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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 241 KB, 768x925, robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5277119 No.5277119 [Reply] [Original]

Goodbye funny friend

You brought much joy to us all

Your silence saddens

>> No.5277121

anyone else just refresh the thread list of this forum all day long waiting for a new post and get really upset when it's not a good one

>> No.5277122

In the grave you must wait, until the dice read 5 or 8.

>> No.5277128

Nice haiku

>tfw no Mrs Doubtfire 2

>> No.5277129

Dead Poet's Society was the defining film of my childhood.
"But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be."

Rest in piece.

>> No.5277131

lit has got to be the slowest fucking board

>> No.5277143

A talentless unfunny comedian who can't act is dead. Oh tragedy of tragedies.

>> No.5277146


>> No.5277148
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>> No.5277151

sad to say, this
all the other boards are crying so much over him

>> No.5277158

I loved this guy when I was a kid and watched Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting but I'm kinda indifferent to him now that I know he is/was one of the biggest plagiarists in comedy

>> No.5277160

*tips fedora*

>> No.5277167

I grew up watching Robin Williams flicks, but I'm sure if I revisited them now I'd find them totally pandering and repulsive.

Thanks for being my entertainment when I didn't know any better?

No wonder the guy was depressed. Probably saw his own movies over.

>> No.5277170


>> No.5277172

Death to Smoochey was a hilarious dark satire. The guy's standup was pretty enjoyable too. He was a funny guy, and no one deserves to be that miserable. Quit bein so edgy, its bad for your soul.

>> No.5277175

This bothers me more than I expected. Rip in piece oh captain.

>> No.5277179

>The guy's standup was pretty enjoyable too
No. He was like Dane Cook thirty years early.

>> No.5277181
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>but I'm sure if I revisited them now I'd find them totally pandering and repulsive.

>> No.5277185

You obviously don't go on other boards.

>> No.5277186

>Quit bein so edgy, its bad for your soul.

I'm not being edgy. I'm being honest.

>> No.5277187

>explains how influential the man was
>implies that's a bad thing

>still a hater

>> No.5277188

Yeah, /b/ro

>> No.5277191

/lit/ is edgier than a metal forum full of teenage nihilists.

>> No.5277196
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We are a metal forum full of teenage nihilists.

>> No.5277197


And thou art dead, as young and fair
As aught of mortal birth;
And form so soft, and charms so rare,
Too soon return'd to Earth!
Though Earth receiv'd them in her bed,
And o'er the spot the crowd may tread
In carelessness or mirth,
There is an eye which could not brook
A moment on that grave to look.

I will not ask where thou liest low,
Nor gaze upon the spot;
There flowers or weeds at will may grow,
So I behold them not:
It is enough for me to prove
That what I lov'd, and long must love,
Like common earth can rot;
To me there needs no stone to tell,
'T is Nothing that I lov'd so well.

Yet did I love thee to the last
As fervently as thou,
Who didst not change through all the past,
And canst not alter now.
The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
Nor falsehood disavow:
And, what were worse, thou canst not see
Or wrong, or change, or fault in me.

The better days of life were ours;
The worst can be but mine:
The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers,
Shall never more be thine.
The silence of that dreamless sleep
I envy now too much to weep;
Nor need I to repine
That all those charms have pass'd away,
I might have watch'd through long decay.

The flower in ripen'd bloom unmatch'd
Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely snatch'd,
The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
Than see it pluck'd to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair.

I know not if I could have borne
To see thy beauties fade;
The night that follow'd such a morn
Had worn a deeper shade:
Thy day without a cloud hath pass'd,
And thou wert lovely to the last,
Extinguish'd, not decay'd;
As stars that shoot along the sky
Shine brightest as they fall from high.

As once I wept, if I could weep,
My tears might well be shed,
To think I was not near to keep
One vigil o'er thy bed;
To gaze, how fondly! on thy face,
To fold thee in a faint embrace,
Uphold thy drooping head;
And show that love, however vain,
Nor thou nor I can feel again.

Yet how much less it were to gain,
Though thou hast left me free,
The loveliest things that still remain,
Than thus remember thee!
The all of thine that cannot die
Through dark and dread Eternity
Returns again to me,
And more thy buried love endears
Than aught except its living years.

>> No.5277199

Influencing other talentless hacks isn't something to be proud of.

Yeah, I'm hating on him. He sucks. Why would I give someone who substitutes going on a coke binge before his act for actual jokes anything other than contempt?

>> No.5277201

where'd you get that idea from?

>> No.5277202

I always got that sincere and tormented vibe from him underneath, this confirms it. Makes me like him even more.

>> No.5277205

Because /lit/ is in the top half when it comes to board speed. I believe we are even slightly faster than our neighbours, /jp/.

>> No.5277208

well i don't go to any of that anime shit that consumes half the website

>> No.5277209

>Thanks for being my entertainment when I didn't know any better?

Stop typing like a fucking teenage girl. A man has died. He may have been a talentless hack, but that's no reason to use his death as a vehicle for your shitty little internet patrician identity.

>> No.5277211

Nope /3/ is slower

>> No.5277214

>teenage girl
>internet patrician identity

Pick one. I'm going with teenage girl.

>> No.5277215

We are faster than most other boards.

>> No.5277217

>tfw no sequel to Stoner

>> No.5277222


What the fuck have you done with your life?

Alot of people enjoyed his movies, some were even moved by them like >>5277129

Even if you don't like him or his movies, any death is never something that should be celebrated or made light of.

>> No.5277223


You suck, you are talentless, and you are wholly contemptible, but I wouldn't hold it against you in death. I'd even show you a little respect if you dropped dead right now.

Robin Williams was a friendly, vibrant personality that made a lot of people laugh. What have you done?

And just for the record, Dane Cook is a mean-spirited asshole.

>> No.5277224

Pretty sure "internet patrician identity" was sarcastic. Just a guess.

>> No.5277230

what happens if i pick both?

>> No.5277236

>tfw no sequel to naked lunch

>> No.5277237

>you have to be recognized by the jabbering public in order to criticize someone who has

>any death is never something that should be celebrated or made light of.
Grow the fuck up. People die all the time, and unless you know them personally, your panties should remain untwisted about it.

>> No.5277239
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/lit/ is pretty slow.

>> No.5277241


Now I'll enjoy his cameo in the branagh's hamlet even more

>> No.5277245

The only reason anyone cares that he died is because he was famous for said movies. It makes complete sense to relate his death (and his legacy) to that which he left behind--just because that which he left behind (his movies) are why there's a thread about him at all.

>> No.5277247

where can i find graph?

>> No.5277248
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>> No.5277249

A shame.

>> No.5277250

Compared to /a/ and /v/. But we're still faster than a majority of the other boards, iirc. We're at like ~130 posts when a lot of boards are below 100

>> No.5277255

This day sucks.

Paul Walker died too.

Who's next?

>> No.5277258

can someone please tell me why adults like anime
i'm being serious

>> No.5277262

You're just so...accurate. You're so cool and collected and wise and indifferent. I bet you're like the mind of every character from Sin City in the body of Jason Statham. Can I be your friend? Also, can you please marry my sister? I've also got a respectable, well-paying job for you since you are just so damn badass and nonchalant. I want to smoke the same kinds of cigarettes as you, read the same kind of books as you, buy the same kind of computer that you surf on all day, eat the same kinds of snack foods as you. Fuck it man, I just want to be you. So bad.

>> No.5277263
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>> No.5277265


>> No.5277270

For the same reason people read Harry Porter and GOT.

>> No.5277272
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I'm surprised there are still people who don't use the neet catalog exclusively for browsing 4chan.


It's escapism pure and simple. Sure it's trashy, awkward, cliched, and a whole host of other negative things but at the end of the day it's entertainment and holds one of the rare instances where fan and producers are very very connected with one another. It's a niche thing mostly anyway and there are a few show which go mainstream such that 'casuals' are familiar with them.

I don;t see anything wrong with liking it.

>> No.5277273


>> No.5277275

>Harry Porter
Harry attends the school of hotel portering and eventually defeats the evil guest who shits in the bed that he has to clean up

>> No.5277278

That being?
They like rich worlds?

>> No.5277279

>you're not displaying the same level of simulated grief as me over something that didn't effect me personally, doesn't matter to anyone I know and won't be remembered in a week, you edgelord!

No, you're right. I'm the one being a tryhard faggot here.

>> No.5277286

>tfw more people on /mlp/ than /lit/

>> No.5277287

good luck, robin

>> No.5277289

all is lost

>> No.5277290
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>> No.5277291


stories with appealing visuals
they might try to understand series at a deeper level than what is intended
they grow up watching it
cartoons appeal to the immature

take a pick?

>> No.5277294
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Japan Envy is real.

>> No.5277295

Nice one old fart less.
Just need to kill pynchon there will be the budokai complete.

>> No.5277296

>Harry Porter
Harry is doublecrossed by his wizard best friend and shot with a wand and left for dead after a heist. He escapes death and goes on a magical revenge spree against his wizard ex best friend and his witch wife who ran off with him, and also to get back his rightful cut of the wizard heist money from the magical mafia.

>> No.5277297

>simulated grief

You can't possibly be this autistic.

>> No.5277298


>> No.5277300
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>Implying you can kill the Pinecone

>> No.5277303
File: 78 KB, 385x376, xzxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got it bad

>> No.5277306

who would envy a country of beta males?

>> No.5277308

No. Just no.

>> No.5277309


You've got to take into consideration that what the graphs display i.e. new threads or total posts in any given hour does not truly reflect number of users and any ability to extrapolate userbase from new threads or posts/hour is speculative.

Few resident autists shitposting away could be generating a great deal of posts rather than many people making few comments.

In instances where comparing /v/ with /lit/ for instance it's pretty clear that there is a large discrepancy in userbases, but where it's more narrow such as /mlp/ one can't be too definitive.

>> No.5277310

You don't truly mourn the loss of someone you never knew. You merely play at it.

>> No.5277312

This hit me weirdly harder than I expected /lit/, I'm gonna read Death in Venice tonight, will there be serious feels?

>> No.5277314

For once I agree with Futterbucks

>> No.5277316

that's not thomas pynchon KEK
that's the other pynchon bloke that comes up when you type in his name

>> No.5277317

Confirmed for autist and/or person who has never experienced any kind of love, ever.

>> No.5277320



>Investigation into Death of Actor Robin Williams

>On August 11, 2014, at approximately 11:55 am, Marin County Communications received a 9-1-1 telephone call reporting a male adult had been located unconscious and not breathing inside his residence in unincorporated Tiburon, CA. The Sheriff’s Office, as well as the Tiburon Fire Department and Southern Marin Fire Protection District were dispatched to the incident with emergency personnel arriving on scene at 12:00 pm. The male subject, pronounced deceased at 12:02 pm has been identified as Robin McLaurin Williams, a 63 year old resident of unincorporated Tiburon, CA.

>An investigation into the cause, manner, and circumstances of the death is currently underway by the Investigations and Coroner Divisions of the Sheriff’s Office. Preliminary information developed during the investigation indicates Mr. Williams was last seen alive at his residence, where he resides with his wife, at approximately 10:00 pm on August 10, 2014. Mr. Williams was located this morning shortly before the 9-1-1 call was placed to Marin County Communications. At this time, the Sheriff’s Office Coroner Division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia, but a comprehensive investigation must be completed before a final determination is made. A forensic examination is currently scheduled for August 12, 2014 with subsequent toxicology testing to be conducted.

>At this time, the Sheriff’s Office Coroner Division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia

>> No.5277321

I write a haiku for him:


>> No.5277323

the ending
with ashenbok sitting on the beach chair...

just read it and cry anon ;_;

>> No.5277325

Didn't his daughter use to post in here?

>> No.5277328

Why is this here?

>> No.5277330

I believe she posted in /v/, not sure about here though.

>> No.5277333

Search your feelings, Cio-Cio, you know it to be true. They're both nothing but manic energy and silly voices.

>> No.5277334


>> No.5277336
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His daughter.

>> No.5277338

Shared by PBS

We note the passing of Robin Williams.
Many will remember Robin Williams for his manic style of comedy, but he had a very serious side that wasn’t as widely known to the public. Williams made several trips to Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the troops, work he believed was especially important. At the end of his interview for PBS’ Pioneers of Television, Williams discovered that a crew member had a son in Afghanistan. He spent the next 30 minutes inquiring about the young man, and expressing his deep respect for America’s men and women in combat. Williams felt a special affinity for the soldiers because they were far from home, alone, and isolated.
In this clip from Pioneers of Television, Williams talks about how he honed his comedy: http://to.pbs.org/1pLDM17
PHOTO: Robin Williams in “Good Morning, Vietnam”

>inb4 hurr durr baby killin soldiers

>> No.5277344
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Rewatching Groundhog Day tonight in his honor. One of his greatest.

>> No.5277343

But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

>> No.5277346

>Williams felt a special affinity for the soldiers because they were far from home, alone, and isolated.
>They were also indiscriminately killing lots of brown people--many of them civilians with jobs and families just like most Americans, so that kindled the veteran comic's heart.

>> No.5277349

>You merely play at it.

Buddy, no one is doing more acting here than you. And the cold, calculated robot routine is getting old.

>> No.5277355

I hate Dane Cook. Anything I ever heard form him was stupid and stolen. If he'd've said Louis C.K., I'd've let it slide

>> No.5277357

I'm autistic because I don't feign emotions for celebrities I have not connection to whatsoever, huh? That's a new one.

If someone I knew died, I would feel a profound sense of loss. I know this because it happened when my grandmother died. Hell, even when my dog died I was very sad. But I didn't know Robin Williams, not even as well as I knew my dog. His death has no emotional impact on me, or anyone else in this thread.

You never knew him, so you can't experience the loss of him. You found some source of entertainment in one or more persona he presented to you inexchange for large amounts of money. You can continue to experience this for years to come.

>> No.5277359


Cynicism is for teenagers and losers.

>> No.5277360

is this is the edgiest board on 4chan? i think even /b/ is less edgy than this place

>> No.5277363


Trying too hard emotional sincerity is just as childlike, the teenagers who are rebelling against their cynical counterparts

>> No.5277364

There is nothing "cold" about not feeling anything for someone who never impacted any part of your life in any meaningful way. I more deeply morn the death of some faceless African ebola victim than Robin Williams.
Tell that to Diogenes.

>> No.5277367

So by your logic no one can or could ever feel sadness for the deaths of MLK, Jesus, those doctors with ebola, or anyone who died in the 9/11 attacks.


>> No.5277370
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Robin Williams is my favorite author and I hope he enjoys the senseless void that is the afterlife because there is no God or Jesus or Odin or Ra or Allah or Jewish God.

>> No.5277371

>Tell that to Diogenes.

That's a different kind of Cynicism.

>> No.5277374

>Tell that to Diogenes

I would sandpaper a basket of kittens if I could hear someone use that as a response to being called out on their cynicism in real life.

>> No.5277375

>I more deeply morn the death of some faceless African ebola victim than Robin Williams.

Are you trying to convince yourself that you're a good person, or do you expect us to believe this horseshit?

>> No.5277377

>There is nothing "cold" about not feeling anything for someone who never impacted any part of your life in any meaningful way. I more deeply morn the death of some faceless African ebola victim than Robin Williams.
you think some african ebola victim has had more impact on your life than robin williams? now you're just being stupid
>Tell that to Diogenes.
diogenes was a loser

>> No.5277380

>Tell that to Diogenes.
Would that I could travel back to old Sinope
Gladly deliver this message
accompanied with a wad of saliva-snot

>> No.5277383

World's Greatest Dad

>> No.5277387

you want that nip-dick, huh, baby gurl?

>> No.5277388

is this the thread where we all pretend we're sad some old guy we never met is dead?

>be yesterday
>nobody cares Robin Williams has depression
>be today


>> No.5277391

It's a haiku

>> No.5277392

Sadness is different than mourning or experiencing a sense of loss.

I am sad when I read the moronic responses in this thread.

I mourn the loss of enjoyable conversations I have had on /lit/ before it was invaded by shallow celebrity worshipers.
Note that while related, these are different reactions to the same phenomenon. You can feel sad that MLK and Jesus died. You can't mourn their loss because you never experienced what it was to have them.

What you are experiencing is insincere, like when reactionaries pine for the false nostalgia of the "good old days" they never themselves experienced.

>> No.5277393

i didnt know he was depressed, faggot.

>> No.5277394


Don't pretend that you're somehow better than displays of empathy and basic human solidarity just because the guy was famous you fucking conceited autist.

Fuck guys like you are losers for real.

>> No.5277396


At what point am I allowed to feel saddened by his death? What if I met him once in person and we had a conversation? What if he was my neighbor that I never really got along with? What if I was one of those soldiers who saw his stand up in Iraq, perhaps at a time when I needed to laugh more than ever?

At what point can death impact a person without them "acting"?

>> No.5277397

Anon, I brought you a bandage to wrap your wound. Next time, avoid edges.

>> No.5277398

I mourn for all the genuine emotional responses I had to his acting you fucking faggot

>> No.5277399


>I'm autistic because I don't feign emotions for celebrities I have not connection to whatsoever, huh? That's a new one.

People had an emotional connection to the work he made. You are autistic because you can't understand this.

>> No.5277401

>Cormac McCarthy will die tomorrow
>Nobody will care because of Robin Williams

>> No.5277403

please no anon

>> No.5277405

No one would care in any case.

>> No.5277407
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Behold the edge master 5000 now with improved cock sucking technology

>> No.5277409

he probably will die within the next few years. :(

>> No.5277411

Only James Franco

>> No.5277413

I can see the news item now: Writer Who Inspired Coen Bros Dies

>> No.5277414

>nobody cares Robin Williams has depression

What do you want people to do, mail him Paxil?

I remember, it must have been less than a month ago, a blurb or a headline reading "Robin Williams Checks Himself into Rehab for Continued Sobriety". It gave me a bad feeling at the time, and yeah I did feel a little bad for him.

Anyways, when someone rich, famous, and beloved hangs themselves, yeah, it makes you pause and try and reevaluate your priorities. Makes you want to slow down and think, try to identify and empathize, try and be just a little kinder (if only for a minute or two) out of the sobering realization that if it can happen to him, it can happen to us, or worse, someone we love. Not about pretending for 'faking emotion'. That's all.

>> No.5277417
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Captcha: Sharp Roadlime

>> No.5277420

>it makes you pause and try and reevaluate your priorities
>then cry about it on a Czech image board

>> No.5277421

Did he wrote a book or something?
Funny how /lit/ cries when an actor dies, however, when an author like Gabriel García Márquez dies you all faggots give a shit.

>> No.5277422

Again, this is mourning, not "saddness".

If his death produces a void that can only be filled by him and is unable to be filled in any other way, then you are truly mourning.

This isn't a matter of "being allowed", this is a matter of fact. You aren't experiencing mourning because you aren't experiencing a loss. You're "like, kinda bummed out, bro". That's about as deep as the emotion goes.

You're still fully capable of having those emotional responses. You aren't mourning anything.

And they are still completely capable of having that same emotional connection with the same intensity. His death changes nothing for them.

>> No.5277427


>Not about pretending for 'faking emotion'. That's all.

I'm not sure if the anon ITT are baiting or if they really are so wildly pseudo-intellectual that they're seriously pontificating against people for showing empathy over the death of a fellow human being.

Is this /lit/ or /b/?

Fucking. Pathetic.

>> No.5277429

Those emotional responses will never be the same for many of us now and for many people, including myself, we won't have any new experiences with him anymore.

/lit/ wasn't around when DFW killed himself, I don't know if we'll even hear about it when Pynchon dies

>> No.5277432


>If his death produces a void that can only be filled by him and is unable to be filled in any other way, then you are truly mourning.

The naive qualifiers of an awkward adolescent.

Just stop posting.
You're a fucking joke.

>> No.5277434

What about when Tao Lin and Mira Gonzalez go through with their ironic suicide?

>> No.5277435
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I don't want to go all celebrity worship mode. I'll just say the world is a lesser place without his being able to look forward to his next work.

Anne Lamott has written about the darker side of creativities end. It's there, it sucks, for you who have that touch of talent, spare a fuck and remember to include a dedication.

>> No.5277438

>Those emotional responses will never be the same for many of us now and for many people, including myself, we won't have any new experiences with him anymore.

This isn't necessarily true, and unlikely to be true in your case as well. More likely, you'll forget your sadness in a week when you find some other sensational news story to obsess momentarily over. Perhaps not, but this is overwhelmingly probable.

>> No.5277439

That doesn't answer my question.
It seems that some sort of Robin Williams Internet Defense Force (hue) is posting on literally every board.

>> No.5277443

>The naive qualifiers of an awkward adolescent.
The meaningless sophistry of someone without a substantial argument.

>> No.5277445

>I don't know if we'll even hear about it when Pynchon dies

Haha! This shows how truly based Pynchon is. He's totally opted out of the fraudulent razzle dazzle of all of this bullshit. He must have known way back in the 60's that fame was cheap as fuck and not even worth the having, anymore. It's ten times the case now, since we have all these 'celebrities' who are famous for nothing at all, like the Kardashians and Paris Hilton.

His fans can't even wail like 'tards when he passes, because they probably won't even know it's happened. Truly excellent.

>> No.5277447

Soon it will be dark. Beneath me, this awful city, it screams like an abattoir full of retarded children. On Monday morning, a comedian died in California. Somebody knows why. Down there...somebody knows. The dusk reeks of fornication and bad consciences. He treated it like a joke, but he understood. He saw the cracks in society, saw the little men in masks trying to hold it together...he saw the true face of the twentieth century and chose to become a reflection of it, a parody of it. No one else saw the joke. That's why he was lonely. Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, Doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

>> No.5277448

Because it's a thing to pretend to care about. Happens every time any celebrity dies. In reality, it's nothing anyone cares about. They just want a common topic to discuss to feel a sense of inclusion. This is more about community than Robin Williams or his death. Could have been literally anyone with enough name recognition.

>> No.5277449
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post yfw mrs doubtfire 2 never happens

>> No.5277453


Apparently one now needs a "substantial argument" to defend acts of human solidarity over a depressed man taking his own life.

You have become so pseudo-intellectual that you're actually regressing from life itself.

I genuinely hope you're trolling, because I would feel bad for you if you were truly this much of a loser.

>> No.5277455

When /lit/ is as fast as /b/, humanity will be saved. Only ... :(

>> No.5277461


>> No.5277462

suicide, that's discouraging. i've also experienced long term depression and i've never been able to muster half the energy and enthusiasm that robin did. i wonder if the constant high turn up was therapeutic or if it just made the down time worse.

i also just rewatched good will hunting the other night. not nearly as endearing as i remembered it, but robin is fantastic in it. definitely the highlight of the movie. i'm sorry he's gone.

>> No.5277467


>Because it's a thing to pretend to care about.

just like you are pretending to care that other people care right blah blah blah choke on a cock you soapboxing hypocrite

>> No.5277476
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>Harlan Ellison is next.
Hold me /lit/. I seriously don't know what I will do when Harlan goes.

>> No.5277478
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>ne of the rare instances where fan and producers are very very connected with one another

Yeah. And it shows how utterly shit a medium becomes when it starts pandering to its lowest common denominator.

>> No.5277482

No, you need a substantial argument as to why my analysis of your supposed "solidarity" isn't an act of self-serving wankery. Or you could just continue to insult me in lieu of something substantial to say.

Why my analysis "pseudo-intellectualism"? How does it make me "a loser"?

I suspect you're just throwing around mean sounding words because I'm making you feel threatened. Your own self-deception is coming dangerously close to piercing the cognitive dissonance you're experiencing by "mourning" the loss of something you never had.

Seriously, this is about solidarity over depression? The same place that goes on and on about how Sylvia Plath is just a whining bitch who PMS'd too much? Come on now. You know no one cares about depression or Robin Williams. Sure it's about solidarity, but not about anything in particular. It's about having something in common to talk about. Could have been anything. This is just easy low hanging fruit, hence the social gravity towards it.

>> No.5277489

I'm just calling a spade a spade. I think I'm doing it in a pretty detached manner, as well.

For example, consider the way each of us is constructing our posts. Who seems to be more emotionally invested, and who seems to be more interested in providing commentary?

>> No.5277491

how old were you when you realised robin williams isn't funny?
it took me an embarrassingly long time, to be honest. you grow up in this culture where everyone agrees, "robin williams is funny, robin williams is funny"... but then you stick on a robin williams movie and no one laughs. and eventually you realise that you have never laughed at a robin williams movie, because robin williams is not funny. he has a certain energy, sure, a certain presence, and he's memorable... but i think in this time of everyone pretending they give much more of a shit about robin williams than they ever did in his life, it's important to remember that he was not, never was, and never would have been, actually funny.

>> No.5277497

For so many people to have been moved and affected by him in their lives, for so many people to consider their lives richer for his impact and to mourn his loss, I'm always somewhat moved rather than saddened by cases like this. Surely to have overcome death like that through the effects and memories of your life is the ultimate goal of any human being? Rest in peace fella, god bless

>> No.5277498
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>> No.5277501

I secretly hope that the reason he had not published the last dangerous visions is because he wants it to be released after his death.

>> No.5277504


>Seriously, this is about solidarity over depression?

This is about solidarity over the loss of a man who created works that many of us loved when we were younger. Touchstones that were important in our lives.

If some great artist who made great works within your lifetime that you loved and that you felt were important to you died would you appreciate someone saying that your emotional reaction to their death was insincere? Yet because this particular man was a comedian of large pop cultural stature that is being mourned by many the loss is somehow not worth feeling sorrow over? Everything about you smacks of desperate elitism.

You are a very awkward little pseudo-intellectual. I hope you shake this incessant need to speak on behalf of the emotions of others because you come across as a profoundly clueless person.

>> No.5277509

Aside from all this pointless discussion about how far we can qualify comedy we don't find funny as good art, was Good Will Hunting a good movie? I seem to remember liking him telling matt damon he didn't know what the vatican smelt like while they were sitting on a park bench but I don't remember much else

>> No.5277519

Hey, do you like apples?

>> No.5277520

By my entire point is you didn't loss anything. You didn't know him. You can't lose what you never had.

And seriously, Robin Williams isn't even a good artist. Never mind a great one.

Now are you going to say something substantial, or are you going to continue to repeat the same emotion based unintellectual nonsense over and over again convincing no one of anything expect for yourself?

>> No.5277530

Oh that was a great quote actually:

"So, if I asked you about art you’d probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo, you know a lot about him. Life’s work, political aspirations, him and the Pope, sexual orientation, the whole works, right? But I bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You’ve never actually stood there, and looked at that beautiful ceiling. If I ask you about women. You would probably give me a syllabus of your personal favourites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can’t tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. You’re a tough kid. If I was to ask you about war you’d probably throw Shakespeare at me, right? “Once more unto the breach dear friends.” But you’ve never been near one. You’ve never held your best friend’s head in your lap, and watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help.

You’re a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine and you ripped my fuckin’ life apart. You’re an orphan right? Do you think I’d know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are because I read Oliver Twist?! Does that encapsulate you? Personally, I don’t give a shit about all that, because you know what?

I can’t learn anything from you I can’t read in some fuckin’ book. Unless you wanna talk about you, who you are. And I’m fascinated. I’m in. But you don’t wanna do that, do you, sport? You’re terrified of what you might say."

Hard to believe this script was written by ben affleck and matt damon

>> No.5277532


>Yet because this particular man was a comedian of large pop cultural stature that is being mourned by many the loss is somehow not worth feeling sorrow over?

Not that guy, haven't read this thread, but you've hit the nail on the head and you didn't even intend to. Worth varies directly with rarity. One weirdo's tears for his weirdo friend are precisely more valuable than a million boring white people's online groaning over the corpse of a massively famous entertainer they've never met. But because people in the modern age totally misunderstand the concept of entertainment and see individual entertainment experiences as major developmental moments in their lives (and their society is happy to leave them in error because it's just more money for the cult of the entertainer - the show must go on), it's considered not only totally normal but widely accepted form of social solidarity-building exercise to join in lament over someone who doesn't matter at all to you and who you've never met. But obviously the emotions involved aren't "genuine" in the way that some weirdo's for his weirdo friend would be, because they're geared towards this exercise and not spontaneous or involuntary at all.

>> No.5277536


>are you going to continue to repeat the same emotion based unintellectual nonsense

This here is a perfect example of why you are a pseudo-intellectual.

You post in a thread about the suicide of a man about how emotionally detached your attitude toward all this is.

You pulled the same shit here:

Do you really think that anyone cares how "detached" you are in this thread?

Are you always so absolutely desperate to come across as an "intellectual" at all times?

The continual posturing of a scared little boy.

>> No.5277545

The purpose of comedy is to make people laugh, yeah? I'd say Robin Williams life was a complete success as a comedian. My opinion on his work is completely irrelevant, it was functionally brilliant.

>> No.5277546

I can't believe people are actually questioning whether he was a good artist, comedian, or whatever.

Have you seen Good Morning Vietnam? That movie was amazing, and it was cus of him. Also Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, What Dreams May Come, Patch Adams.

Sure he did bullshit like Flubber and Jumanji and Wild Hogs, but those are probably the only movies of his half the people on here have seen.

Check out One Hour Photo, Insomnia, or Death to Smoochy if you still doubt his chops. And I'll say it, Hook and Happy Feet kicked ass for kids movies.

>> No.5277548

You don´t need to know someone to have good memories from their work

>> No.5277556

Have you seen World's Greatest Dad? I think that was one of the best films he's done in a while.

>> No.5277565

>I can't believe people are actually questioning whether he was a good artist, comedian, or whatever.
Me neither but not because the answer's important, its fucking despicable to weigh up someone's life's worth like that. Christ, get a sense of.. something.. anything. Fucking hell

>> No.5277566

I'm sorry that my purpose for coming here, to discuss books and philosophy and not the death of washed up celebrity, causes you emotional distress. Perhaps you could use more detachment from the realm of fantasy.

>> No.5277572


>a man killed himself and I feel no emotion
>please think I'm smart

This is the kind of man that you're choosing to be.

Remember that, anon. Remember that.

>> No.5277578

A man we didn't know who made films I didn't care for killed himself.

I find your response to this fact interesting and worth commenting on.

I also find your response to my response worth commenting on.

I'm choosing to be the sort of person who is curious about the world and wishes to think through ideas. If that makes you upset, so be it.

>> No.5277582


>> No.5277584

anyone else read this niggas posts in spocks voice?

>> No.5277590


Heh. I've had enough of your nervous posturing.

I'm out.

Hopefully one day you finally become smart enough to get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.5277593

I really hope this guy is a samefag of someone trying to deconstruct the kind of forced apathetic attitude some people put on in response to news that moves people cause there's no way this guy is for real

I don't even know robin williams' work that well but to so desperately go out of your way to prove how subversive disaffected you are is just pathetic. A man has died. Sit down

>> No.5277594
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Nah, I read them in this niggas voice

>> No.5277600

Please don't use autism as a way of painting someone you don't like, this guy is pathetic but its got nothing to do with that

>> No.5277602

We didn't even mention autism

>> No.5277607

I guess I'll never get to see Robin Williams cameo as an eccentric shopkeeper in an eventual Legend of Zelda movie.

>> No.5277610

Spock is more nuanced but the entire Sheldon Cooper character is a joke about autism. It's a freakshow type deal. This guy is quite simply just a bad person

>> No.5277611

People die every day. Why should I weep for someone who has never affected my life in any way?

>> No.5277614

I don't expect you to but if he didn't affect your life and you aren't affected by his death you're delusional if you think you have anything meaningful to contribute to any kind of discussion. You're just upsetting those who are mourning him

>> No.5277619


He wanted to play Prof Oak in a Pokemon movie too...

>> No.5277626

>A man has died

A man I did not and never will know as more than an abstraction. Hundreds of people died from Ebola in Africa last week. Where were the threads about that? Clearly this isn't about death itself.

I suspect it's about finding a common subject to rally around and experience a sense of community. I'm not sure why this idea produces such feelings of hostility, but I would guess it has something to do with piercing the veil of a discourse ultimately based in fantasy and false nostalgia.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but no one has actually made more a feeble effort to actually engage the ideas I'm putting forth.

>> No.5277636
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>> No.5277638

Nobody has seen or heard of the ramdom nigs that died from ebola. And despite that, if you research it a shit tone of people have donated towards helping the,.

So imagine how people feel when someone they've known through film and has made them laugh for DECADES is dead.

>> No.5277642


>I'm not sure why this idea produces such feelings of hostility

anon have explained to you why are you being a shitty person go and read the posts

>> No.5277643

There's that word again. You aren't in mourning. You have not experienced loss, as you never had any connection to Williams that cannot be recreated today as it was yesterday vis-a-vie his films and television shows.

And if you're that upset over someone having a different reaction to the death of a celebrity, perhaps you should consider the possibility that you are the delusional one. Perhaps what you are feeling is a type of transference, and in reality, your sense of sadness (or perhaps even true mourning) isn't connected more than superficially to the death of Williams. Perhaps he looks like your father and it reminds you too powerfully of his morality, and even your own. But you can't acknowledge the repulsive thought of this truly sad loss, so you repress it, and sublimate its energies into a ritualistic mourning over a celebrity death.

>> No.5277644

Hundreds of people died from Ebola in Africa last week. Where were the threads about that?

Haven't you ever heard the phrase "the death one is a tragedy, the death of one million is a statistic."?

Its not that people are cold or self-serving when it comes to sympathy, its just that the human mind is incapable of really grasping suffering or death on a large scale. We just haven't evolved to do it because there's no need, we help those we see suffering in front of us or those we can imagine there. Thats why people ARE genuinely upset about the doctors (both white and African) that are sick with the virus, because they have faces, names, stories, and admirable qualities. Same thing with RW. Tell me X number of people offed themselves last year in the US, it barely registers. Tell me the man who showed me how to believe in myself and in the purity of youth in "Hook" when I was little just hung himself, and yeah, it really makes me wonder what could have been going on in his life and how sad it was.

But you really are either autistic or just a cynical teenager that will grow up someday if you don't realize this by now.

>> No.5277645

thousands of people die every day. in gaza and africa now, people are dying far more horrifically than Robin Williams. of course it's sad that he's dead, almost every death is sad, but i think for me at least the disaffected reaction to a celebrity death that everyone won't shut the fuck up about is how little people seem to care about far more horrific deaths of less famous, far less privileged people.
every death is sad but i don't see why i should pretend to be more torn up about this guy i never met and never really liked than i would be about the thousands of other deaths of people i never met and/or liked every day. it's just so inconsistent.

if you're sad about robin williams then all power to you, but it's pretty tiring hearing everyone go on about it.

>> No.5277646

Literally everybody is talking about the Ebola tragedy constantly? It's worrying, people are worried. People are concerned for the lives lost and those suffering its impact. Do you speak to people outside of 4chan?

For you to not know the man and not be affected by his death is fine, whatever, absolutely no-one gives a shit - but the logical decision for you in that situation should be to shut the fuck up and keep to yourself. What have you contributed by showing off how monumentally apathetic you are?

>> No.5277647

I hope that you all recognize RV: RUNWAY VACATION as Robin Williams's finest work.

>> No.5277652

>all these ideas i'm putting forth
>I'm piercing veils over here
>wake up sheeple
you're a faggot case closed

>> No.5277653

But you haven't known him. That's been my point. You've seen characters he's played. Persona. You knew about as much about him as Africans dying of disease.

>> No.5277656

ITT: One autist getting continually BTFO and he's too autistic to recognize it and hide thread.

>> No.5277670
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>You've seen characters he's played. Persona. You knew about as much about him as Africans dying of disease.

it's the emotional resonance they felt with his work that they felt a connection with, which is why they're sad that he's gone

but i get how emotion might be a huge blindspot for someone of your... diagnosis

>> No.5277674

And thats when the show is in hiatus, I remember someone on /k/ or something saying /mlp/ was the 7th most used board here thought I don't know if the show was on or off when he said that I don't really follow it.

>> No.5277676

>the logical decision for you in that situation should be to shut the fuck up and keep to yourself
I fail to see the logic behind your reasoning.

> What have you contributed by showing off how monumentally apathetic you are?
It isn't about "showing off" or being "apathetic". It's about recognizing that all of you are "showing off" to yourselves about how unapathetic you are.

>> No.5277681


>all of you are "showing off" to yourselves

wow dude you really are one lost cause motherfucker


>> No.5277682

I used to love the song angels. He was such a multi-talented man.

>> No.5277686
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>(and the cake) are a lie

>> No.5277693

Jokes aside I literally thought it was him when I heard the news and got genuinely upset about it cause he was so prominent in my childhood, put on Back For Good to console myself.. Then the penny dropped and it was just a kick while I was down

>> No.5277697

But the emotional resonance is still able to be experienced. You really felt a connection to his character in Good Will Hunting and Dead Poets Society? Swell. Pop in the movie and experience it again. Probably a more productive way of processing whatever emotions you are having.

But again, they can't be "sad that he's gone" because he was never in their lives in any meaningful way to begin with. They can still watch his movies. They can marathon Mork and Mindy if they want. They can jerk off to his picture. The same level of interaction that they had with him before is still accessible now. There is no real loss being experienced here.

>> No.5277704


i get how emotion might be a huge blindspot for someone of your... diagnosis

>> No.5277707

You know a tonne of people aren't even sad, they're just dignifying him by paying their respects to his achievements. But even if they were that's totally valid, it's hugely tragic that someone that brought such incalculable happiness to the lives of others couln't overcome his own depression.

>> No.5277708


One less coward

>> No.5277709

>you can't dislike robin williams' death because well le ebola

So many underage bans exposed here.

>> No.5277712

I don't mean you're showing off for each other. I mean, you're "showing off" to yourself. You know that the proper social response to death is sadness and mourning. When the death of a socially recognized (yet detached) figure happens, people are quick to mentally check off the signs of mourning and sadness to demonstrate to themselves that they are experiencing the proper emotional response and are "good" people.

Hope this clears things up.

>> No.5277716

He probably felt bad because of that reason. People had idealized him as a great inspirer, but I think he didn't believe in that himself.

>> No.5277719

You know you weren't supposed to relate to Meursault right? Good lord

>> No.5277723

You sound like a watered down version of Alone.

>> No.5277726

It isn't hugely tragic. It's commonplace. Another entertainer eaten up and spit out by Hollywood.

The real tragedy is how commonplace this is, and how the cult of celebrity worship such as is displayed here, ultimately contributes to it.

>> No.5277734

My favorite book by Robin Williams is

>> No.5277737

You know, I've never read The Stranger, but I've been meaning to.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.

>> No.5277739

lol, if /lit/'s reaction to this bothers you, you should check out reddit right now

>> No.5277744

>go to reddit
>first seven posts are about Robin
>90% of comments are suicide hotline number

This extreme amount of autism is unbelievable.

>> No.5277746

Suicide rates always rise after a celebrity case. Don't pretend like those hotlines aren't needed

>> No.5277748

They're not needed.
Let them die.

>> No.5277752


>> No.5277755

He may not be very funny, but "Can't act?" Fucking really man?

>> No.5277785

There's nothing worse than those "he just a person doe" cunts who actually think they're saying something profound.

>> No.5277800

very insightful

>> No.5277807

It was the home of cyberpunk after it was dead and from time to time there is a little jewel of some sort.

>> No.5277823
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What is your favorite book/book series?
[–]RobinWilliamsHere[S] 3188 points 10 months ago
Oh my god, Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy. It's one of the greatest books of all time, and the greatest character is The Mule.

>> No.5277832

Yea but this has been happening for a long ass time. Great leaders die and are mourned the same way. Having idols, whether you deem them fitting or not doesn't mean they don't matter that way to others. Sure there are a lot of hop ons. But those people are hollow. But there are people who legitimately idolize Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, JFK, or whoever. I don't think it's something to downplay or put value to though. Placing value on mourning just doesn't feel right.

>> No.5277841
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Anime's low budget allows it to tell audio-visually stories too weird to be filmed. doing something like evangelion, for example, as a live action show or movie would require a ridiculous amount of special effects work, necessitating a budget it would never be able to get because there's so little that's bankable in the premise. In all media the lower the financial barrier of entry to a genre, the more experimentation is possible. Why do you think independent movies take so much more risks than your hollywood blockbusters? Because there's less at stake.

Anime is incredibly low budget but can show crazy visuals cheaply and as a result there's some great experimental sci-fi and fantasy stories that could never be made in any other medium. It also means there's a LOT of utter shite.

similarly, you can write stories about teenagers without involving any actual teenagers (or adults pretending to be teenagers) as actors. this makes the medium appealing to a) teenagers and b) pervs

>> No.5277842

>those doctors

Yes, you shouldn't feel about the black guys, though.