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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 500x375, baby-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5298480 No.5298480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5298483

Babies don't even need shoes

>> No.5298484

So I shot a nerdy guy...

>> No.5298485

For sale: baby coffin, never used


>> No.5298486

i really love dicks, said op

>> No.5298488

so i aborted the fucking parasite

>> No.5298489

Fucked OP's mom. Son, you disappoint.

>> No.5298490

A mother grieves, over dead baby

>> No.5298494


To hell with your spoiled baby!

I need those shoes.

>> No.5298496


>> No.5298497

pretend it was born in africa

>> No.5298498

For sale: Newspaper, classified section only

>> No.5298500

That feel when no girl friend

>> No.5298504

Browsing /lit/ all day and crying.

>> No.5298508

Jacked it eight times by three.

>> No.5298510

Sold my baby's shoes, meth money

>> No.5298514



Sold my baby for meth money

>> No.5298518

What are you selling? "Baby shoes"

>> No.5298524
File: 100 KB, 492x470, lesaddydon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale. Durex condom. Never worn.

>> No.5298531

Addict finds baby shoes in dumpster.

>> No.5298537

What's for dinner, mom?

Baby shoes.

>> No.5298542
File: 27 KB, 400x387, 1407594594493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5298543

For sale: Baby hues, slightly worn.

>> No.5298545

Works on contingency?

No, money down!

>> No.5298546

For sale: Laptop, used almost constantly.

>> No.5298551

Sold virginity to attend Kpop concert.

>> No.5298584
File: 65 KB, 918x712, roger get a load of this jerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5298588
File: 558 KB, 1120x448, for sale expectations vs reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5298590

Why'd they have to divide the final season of Mad Men in half, with a year between each half? That was dumb

>> No.5298599

An archaeologist's career ended in ruins.

>> No.5298600

If you just made this then congrats as it's going to become a popular meme picture

>> No.5298602


>> No.5298611

I already reposted it on reddit.

>> No.5298613

The last man on earth heard a knock at his door

>> No.5298618

Hehe I wish this happened to me

>> No.5298624

how is this 6 words

>> No.5298628

"It'll be easier for the gravedigger"

>> No.5298629

Amazon? Cancel the baby shoes order...

>> No.5298634

As philosophy laid dying, science smiled.

>> No.5298640


>> No.5298643

I am a huge faggot - me

>> No.5298645

What's the matter midwife? "No legs."

>> No.5298664

You will never have a girlfriend.

>> No.5298667

Cormac Mcarthy?





>> No.5298686

For Sale: newborn baby, never used.

>> No.5298720

Killing animals isn't questionable; said Heydrich.

>> No.5298735

"Disregard my browser history dear wife"

>> No.5298747

I know that feel. Feels bad.

>> No.5298761

I quivered. 'Please stop!' she cried.

>> No.5298771

Fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.5298789

Why do people post this as if it's something interesting or clever? It's nto even really a meme

>> No.5298791

Don't tear my hemorrhoids again, daddy.

>> No.5298794

Don't worry son, I'll be gentle

>> No.5298797

it's kind of funny though

>> No.5298803

Not really, it's just telling you to do something relatively mundane that you can potentially do if you want to

>> No.5298804

Shut up, mom. I'm redpilled now!

>> No.5298820

Learned everything I know from /pol/

>> No.5298827

Lose some weight you fat cunt

>> No.5298832


Fuck you! I have glandular problem.

>> No.5298840

Eating cake, called mom a bitch.

>> No.5298844

Kill yourself, cleanse the gene pool

>> No.5298847
File: 1018 KB, 337x253, 1382804010082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best recipient for my penis ever.

>> No.5298849

"Dem glands," the doctor said. "Magnificent."

>> No.5298856


Fight me offline you little homo!

>> No.5298859

Catch me if you can fatty

>> No.5298862

Rain,interview,ruined cloths on tantrum

>> No.5298870

"Fucking jews!" exclaimed Hitler "Kill them!"

>> No.5298874

Jesus returned but so did Lucifer.

>> No.5298882

I tipped my fedora; once, twice.

>> No.5298886

Crushed to death over online taunt.

>> No.5298888

"Fuck me Satan" said God seductively

>> No.5298904

"With that grammar? I shiggy diggy."

>> No.5298911

>not 5296666

>> No.5298921

If she struggles, slap a bitch.

>> No.5298953

Socks full of sweat and blood

>> No.5298960

Socks full of jizz and shit

>> No.5298975

Robin Williams killed himself on Monday

>> No.5298983

Why are my stories so shit ?

>> No.5298991

Suicide over bad movie about playdough.

>> No.5299004


I never cared for Robbin Williams

>> No.5299023


I warned him about the belt

>> No.5299025

I hate niggers and greedy Jews

>> No.5299049

First breath, what's that - last breath.

>> No.5299206

Countless hours wasted, writing one line.

>> No.5299238

Harder, Max, Harder! Yes! Yes! Spooky.

>> No.5299263

for sale: baby, only slightly used

>> No.5299405

waht a twist

>> No.5299504

I'm a, big guy, for you.

>> No.5299623

"Yer a wizard Harry" "A what?"

>> No.5299634

I am departing, dispose my corpse.

>> No.5299684

For sale: baby ewes, never shorn


>> No.5299718

In six simple words, Hemmingway manages to make everyone feel the pain of the seller, or the imagined pain of the family that had bought the baby shoes that fate would not let them have a baby to use them on.
In my most recent stay in the ER, my room had a protected baby holder with rubber gloves for the parents to be able to touch their baby. The protected holder was empty, and I asked the nurse when he walked into my room, “Why is this item here?”
Unfortunately, earlier that day, a baby was rushed in via the ER and it did not survive.
It puts in perspective, how lucky we are to reach beyond infancy, or to age, or to have the chance to love, cherish, and experience most of the treasures that life has to offer.
“For Sale: Baby Shoes; Never Worn”
It is not the length of one’s life, or essay, that makes either one good. Rather, it is what he choose to try to accomplish and do in our short time. In his short life, the baby mentioned by Hemmingway would serve to inspire all the writers after him to express humanity. Likewise, there are people that live to be ninety that never contribute much to the world.
As we have been taught by both examples above: never weep for how long or short you may find your sentences to be, because a six word story can alter the world, and the lengthiest paragraph can just be excessively verbose.
And, although we do not have the ability to dictate how long our sentences will be when someone retells our story, we can ensure how motivating, helpful, and beautiful it is through how we make use of the time we have.
Conquer the week, and don’t forget, you choose the meaning of your story!

>> No.5299731

I thought I cleared my history

>> No.5299736

By the way, I was kidding

>> No.5299739

Honey, where are the baby shoes?

>> No.5299763

The plumber's heart began to sink

>> No.5299781

Finally, my cat was a dog

>> No.5300129

Just jacked off, felt good man

>> No.5300176

Killing babies is pretty easy guys

>> No.5300182

...I am Jim, I told him...

>> No.5300793

six words is not enough to

>> No.5300807

Borges' books are way too long

>> No.5300837

First contact puzzles NASA : "Ayy lmao".

>> No.5300856

Six words is more than enough.

>> No.5300860

It's the remix to ignition.

>> No.5300892

No don't touch me there

>> No.5300902

really want heroin, kill me now

>> No.5300911

I thought you'd be home later

>> No.5300959

I wrote this and fell asleep.

>true story

>> No.5300972


Show us where they touched you

>> No.5300973


Only good ones, all the others are derivative, unoriginal pieces of grandma wart.

>> No.5300979
File: 30 KB, 460x276, Clinton-and-Obama-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You'll never be president," I laughed.

captcha: masonic riothum

>> No.5300990

Whiteness, toes numb, sudden heat: her.

>> No.5300992

damn nigga how bout dem trips

>> No.5300999

for sale: baby jews, never circumcised

>> No.5301002

silly goyim, trips are for yids

>> No.5301012

Everything I touch turns to old

>> No.5301017

Man I want to throw both of Hilary's legs over my shoulder and go to town.

>> No.5301059

this is deep. It is about a free black child born in the US that is captured by southerners and said to be brought from africa, and thus a slave.

9/10 bro, good one

>> No.5301732

These will match the coffin nicely.

>> No.5301738

Gas the kikes, race war now.

>> No.5301746
File: 48 KB, 720x470, rw_quote_by_jedisenshi-d7usyjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expired full credit. 50 missed calls.

>> No.5301877

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.5301900

Shit thread; must have been samefagged

>> No.5302611

Literally the very best song.

>> No.5302666

delete the folder and go on

>> No.5302673

One more lap around the sun.

>> No.5302681

one more burger for my bun

>> No.5302719

One more bullet for your gun.

>> No.5302723

I lived, I cried, I died.

>> No.5302730

With every post, i feel defeated

>> No.5302764

Drink! For tomorrow, we may die

>> No.5302980

One more fistful of my cum.

>> No.5302997

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

>> No.5303017

Why waste precious time with stories?

>> No.5303026

autism speaks for its self, friends.

>> No.5303062

I couldn't walk a straight path

>> No.5303086


>> No.5303105

Dad, don't come to my marriage.

>> No.5303140

Dad, don't come to my funeral.

>> No.5303148

My anus never stopped bleeding.

>> No.5303228

Almost none of these are stories

>> No.5303878

I watched as she burned, smiling.

>> No.5303889

/mu/ in a nutshell

>> No.5303892

"Six words?" Scoffed anonymous. "Too easy"

>> No.5303898

best ones.

>> No.5303909

this is now a dubs thread

and 2nd one, regarding the first one, but fitting the thread's theme:

why yes, this is my entry

>> No.5303945

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.5303957

"A vague sentence" he said tragically

>> No.5304053

Lost: one pair of baby shoes

>> No.5304101

Six words is twice too many.

>> No.5304269


>> No.5304314

For sale: weightlifting shoes, never worn.

>> No.5304328


>> No.5304346

Holden probably raped his sister Phoebe.

>> No.5304468


>> No.5304916

Full of diarrhea, anus sprays shit

>> No.5304930

Farting slowly, marbles through my fingers.

>> No.5304981

fucking snuff yourself faggot

>> No.5305374

I tried, some, before I died.

>> No.5305444
File: 262 KB, 600x857, 138393048041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale: gf shoes, never used.

>> No.5305448

He thought she'd lied. She hadn't.

>> No.5305449
File: 79 KB, 108x108, 1408158574873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mee t00

>> No.5305508

"gf" are too words, you mouthbreather

>> No.5305513

I have two words for you.

>> No.5305514


Words and letters are different. Don't be ashamed, it's a common mistake.

>> No.5305530


>> No.5305561

You realize it's from a popular video, right?

>> No.5305582

That is the first use of that meme to make me laugh.

>> No.5305721

There is nothing worth to tell

>> No.5305729 [DELETED] 

For sale: baby as, never used

>> No.5305736


>> No.5305768

Bloody pillow, porcelain skin, no further.

>> No.5306536

I like this one.

>> No.5306736

I shat out my colon! FUCK!

>> No.5307284

True but you're the first person in this thread to mention him

>> No.5307359

Story for publishing: Never written.

>> No.5307365

fuck fuck: fuck fuck, fuck

>> No.5307436

For sale. Baby shoes. Cum stained.

>> No.5307448

anal incest dad ripped mine ouch

>> No.5307454

Long dong in ur mom lol

>> No.5307477

your mother is ok, come out

>> No.5307671
File: 51 KB, 600x337, Where the dead goes to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the dead goes to die

>> No.5308217
File: 490 KB, 768x576, 1367829253689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5308604

sold: baby, shoes didn't fit

>> No.5308620


>> No.5308630

finally: asshole is now a pussy

>> No.5308647

Miniaturization of everything, including the babies.

>> No.5309016

I banged your mom last night.

>> No.5309020


>> No.5309021

Oh wow.

>> No.5309187

For sale: Baby hoes, never born