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File: 84 KB, 200x296, The_Postmodern_Condition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5261085 No.5261085 [Reply] [Original]

how does /lit/ feel about Lyotard?

is it worth reading "The Postmodern Condition"? despite all this:
> Lyotard later admitted that he had a 'less than limited' knowledge of the science he was to write about, and to compensate for this knowledge, he 'made stories up' and referred to a number of books that he hadn't actually read. In retrospect, he called it 'a parody' and 'simply the worst of all my books'.

>> No.5261102

Sounds like a real Ryotard

>> No.5261124

Jameson's critique is the only one that matters. Read that one instead.

>> No.5261796

« la francé academie »

>> No.5261803


>> No.5261805

>Lyotard later admitted
Care to share the source?

>> No.5261825

Agree. Jameson's book and earlier essays on Postmodernism are better than this, supplemented with Perry Anderson's short book The Origins of Postmodernity. Both can be downloaded relatively easily.

>> No.5261860

not op but i've always wondered about the source for that as well. did some digging and found it (it's listed on wiki but it's a book)


page 24 or 21, there's two different page counts going on. this cites another source but seems reputable enough to count. i might dig a bit more for the other one in a bit

>> No.5261878

Or you could flush this crap along with Althusser and get back to a real scholarly project like working class social history.

>> No.5261898

Or building an autonomous Workers' nuclear program! Forward to the Workers' Bomb!

>> No.5261937

Thanks, that's appreciated.

>> No.5261946

Given the capacity of post-structuralists to read science, would you trust them with a pile?

>> No.5261979

Are you claiming that a nuclear reaction as a process stands entirely outside of subjectivity?

>> No.5262017

I'm claiming that the subjective discourses of a Lyotard produced Fukishima will involve radical reconfigurations of bodies and identities in manners which many of those bodies and identities would interpret as the production of power relations, and, more, that the dominant episteme would prefer different configurations of bodies and identities not involving high doses of radiation.

At a more concrete level, if someone gave Judith Butler a reactor, I would break hir face with an iron bar.

>> No.5262018


if gravity is subjective why don't you leap out of a tall building is what I always say

ceterum senseo: fuck postmodernism

>> No.5262062
File: 41 KB, 490x384, 1judithbutler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what happened to the last person who tried that.

>> No.5262076


Butler's body proportions look hilarious in this pic.

>> No.5262221

Butler really is a manlet
She tried to give Butler a reactor, we put her in a wheel chair.