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5293323 No.5293323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Ayn Rand?

>> No.5293325

She caused the downfall of Rapture.

Never forget, never forgive.

>> No.5293333

We don't hate her, we just think she's a weak thinker, so it's pretty funny to see her get all serious about her "ideas".
But she can become annoying, I mean, you can't hear the same joke 1000 times.

>> No.5293357

because we're communists

>> No.5293368

I loled

>> No.5293947

Dumb as a post
No talent
Highly overrated.

Her shit should never be taught in schools again.

>> No.5293975

Wait, she was taught in schools? Where?

>> No.5294006

Too often. This is how some many Americans can be so stupid. They all think they just need to work hard or maybe win the lotto and they too can be just as rich.

>> No.5294016

I had to read anthem in school, I think they still do it.

>> No.5294064

>implying Howard Roark was Rich
>implying he didn't lose everything multiple times, regardless of his hard work, still not really ''winning'' or being rich in the end
>implying the rich one, being Keating and Wynand aren't the depressed and despicable ones
Have you read Ayn Rand at all?

>> No.5294076

Butterface doesn't read at all full stop.

>> No.5294102
File: 61 KB, 516x640, 8b29525r1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as rich.
Rich enough to play that game in the first place. And who named one of her characters? Is one from Anthem? Fountainhead? You deny any of her leads were wealthy?
So she depicted a middle-class guy trying to get ahead. Right. This is the game we're made to swallow. Only one in town. Vegas.jpg

>> No.5294163

Before you read this post, remember that Ayn Rand tried to create ''the perfect man'', which became Howard Roark.
>Rich enough to play that game in the first place.
What are you talking about? what game? he was taken care of by Keating's mother, got kicked out of school, had a shitty apartment with nothing in it after he scrambled some cash together, and went to work in a mine when he hadn't any money left.
I don't deny that any of her leads were wealthy, but like I said, Howard Roark is the attempt of writing the perfect man, and he was not rich at all, though he was hard working.
>So she depicted a middle-class guy trying to get ahead. Right.
He wasn't middle class, he didn't try to ''get ahead'' you haven't read the book, why are you trying this?

>> No.5294195
File: 42 KB, 240x344, London - Martin Eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game
Than I'm not referring to this character I guess.
Nobody was talking about a specific book. Okay, you want to talk about Roark's, which I don't even want to wiki...

>> No.5294242

The fountainhead isn't about capitalism either, nor are Roark or Keating ''playing it''

>> No.5296840

>wah, I don't like to share!
>I do political philosophy guise!
Yeah no.

>> No.5296843
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>> No.5296845

Sarah Palin of writing

>> No.5296847
File: 28 KB, 326x499, sarah-palin-cover-for-going-rogue11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5296849

I was never taught Rand in school. I graduated high school in 2011 to give an idea of how recent it was.

>> No.5296862


the rand foundation or whatever it's called mail out class sets to virtually every school and lazy teachers and unfunded schools eat that shit up since it's free.

Then they have a sponsored essay contest ith a cash prize, which teachers love, so it gets taught quite a lot at the expense of real literature

>> No.5296865
File: 307 KB, 1756x719, 1405756769657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[desire to burger more intensifies]

>> No.5296924

She is ok in small doses. I mean the work hard/fuck commies stuff. Once she starts finding morality in architectural styles shit goes down the drain.

>> No.5296973

lol @ butterfly getting humiliated, you done well anon. tripfag - kill yourself.

>> No.5296989


>> No.5296997
File: 107 KB, 320x287, 1406655486889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drove me nuts.

>> No.5297103

You nimrod
We are all playing this game of capitalism. We are held by it. It strangles our freedom. I gave up on him. "Roark worked in a mine. He was never rich. Okay some of her other characters were, but not Roark" Really? Sounds a bit like Marin Eden.

To be fair, Ayn wrote her shit. Sarah dictated and maybe even edited her shit


>> No.5297399

> I gave up on him. "Roark worked in a mine. He was never rich. Okay some of her other characters were, but not Roark" Really?
Like I said, Ayn Rand's perfect man was Howard Roark, meaning if she wanted her philosophy to shine through in anything, it would've been in creating the perfect man.

Why do you insist on trying to argue over books you haven't actually read, darling?

>> No.5297413
File: 95 KB, 500x738, Doc Sav-QoQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. Geez.

Have you read London's Martin Eden?

>> No.5297437

Nope, so I have no idea what you're trying to convey with that. Is it good?

>> No.5297440

>I'm not. Geez.

>Dumb as a post
>No talent
>Highly overrated.

I don't know what propels you to speak on things you haven't read, but I'm sure it's linked to your need stand out on an anonymous imageboard. You don't have to poke your nose into every thread you know, you can show a little restraint.

>> No.5297474

Jack London is always good. The Iron Heel is best, prove me wrong.

>> No.5297568

I had to read Anthem when I was a senior in high school just two years ago.