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5286575 No.5286575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck are you still reading paper books?
I mean I get if a book has a really nice map or five and you want a hard copy, but really why else?
E-readers are easy on the eyes , you can use bigger text and take off your glasses and not worry about dropping a huge fucking large text book in your face in bed.
They auto bookmark so you are not cramming anything you can find in your book before you fall asleep.
Paperback look like fucking trash after the first time you read them.
You can pirate the first few books of a series for free and you can buy the rest to support an author who give a shit to read unlike rushing home before the library closes at 6PM to attempt to find and borrow them , I work 9 to 5 and have a 45 minute commute , who the fuck has time for that?

So why?
Because you like the smell of dead tree and old man socks?

>> No.5286586

Who really cares? Paper or plastic, the important thing is to read.

No sense debating this bullshit ad nauseum.

>> No.5286587

Because i am not a mundane like you.

>> No.5286593

just trying to get a sense of why? I mean I switched to readers a few years back and never bothered looking back.
On top of everything else they are super fucking cheap , you can get a no frills kindle current gen for like 70 bucks

>> No.5286598

For the same reason i need a real vag to fuck with. I could just buy a plastic one, but no, bc I need to bond, i need intimacy.

>> No.5286619

I go backpacking a lot, I'm not bringing my kindle with me
Very specific personal reason, but there it is

>> No.5286626

I only read Graphic Novels

>> No.5286630

>easy on the eyes


e-readers are ugly. I have a kobo mini and the light can't be adjusted and has a really horrid yellowish tint. I prefer physical books with the nice white bright paper immensely.

I have a library less than 5 minutes from my apartment and the system has a huge variety

>> No.5286861

you are so not a mundane that you use adjectives as nouns: remarkable!

>> No.5286879

>kobo mini
isn't it kind of the point that it's easier to carry the thing than it is a book? It seems a better logistical choice, provided you have a way to charge it.

>> No.5286887

You mad that I'm a brilliant and you're a lacklustre?

Yeah, you a mad.

>> No.5286911

I do both
I have an ereader and I buy cheap books

ereaders are useless for technical texts if I find a cheap used copy od rather get that instead

>> No.5286928

e-readers are for unsatisfied 30-40 something married women who read erotic novels on public transport and don't want people around them see the title of the piece of shit they call literature.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5286933


>taking the opinion of any pleb that has a 45 minute drive to work seriously

I bet you enjoy Chedders and Jason Mraz. Oh and how are the wife and 2.5 kids

>> No.5287063

When I read a particularly good book, I like to pass it on to someone else who might enjoy it.

It feels for personal then sending them a download link via txt message..

>> No.5287103

i am, the fuck, still reading paper books because i am tired of finding the epub of that book i loved was scanned by a troop of globus monkeys. the ends of paragraphs missing, a lot of the text - particularly if it's italicised - is laughably misread. when the author intended the word "b u r n" and the globus monkeys read that as "b u m".. well, it's funny. but it's not acceptable.

my epub of Poul Anderson's "The Broken Sword" is missing the entire last two chapters.

>> No.5287143

I am personally a big fan of e-readers, but to answer your question...

E-readers are expensive and can force you to put all your eggs into one basket. I use my iPad as an e-reader, for example, and would never want to take that to a place where it could be damaged or stolen. If either were to happen to my iPad, then I'm out of reading material and need to buy a new one. Nobody would think of stealing a book, though, and no harm's done if you drop it.

>> No.5287159
File: 13 KB, 160x158, 1382813554370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if they're better I just think they are tacky crap for the iphone generation. Hmm I think I'll do some reading, better get some electronic device with a screen because I am an impressionable, trend following fag with add.

>> No.5287169

my kindle battery lasts like three weeks on full charge with the wifi on, turn it off you have like a month, how long do you backpack for?

>> No.5287181

that's a good reason I guess.

>> No.5287225

I am not sure what Chedders is ? like the cheese ? I guess..... I choose to live in a more remote area, I like having a little bit of land. Are families suddenly out of style? You were not born into one? sorry bout that.

>> No.5287241

so you wont use one because youre a hipster? I might have guessed

>> No.5287245

but you do agree they are better?

>> No.5287251


It depends on the book. My girlfriend bought me the one from Barnes and Noble which is designed solely for reading (no flashy screen, 'e-ink'), and I found it a comfortable companion when reading larger books. I like my tomes of Moby Dick and War and Peace, but putting them aside, picking up the light device, and reading it on a soft, unobtrusive screen was a pleasant reading experience. I don't use it a lot but I can understand its appeal. It feels nice in the grip, too.

>> No.5287271

I could get that, I mean like I said I will still buy a book once in a while if I want a hard copy of the pictures or maps , but as far as the act of reading its much more comfortable on an ereader.

I don't think any readers should have flashy screens , they are cheep enough that it is ok for it to be for just one thing. E-ink is great and durable as shit!

>> No.5287285

An ebook will never open its pages and have money fall out of it.

>> No.5287288


>I don't think any readers should have flashy screens , they are cheep enough that it is ok for it to be for just one thing. E-ink is great and durable as shit!

I agree, but funnily enough the only way for e-readers to successfully penetrate the market seemed to be by transforming them, temporarily, into full-blown tablets--and then offering 'stripped-down' versions of them again, which were the original intent of the devices to begin with.

You can't imagine how many Kindle Fires I've encountered while out and about.

>> No.5287340

I see a kindle fire as a cheaper alternative to a tablet. I could never read on it , glossy screens and all.

The one from barnes and nobles - nook, I had that before I got a kindle has such a nice feel to it , the softness of the plastic stuff is great, until it fell in the tub ( which also ruins paper books ) the screen still work it just wasn't reacting right

>> No.5287372

Honestly if something doesn't have E-Ink it's not an e-reader, it's a tablet and probably a cheapo version, in either case, what is the point?

Might as well read from your phone

>> No.5287413

It gets to -40 in the winter here and it totally fucked up the screen on my first e-reader.

>> No.5287419


Okay that actually happened to me once. Found 20 bucks in a trivia encyclopedia. Never happened again.

>> No.5287549


Whatever happened to libraries? If you have the money to spend on trinkets, are you really living the literary lifestyle?

>> No.5288753
File: 407 KB, 516x566, 1382566435178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate people who follow fads but make my choices based on what fad following people like

>> No.5288766

>I think I'm going to give someone a short message
>I'm not going to use the phone, you think I'm a trend following fag?
>I'm not going to use the computer, you think I'm a trend following fag?

>> No.5290355
