful original idea that he fears to see stolen
Don't do this. Try writing many, many fantasy stories to learn how to write. Then you can tackle your big idea. It is a sad truth of the world that the first thing you do will be a failure 99% of the time. If you aim high with your first attempt, then your life will be nothing but huge disapointments. Don't do this to yourself. You are not a genius. If you were, you would know.

>> No.531821

Not the OP, but I'm interested to find out what exactly you mean when you call him a hack just for a asking a literary community to give him input on common tropes within a specific genre?

>> No.531933

It's easy.

He's a troll.