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/lit/ - Literature

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5247481 No.5247481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your bookshelves

>> No.5247485
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Needs updating


>> No.5247505
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Top shelf is reserved as my backlog shelf. Does anyone else do this or do they just lob in books they've not read with books they have?

>> No.5247529

my what?

>> No.5247548
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shitty ipad camera so you can't read the titles but I think you can get the gist of it.

>> No.5247555

>neckbearding as hard as that sword-gun

>> No.5247563

I feel like you just enjoy how the books look on your shelf.

>> No.5247568

>owns an iPad
>owns a retarded video game sword
>puts his man-child sword on display for everyone to see
>right next to his grenade and skulls
>organizes his books by publisher

you are a virgin, right?

>> No.5247576
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I'm sure it'll disgust /lit/ or something

>> No.5247578

I won that years ago in some raffle thing my grandparents signed me up for, I love it half ironically and half sincerely.

I do, I got rid of a bunch a few days ago and rearranged it.

>> No.5247588


The top of my shelf has been the same since I was like 12, I am aware its ridiculous.
What's wrong with organizing by publisher anyway?

I'm a half virgin

>> No.5247594

>Not knowing what a gunblade is

Fuck is this what being old is

>> No.5247595
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Everymans are 1984 and an Albert Camus omnibus.

>> No.5247609
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Missing book was Journey to the End of the Night which has been read now.

>> No.5247617

it's pretty awful tbh

>> No.5247623
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>> No.5247627
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why do you doofuses have such hard-ons for physical media? serious question.
do you collect dolls too? fuckin gun swords? rofl

>> No.5247632
File: 44 KB, 500x404, They cannot hear my screams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
>post obvious bait picture
>no one notices
>realize no one even looks at the pictures in these threads

>> No.5247633

Thats a cool pocket watch

>> No.5247645


ma nigga

>> No.5247650


i looked, i just wrote you off as another faggot that frequents this board

>> No.5247652

Yeah, but at least now you have an excuse for being insufferable and cantankerous.

>> No.5247704
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1984 was the only book I recognized, so I didn't pass judgement. I just pinned your for a /k/ crossposter.

>> No.5247787
File: 43 KB, 960x313, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda fucked up the panorama but you can still make most of them out.

i only really started to read avidly in the past year or so. This pic shows almost everything I've read over the past 1.5 years.

>> No.5247790

>Halo books I've had since I was a teenager
>Choctaw/English dictionary
>King James Bible
>Medical book
>Mustang repair book

Being poor blows my balls. Thank god some chick gave me an e-reader for christmas.

>> No.5247794
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Unorganized shelves

>> No.5247797


>> No.5247809


did rand when i tried to do her essay in 2 weeks. realized i hated her and didnt write the essay

took metaphysics in uni last term. actually really enjoyed it.

>> No.5247818

Why does everyone hate Rand so much? I haven't read her, but I can't see her being THAAT bad. I can fully sympathize with leftists who don't like her, but somehow she seems to be universally hated by everyone -- even "her people", you know?

Almost feel bad for her.

>> No.5247822
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>attention whoring

>> No.5247825


honestly, while i hate ayn rand, i really did enjoy the fountainhead. i think rands a fucking moron, from a philosophical standpoint, but as a writer i think she's pretty decent.

>> No.5247827

I haven't read The Fountainhead, but Atlas Shrugged was just awful from every perspective. Both her philosophy and writing were atrocious in that one.

>> No.5247838


atlas shrugged is shit. trust me, it doesnt do her writing actual justice.

if you feel like giving her a shot, read the fountainhead. it's actually good i swear

>> No.5247840

Alright, if you insist. I might make my way back around to her one day.

>> No.5247845

I have something like 600 books that are on to read shelf. The rest of the stuff that has been read is in the closet in boxes.

>> No.5247849


i mean either way you're not really missing much. it's nothing utterly life altering or anything. but it is a decent read and the story is actually pretty gripping at times.

just read it as though you can't project her philosophies onto the central character

>> No.5247854

>thinking that a 1100 page book is something that takes a lot of time to read.

>> No.5247856

where from that did you derive the idea that i think 1100 pages takes a long time to read?


>> No.5247857

First of all - he never even mentioned length of the read - second of all - it is.

>> No.5247860



I dont mind reading books that are 1000+ pages, I try to read ~100 pages a day. if it's a good book, ill clear 200 a day, easy.

>> No.5247864

It doesn't matter how many you read a day, relative to the average book 1000 is long. I can't believe someone would actually argue that to try and seem literary or something.

>> No.5247866

lovely knee jerk reactions.

>> No.5247871

what too busy chatting with your Facebook girlfriend? Also masturbation should last for more than 15 mins.

>> No.5247874


yeah, but clearing 100 a day means it wouldn't take long to read, is all.

I do agree, though. most books I read are anywhere from 300 to 500 pages

>> No.5247879
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pic rel8d

>> No.5247884

It's not a pissing contest about how many you can read in a day -- It's a fucking relative difference, 1000 is long in comparison to the average book, unless, of course you say you only read books of 1000 pages or more, in which case you'd be even more of a cunt, as well as most likely a liar.

>> No.5247887

So mad.

>> No.5247893

>So mad.
And? Does this somehow nullify my point and make you right? Is a 1000 paged book now a brisk afternoon read because you've angered me?

>> No.5247896

you enjoying your bait?

>> No.5247903

I could post the "It was merely a joke" picture, but it doesn't feel worth the effort. You're a faggot. Bye.

>> No.5247904


shitposting is the reason lit has gone to shit.

not the anon you're arguing with, but i genuinely hope you enjoy being the plague that haunts this board.

>> No.5247910

>has read many books, best line he could come up with.

>> No.5247925


we're getting a lot of /tv/ runoff lately and I'm not exactly sure why

>> No.5247928

>thinking lit has ever been good.
>so this guy thinks philosophy wanker threads and flavor of the month threads are good, also people still talk about fucking Tao Lin!! also those shit poetry threads.

>> No.5247936

>blaming it on other people doesn't help when you are just a boring faggot with no taste.

>> No.5247949
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>all his books are in english

>> No.5247954

Could you do me a favor and show me the cover of your copy of Ulysses?

>> No.5247956


i've got a German language edition of Faust and a dual French edition of Rimbaud's complete poetry.

Check and mate.

>> No.5247959


Also my Pynchon and Vonnegut are written in American.

>> No.5247998

>claims he only "used" to spam /x/
>shelf is full of Crowley garbage
>/lit/ starter garbage

Yep, faggot trip detected.

>> No.5247999

What did you think of Vineland?

>> No.5248006
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The yellow circle is just glare.

>> No.5248007

ITT: please validate my existence!

>> No.5248008


>> No.5248014
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>> No.5248016
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>> No.5248028

I thought I had never seen that cover before.

>> No.5248093

Are you being ironically edgy or are you just reactionary?

It's fine if your the latter, but you might get some shit for it here.

>> No.5248108

OP's pic is a cookie-cutter red pill shelf.

>> No.5248331

>I'm a half virgin

u wot

>> No.5248547

>dat shelf

I admit OP, I kekked.

>> No.5248567

The owner of that shelf is probably on a bunch of different government lists because of those William Pierce and HAC books.

>> No.5248573

Urban dictionary definition:
>"Some-one who has 'fooled around', eg. oral sex, giving/recieving, been fingered etc, not full intercourse"

>> No.5248630

what did you think of La Place?

>> No.5248673


Felt really outdated in a lot of areas and you could tell Pynchon wrote it in the 70s. I didn't really care about most of the characters towards the end and the ninja nun thing felt bizarre as fuck, is that usual for Pynchon? I recently bought Mason & Dixon and I heard he likes to be as weird as possible in his stories.

>> No.5248996

Is it the only Pynchon you've read?

>> No.5249043
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I stopped buying books. I do not have any more room in the house. And in any case, the library weekly meets my requirements.

> the picture is relevant to what I'm reading this week

>> No.5249065
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I have a lot of books, and just almost doubled my collection when I got my Dad's stuff (he moved, not dead yet, but then there will be even more). So I reshot all my bookshelves recently because I want to make a list. I've got to sell some of this off, but how much time can I spend driving around with boxes of books begging for dollars for them? If you see something you really like let me know and maybe I can send it to you, or even better we can trade.

>> No.5249074
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>> No.5249081

>shelves of paperback books
>pristine, not a single spine creased

Nobody on /lit/ actually reads do they.

>> No.5249089

I rarely crack my spines.

I only do it if the book is rather tense while holding it causing me to strain my hands. I think only around 20% of my books are cracked.

>> No.5249101
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These are in the attic

>> No.5249113
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and these are behind them

>> No.5249165
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I've read about half of my books, and started another 10-15% but didn't finish. Others I've skimmed. Not at all touched about a third of the books on my shelves now. But still I buy more. Most of the ones I don't or haven't read I've been given or found.

>> No.5249213

Why do you have two bibles?

>> No.5249215
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That's my grade school Star Wars Mead binder. It's full of magazine clippings.

>> No.5249225
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Just to be sure. You may have to cross check, right? I probably have more than two.
Here are some paperbacks. I've got a run of National Geo's from the early 60's until now that are behind them on this case.

>> No.5249244

>all that stephen king

He has no discernible talent.

>> No.5249259
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>> No.5249272
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do you like brazilian literature

>> No.5249285

>liking Brazilian anything

>> No.5249291
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I disagree, though I'm only so-so on most of his bokos. I had a job where I had to sit and occasionally press a button, for hours, in mostly dark with a little light, and had to be quiet. So I set out to read all SK chronologically over the summer, and I did. So, done. I also did that with Bulgakov which was better but distracting and couldn't read it at work.

>> No.5249298

>being 12

>> No.5249324


>> No.5249332

>Murakami peeking from the bottom

That better be an English translation, since the Portuguese one sucks dick.

>> No.5249345
File: 1019 KB, 844x1265, L1150324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to throw out some of these older Time/Life series. I don't think anyone will buy them and they don't really even have an aesthetic value.
But...throwing away books? I don't think I can...

>> No.5249357

>being Brazillian

>> No.5249367

yeah it's the english one.
are Murakami's portuguese translations really that bad? jap-pt translators are usually p good, that's a shame.

>> No.5249384

I'm not sure whether the translation is bad or whether Murakami just reads quite a bit better in English. I read both language versions of 1Q84 and both versions of Norwegian Wood, and the English ones were way better.

He seems to have an affinity with the language, I'm not sure.

>> No.5249416
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>> No.5250152

You know they chose the term "Books" over "Literature" because they were too lazy to change the font size. Lame.

>> No.5250256

>Bilbo le hobbit

Holy fuck why can't I stop laughing

>> No.5250329
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>> No.5250342
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>> No.5250343
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>> No.5250345
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shelf dedicated for mericunts

>> No.5250347

>World War Z
>books based on video games
My sides

>> No.5250351
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>> No.5250356
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>> No.5250358

not good gravity raonbow you need good one

>> No.5250361

no. penguin deluxe is just fine. thanks though. friend.

>> No.5250366
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>> No.5250370

>Anonymous 43 seconds ago No.5250361 >>5250358
>no. penguin deluxe is just fine. thanks though. friend.

no but it has eror no good

>> No.5250382
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>> No.5250397

>some chick

>> No.5250399
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Needs updating but I've got a broken foot and can't stand to take the pictures

>> No.5250414

>no crack in spine
>haven't even read it yet and says it's "just fine"

>> No.5250416
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Also, I'll be stopping by a bookstore today, anyone care to give any recommendations?

I'll try to get American Pastoral and The Corrections, will I lose a lot if I get them in portuguese? I doubt there'll be english versions in my local bookstore

>> No.5250450

The errors are a myth like Holden raping is sister, stop spreading these may-may's, infidel.

>> No.5250454

Me recomenda umas coisas dos anos 70 em diante, por favor, eu simplesmente não consigo escapar dos autores clássicos quando tento achar algo e eu não conheço absolutamente nada de literatura brasileira.

>> No.5250478

where the fuck did you find translated Pynchon in brazil? I always have a hard time finding his books, and to this day I've only seen english paperbacks. Are the translations any good? I wonder how his writing looks like in portuguese.

excellent bookshelf btw, would be friends with/10

>> No.5250483

translations a shit

>> No.5250501

Ah well, I'll reply in english. Against the Day is the best one, but it's kinda expensive, though you'll always find it in online sales (that's how I got mine). V. is ok as well, I've found it for 10 bucks in a used bookstore in Rio, and the news are, if you are in Rio, they have piles of it, it's somewhere near Palácio do Catete, but I don't remember the name of the street.

Haven't read Mason & Dixon yet, I just stole it from a Leitura in Belo Horizonte, if you're here, they still have another one, 70 bucks I think.

Also, thanks :3

>> No.5250517
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they could have just called it /lit/, right?

>> No.5250521

nope, it's confirmed. check yourself.

>> No.5250527

no, that won't be necessary. thanks though. friend.

>> No.5250530
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sry. these were out of frame. pls forgiv

>> No.5250542

No, because >>>/lit/ hasn't had any defining moments.

>> No.5250546
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>> No.5250552
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alas, that is true

>> No.5250559

Do you have a fucking Hogwards admission letter?

>> No.5250577
File: 1.16 MB, 837x1488, L1150309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's Caesars will that Brutus read to everyone. I'll take a shot of the text when I get home if you want.

>> No.5250589

Sorry, the Owl confused me.

Also, if you're into art History, you should definitely check Gombrich and Belting

>> No.5250591

I pity your obstinacy
>muh deluxe edition
>there can't be any errors, it's DELUXE!!
>hey look, it even has deckle edges
>"Your task in dreams is often to pens"
>to pens???
>wow gravity's rainbow so difficult much esoteric
>impossible to comprehend but I'll pretend to understand anyway

>> No.5250600

wait actually never mind I forgot this is /lit/ and no one actually reads and this thread is just for show

>> No.5250603
File: 178 KB, 800x948, 1406546096513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, you're a faggot. someone weaker than you should rape you. cunt-lips, please kill yourself.

>> No.5250610

swans. nice.

>> No.5250618
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>> No.5250626

Cara eu tenho o mesmo problema, eu gosto muito de literatura contemporânea, e tenho a impressão de que ela é bem fraca no Brasil, ou eu que sou preconceituoso, ou desinformado, ou ambos.

Dos anos 70 pra frente, o que eu posso te recomendar são os livros do Milton Hatoum, todos são muito bons, e ele tem um estilo diferente, não é aquela coisa excessivamente cheia de brasilidade. Fora do Brasil tem os africanos e portugueses, também muito bons, que vale bem a pena ler: Mia Couto ("Terra Sonâmbula" e "Um Rio Chamado Tempo, uma Casa Chamada Terra"), Valter Hugo Mãe ("nosso reino" e "a máquina de fazer espanhóis", o resto achei muito enjoativo).

>> No.5250631

marry me

>> No.5250636
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>> No.5250640
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It's an Eagle. Was a prop for a production of JC. The text inside starts off correct, but the propmaster got a little creative, forcing the asshole that was playing Brutus at the time to speak his lines while looking at the scroll and pretending to read.

>> No.5250644
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>> No.5250655
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>> No.5250661

lol I will sodomize you and face-fuck you, pleb

>> No.5250667

no bullying, this is a friendly zone.

>> No.5250681

sodomy and face fuck is the same thing, retard. i fucked your mom so hard last night she cried, loooooooool

>> No.5250689

I thought this was /lit/
that's a line from Carmen 16
mfw /lit/ isn't even slightly literary

>> No.5250693

case in point
it's like summer in here...

>> No.5250698

I don't watch tv, nigger, what the fuck is carmen 16

>> No.5250703

Only Gravity's Rainbow and TCOL49 are hard to find.

Gravity's Rainbow, Against the Day and Mason & Dixon were translated by the best translator we have in Brazil. They are great. Inherent Vice is great as well. V is decent/good. I haven't read Vineland, but a friend told me it's p good.

Why did you read Dostoyevsky in english?

>> No.5250707

post your books then fgt, i did, i bet you don't even know George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, pleb faaggit, i bet you like Chuck Palahniuk, don't you? hahahahha, kill youself.

>> No.5250708

do you call it Michael Gojira?

>> No.5250722

Gozado que eu não tinha pensado nisso, procurar luso-africanos e portugueses. Bom conselho, vou atrás.

Eu acho que a produção contemporânea artística de modo geral é muito preocupada com esse fantasma da brasilidade, e eu vejo que isso fazia muito sentido entre o modernismo e o neo-concretismo, meio que uma tentativa de afirmar uma voz brasileira num mundo em crescimento, mas acho que virou um cavalo morto de lá pra cá, e a única importância que existe nisso é a importância atribuída pelxs produtorxs.

Infelizmente, essxs produtorxs são o establishment das artes em geral, e nem dá pra esperar essa galera morrer, porque obviamente xs artistas mais jovens compram a ideia pra tentar entrar no mercado.

Because they cost me 10 bucks each on some sale.

Also replying to >>5250703 , IV is Against the Day level, and they're both very easy to find.

>> No.5250734
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>> No.5250737

> George Ivanovich Gurdjieff
my sides


>> No.5250738

Yes. I cuddle with it too pretending it's mister Gira while listening to this.

>> No.5250753

>Manhandling your possessions

Disappear from my sight, you vagrant oaf.

>> No.5250762


>>5250703 aqui. Eu também comprei o V. nesse sebo no Rio.

Dizem que o último livro do Daniel Galera é muito bom. Meu irmão tem, mas nunca li.

>> No.5250764

my sides, loool, such pleb taste, you don't belong here buddy.

>> No.5250769

thats a great picture.

>> No.5250783

Eu inclusive tava tentando reencontrar o site desse sebo no Rio, a sacola que tinha o endereço desapareceu.

Será você sabe pelo menos o endereço deles?

>> No.5250787
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fantano comment. LAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWL!

>> No.5250792

Beta de Aquarius. Rua Buarque de Macedo, 72

>> No.5250794

Muitíssimo obrigado.

>> No.5250838
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>> No.5250850
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>> No.5250861
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>> No.5250876
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>> No.5250886
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Kinda going for a Latin/Greek classics section

>> No.5250893

Thanks I go to college for photography

>> No.5250896
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>> No.5250903
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>> No.5250904

Did you like Good Omens?

>> No.5250914
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>> No.5250923
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>> No.5250932
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>> No.5250939
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And finally

>> No.5250995

not everything has to be perfect, you autistic neckbeard.

>> No.5251022

These threads I find to be better than recommendation threads.

You can just see what's on people's shelves and judge by their other books and how used they look if they are worth looking into.

>> No.5251066
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Pretty good stuff bro.

>> No.5251078

Well someone was an American high school student...

>> No.5251102

As opposed to not going to High School?

>> No.5251121

Or, you know, not being American.

>> No.5251132

>Those folio society Greek Myths

>> No.5251367
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>Bilbo Le Hobbit

>> No.5251405

gay communist

>> No.5251587
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>mfw i'm the only cultured individual in the entire thread. fuck you, philistine scum!

>> No.5251802
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Bracing for impact.

>> No.5251812
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why do you even need paper books

to wipe your arse with

>> No.5251823

Generation Kill bails you out.

>> No.5251827

>charled m. shulz

>> No.5251842
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Some people prefer physical copies so they can look intellectual while reading in public.

>> No.5251843

Oh good grief

>> No.5251849

>reading in public

>> No.5251879

I like to read during long trips by train and bus, what's wrong with that?

>> No.5251889

>ultra fuckers
>I knocked up satans daughter

Curious. Please elaborate.

>> No.5251986
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>muh spines

This stupid fucking meme has conditioned me to feel anxious about uncracked spines on my bookshelves because I worry that people who see them will think I'm a poser. So when I read I purposely strain the spine so that it will crack, even though only shitty bindings like Penguin normally crack on a natural first readthrough.

>> No.5252078

Haha. I put an effort avoiding spine cracks and thumb impressions.

>> No.5252089


>This stupid fucking meme has conditioned me to feel anxious about uncracked spines on my bookshelves because I worry that people who see them will think I'm a poser.

PROTIP: If you've allowed a meme that you yourself consider fucking stupid to condition you to the point of anxiety then you are a poser.

>> No.5252141

Yeah, I know I'm a poser, but I don't want other people to know.

>> No.5252148


The struggle is real.

>> No.5252149

what would katya say if she walked into your room and saw your bookshelf?

>> No.5252188

I don't know, I don't know her. Does she even speak English? Or maybe we could communicate in French, the language of romance...

>> No.5252236

>tfw bookshelf is too pathetic to post

>> No.5252242

This is a really comfy bookshelf

>> No.5252249
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> tfw moved recently out of my parent's house so i no longer have a bookshelf

>> No.5252260

>tfw felt weird one day and donated every book I owned to the library
I don't remember what i was thinking

>> No.5252271
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>tfw still live at my parents house but they wont buy me a bookshelf
I'll post my bookpile if they ever buy me a phone or camera

>> No.5252299

I was thinking, can I go to a library out of town, register a card with a cheap fake ID, take out 50 books and never return them? I could go library hopping and save mad money

>> No.5252320
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Jesus, anon...How old are you?

>> No.5252349

Opa, na esperança de essa thread ainda estar na ativa quando eu voltasse. Comprei Cinzas do Norte do Hatoum

>> No.5253186

I don't think they're that bad by themselves. Okay, I'm probably just trying to justify the fact that my gf keeps a few around the house.

>> No.5253313

I can't read Portuguese, but I had to read the Posthumous Memoirs as an undergrad and fell in love with Machado de Assis.

>> No.5253348

I'm beginning to believe that the pens line is the only error in the Deluxe Edition.

>> No.5253372

I don't know why, but I hate the SF Masterworks spines. I wish Dangerous Visions wasn't only available through them.

>> No.5253395


Those are just skulls I found over the years (except the alligator head, that was a gift) when I was younger. That whole top of my shelf is pretty much just nostalgia/absurdity.

It's okay to like skulls anon.

>> No.5253730
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I just took out Dangerous Visions at the library yesterday. What am I in for?

>> No.5253775
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>> No.5253777
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>> No.5253780
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>> No.5253786
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I forgot to number them, oh well. 4/5

>> No.5253793

Haha looks like you've read Finny's Wake a million times.

>> No.5253795
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>> No.5253799

There is no apostrophe.

>> No.5253801

what a pathetic manchild

>> No.5253860

I laughed

>> No.5253866


love hina > that pleb trash

>> No.5253873

It's also not called Finny's Wake.

>> No.5253900

>growing up

>> No.5253901

Used books tend to look used.

>> No.5253903

Yeah I know but I still like this more.

>> No.5253905

There is nothing wrong with growing up.
There is however something extremely wrong with acting like a child while still living at home with your parents, without a job, or an education.

>> No.5253906

It looks like it's never been read, tard.

>> No.5253910

I meant what I said.

>> No.5253913

> Not still following your childhood dreams, and always caring about fun
Go to bed gramps

>> No.5253916

Most of the books there are only read once because I do all of my day to day reading using eBooks.

>> No.5253917

Children have dreams of being independent, successful, and happy.

Not to be a failure, jobless, autistic, lonely, and depressed manchild.

>> No.5253921

> a failure, jobless, autistic, lonely, and depressed manchild.
None of which have anything to do with having a small collection of a single manga collection at the bottom of a bookshelf. Why do you hate people having hobbies you don't?

>> No.5253926

> a small collection of a single manga series
is what I meant to say

>> No.5253960


What child has dreams of 'being successful'?

I know folk who as kids had dreams of being firemen and cops and scientists and such, but the whole idea of being a successful person was kind of beyond them at that point. You sure you aren't just retrospectively projecting your own desires onto what you as a child wanted??

>> No.5255455

I've only read of few of the stories in it so far. (I've been reading an anthology of golden age SF trying to kind of see how the genre has changed over the years). But so far it's been pretty alright Philip K. Dick and Philip Jose Farmer are awesome. But holy shit I wish Ellison would just shut up and let me read the stories.

>> No.5255479

Why is it always Negima! I swear, from bookshelf threads this has to be the best selling manga of all time.

>> No.5257063

nearly picked up the 2nd hand oresteia trilogy the other week but it was nearly falling apart. it killed me to see the title, and then to have to let it go

>> No.5257113
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>> No.5257119
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>> No.5257127
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>> No.5257133
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the most important bits

>> No.5257138
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more important bits

>> No.5257144
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>> No.5257151
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>> No.5257153


Anon, please rec me some books on Japanese History/Culture/Literature/Generalities.
I already have my ticket for next summer. Im learning the language too. I would really appreciate it.

>> No.5257154

do me a favor and tell your dad he's a pleb before he dies

>> No.5257155
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>> No.5257163
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All of those things? More than contemporary, right? gimme a bit

>> No.5257171


>More than contemporary, right?

Yeah, if you can. Would appreciate it.

>> No.5257172

>including Nabokov with the Russians

you know he was American, right?

>> No.5257178
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>> No.5257180

Dude, you seriously live for these threads. Why not go back to reading your books? I know you've said you've only read somewhere around 1/6 of them.

>> No.5257189

>all that Ouspensky

Are you a nut, man?

You seem interesting

>> No.5257198

The last person I met that had a full collection of the Left Behind series on his bookshelf got really drunk while wearing a fedora and trying to offer me a sales job. He then kept telling me about how literally all Christians are evil, and there were never any evil atheists ever, because they are all more ethically sound. I kept trying to get him to tip his fedora, but he wouldn't do it, and he didn't get the joke.

Growing up in hyper-religious households can really throw some people off I think.

>> No.5257200

When have I said that? I've read a third of what I own - and I've read many hundreds that I don't own, because the majority of what I read is too expensive and out of print to want to buy. And my uni library will order it for free.

already finished two books today tho, anon. I live for reading - it's my job now too!

>> No.5257210

You have an academic's book shelf.

>> No.5257214

How are Eco's novels? I've only ever read his lit crit essays.

>> No.5257229

Holy shit, my grandfather used to have the full collection of those classic novels you have. Most of them are abridged, but they're really neat copies. My grandpa had to get rid of them because of mold, but I really enjoyed reading those as a kid.

>> No.5257231

It definitely is; I've looked into it a lot. I would still recommend getting a different version though, the cover kind of looks gross after a couple of years

>> No.5257234

>some people's library on /lit/ is just one bookshelf
>i'm debating with people who own 15 books

Are you 14 or what? I knew I shouldn't waste my time with kids.

>tfw i have like 3000 books

>> No.5257240

>thinking that jstor is even remotely enjoyable to use.

top kek

>> No.5257249

I don't know how much time you're planning for them, but since you said next year:

>culture & generalities
A Hundred Years of Japanese Film by Donald Richie
Japanese Tales, ed. by Royall Tyler
The World of the Shining Prince by Ivan Morris
Ukiyo-E: 250 Years of Japanese Art (the one by Frederick Harris may be easier to find - something on ukiyo-e though)
A Taste of Japan by Richie (bit out of date, but mostly relevant)
don't really know how into it you want to get, but Sources of Japanese Tradition, both volumes, are recommended, but you might feel like skipping around to the bits that interest you

Shuichi Kato has a great history of Japanese lit, but I think it might not appeal to people who aren't studying it. How deep would you like to go - university presses fine? I don't know much for the general read in this.
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature by Keene

That's because I am one - in Japanese literature, if it wasn't sorta obvious.

>> No.5257262

Do you know where you are? You seem very confused

>> No.5257268

oh right, that Rhimer book, A Reader's Guide to Japanese Literature, is also a good introductory one, but I think it may be hard to find. Richie did Japanese Literature Reviewed, which is similar.

hold up for history, though I'm not strong in that area

>> No.5257272


Thank you a lot. This seems like enough for now. You're godsend, anon.

>> No.5257277

/lit/ always say "start with the Greeks" but no one has a single Greek book in sight

plebs gotta pleb

>> No.5257278

Alright then! You get history with all those anyway, especially the tradition books.

>> No.5257279

>hold up for history, though I'm not strong in that area

Oh there's more? This is like christmas. I'll wait as long as I have to, reading candide now as I do.

>> No.5257287


Ok. Thanks, again. Btw have you lived in Japan?

>> No.5257306

No, some of my other hobbies conflict with laws in Japan, so I'm not sure I'll ever permanently live there.

Where are you visiting while there?

>> No.5257323

>people make me feel insecure about my own intelligence when I see them reading in public

this is why I read in public, to intimidate the plebs. sometimes I go to my local Taco Bell and I just sit and read, never buying anything of course, that food is fucking disgusting, I just silently mock the uncultured swine who shop there by bathing in my own intellect. "what's that boy doing there? reading? grr, I wish I did that. oh yes, I will have one shit taco to go please"

And you know what the big secret is? I'm actually reading for FUN! I ENJOY it! It's not even hard to read you retarded fucks, you could probably do it too if you weren't all so fucking stupid!

>> No.5257340


>Where are you visiting while there?

The trip is a month long. My partner hasnt yet made up her mind as to where she wants to stay, but she has friend with some living space in Osaka.

>> No.5257352


>the da vinci code


>> No.5257383
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By the way can somebody tell me which one to go with next? (Haven't touched any of these.)

>> No.5257411

Not many good books there...

I suggest one of the Kafkas, or Tolstoy.

>> No.5257418


>> No.5257441

Either of the Vonnegut books, Invitation to a Beheading or A Farewell To Arms

>> No.5257442

Woman in the Dunes or Invitation to a Beheading.

>> No.5257455
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>surprised by Ouspensky
>not by Gurdjieff
what the fuck man?

>> No.5257548

You should really branch out more man, take a fucking step forward and drop the King.

>> No.5257991

Crowley and David Icke are hilarious. The tao of physics crap is stuff left here by my friend that posts spirit science on facebook and drinks too much.

>> No.5258134

Are all David Icke's books about reptilians? Which one should I read to get a decent overview of what he believes?

>> No.5258532

Yes, yes they are. The best general overview is The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy. He starts off talking about eternal love and vibrations but pretty soon he will tell you in detail how the queen is actually a shape-shifting 5th dimensional illuminati reptile from another planet. His conviction is astounding.

>> No.5258538

Sure man. Save face, so you can keep your namefagginess intact.

>> No.5258569

Yeah dude you caught me. I regularly post excerpts from Liber al vel Legis to show people how bad it is and recommend Icke as "hilarious" because I'm actually a thelemite and a light-worker. Considering I pretty much never get any shit here and the like three times I have it's the same retarded vernacular I'm forced to assume you're the one fuming autist who will never let it go that I said I don't like NEETs without dropping the field.

>> No.5258920

The Ouspensky and Gurdjieff books were my aunts. She had severe schizophrenia. She's dead now.

>> No.5258930

>name is "Nabakov"

>> No.5258932

dude fuck off

>> No.5258951
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>bilbo le hobbit

>> No.5258954
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make me, faggit.

>> No.5258959

>>5258954 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsyIicCAaB4


>> No.5259085

People who visit me don't know that.

>> No.5260164

E-books lack character. Books are not something that you just read words in. They’re also a tool to adjust your senses. When I’m not feeling well, there are times that I can’t take in what I read. When that happens, I try to think about what could be hindering my reading. There are books that I can take in smoothly even when I’m not feeling well. I try to think why. It might be something like mental tuning. What’s important when you tune is the feeling of paper that you’re touching with your fingers and the momentary stimulation your brain receives when you turn pages.

>> No.5261476

Books lack character. Scrolls are not something that you just read words in. They’re also a tool to adjust your senses. When I’m not feeling well, there are times that I can’t take in what I read. When that happens, I try to think about what could be hindering my reading. There are scrolls that I can take in smoothly even when I’m not feeling well. I try to think why. It might be something like mental tuning. What’s important when you tune is the feeling of parchment that you’re touching with your fingers and the momentary stimulation your brain receives when you unwind a scroll.

>> No.5262190

holy hell dude that's even worse than the turner diaries