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/lit/ - Literature

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5273891 No.5273891 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realise most people will always be incapable of getting philosophy

>> No.5273907
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>yfw people on /lit/ will always make very broad and general statements.

>> No.5274893

What's there to "get"?

>> No.5275106

They're probably too busy with things that actually matter.

>> No.5275120

That's a handsome man

>> No.5275129

for you

>> No.5275174

philosophy is more important than Art because philosophy aims to find the truth

>> No.5275182

⇒implying philosophy doesn't deny the very notion of "truth"

Remember: Everything is subjective and u cannot know nuthin.

>> No.5275184

It's already been firmly established in another thread that art is truth and Plato is wrong about everything.

>> No.5275189

What if your search for 'truth' leads you to believe that art is important?

>> No.5275190

What truths has philosophy found?

>> No.5275198

Life a shit, compassion is the only valid basis of morality, we must turn the earth into a celibate monastery of tender care.

>> No.5275208

>my opinions are true

>> No.5275220

>can't know le nuthin

>> No.5275230
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>I don't understand that philosophy is entirely based on opinions and arguments for them
If you think knowing an objective truth is so important, be a scientist and stop pretending to understand philosophy.

>> No.5275233

>tfw my mum barely reads at all
>tfw she picked up my unread copy of Stirner while hoovering my room and asked if she could borrow
>tfw I tutted and rolled my eyes and said "whatever" in a snarky voice
>tfw she now insists on discussing it with me and has her thoughts written out in a big notebook
>tfw I wish she was still docile and retarded

>> No.5275234

What does it mean to "understand" philosophy?

>> No.5275244
File: 46 KB, 440x348, Orc_head_close_osgil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To taste the barrel of a .45 and end the pedantry once and for all, you pretentious douche.
>Answers everything with "it's all relative," or "depends".

>> No.5275245

Many ancient sages found a 'truth', they may have paraphrased it but it essentially it boils down to desire being the cause of all suffering and to truly be 'happy' you must appreciate what you have. You'll find this truth in buddhist doctrines, Stoc doctrines etc.

>captcha : detachments ssoryva

>> No.5275257
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>not being a complete relativist
>any year

>> No.5275259

>objective truths

Looks like you need to stop pretending to understand philosophy.

>> No.5275266
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>yfw your mom realises she doesn't owe you anything and that she should live for self-enjoyment

>> No.5275268

>laziest answer of all time.

>> No.5275272

⇒to desire being the cause of all suffering

I do desire to be the cause of all suffering.

>> No.5275281

Objective truths according to the belief that our universe is real, I should say. Unless you're one of these jackasses who believe that everything but them isn't real, or the universe is just imagined.
Most correct answer of all time. Morality is subjective. The 'meaning of life' is subjective. What is 'good' is subjective.

>> No.5275284


>> No.5275289

>not being an emotivist who nonetheless sincerely lives by his own ethics

>> No.5275303

"correct" is subjective.
"relativity" is subjective.
"subjectivity" is subjective.

>> No.5275307

>firmly established

>> No.5275333
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>/lit/ in charge of philosophy

>> No.5275351
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I vomited.

>> No.5275361

why is truth important
art is about beauty and pleasure

>> No.5275374
File: 36 KB, 400x610, nietzsche-on-the-mountain-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you came to the wrong neighbourhood, objectivist scum

>> No.5275377

Put some clothes on, you hedonistic ne'er-do-well.

>> No.5275387
File: 40 KB, 485x395, Arthur_Schopenhauer-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5275460

art distracts us from a higher purpose

>> No.5275523

my fellow sufferer

>> No.5275639

thats not true most people are capable of understanding philosophy they just dont give enough of a shit to put it into practice

>> No.5275791

>most people are capable of understanding philosophy
top kek

>> No.5275821

For a non-retarded human to understand something, time is the only resource required. A lot of people aren't willing to spend that time.

ex: Illiterate, ghetto-born black men going to prison for the rest of their lives and learning to read and understand the law enough to find loop-holes in their prosecution.

>> No.5275822

The concept of philosophy isn't that difficult to swallow. Certain schools of thought might be a problem.

>> No.5275865
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Jesus you STEM fucks can be so narrow-minded. Read some fucking Kant for plebsake

>> No.5277426

I couldn't give a flying fuck about science other than that it gives me vidya games and fancy cars. I'm only stating a fact: philosophy is opinions and subjectivity.

>> No.5277440

Your "fact" is an opinion and subjectivity.

>> No.5277465

""subjectivity" is subjective." is subjective.

>> No.5277872

there is no higher purpose

>> No.5277876

Read some Laruelle and Latour, m8

Science is a discipline of decision with its own distinct, ever-interfering sociology.

>> No.5277886

Wrong as fuck. The difference between science and philosophy isn't that philosophy is subjective and science is objective. It is mostly that philosophy is a priori and science is a posteriori. Science is observation with logic applied. Most philosophy is just pure logic, and the only facts used are extremely simple facts, usually to demonstrate a point.