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5258868 No.5258868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.5258870


>> No.5258891


>> No.5258894

why is this so funny

>> No.5258905
File: 6 KB, 261x193, hellodoyoufeellikeabigmanbecauseyourenot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5258925

>Board raid o one
I got no girl either, OP. But...

>> No.5258933

Hey « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »,
I had trouble understanding what you wrote.
Regards anon

>> No.5258976


>> No.5258978
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>Baseless accusation of one /r9k/ anon of raiding /lit/
I have no girlfriend either, original poster, but please don't post this off topic material here. All due sympathies. [Sage] ;_;

>> No.5258981

>tfw no qt 3.14 patrician gf

>> No.5258995
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>tfw no qt gf who is scared of mean tweets and needs you to hold her tight

>> No.5259020

It's actually been a really long time since I've seen a thread with the OP not even trying to obscure his intentions

>> No.5259028
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>tfw you come to terms with it
>tfw you release your desire to escape the endless circle of suffering

>> No.5259049

>tfw know that feel foreal
>tfw its a pretty alright feel

>> No.5259062

I'm coming to that feel Schoppy! I'll join you soon!

I still desire to not desire unfortunately.

>> No.5259064
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You mean, "joy in love itself"

Either that, or work on motivating yourself to asking more women out.

>> No.5259069

>tfw love woman for 4 years
>finally agrees to go out with me
>seems to really like me too
>after 3 months and 17 days dumps me
>comes out as lesbian
>tfw failed so badly she never wants to date a man again

>> No.5259080

>tfw gf wakes up in panic in the middle of the night and holds you so tight you can hardly breathe

>> No.5259093

Shhh. You didn't fail.

Messed the comprehension of this, but you get what I mean.

>> No.5259100

Why should I ask women out?

>> No.5259119
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>why should I experience joy in this life?

>> No.5259121

it's fun. get to a point where rejection ain't no thing and you're golden

>> No.5259127
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>>tfw gf wakes up in panic in the middle of the night and holds you so tight you can hardly breathe

I don't know this feel...yet

>> No.5259136
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>> No.5259138
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i want to know that feel

>> No.5259176

I've dated quite a few women, and I wouldn't call it a joyful experience. Sure, sex is pleasurable, and sometimes it is really painful to be alone, but in my experience love and lust are almost always more painful. People are horrible. Why would I want to share my innermost desires and feelings with them? I've had enough of that for a single lifetime.

>> No.5259247

fuck off

youll never make /lit/ as bad as /mu/

>> No.5259259
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each relationship can be seen as a learning experience you can use to better yourself and make better choices in women.

>People are horrible.

Well I don't believe this. There are plenty of amazing people out there that are worth getting to know.

>Why would I want to share my innermost desires and feelings with them?

Same reason you like to share your stupid opinions with strangers online. Humans are social creatures, they enjoy interaction and connections.

you crave attention just like anyone else, you just use online surrogates and other methods instead of the real thing. Stop trying to convince yourself that "they" are the problem, its "you" that needs fixing

>> No.5259261
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>you will never experience this real love

>> No.5259264

stop it

stop it, all of you

>> No.5259266

>you will never kiss a girl

>> No.5259273
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>no qt drummer gf

>> No.5259289

hold me

>> No.5259292

>you will never hug a girl

>> No.5259293

now youre just taunting me

God, fuck off mudrones. I left that board for a reason

>> No.5259303
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>tfw unattainable youtube qt 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196


>> No.5259304

It angers me that she is half pastic

>> No.5259308
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>> No.5259316
File: 787 KB, 598x855, Hamsun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It angers me that she is half pastic
>hurr makeup is fake
>Why do people wear deodorant?!
>styling your hair? that's fake!
>clothes & jewellery? lol those aren't natural!

ok grandpa

>> No.5259319

I don't need fixing, and instead of providing me with a decent reason you vomit up some humanist drivel you've been force-fed your whole life, provide some anecdotes about how you were able to find some oh-so-great people who were able to pass your impeccable taste in human worth, and an Aristotelean gibe so rehashed that it would be a small miracle if it didn't taste bitter on the way out. I don't have to conform to your naive worldview, and it isn't stupid for me to do otherwise. If I'm more miserable with other people than without them, what actual grounds do you have to criticize that? The answer is close at hand, but I doubt you have the wherewithal to perceive it, let alone grasp it.

>> No.5259321

Dude if she has your babies they are not going to look like her

That is fucked.

>> No.5259330

>but the babies...

that's what plastic surgery is for...what are you so confused about? you're going to buy the kids clothes, makeup, deodorants, etc...plastic surgery if they need it.

>> No.5259336
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wrong image, friend.

>> No.5259349

>I don't need fixing

It's fairly obvious that you do since you can't form relationships with other people, you obviously don't know how to judge them and you choose incompatible mates, you then assume "all people are horrible" which is pretty much angsty 14 year old tier thinking.

"hurr I'm perfect and everyone else is a phoney!!"

>and instead of providing me with a decent reason

First, I did provide you a reason why you should continue the search and improve yourself. You obviously hunger for social interaction, just look at the inane and long-winded posts you create for random strangers...

Second, you aren't coming from a place of positivity or confidence, this isn't a lifestyle choice you made because you have better things to do, or because you simply don't value relationships, you are simply reacting to your past failed experiences and jumping to an illogical conclusion: I had some bad experiences, therefore all humans are terrible and not worth my time.

You're like a less funny, less rational version of Holden.

>> No.5259351

Seeing this shitpost reminded me of a portion of my dream last night.

There was a girl, maybe a year or two younger than myself. She was pretty and had a nice smile. I had no idea who she was or how we came to be together, but we were acting as if in the early stages of love. I clearly remember walking down the street with her, my hand around her waist. I felt a sort of happiness that was nearly unrecognizable to me as I hadn't experienced anything like it in many years.

Next I remember, the dream changed. The nameless girl was gone, and I was in a room with hundreds of people, some of whom I recognized as my old friends from school. It was some sort of reception, and I remember anxiously awaiting its conclusion so that I could step out and find my lovely lady, the one from before.

When the reception was over I started walking down the sidewalk, feeling nothing short of jubilant at the prospect of seeing her again. Then I realized something was a bit peculiar; I didn't know exactly where I was or where I was going. Then clear as day it struck me: I was dreaming. Of course I was dreaming, how could it be anything else? A woman and me? Incredibly unlikely given that I hadn't been with a woman in over three years, and have for the past several months been a something of a recluse.

At this point I was too crushed to even try and enjoy the fact that I was having a lucid dream. I forced myself awake.

>> No.5259351,1 [INTERNAL] 

You are beyond retarded. It is exactly a lifestyle choice. People are shitty. I could be in a number of different relationships RIGHT NOW, but I'm choosing not to because I don't like being around other people. I never claimed to be a good person, but I am under no obligation, moral or otherwise, to date women, to socialize with other people, or to procreate. You can keep telling yourself that other people make you happy though. I'm sure you will a long way in achieving what YOUR potential in life that way. Just leave me out of it, and your pathetic normalfag musings.