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5257952 No.5257952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is suicide acceptable? Why or why not?

Have you had thoughts of suicide, /lit/? Have you tried? What would convince you it is worth going through the terrible moments of despair if you were to do it?

>> No.5257956
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It is the ultimate philosophical question

>> No.5257957

yes its acceptable, everything is permitted, etc

>> No.5257962

I tried to kill myself once but failed


>> No.5257965

Is it just me or does camus look remarkably like joe strummer

>> No.5257969
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Only if you don't fail and don't go around telling everyone that you are killing yourself.

>> No.5257984

It depends heavily on the situation

>> No.5257986

I think so. If someone wants to do it then they should. Unless they're mentally ill. Then comes the discussion of what is deemed as "ill".

>> No.5257987

>are you in control of your own body

shitty question

>> No.5257989

Raskolnikov style

>> No.5258000

OP here. I think about it every day, but I am too much of a wimp to deal with suffocating myself or bleeding to death, and I at least want to wait until I am homeless or something utterly dreadful before I decide I have to do it.
If I had access to a gun I probably would just shoot myself right above and behind the ear. I hear that is virtually a guranteed kill.
I never talk about it with people I know or on FB like most attention seekers. I guess I just came here looking for like minded peeps to commiserate and philosophy with.

>> No.5258002

I'm not sure if my "attempt" counts as "trying" because I "tried" partial suspension hanging instead of full-suspension hanging. Tons of people online say that partial suspension works (I even watched a video of someone successfully doing it), but I couldn't really get myself to pass out, and I was too scared to try full suspension because there's no backing out of that.

>> No.5258003

What is your situation OP? What is it that makes your life not worth living?

>> No.5258008


Do whatever the fuck you want. If you can work yourself out of a suicide through mental gymnastics then take stock or something. Beyond that, who the fuck is anybody to tell you how to die.

>> No.5258039
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If so, why didn't OP choose he iron pill? It's a question of mental durability, not physical capability.

>> No.5258055

No job. Been trying for 5 months and haven't found anything. I don't know if it is because I bomb my interviews or what. I am living with my mom right now and if things don't work out by next month we will be screwed on bills. I feel like a huge burden who just dropped on her lap with a huge sign around my neck saying "Feed me!"
I went to university. At first I studied theater. I read Heinrick Ibsen's "Enemy of the People" in my freshman year and went on to focus on English and Poli Science. Since then I have not really found anything for my career path except a few people looking for volunteers to do call banking and a music magazine called New Noise that I sometimes write album reviews for.
I am going to be 29 at the end of the month. I cannot develop a relationship with women for some reason. My last relationship was 4 years ago. It lasted three months. I slept with one Thai qt:13 gamer since, but could not move past the eight year difference.
I am alone and confused all the time. Moving in with my mom has put about 1000 miles between my friends and I. I have no social life outside FB, reddit, or 4chan.
All of my work experience is in retail shelving freight. Never been a supervisor. The last ASM who interviewed me at Walmart looked at me like I was either stupid or some kind of alien.

>> No.5258073


Honestly, why the exception for the mentally ill? I was diagnosed with clinical depression a few years ago and could barely pick myself up off the floor despite having friends, a relationship, excellent grades, and a full ride. All I wanted to was to die. Sure clinical depression is all brain chemicals, but so are all emotions (it took only 2 weeks on lexapro for me to learn that, as afterward I had no emotions).

If someone is suffering, they still have every right to off themselves. You may as well say 'If someone wants to do it they should. Unless they have a painfully debilitating illness". Suffering is suffering, physical or mental.

Also don't mean to make this about me personally, just giving personal anecdote.

>> No.5258076


It's entirely up to you OP, but there's still hope. As cliche as it may sound, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Things may seem shitty now, but perhaps you will find a job, move out, meet a woman, regain your social life.

If you were to kill yourself how would your mother feel? Imagine the stress of child killing themselves on top of the worry of homelessness.

There are people you can talk to for help with these kind of things, you're never as alone as it seems.

>> No.5258097


>> No.5258099

always found him to look like a french humphrey bogart

>> No.5258101
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You are right. I have to stay strong for my mom's sake. It is the least I can do for her since she has gone to bat for me.

>> No.5258115

Good to hear man. Just think, if you can be strong for her, you can be strong for yourself. As hard as everything seems right now, you can pull through and everything will be okay.

>> No.5258132

Suicide is always acceptable because people are forced into existence. One should always have the right to reverse this.

I've considered it plenty. I like Cioran's approach where the contemplation of suicide acts therapeutically and helps you through the day, knowing you can quit at any time. I'd like to own a gun for this reason, to be even more comfortably reassured that there's an off button within reach.

That said, there are people who'd miss me and my life clinging instincts are mostly quite strong, so I just live a simple life of resignation for now. It's agreeable enough.

>> No.5258143


What if you were to reach for your gun in a moment of hysteria without being able to collect your thoughts properly, therefore making a rash decision?

>> No.5258163

What about the eight year difference bothered you? I'm curious because my girlfriend and I are almost that far apart in age.

>> No.5258170
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>> No.5258199

If you're asking, then no. Just pick up a cigarette habit and die slowly like the rest of us.

>> No.5258217

i like this post, this is a good post.

>> No.5258288

Well for me that would be pretty unproblematic, of course.

But it would traumatise my siblings, that's something I wouldn't want to do. Maybe keeping the gun in a different location would be prudent so that an hour of travel would be required or something. Cool down time.

>> No.5258296

Maybe it was me overthinking part of it. There was a lot of other stuff going on. We worked together. There were rumors circulating around the store mostly slut shaming, and I was not even really confidant about our relationship.
We argued a bit. I finally said fuck it and ditched her.

>> No.5258299

I never think of killing myself. Maybe I'm a coward. I also know that it pretty much ruins the lives of the people who love you.

I do often think of dying in other ways that are beyond my control. Like a crane tips over and crushes me or someone shoots me in a mugging. Then people would be all, "He had his whole life ahead of him. What a guy. So sad."

>> No.5258304
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Because God.

>> No.5258309

Yeah I am just like that. I want to die but beyond my means.
Part of me is hopeful the US can go back to Iraq and take care of ISIS. Death by war is extremely cool. Losing your legs is not.

>> No.5258322
File: 12 KB, 360x256, 5508140_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death by war is extremely cool but losing your legs is not

But being a selfless sacrificed war hero of the continental republic of these United States is.

>> No.5258364
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1390939189391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel. I'm 30. No job. Never had a relationship. Alcoholic. Literally just called goodwill today to set up community service for my 5th alcohol related arrest. Convicted felon. Overweight. Wanna now what my secret to happiness is??? Rich dad. Go run tel dat homeboy! And if ur wondering y I would do community service rather than pay, it's cuz I'm opposed to paying fines. All fines I've had I've worked off at goodwill. Sorted clothes for homeless. I should be doing that kind shit anyway so it's a win win for me. Money not buying happiness is only partly true

>> No.5258367

Well I wish I was dead, I know that for sure. I wish there was a suicide center so I could pass away upon request.

Nothing wrong with suicide. It's my body and life and I do what I want with it.

>> No.5258411

>Is suicide acceptable? Why or why not?
Don't tell nobody, don't overthink it, do it quickly and it's like it didn't even happen. Bonus points if you don't leave any mess for your loved ones, (kek) roomates or landlord to cleanup.

It's the act of removing oneself from the greater equation. It's a little irresponsible and selfish, but fuck it, we deserve a bit of selfishness, we were never asked if we wished to be born, right?

>> No.5258416

>I wish I was dead

I only feel this way when I'm kept up at night.

Go find something worth living for, or perish.

>> No.5258419

he looks like joe strummer, really

>> No.5258426

sylvia plath a cutie
are her books good?

>> No.5258442


Well, I'm trying. I'm not doing too well in college so I might try a different program

>> No.5258525

Your dad is rich and that absolves almost all of your problems. It is like you can walk through life with your dick hanging out and expect always to be rescued.
Not to mention you have a felony. You have nothing left to lose. Most places won't hire you, and the places that will won't put too much responsibility on you.

I have nothing. My mom has nothing. We are expecting to get eaten by the maw of fate but hope for a miracle. She could not afford candles for my little brother's birthday cake. I don't understand how but that is the story. He had to blow out a lighter.

>> No.5258529

I tried but not in the sense of putting myself in danger of succeeding. I wanted to but lack the constitution for it.

>> No.5258563

Yes it is acceptable. Because there are no moral facts.

I have thought of it. I haven't tried it. There are things that I love more than myself, so I think that as long as I can serve that I can bare my suffering. Love for another is what stops me from killing myself.

>> No.5258652

Why is suicide seen as immoral?

>> No.5258661

Supposedly it is "selfish" to people who love you. I think it is more selfish to expect someone to live when they want to leave.

>> No.5258671

Because it is the utter rejection of humanity's strongest drive; self preservation.

>> No.5258720

For the more positive minded like myself, it's throwing away the ultimate gift. I know OP is in a really tight spot, but surviving the storm and experiencing the calm waters, gives you pride and courage. He will never experience that if he doesn't exist (on this plane).

Sorry if it's a bit cheesy.

>> No.5258785

You are putting a lot of pain the lives of those close to you if you do it.
The catch 22 is if you are miserable enough to contemplate suicide you probably are not bringing much joy to those relationships.

>> No.5258790

It's a fun intellectual problem but DO NOT ACTUALLY DO IT YOU FUCKERS.

>> No.5258792

You can't control how other people react to your actions. Since no one is directly involved in a suicide (the action of it and its immediate consequences) except for the person who kills himself, it's wrong to blame him for any pain or grievance caused to other people since it's beyond his control. If other people want to feel sad about it, then they can. If not, whatever.

>> No.5258804

>Is suicide acceptable?
Depends on the government.

>> No.5258818

Suicide is the ultimate sin. I refuse to believe anyone has ever committed suicide for beneficial or sympathetic reason.

Committing suicide obviously stems from wanting to getaway from whatever pain you are feeling. I'll use Tyler Clementi as an example. For those unaware, he was a closeted homosexual who often talked with others on a webcam. He went to a college in New Jersey, and his dorm mate found out about Tyler's secret homosexuality. His dorm mate used the webcam to record Tyler bringing in a partner to make out with and then distributed this recording on the internet. Tyler's school caught wind of this video and harassed Tyler. Tyler, unable to handle the pain and harassment, committed suicide.

How is Tyler, the victim in this incident, considered to have committed this 'ultimate sin'? Instead of focusing that pain he felt into something that could help change the world, Tyler took his own life so that he may not feel that pain. If you were to ask Tyler, "What should the other closeted homosexuals who will one day go through this same pain do?", will he answer "kill themselves"? This is surely the position Tyler had when he killed himself.

If you were to kill yourself, I say, realize: you aren't the only one going through hardships. There are people all over the world who need help, and surely greater help than some kid who is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. Turn that pain into passion, fix the community in order to prevent others like you from having to go through the pain.

>> No.5258821

I don't disagree, but I don't agree either.

>> No.5258822

>believe anyone has ever committed suicide for beneficial or sympathetic reason.

So nobody has ever jumped on a grenade to save his compatriots?

I suppose it depends on what you classify as suicide. Is something suicide if but for me affirmatively deciding to do it, I would have lived?

>> No.5258829

What about noble suicide?

>> No.5258832

Sacrifice is actually not the same as suicide.

Suicide is INTENTIONALLY ending your life.

Sacrifice is OFFERING your life to the benefit of others.

For your grenade example: the person does not intend to kill themselves, they intend to offer their lives in order to protect others.

>> No.5258843

>if you are going to make the personal decision to end your life
>think about other people

the whole point of suicide is ones self.
>inb4 its selfish

it's selfish for someone else to think I should stick around just to amuse them.

>faggot gets picked on
>faggot kills himself
>automatic sign to faggots that faggots should just kill themselves

You're an idiot and you are that person who invades peoples personal space I can already tell.

Back the fuck off a little bit.
Its not your decision to criticize someone's suicide.
It's their life, and they are more than welcome to end it if they want to.
It's not a sin, it's not bad, it's not good, it's a choice.
>inb4 friends and family will suffer

You take a chance of death with someone every day. It can happen at anytime. Suicide is just another death. If you are going to say that they are selfish because they will hurt those around them then everyone should hate people who die, it is the same fucking thing.

This kind of stupidity is the worst kind of stupidity. The kind of stupidity that originates in the thought that 'my opinion matters in what others do with their lives'. It doesn't. It really doesn't.

>> No.5258845

i would like to die tonight, what is the easiest way?

>> No.5258856


>> No.5258858

yeah cause thats so easy you faggot

>> No.5258862

get a knife
cut away

whats so hard?

>> No.5258865


>Is suicide acceptable?
Only for those who are completely inept for life.
>Why or why not?
No one wants to die, they want to be saved. Death, at times, looks like the only salvation. But this view is only held by the ignorant.

>Have you had thoughts of suicide, /lit/?
Yes, it's a very seducing concept.
>Have you tried?
First year of college. I was convinced everyone was stupid and life was pointless.
>What would convince you it is worth going through the terrible moments of despair if you were to do it?
The terrible moments only look terrible in comparison to the good moments. If there was no good in life there would be no need to make a distinction and no one brood over the terrible things. To be sad is to have known happiness. It's reachable after all.

>> No.5258876

>no one would* brood

>> No.5258878

It is acceptable if you have arranged for someone to clean the mess at the end it's your own decision.

It doesn't have to be a terrible moment or depression, like dying for someone else, to stop being a waste of food, or just completed dreams in life

>> No.5258881

>Suicide is INTENTIONALLY ending your life.
>Sacrifice is OFFERING your life to the benefit of others.
Sacrifice is intentionally ending your life as an offering to the benefit of others

>> No.5258882

haha god damn.

helium masks are supposed to be good, but they take a while to ship.

Just starve yourself. I've gone without food for a week, and after 3 days it doesn't hurt, and you're very apathetic/lethargic. If you do that and take painkillers at the same time you should be golden.

>> No.5258883

Well then you've just defined away the issue.

>> No.5258886

i wonder how long it would take for you to lose consciousness assuming you cut across

>> No.5258887

>no one wants to die

haha this nigger knows literally everyone apparently!

No, listen here you fucking trog. Most people want escape, but some people think a state of non-existence is best.

>> No.5258888

>Sacrifice is intentionally

Sacrifices dont have to he intentional. No goat ever consented to be killed in the name of God.

>> No.5258890

a lot longer than you'd like

>> No.5258893

>Most people want escape

Then it's not death what they want.

>> No.5258896

Guns are not a guaranteed kill. You can easily mess up and leave yourself alive and brain-damaged, which is a horrible thought. Use an exit bag for a painless and guaranteed suicide. You can buy everything you need to make one on amazon legally for ~$100.

>> No.5258899

I was using his own grenade example. Obviously a goat has no control over that.
Let me correct it then.

To purposely sacrifice yourself is intentionally ending your life as an offering to the benefit of others.

>> No.5258902

To be selfish is to act for one's own self. That is what a sin is. Rape is for one's self. Murdering someone to feed their bloodlust is for one's self. How are rape and murder in this scenario different from suicide? Is it because they "affect another person"? Of course killing yourself will affect another person. Reconsider my original post. By killing yourself, you are being the ultimate bystander. You are not helping to prevent rape and murder and harassment.

Causing family and friends to be upset is not what makes it a sin, although intentionally inflicting depression on others is, of course, bad. What makes it a sin is that you are not protecting anyone but yourself from the pain.

If you were to walk down the street and see a lady getting raped. Would you try to help the lady escape, or at the very least, call the police? Or would you walk away and act as if nothing ever happened?

>> No.5258904

Who suicidal because of philosophical crisis here?

>> No.5258913

That's the most immature reason to be suicidal, second even to tumblr-fag attention-seeking suicidality.

>> No.5258915

To purposefully sacrifice yourself is the same as sacrificing yourself. You are purposefully offering your life to the benefit of others. Even in extreme scenarios, you are still offering your life because there may be a chance that you and the ones you're protecting to survive.

>> No.5258918
File: 876 KB, 1844x1230, existentialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide makes the most sense, but if you want to tough it out use this

>> No.5258921

>the most immature reason to be suicidal
Is this supposed to mean anything?

>> No.5258923

Butthurt suicidal, selfish asshole detected

Probably has never donated to charity

>> No.5258937
File: 85 KB, 772x234, Screenshot_2014-06-26-14-02-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the same.
This one anon said it best.

>> No.5258945

Can someone do something extreme? I don't lets find out, starting with OP preferably.

>> No.5258950

10/10 posts

>> No.5258964

fuck, this is why /lit/ is the best board on the chan

>> No.5258967

What are you talking about this whole thread has been mediocre and uninteresting.

>> No.5258968

Posted this in the antinatalism thread, but it fits here as well.

Not to be born is, beyond all estimation, best; but when a man has seen the light of day, this is next best by far, that with utmost speed he should go back from where he came. - Sophocles, early 5th century BC.

>> No.5258970

>he said, grinning, as he closed the tab and put boards.4chan.org/lit/ under his block list in leechblock.

>> No.5258989

Oh, so you're an apologist for terrorists then? The terrorists who took their lives, along with many others, when they crashed the planes on 9/11? How are they in the wrong? They took their lives the way they wanted. "Who the fuck is anybody to tell them how to die?"

>> No.5258997

Is it better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all? Would you rather not exist than be happy?

>> No.5259014

>several people get into a fight for 50 posts
>everyone involved leaves
>newguy comes along and doesn't bother to read the thread because he thinks his barely coherent one-sentence opinion is unique and it's totally inconceivable that some other person has thought the same thing as him
>people browsing the main /lit/ page see his post
>several people get into a fight for 50 posts about the same thing the previous people argued about sharing no particularly new insights
>loopdy loop

>> No.5259015

Too bad he's wrong. Stoic4lyfe

>> No.5259051

There is no right or wrong. Well, not beyond your imagination. One man's right is another's wrong.

>> No.5259058

stoicism AKA shitty cynicism, buddhism, taoism and epicureanism wouldnt have existed if life ≠ suffering

>> No.5259074

Have you never gotten angry at another person?

>> No.5259094

When I was younger. Before I understood that

>all I have control over is my own mind and behaviour, and to anguish over outside events only hinders me
>that every thing happens the way it was always going to
>that pain and death are feared out of biological instinct
>that they are just phenomenon, and will happen eventually, so there no need to fear them

>> No.5259110

So, have you gone sky diving? Have you ever been on a roller coaster and taken off the seat belt? Do you ever go to the downtown, looking for a fight? If you do not fear pain and death anymore, as you so claim, these things should not hinder you from doing these things. And if you do not want to do these things, what hinders you?

>> No.5259183

I do not seek pain, but I try not to let it control me. I have sky dived in New Zealand. Was a blast. You are locked in on roller coasters. Well, at least the ones I've been on. I used to fight when I was a teenager, but I don't have much desire to now. What hinders me is lack of desire. I don't need the thrills of denything death or pain. I'm content listening to music here in my apartment with Zeus, my dog.

>> No.5259188

i feel like assisted suicide should be available to everyone, not just terminally ill people.

>> No.5259195

>did you kill that man?

>no officer, it was assisted suicide, kek

seriously though, there are WAAAY too many white knights for that to happen.

>> No.5259220

I saw that video of the guy dying by that purple juice and it made me cry for the first time in years

suddenly life seemed so much more valuable

>> No.5259228
File: 669 KB, 1280x904, KillYourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An individual has a right to choose how they live their life, by extension that right applies to whether they come to a conclusion that their life is not worth continuing.

Unless it directly affects me then I have no right to tell another person they do not have the right to leave this life.


>Thank you J.S Mill for Libertarianism

>> No.5259240
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>Have you had thoughts of suicide, /lit/?

"I love order. It's my dream. A world where all would be silent and still, and each thing in its last place, under the last dust."

>> No.5259268

because most people and especially religious people think life is something very special and valuable to be preserved at all costs, to them someone suiciding is seen in the way of someone just burning wads of cash. We want to stop that person burning money because the wads of cash are valuable (to me/us).
Essentially your living is a public good and just as we'd rightfully object to a dairy farmer just tipping all the milk out onto the path, we rightfully object to you wasting/devaluing/destroying a public good, with no fair reason other than babbys first existential crisis
Essentialy, I and most of society find you valuable in some way or another, so when you kill yourself, you have snuffed out something which *I* find valuable, in a sense you are stealing from me
and theft is against the law

>> No.5259282

potassium cyanide
probably need a special baiting licence or you can just steal some from traps (thats how I got mine) that people set
take a pea sised amount and swallow
then thirty seconds later you're collapsed
is probably painful because it gives heart attacks or something
but in return of pain you get 100% accuracy and good speed and very good ease of delivery
plus it's far easier to get than barbituates

>> No.5259286

But anon... it is someone else's life. If you lay claim to their life, they can go the other way and lay claim to your death. And they WILL, if pushed long enough.

>> No.5259287

>/lit/ is so jaded a human life can only be seen as significant when compared to money

holy kek

>> No.5259291

>categorical inference about the entire population of the board based upon the opinion of one poster

>> No.5259294

>back from where

except I didn't pre-exist my own birth, as if siting in 'non-existence waiting room' tapping my feet till existence sucks me out "no no I want to go back to where *I* never was", "please please merciful death take me back to where I never came from".
Stupid sentence stupid logic

>> No.5259302

I've thought about it, late at night, when I have too much time to think.

But then I remember that my mom's schizo and she'd probably kill herself too if I did it, and how fucked up my family would be after that, and how someone would have to carry my corpse and shit

I guess that's why it's not acceptable for me, it's inevitably going to hurt a bunch of people and I know it

>> No.5259312

You did not exist, and presently you do. He did not mean literally "you", but you are implied in existence. We were all doing fine 100,000 years ago. Just like we are doing fine when we are not present during bad situations.

>> No.5259313

Because it makes other people think about suicide and why they don't do it. It makes other people feel bad, because they have to think for a moment.

>> No.5259318

You make such a big deal of life and death, there are people who don't have such a large framework they place themselves in, meaning, if it's going bad, well, they end their lives.

>> No.5259339

Where does stuff like the ritual suicide committed by the samurai fall?

>> No.5259453

There're no grounds for the claim that choosing life is superior to the choice of suicide.

>> No.5259516

Kevorkian was a good man.

>> No.5259609

>I saw that video of the guy dying by that purple juice and it made me cry for the first time in years

>> No.5259754

It is.

I had thoughts, but never tried - the main reason is that it'll be always be there, that solution.
When I felt like suicide was a proper opt, I completely changed my life. Two times so far - I'm currently changing my life for second time - I decided to quit my career path, and learn to draw in my parents' second home, which is in a small mountain village, completely alone, not seeking for friends and so.... (I haven't told them my plans though, but I hope they will accept).

If I fail again with this "new life", I'll try to be a farmer. If this won't bring balance to my life I'll consider spend my life reading until I run out of money.

But the thing I've been fantasizing a lot lately is to go blind. I could then life without any goal and without the need of hidding anything or socializing with the world. I do think I'd be happy and achieve inner peace (something I feel it's impossible for me in any other way). The problem is that, although suicide it's ok (it's my life and so), my blindless will bring a burden to my family and I'm too weak to face that egoistic act of self-harming my eyes.

>> No.5259772

>Essentially your living is a public good and just as we'd rightfully object to a dairy farmer just tipping all the milk out onto the path, we rightfully object to you wasting/devaluing/destroying a public good, with no fair reason other than babbys first existential crisis

And what if I'm a paedophile? Or I'm likely to murder someone in the future? Does that make my suicide more moral?

>> No.5259807

Parents get flustered. It's like when someone gets you a gift you have absolutely no use for and they get mad at you for not liking it.

>> No.5259809


Suicide is not acceptable because, in most cases, it is the sad result of clinical depression alone and in a few cases, of mere stupity and passive aggression taken to the extreme.

Unlike people who kill themselves, I'm not convinced there's nothing but sleep afterwards. Nothing is this easy and simple in life.

Or death.

>> No.5259854

Yes. A person should have the right to kill themselves if they feel living isn't worth it for whatever reason.

>> No.5259879

I have PTSD really bad, like to the point where a moment I don't think about offing myself is a victory. It's little successes everyday, and trudging through god only knows why the rest of the time. completely mentally disabled, can't work, I feel like a burden on society. I feel like killing myself is the responsible thing to do, bc I'm not contributing and nature/society has no obligation to "take care" of me. I learned at a young age that the golden rule was "everyone has to take care of themselves." Since I can't do that, should I do the responsible thing and kill myself?

>> No.5259887


>> No.5259894

you posted this on /out/ recently! Best wishes!

>> No.5259900

>Nothing is this easy and simple in life.
>Or death.

That second sentence is a fragment. It belongs to the end of the last sentence.

>> No.5259904

Yes. Self-determination.

>> No.5259917


>> No.5259921

Every now and then you come across something utterly retarded but oh boy, nothing prepared me for this.

>> No.5259922

Have you considered some form of monastic life?

>> No.5259964

Who the fuck actually cares about happens AFTER a suicide? You're not gonna deal with the fallout because you're gonna be dead.

>> No.5259982

People who aren't psychopathic solipsists?

>> No.5260006

I'm not a solipsist m80. Not committing suicide because your 'loved ones' are going to have a hard time because you killed yourself is very weak reasoning, because you're not going to stick around and experience it. No matter what you think of the people who 'care' about you, your right to quit life is worth more than their view on your death. You didn't ask to be born.

>> No.5260010

>psychopathic solipsists

nice, two buzzwords that have nothing to do with what he said

>> No.5260023

>Not committing suicide because your 'loved ones' are going to have a hard time because you killed yourself is very weak reasoning, because you're not going to stick around and experience it.

What the fuck am I reading?

Do you even realize what you're implying? That, if you don't experience something, it either doesn't happen or doesn't matter. Solipsism. The other anon is correct - while you may be dead and therefore unable to experience any guilt or regret, your family still experiences grief and pain.

Whether that makes it wrong or not isn't something I really care about, just pointing out that you completely missed or chose to ignore the other anon's point.

>> No.5260066

Yes. The suicide taboo and guilting people about suicide suck.
Without the option of suicide, life is not a choice and it really drains the fun when you have to do something.
Life also improves a lot when you have the option of an out. I think Celine said the same thing.
If you love something, let it go kill itself.

>> No.5260075

It wasn't me. Can you share something about him? There are people in /out/ who is self-sufficient living in farm? (It sounds impossible, since they would have internet, but...)

Yes, some forms of buddhism appeals to me. I've been reading recently about it, but I feel that it's too based on Buddha's teachings and I can't believe in them quite, so I am sure I won't find my place there.
The first two noble truths are truism, in my opinion. I do not think all people look for the cessation of suffering, although this is exactly my case - because I'm weak. The problem is that if you do not believe in reencarnation, karma, and stuff, and you follow the same logic Buddha did, suicide it's the solution (which is what I believe, but my goal is not the complete cessation of suffering, but to get rid of the ansioux and angst that makes my life too impossible to stand).

>> No.5260119

Not him but have you tried learning about stoicism? If you apply it successfully to your life (like I am attempting.) you will eventually attain ataraxia (mental tranquility.) Essentially Stoicism is caring about what YOU control (your mind and your reasoning.) and discarding the external as it hinders you and causes you anxiety and angst as you try to control things not within your control thus causing suffering. I recommend Epictetus' Discourses, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and other related stoic texts such as the Enchiridion (which is really just a distillation of the discourses.) and Seneca's letters.

>> No.5260132

Just the monastic life might do you well though, regardless of belief in reincarnation.

Also, reincarnation and karma are both true in a way. After you die you become something else, you don't disappear. What makes up your body has been part of living beings before and will likely be so again. Karma is simply cause and effect. Think not "if you kick someone the divine law of the universe will kick you" but "smoking leads to cancer".

If you can get on some kind of government money though, there wouldn't be anything keeping you from living like a mountain recluse in your parent's second home until your natural death, right?

>> No.5260159

Its a product of its time. Stupid, pointless and sinful today (and to me, back then as well).

>> No.5260203

Actually J.S. Mill explained in On Liberty that no man had the right to kill himself. It's a cool argument to fit into the rest of his worldview, you should read it.

Aside, I think suicide is fine

>> No.5260308

I tried, but as I said I'm weak and I can't control my feelings. Silly things drives my mind mad, even if I rationally know that there is no point in being affected for such things.
And not being able to control myself makes me feel even worse.
I'd try the readings, though.

Yes, you're right about the monastic life, but I can't see myself sharing a life with a monks that have a clear gloal in mind - I'd feel like an impostour.

Hopefully I do not share your view - the middle way and eternalism are cruel.

I don't think I am entitled to any aid. Anyway, the point is not the money but that my family would not allow me this kind of life.

>> No.5260379

>Hopefully I do not share your view - the middle way and eternalism are cruel.
Not sure what you mean by this, could you rephrase/elaborate?

>> No.5260449

I'd say that a reality where you are not able to finish your own existence, and therefore all your suffering, when you want is cruel.

I'm not sure what was not clear from my message (my English is poor, sorry).

>> No.5260469


The more people that kill themselves the better. Seriously. There are billions and more each day and not one that isn't better off dead. We're we will all be eventually either way. Only cowardice and selfdelusion is keeping you alive today.

>> No.5260546

>Death by war is extremely cool
Wait, what? Do you even /lit/? Read All Quite on the Western Front or something. Killing yourself is one thing, but in combat you're not actually in control. Chances are you going to die a slow painful death while cry for mom to make stop, or if you're really unlucky get taken hostage.

>> No.5260652
File: 77 KB, 456x600, goya14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the way things are.

Just look at yourself now. You were just a bunch of insentient matter before, without problems, until you were molded into a sentient being that had to suffer. Nonsentient material is constantly transformed into sentient material that can experience suffering by billions of people and animals.

People are feeding nutrients to plants. They feed these plants to themselves and animals. They eat plants and animals and they fuck and they grow humans inside them, the being with the highest capacity for suffering, and they build this human in their womb by consuming other life, by devouring plants and animals. They turn them into humans in their bellies, and they give birth to these humans, and the humans cry, and then learn to do the same.

Before there was life, the earth was a bunch of stuff. But as life grew, more and more stuff became life and life become increasingly capable of suffering. Life is still growing. Humanity is still growing, still converting matter into quivering, suffering sentient beings. And they show no sign of stopping. When we die, we become simple stuff again, until some living being starts feeding off us again, and others start feeding of that living being, right up the chain of sentience and suffering.

Don't forget anon, you're here forever.

>> No.5260766

>maw of fate
>hope for a miracle

I think I see your problem

>> No.5260769

Why wouldn't it be? You came into this world void of choice. If you are under the impression that you've been granted a raw deal it is neither shameful nor honorable to end it. It just merely is

>> No.5260964

Because you can overcome depression.

>> No.5261028

In some cases you can, in other cases you can't.

>> No.5261031

did anybody miss the
>At first I studied theater
>went on to focus on English and Poli Science
i mean im not a stemfag but come on man.
>I have no social life outside FB, reddit, or 4chan.

don't worry, half the population doesn't

>All of my work experience is in retail shelving freight. Never been a supervisor. The last ASM who interviewed me at Walmart looked at me like I was either stupid or some kind of alien.

Write a book, selfpublish on Amazon, hope it works.
You're screwed as it is, might as well channel the negativity.

Self-insert to make it easy, since most people will relate, make it funny, witty, but depressing at times, since that's what your life really is, a joke.

Or if you type fast enough find a data entry job, those are always available

I don't know man, do something, hope it works out for you.