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5258616 No.5258616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Gas the Ix,
Butlerian Jihad now.

>> No.5258650

You find Brian Herbert writing another "Abortions of Dune" book. There is a loaded gun right next to you.

What do you do?

>> No.5258658

Hand him the gun for a pleasant surprise

>> No.5258670

Remove Corrino

>> No.5258751

Shoot myself.

>> No.5258756

>tfw just finished Chapterhouse Dune after reading all six in rapid succession
>tfw want more so bad
>tfw more is available
>tfw fighting the temptation to just try Hunters of Dune

>> No.5259567


if you must, pirate the ebook. don't support Brian.

>> No.5260408

Daily reminder that Brian Herbert did nothing wrong

>> No.5260458

I pirated all of the Dune books because I don't want to support any of it.

I don't want new books, I don't want a new adaptation, I don't want new Dune anything. Because Brian will have tainted it all.

>> No.5260492

Seriously, why does /lit/ hate him so much

>> No.5260510

From the glories of scientific utopias to shooting hack writers. Ah, /lit, you always know how to awe and inspire.

>> No.5260528

>Seriously, why does everyone hate him so much

It's because he's milking a beloved franchise to death, shitting on his father's legacy, and retconning all sorts of shit with Kevin J. Anderson (a Star Wars novel writer) to make it less intelligent and subtle and more crazy action packed.

Some of his books take place in between novels and add stupid shit like Paul running away to join the circus. Brian Herbert didn't like Dune, too boring or something. So him and Kevin J Anderson have changed it into an action series akin to Star Wars.

>> No.5261452

I loved Dune but the second book bored me to death

should I soldier on? Do the sequels get better?

>> No.5261742

yes, shit gets weird.

>> No.5262021

>paul joining the circus
You what mate?
>"come check out my autism and blue eyes!"

>> No.5262135

>we will never claim another million get for Muad'Dib

>> No.5262199

Brian Herbert here, ask me anything

>> No.5262257

I only read Dune.
How bad are the sequels? Worth reading at all?

>> No.5262263

Messiah is pretty cool, it's only 220 pages so you won't waste too much time if you dislike it

>> No.5262289

People doing drugs.

Every Frank Herbert book ever.

>> No.5262570

>How bad are the sequels?
They aren't.
>Worth reading at all?
Yes, read all six of Frank Herbert's novels.

>> No.5263815
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Is there a screencap? I can't find one anywhere.

>> No.5264325

It's lost in another timeline

>> No.5264537

Why do you suck so much?

>> No.5264568

>not shooting him and and end this desecration once and for all.

>> No.5265607

Just finished Chapterhouse, and god dammit, why'd he have to die?

>> No.5265634

Watched the movie adaptation and it's easily the worst movie I've ever seen.

>> No.5266293

The lynch movie or the tv movie?

>> No.5266688
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This movie is great.

>> No.5266711
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introduce him to the fucking Gom Jabbar.

"turns out he wasn't human after all."

>> No.5266723
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"Even if you have never read a Dune book, the plot synopsis of the latest Dune novel written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson should be enough to get your blood boiling:

Sandworms picks up where Hunters left off: The no-ship Ithaca is still searching for a new homeworld for the Jews and Bene Gesserit, while Duncan evades the tachyon net of the old couple, now known to be Omnius and Erasmus. In the Old Empire, Murbella attempts to rally human kind for a last stand against the Thinking Machines. The New Face Dancers continue to infiltrate the main organizations of the Old Empire at all levels, having also sent the gholas of the Baron Harkonnen and young Paolo Atreides to Omnius' capital, Synchrony.

Brian Herbert has not just tarnished his father's legacy, he has ridden atop a burning money train straight down the gullet of his father's dessicated corpse, exploding it in a shower of creepy sex scenes and lame multi-page descriptions of giant robots fighting. Burn in hell forever, Brian Herbert. I hope you slip and fall in that new bathroom."
- Zack Parsons

>> No.5266859
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Dune an inspiration for Watchmen?

>> No.5266889
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Not the first person with the idea.

>> No.5266904
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>> No.5266905

>tfw just finished heretics
miles teg goat after leto II

>> No.5266909

the 2nd is the worst imo, children of dune was cash.

>> No.5266920
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>> No.5266926

Right before he says "rape the bride" his eyes look up and to the left. Supposedly that means he has recalled a specific image in his mind.

>> No.5267048

what was Frank Herberts reaction to the movie?

>> No.5267119


looks to me like he loved it. he died before the mini series came out.

>> No.5267308
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>Hey Frank, it sucks that you're grounded and can't go out with your girlfriend. Maybe I can be your Kawistaz Haderach tonight? Paul & Jessica won't be home for hours.

>> No.5267485

Frank Herbert also had very little faith in the audience though. It's clear in the books, and more clear in the movie.

The movie's interpretation of the Weirding Way and the Voice were actually Frank's ideas because he thought the movie audience wouldn't understand.

He says it in that interview the movie is a visual feast. And it is, the special effects were very impressive. Thats all Frank really wanted.

Plus he's not going to just go and call the movie shit right in front of David, even though David agrees it was shit.

>> No.5267576

why does it have such a cult following though?

>> No.5267581

Because geeks like sci-fi and geeks like obsessing over stuff.

>> No.5269414

I liked the second book. The series shouldn't have gone beyond the 4th.

>> No.5269474

Guys, I only heard about the Dune-books today and am really interested.

My local library only has Hunters and Sandworms of Dune, do these two books cover a complete and finished story?

I do not want to start something I'm not able to finish.

>> No.5269582

those are Brian Herberts books, not only are they after the original series, but they are also garbage.

>> No.5269703

Those are the "concluding chapters" to the already concluded original series.
The first book in the Dune series you should read without any exceptions is simply "Dune". The original. Read that, it's a relatively self contained story. If you want to go on from there, it's up to you.

>> No.5269888

So, if I were to start with the Hunters I would be lost right away since it's "concluding" the original series? Or have I misinterpreted this and will I just have to absorb a ton of information from the beginning, but I'll be able to follow?

>> No.5269918


Start with DUNE.

>> No.5269930

I already said my library hasn't got it.
It's only got those two, and I was wondering if I could walk in the library, take those books, walk home, read them, finish them, and then be happy I finished what I started and don't have to feel like I'll never be able to finish the series unless I'm going godknowswhereto to find the books and get them all.

Nothing more, nothing less, you guys on /lit/ should be able to answer this right?

>> No.5270464

Short answer, no.
Long answer, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Informative answer,

Dune was created by a fella named Frank Herbert. It started with the original book Dune. After Dune, Frank wrote five sequels. Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and finally Chapterhouse Dune. Chapterhouse was also a nice enough place to end.

However, he passed away before writing the last two planned novels. His now infamous son, Brian Herbert, took it upon himself to fix that. So, with the help of Star Wars novelist Kevin J. Anderson, Brian Herbert has spent his career shitting all over his father's work for cash. He wrote Hunters of Dune and Sandworms of Dune based (loosely) on Frank Herbet's original outline, and retconned a ton of stuff from the original series. After he was done with those two, he started writing interquels taking place in between the afformentioned original novels. As well as a prequel series, and sequel series. It's all garbage.

Even if you read all six books leading up to Hunters of Dune you'd put the book down severely disappointed. Starting from it will likely just make you dislike the entire franchise.

They aren't standalone novels and do require prior knowledge, but more importantly they are a steaming pile of shit.

Dune starts with Dune, end of story. If you only have Hunters and Sandworms then the sad truth is you just shouldn't start. Wait until you can get your hands on the original.

>> No.5271162
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I made a screencap, but I think I lost it

>> No.5271523
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That's no mentat.

>> No.5272065
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you forgot the Dune Encyclopedia (came out after God Emperor). Frank said it wasn't canon, but it's a better read than any of the prequels.

teach the controversy! JEHANNE Butler, not SERENA; IBRAHIM VAUGHN HOLTZMAN, not TIO.

>> No.5272106
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in case people think i'm making this up.

it isn't a widely-known book, and for some reason, a lot of the illustrations by Matt Howarth went uncredited.

>> No.5272728
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>> No.5272903
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YFW Duncan is the kwisatz haderach of prophesy.

>> No.5272954
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>> No.5272979
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If the Honored Matres couldn't detect Face Dancers, how were they able to exterminate the Tleilaxu?

>> No.5274315


>> No.5274645

Thank you for putting time in a detailed, helpfull answer.

I'll wait till I can get the original series, or if that doesn't go well simply never start them at all.

>> No.5274657

Thank you for putting time in a detailed, helpfull answer.

I'll wait till I can get the original series, or if that doesn't go well simply never start them at all.

>> No.5274868

>tfw own an ereader and can start reading whatever book I want for free in a matter of minutes

>> No.5274873

Every novel had one super based old guy.
Stilgar, Moneo, Miles, etc.

>> No.5276862


Does this Dune Encyclopedia cover all of the books?

>> No.5277052

But reading from a screen sucks
I, for one print every 4chan thread I want to read

>> No.5277348
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>> No.5277479

>But reading from a screen sucks
Ereader faggot, jesus.

>> No.5277858

The second book is often considered the weakest.

For me the first and fourth book were the best. The first is a timeless classic and the fourth felt like a transcendental experience.

For some reason, my interest declined harshly after the fourth book. I had to drag my feet to continue on.

Third book also though, was exceptional.

>> No.5278199
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>tfw you will never ride a sandworm

>> No.5278225


What's so bad about Brian Herbert? I just finished Dune last week, haven't read anything by Brian.

>> No.5279036

it came out after book four, and only covers up to that point. a lot of it directly contradicts Brian Herbert and what's-his-name's retconned version.

according to the Dune Encyclopedia, the Butlerian Jihad was not about computers taking over, but rather people giving up too much responsibility to machines. there were no giant robot battles. no po-faced Omnius stating the fucking obvious and no retarded Erasmus torturing people and then not understanding their reactions.

>> No.5279053

the tone of the Dune books is pretty high. you have people weaving plots, power groups scheming; there is depth.

the prequels are a lot shallower, the characterisation is one dimensional and they are so eager to introduce those fucking giant robot battles that they pretty much go their own way. if the books didn't have the word "Dune" in the title and "Herbert" as one of the authors they would have ended up in the remainders bin.

a comparison:

Dune = Breaking Bad
Dune Prequels = America's Funniest Spice Harvester Accidents

>> No.5280103

Heretics is a hard read. Not because it's bad, it's that you're really hit with that feeling that, "It's been thousands of years since the first book everyone is dead why am I here."

But it's interesting and managed to regain my attention.

>> No.5280721

Starting with Children of Dune today
is it gud?

>> No.5281644

Took a while to grow on me, but the ending was so good.

Frank got really good at ITSHAPPENING endings.

>> No.5283377


>> No.5283574

>What's so bad about Brian Herbert? I just finished Dune last week, haven't read anything by Brian
Nothing at all. First people read Dune. Then they saw the film and the series and played the games. (Herro non-canon Ordos!) Then they read the books by Brian and realized that he made the similar "mistakes" the film, series and games did.