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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 254x346, bertie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5254400 No.5254400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? Does Russel give any special insights or is it boilerplate?

>> No.5254415

It's boileplate: Russel's insights are far from special, and nobody reads it.

>> No.5254425


Read Hegels "History of Philosophy" unstead.

Seriously his insights Plato are amazing.

>> No.5254431

I don't really know how or why Russell gained prominence. It's very unmerited.

>> No.5255081

lol /lit/'s fedora hate for russell is qt

>> No.5255086

Bertrand Russell isn't a good authority on past philosophers... especially not Nietzsche.

>> No.5255105

/lit/'s presumptuously symbolic headgear does not hate Russell, and neither does it queue tea.

>> No.5255114

>fedora hate
I sincerely hope your entire family dies slowly in front of you.

>> No.5255131

>begins his post with "lol"
>conveniently ignores the post that called Russell's insights on Plato "amazing"

Get the fuck back to /mu/ you fucking mongoloid

>> No.5255141
File: 38 KB, 288x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The meme that mocks atheists now being used in defense of Russell

I'm going back to sleep

>> No.5255148
File: 18 KB, 400x216, John Candy - Uncle Buck hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The headgear tippers are Christians pretending to be atheist. The whole meme is stupid since the right hat can accent any head. Russell defamers are fedora tipping theists.

We get the same shit in the Stirner threads, and the new browsers don't know what to make of it except that they should hate everything. This is another reason why I liked Feminister so much.

>> No.5255155

I am one of the most toxic anti-christianity posters and I assure you I am neither a christian or an atheist. You're just similarly delusional and retarded.

>> No.5255176

I agree with your post but you millennials seriously need to give up the 'lol' hate

It has nothing to do with this conversation, but hating on the 'lol' makes me immediately realize you are young and not worth listening to. It predates you. I am an old school internet faggot and I've lived through every variation of it.

>> No.5255179

He made some legitimate contributions to mathematic theory. It also didn't hurt that he was an earl whose grandfather had been Prime Minister.

>> No.5255192

I don't know who or even what you are. This is a brick out of nowhere with context, anon.

>> No.5255356

lol faggot

>> No.5255374

It's aiite.

His students, Seth Bernardette and Michael Davis are both off the chain, though.

They started with the Greeks

>> No.5255420

>the meme that braindead idiots use to mock other idiots is now being used to mock braindead idiots

>> No.5255469

'lol' hate is completely justified you fucking dinosaur, I don't care how much time you've wasted on the internet spewing meaningless banalities at your soon to be dead neckbeard friends. It's a lazy, annoying thing to say that's been co-opted as a term for expressing ironic apathy by a generation of people who have been raised on ironic internet baby speech and see a demonstration of their complete lack of language skills as source of humor and self-awareness

And I just know, I just fucking know that somebody is already thinking about replying to this post with an annoying "lol faggot" like this dumbass >>5255356 because they want to highlight how easy and fun it is to not care about things and how silly it is that other people do. Fine, whatever, I do care, and I do know that there's nothing I can do to make people stop saying obnoxious, irritating, pointless things but I can at least anonymously complain about it on mongolian cartoon imageboard and I can at least berate the people who annoy me and that's exactly what I'm going to do

So fuck you, you fucking faggot


>> No.5255501

Why are you doing this to yourself?

>> No.5255574

If you hadn't been poisoning your mind for years by LOLing your way through YouTube comments and video game forums then you would probably still have the necessary language comprehension skills required to read my post and answer your own stupid fucking question

>> No.5255583

Get help.

>> No.5255599

He does a pretty good job of extrapolating on his Hitler Theorem.

I was most surprised to find that everyone is Hitler, not just philosophers.

>> No.5255654



>> No.5255664


Why don't you go out for a walk and stop being so bitter.

>> No.5255705


>fuck you, you fucking faggot

Why don't you suck my fat herpetic dick

>> No.5255715