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/lit/ - Literature

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5249783 No.5249783 [Reply] [Original]

>get new book
>look at back to see page count
>prime number

>> No.5249821

>get new book
>look at back to see page count
>accidentally read the last word
>book ruined, can't read it now

>> No.5249829
File: 128 KB, 530x600, 1404085580420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get new book
>find a seat
>scan the pages at a rate of 4-5 pages per second
>instantly memorize all of the text
>put book back on shelf
>don't have to pay for any of them ever

>> No.5249838
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>> No.5249856 [DELETED] 

⇒get Tractatus Logico-Philsophicus
⇒look at back to see page count
⇒read last sentence
⇒"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen."
⇒realize that philosophy is dead
⇒don't read the rest of the book
⇒don't read any philosophy at all anymore

RIP philosophy

>> No.5249861
File: 60 KB, 246x245, Keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the last word is "the."

>> No.5249864

>Read new book
>it's blank
>I am the book

>> No.5249868
File: 52 KB, 576x416, 1404216188378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get on /lit/
>stupid blubbering cunt arrows is still posting, even after getting repeatedly btfo in philosophy threads
>this moron actually claimed that the Gilgamesh epic is a Platonic dialogue

>> No.5249902 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 497x640, 1405295954544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

⇒talk to fedora'd Plato fanboy on /lit/
⇒he believes Plato invented the written dialogue
⇒explain to him that even Gilgamesh contained dialogues
⇒in his illiteracy he misunderstands my post
⇒actually believes I said Gilgamesh was only written in dialogue form
⇒mfw philosotards in charge of abstraction
⇒mfw philosotards in charge of verbal comprehension

>> No.5249910

>not being a native speaker on English
top pleb

>> No.5249914

Such is the life of a neurochemical Overman

>> No.5249939 [DELETED] 

⇒being a monolingual americlap

What mistake did I make?

>> No.5249944

>>not being a native speaker on English
Native English speaking is life on easy mode.

>> No.5249972

I never said you made a mistake. You ever hear what they say about assuming? You make an "ass" out of "u" and "me."

>> No.5249981

are you a computer? i'm a maths undergrad and i don't know any prime numbers past 29 (maybe 37? 41? 83? 113 seems prime too)

>> No.5250007 [DELETED] 

There are only finitely many prime numbers.

>> No.5250010

that's not proven, is it.

>> No.5250016

what's proven is that there is an infinite amount of prime numbers. he's a liar and a troll

>> No.5250019

Some people are really good at guessing properties of numbers. Look at this anecdote about Srinivasa Ramanujan told by Hardy:
"I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. "No", he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways."
It's blatantly false. They are infinite.

>> No.5250022 [DELETED] 

It's experimentally proven. They give you a million dollars for finding a new prime number but nobody finds it.

>> No.5250033 [DELETED] 

Infinity is not a number.

>> No.5250038

How do they prove it's prime? If I say 977558785957957857857 is a prime number do they just have to take my word for it?

>> No.5250044 [DELETED] 

977558785957957857857 is obviously not prime. It's divisible by 44120653391

>> No.5250046


>> No.5250050

>Being this 3rd grade level in math

Do you know what a prime number is?

>> No.5250051

>They give you a million dollars for finding a new prime number but nobody finds it.
Where can I cash in if I find one?

>> No.5250063

A number divisible only by 1 and itself.

>> No.5250066

Any prime number can be expressed as either 4n+1 or 4n-1 when n is any natural number.

>> No.5250067

>math is super srs guys
>imaginary concepts
>irrational numbers
>could literally pull numbers out of my ass and be considered the next greatest mathematician

>> No.5250068

>checking out books to read
>300 or more pages

>> No.5250069

there are algorithms for that. your example is a small example and you can use software for verifying it: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=is+977558785957957857857+prime.. for bigger numbers there are slower methods
i don't think they give a million dollars for new primes. there are problems you can solve and get a million dollars for (millennium prizes), but i think the prime numbers thing gives you less money (http://www.mersenne.org/))

>> No.5250070


>> No.5250076


apparently from the Clay Mathematic institute

>> No.5250077


I think my understanding of the English language is far superior to that of most native speakers. Such is patrician life.

>> No.5250079 [DELETED] 


>> No.5250092 [DELETED] 

You're intellectual intelligence is far lesser superior than that of my own.

>> No.5250094

how is that grammatically possible

>> No.5250097

Godel did it.

>> No.5250104


Sir, cease your gratuitous mockery unless you can indicate mistakes in my post.

>> No.5250105

i think there may be money in prime numbers since the military can use it for encryption but maybe that's bullshit, just from the back of my head

>> No.5250106

It's not. I just felt that posting that pic along with nonsense would perk me up.

It did.

>> No.5250113

there's money
>$50,000 to the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 1,000,000 decimal digits (awarded Apr. 6, 2000)
>$100,000 to the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 10,000,000 decimal digits (awarded Oct. 22, 2009)
>$150,000 to the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 100,000,000 decimal digits
>$250,000 to the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 1,000,000,000 decimal digits
from https://www.eff.org/awards/coop

>> No.5250118

So what you're saying is, it isn't possible to end a sentence with "the"?

>> No.5250124


Shit, that's a lot of cash. I wish I was an intelligent computer scientist.

>> No.5250125

And so on.
Furthermore the +1 number group can be expressed as the sum of two squares ((2^2)+(3^2)=13 for example) but the -1 group cannot.

I don't know if that helps.

>> No.5250129


I'm not that guy, but that makes sense. Thanks!

>> No.5250130

I think it is, actually, if you use the concept in a quote like I did. Otherwise I'm not sure either way. The strictest grammar rules would say no, but who says I have to be strict?

>> No.5250133

What the.

>> No.5250134

Not him but tbh $250,000 is nothing in this day and age.

>> No.5250136

Hm, yes, so what you're saying is:
And so on and so on. Interesting.

>> No.5250140


Well, true, but it sounds like easy cash if you're really intelligent. But I guess it probably isn't.

>> No.5250145

prime numbers are used in generating pseudorandom number generators, so they probs get some use in cryptology, but it's not like they're hard to find, at least with the small ones (and with how fast processors are now, small isn't actually that small) you can easily generate shit tons of them

>> No.5250161

2 is prime you fucking dumbass

what you've said is trivially true for all other primes because it's true for all odd numbers and all primes other than 2 are odd

please be trolling

>> No.5250167

It doesn't work that way because you're doubling it. All primes are odd except for 2, and any odd number doubled is even.

>> No.5250177 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 344x355, 1403741070459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a smart guy.

>> No.5250178

Finnegans Wake does that.
>implying Joyce didn't know grammar better than you

>implying Finnegans Wake has an ending

>> No.5250183

You said any prime number can be expressed this way? I'm definitely not a math which but at a quick glance it appears your method skips over 11.

>> No.5250188

cannot be expressed as the sum of two squares:
21=1+20(not square)
21=4+17(not square)
21=9+12(not square)
21=16+5(not square)

why are you spreading misinformation, this must be intentional

>> No.5250193


>> No.5250196

Never mind, I was looking at your sample list, didn't realize your were alternating between subtracting and adding one. I'm gonna go remove my foot from my mouth now

>> No.5250198

>first page is number 23 due to foreword and blank pages and publishing shit being counted

>> No.5250204

21 is not prime you dummy

>> No.5250214

Hope /sci/ doesn't see this thread.

>> No.5250218

Its how "Eaters of The Dead" ends. Gets cut off midsentence, because they ran out of usable text to translate.

>> No.5250228

n must be a natural number, fractions aren't natural.

>> No.5250246

okay fine, i'm bad, i'm sorry

why are you tricking /lit/ tho? (w/ the 4n-1 and the 4n+1 stuff, if that was you) they sorta deserve it, this place is filled with some dumbass people, but c'mon man, they're trying to learn.

>> No.5250248

How can I do this?

>> No.5250250
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>> No.5250252 [DELETED] 


Who of you fuckers did this?

>> No.5250263

Noooo, our reputation will be ruined by this!

>> No.5250273

>Implying /lit/ has a reputation that can be ruined
>Implying that any board on 4chan has a reputation that can be ruined.

>> No.5250277


le green jew

>> No.5250283 [DELETED] 

>implying that wasn't the sarcastic joke
>implying you don't have autism

>> No.5250297


Fucking autists.


Euclid prove this shit thousands of years ago.

>> No.5250300

>Implying I don't know that I have autism

>> No.5250325

Are you Tilda Swinton?

>> No.5250335


dude, the point of contention stopped being the existence of infinite primes a bit back, you're not the only one who took discrete

>> No.5250338

The last and the first sentences connect to make the book a circle.

I quite like the wordplay in FWs ending though
" a way a lone a last a loved a long the / riverrun past the.."

>> No.5250362
File: 359 KB, 621x590, 1c7ef579-4615-46db-9a03-ff55dcb75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pirate book over IRC
>Slap that shit onto my chrooted Kindle running Debian via SSH
>Take 5 minutes to choose a decent font
>Start reading
>Constantly watch the % bar
>Get nervous that I am reading too slow or am too distracted
>Never know whether the last 5% of the book is actually part of the book or an appendix or some shit

>> No.5250422

If you actually think imaginary and irrational numbers are ass-pulls, you should really just stick to literature and leave the actually rigorous disciplines to people with the capacity for abstract thought and critical thinking

>> No.5250438

I am(>>5250204)just pointing out the simple mistake, and actually 4x5-1(19) is a prime number and so is 4x6-1(23) and 4x7+1(29). But I know so little of math as anyone here, and that method is probably something used by teachers to teach young children and may not always work.

>> No.5250470

It always works.

>> No.5250471

>literally pull number out of my ass

that's gay

>> No.5250476

That's alot of donuts
and chicken tenders

>> No.5250496

To be honest the only reason I posted it was because I finished that Ogawa novel about the mathematician last night and the formula was on the last page. I know nothing about maths or even just a single math.

>> No.5250508

>taking pride in ignorance of math
this is what is wrong with humanity these days

>> No.5250535

not really, american hegemony seems like a better candidate

>> No.5250537

Are you talking about "the housekeeper and the professor"? Is it good?

>> No.5250545

Who says I'm proud? You're just looking to an easy way to sneer at someone in hopes of an unwarranted sense of superiority. Clearly that simple little novel taught me something about what a prime and natural number is. I also now no that e^(pi)i = -1. I don't know what that means exactly, but I know that i is the square root of -1 so I assume it's expressing some sort of relationship there.

Go fuck yourself. It's cunts like you who yearn for nothing more than smug self assurance that are the problem with this world. Not curious people who love to learn and share in hopes of learning more.

>> No.5250548

>hurr durr the current empire is the problem with ALL OF HUMANITY herp derrrrp
>people exiting formal education without the ability to deal with simple math is not a problem derpy herp

wow you're an idiot

protip: there will always be a cultural hegemon

>> No.5250549
File: 29 KB, 260x506, 0b9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a single math.
>u mad breh

>> No.5250558

Yes. It wasn't bad. It's an easy read, but I feel there was some stuff going on beneath the surface that I didn't pick up on, because it's embedded in the significance of numbers and formulas I don't fully understand. Sort of like if Hemingway was a Japanese woman who wrote a story about math and baseball instead of fishing and bullfighting.

>> No.5250560

well yeah but america's doing bad things with it

i never said either of those things, but if you had to try and say what the biggest problem in the world is, i'd say it's american hegemony, there is no "problem w/ humanity"

and yeah, i mean, who the fuck needs to know that there are infinite primes, if people understand compound interest (not that they do) they're basically fine

>> No.5250562

you are literally trotting out your ignorance for show-and-tell and going "welp, check it out, I don't know what it means... but, uh, math!"

here's a pointer: try actually taking some fucking math classes, or reading something that isn't literary fiction now and then.

did you know that khanacademy exists, and you literally have zero excuse for being an ignorant pile of shit?

>> No.5250569

Protip: there isn't even cultural hegemony now.

>> No.5250574

all hegemons do bad things with it. crack a fucking history book now and then, christ.

there most certainly is a problem with humanity, and it's people's willingness to accept their own ignorance instead of striving towards knowledge. that "hurr durr who needs to know math lol wat use is it derp" attitude is a hallmark symptom of the disease that will doom us all: willful ignorance.

>> No.5250576

I literally was exaggerating my ignorance of math for comedic effect. No surprise a humorless math need is too autistic to pick up on that.

>> No.5250597

I'm pretty sure the biggest problem with humanity is all the arrogant cunts who are convinced that everyone but them are the biggest problem with humanity. Want a sure way to improve the world? Take a look at the man in the mirror and make a change. I'd start with a little patience and compassion for those less knowledgable than you.

>> No.5250602


this is maybe the dumbest thing I've read in 2014

>> No.5250606

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.5250611
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>> No.5250613

patience and compassion for those less knowledgeable has led to exactly one thing - WILLFUL IGNORANCE

in case you weren't paying attention earlier, THAT'S THE PROBLEM

but go ahead and keep insisting that the willful ignorance of you, most of the fucks in this thread, and most of the world at large isn't holding humanity back. stick your head in the sand as far as it will go and just pretend as hard as you can that the problem doesn't exist. hope you suffocate down there.

>> No.5250619

well yes, but guess who the hegemon is now? it's america. it's not like i long for the days when england was fucking everyone over, but ya know, maybe some day things can be better, and american hegemony is the current manifestation of the problems the world suffers

if there is a problem with humanity, it's that we aren't teleological in origin, but we are teleological in our thinking, so we get sad when the material constraints of our existence and our brains fuck up our plans

also are you fucking sixteen, do you really think the most important thing in life is to be smart


>> No.5250624

You're clearly ignorant of cultural theory. Nothing is reproduced perfectly in praxis. Even when a culture spreads it mutates and changes to fit into localities. Hegemony is a myth invented by the powerful to create the illusion of greater power.

>> No.5250634
File: 730 KB, 500x150, 1407274790733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you

>> No.5250639

There is a difference between retarded trolling and making an obvious self-deprecating joke. Another nuance apparently lost on the math idiot-savant autist.

>> No.5250642

he's probably not even that good at math

>> No.5250646

No, it leads to you teaching them because they don't assume everyone who knows about math is a arrogant prick who learns solely for the sake of feeling superior.

You're a sad lonely person I'm willing to bet.

>> No.5250665
File: 24 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still doing damage control


>act like a girl on 4chan
>still universally loathed
>whereas the dude who played feminister at least had somewhat of a following

>> No.5250670

>do you really think that the most important thing in life is to be smart
jesus fucking christ I can't even believe you actually typed this sentence

anti-intellectualism is a blight on the species and people who truly think there is anything more important to humanity than attaining knowledge is a fucking moron. we'd do better as a species if they were all executed, honestly

>> No.5250683

you are clearly ignorant of what hegemony is

hint: it's exactly what you described

>> No.5250690

>no no I swear I know it looks like I was being retarded but I was only joking, honest

>> No.5250692

No, it isn't. Read a book.

>> No.5250711

Give me a proof proving that:

>people who truly think there is anything more important to humanity than attaining knowledge is a fucking moron

and I will believe you. I'm not being anti-intellectual, I'm trying to learn by asking you.

>> No.5250712

>ur makin me feel inferior for my ignorance stop it
have you tried not being willfully ignorant? you'd be less likely to assume people are trying to feel superior

the fact that you actually get "trying to feel superior" out of what i'm posting underscores the problem - you are unwilling to recognize that your dearth of knowledge regarding mathematics is a bad thing

all you fucks, you keep bringing in this special snowflake attitude, this implication that it's okay for you to willfully remain ignorant of things that you literally have zero excuse not to know, and that people who point out your shortcomings are being arrogant

truthfully it is the height of arrogance to repackage one's flaws as strengths and claim that there is nothing wrong, but I wouldn't expect any of you deluded fucks to get that

>> No.5250717

This thread has been a roller-coaster.

>> No.5250718
File: 51 KB, 370x370, Tips Drawn Fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-intellectualism is a blight on the species and people who truly think there is anything more important to humanity than attaining knowledge is a fucking moron. we'd do better as a species if they were all executed, honestly

>> No.5250720

/sci/ here. Looked up your storybook in 2 seconds of google searching. I couldn't believe someone would write something so trivial and pass it off as illuminating or mysterious.


Oh how wrong I was. Shit like this is the reason I don't read storybooks.

>> No.5250725

in fact it is

hegemony is cultural dominance - elements of the dominant culture taking root in local spaces is cultural dominance

i swear, how the fuck do you manage to breathe

>> No.5250730

Why are you so willfully ignorant of the convention of capitalization?

>> No.5250731 [DELETED] 

What's the matter, butthurt fag? You got rekt in the other thread and you got rekt in this ITT again. It's time to stop posting. Or do you really crave the embarrassment?

>> No.5250732

oh my god, i really hope this kind of thing makes you groan someday

>> No.5250741

>this implication that it's okay for you to willfully remain ignorant of things that you literally have zero excuse not to know
Nice to meet you, King of The Universe.

>> No.5250742

this is exactly what i'm talking about

"oh look at me! look at how i casually disdain the only important pursuit humanity engages in! LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME"

>> No.5250743

>Acts like
>The who played

>Can't tell a Feminister post when he sees one

>> No.5250747

capitalization is utterly useless when sentences are separated by line breaks, the whole fucking point of it is so that you can tell when sentences start or emphasize the importance of something, and neither of those was going on

(i'm not that guy, but i have strong feelings on the topic)

>> No.5250748

Before you get all worked up, can you please explain to us why it's so important? I'm not trying to be combative. I'd just like to know.

>> No.5250749 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mzb7pxGv2R1tpinreo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only important pursuit humanity engages in

>> No.5250751

>rigidly following the handbook of style
>on 4chan

>> No.5250756
File: 926 KB, 227x200, Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh look at me! look at how i casually disdain the only important pursuit humanity engages in! LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME"
pure gold

>> No.5250760

are you serious?

why is the pursuit of knowledge important?

like, seriously, do you fucking think before you type or do you just let your hands flail in whatever way feels comfortable?

>> No.5250770

Name one thing that's objectively more important than expanding the collective knowledge of humanity.

I'll go ahead and save you a lot of time: you can't.

>> No.5250775

are YOU serious?

why would you not respond to him asking an honest question?

like, seriously, do you fucking think before you type or do you just let your hands flail in whatever way tips your fedora best?

>> No.5250778

I just think it looks nice, regardless of the original reasons it was used for.

Not using capitalization makes you look like a moron, so it's more than that. It's harder for me to stop capitalizing actually, because I'm used to doing so when I write.

>> No.5250782

feeding poor people
ending war
generally reducing suffering

>> No.5250789 [DELETED] 

⇒Name one thing that's objectively more important than expanding the collective knowledge of humanity.


>> No.5250791

Why do you think I disagree with you? It seems like you can't give a reason. That's pretty willfully ignorant.

>> No.5250800

Suddenly, I like you.

>> No.5250803

>Name one thing that's objectively more important than expanding the collective knowledge of humanity.
Being able to use that knowledge wisely and morally.

>> No.5250809

Hooooooooooly shit this thread.

So many people taking pride in not knowing things and so many people trivializing the search for truth.

This thread is making me very sad. Most of you are awful human beings.

>> No.5250811 [DELETED] 

social acceptance

Do I have to go on with my list?

>> No.5250814

All of these problems are solved by... wait for it...

...the expansion of the collective knowledge of humanity.

Whoops, looks like you're a dumb bitch!

>> No.5250815 [DELETED] 

What's your level of education?

>> No.5250816

Why are we awful human beings?

>> No.5250819

oh wow, you're a libertarian too
god, it keeps getting worse

so it has instrumental value, therefore isn't the most important thing, learn a thing or two dumbshit

>> No.5250821

>look at me i'm so cool hurr durr i have so little control over myself that i can't stop myself from hitting the shift button isn't that cool herp derpy derrrrrp

>> No.5250828

All incorrect.

>> No.5250836

truly u r the gratest thinker whoever lived

>> No.5250837
File: 991 KB, 500x252, You Don't Know What You're Talking About.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5250839

The intrinsic value of knowledge far outweighs the intrinsic value of everything else.

The problems you raised cannot be solved without knowledge. It is therefore more important to attain knowledge than to end world hunger because without the former you cannot do the latter.

Learn a thing or two, dumbshit.

>> No.5250842 [DELETED] 


Lol no. Not every capitalist is libertarian. For someone who claims to prioritize knowledge as the highest good you are pretty ignorant of economics and politics.

>> No.5250843

Can you explain to me the intrinsic value of knowledge?

>> No.5250844

Correct - none of those posters knew what they were talking about.

>> No.5250846

the first part is an assertion you didn't justify, the second relies on fallacious logic, jesus christ you're fucking terrible

you are literally fourteen

>> No.5250848 [DELETED] 

Knowledge is a spook. Socrates proved that you cannot know nuthin.

>> No.5250849

If you don't know that it means then you didn't learn anything.

>> No.5250858

Get out.

>> No.5250884 [DELETED] 

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5250888

Getting strange.

>> No.5250899

Bonbun pls go

>> No.5250901
File: 5 KB, 204x248, Dr. Johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the collected knowledge of mankind up to this exact point in time was not enough for this thread to turn into a complete cluster.

Way to go, knowledge, no wonder people choose to live in the woods and paint instead of hunching over a petri dish.

>> No.5250906

>mfw I left out a "not"

>> No.5250920

If localities are changing parts of cultural influences to suit their needs rather than those of the influencing culture, it isn't dominance. Besides hegemony implies the influence isn't a two way street and that has never been the case in human history. Even supposed dominate powers are subject to cultural influence from outside. You should probably get over the whole center = influencer periphery = influenced dynamic considering it has been demonstrated by history to be untrue.

>> No.5250946

>If localities are changing parts of cultural influences to suit their needs rather than those of the influencing culture, it isn't dominance.

>Besides hegemony implies the influence isn't a two way street and that has never been the case in human history.
This is a fault with your personal definition of hegemony, not proof that hegemony doesn't exist

>You should probably get over the whole center = influencer periphery = influenced dynamic considering it has been demonstrated by history to be untrue.
Patently untrue.

>> No.5251038

But then he made an "ass" out of "u" and "ming", so unless he's ming he's safe.

>> No.5251046

Care to back up your willful ignorance, chum?

>> No.5251077

I can genuinely read at a rate of about 800wpm and I sometimes sit there for ~30 minutes to read relatively short books.

It's alright, but I prefer reading a book over the course of a few days.

>> No.5251081

>bragging about a reading rate below 1500wpm

>> No.5251113

I am sorry that you are unable to handle being wrong.

There are personal development workshops that can help you get past that and become a more effective person.

>> No.5251130

How can you ruin a book with just the last word?


>> No.5251227

It doesn't.
It describes odd numbers except 1, and every prime number except 2 will necessarily be odd and fall into the formula, but you can't use the formula to find new primes.
In other words, n cannot be "any" natural number, n is "some" natural number and you don't know which beforehand, you can only find that out once you're given a prime.
So mathematically speaking, it's useless.

>> No.5251252


>> No.5251279

/sci/ just did

>> No.5251336

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.5251341

So in other words, no you can't. Cultural theory has advanced a lot since the days of E.B Tylor. Maybe you should look into that instead of putting your hands over your ears and shouting down anything that makes you feel like you don't already have all the answers.

>> No.5251355

A positive integer that has exactly two positive integer divisors.

>> No.5251361

>doesn't understand the practical applications and actual significance of i
>proudly displays ignorance of mathematics like a badge of honor
People like you should be rounded up and put into labor camps or something. We have to make use of idiots somehow

>> No.5251371

I am sorry that you are unable to handle being wrong.

You should really work on that, as it's generally considered a character flaw to act as arrogant as you are while being completely at odds with reality.

>> No.5251374

An a number p in Z is called prime if its only divisors are 1,-1,p,-p.

>> No.5251377

I agree, in a way. I don't understand any more math than he does, but I've got the good grace to be ashamed by that fact.

>> No.5251385

Yeah that's what I keep trying to tell you. It's not enough just to parrot it back though. You have to understand it too.

>> No.5251387

I'm sorry that you are so unable to handle being wrong that you have adopted delusional thinking.

>> No.5251443

Don't worry, it's an ancient /sci/ copypasta. Right up there with triple integrals and lava/ice suns.

>> No.5251481

Suppose there existed finite primes (k of them): {p_1, p_2, ... p_k}
Consider "p_1*p_2* ... *p_k + 1" = A
A > p_i. i=1,2,...,k. This is obvious from above
So A cannot be prime as we have listed all primes (and A > x ==> A=/=x)
Hence A is divisible by a prime (p_i). (I can provide proof if needed)
p_1*p_2* ... *p_k is divisible by p_i.
A - p_1*p_2* ... *p_k = 0.999....
So left hand side is divisible by p_i but clearly 1... isn't.
This is a contradiction. Hence There must be finitely many primes.

>> No.5251697


>> No.5251730

What's the problem with that, amigo?

>> No.5251741

How can I learn to do this? Will I have to use more than 10% of my brain? How can I do that?

>> No.5251744

"my favorite word in the English language is the"

>> No.5251761

Do you accurately recall what you've read?

>> No.5252106

>what is (neo)liberalism

>> No.5252534

Isn't this proof like really, really old?

>> No.5252597

uniting consciousness

>> No.5252657

I left the theater when she packed Infinite Jest in her suitcase and demanded a refund. It was before the 45 minute mark so I got my money back, but I lost a total of $4 on bus fare.

>> No.5252680

Not a cultural practice or example of a culture, that's for sure.

>> No.5252725
File: 16 KB, 291x300, 1330785325516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page numbers on the inside corners
>page ends deliberately uneven
Fuck you Schocken Kafka

>> No.5252763

oh sorry, I thought we were talking about books

>> No.5254012

living in the midwest that's enough to live comfortably in a 1-2 bdr apartment for ten years

>> No.5254048

Shut the fuck up you plebian.

>> No.5254195

In my town there's a place where they let you borrow books for free.

>> No.5254844

Yes, Euclid proved it.

>> No.5254849

>finish reading something long
>pick up thin book
>tiny text
>single line spacing
>no gaps between paragraphs

>> No.5255161

>this thread

Jesus christ what a clusterfuck.

>> No.5255533

Doesnot everybody steel the books?

>> No.5255612
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That condition is satisfied by 1, -1, and -p whenever p also satisfies that condition, so it doesn't match the usual definition of "prime number".

Here's one way to define prime numbers: a prime number is a positive integer with exactly two positive integer divisors.

Here's another, equivalent definition: a prime element of the integers is a nonzero integer p such that:
(1) p is not a unit in the integers, i.e., there is no integer q such that pq = 1. (The only units in the integers are 1 and -1.)
(2) for all integers m and n, if mn is an integer multiple of p, then either m or n (or both) is an integer multiple of p.
A prime number is a positive prime element.

This latter definition might seem more convoluted at first glance, but the notion of "prime element" makes sense in much more general contexts. For example, irreducible polynomials with coefficients in a field are prime elements of the ring of polynomials.

>> No.5255669 [DELETED] 

⇒hurr durr look at me having attended the first week of a first semester algebra course

Did your post serve any purpose other than masturbatory self-adulation? Anon was talking about "prime numbers" and not "prime elements". Although prime numbers happen to be prime elements in Z, they have been known and used historically much earlier, long before the latter concept was known. Anon's definition is the accepted definition of prime numbers and your pseudo-intellectual talk is merely a corollary. And protip: Posting an unrelated "lol so mathy" picture doesn't make you appear any less undergrad tier.

>> No.5255685

You're as bad as he is.

>> No.5255699

I think you missed this line in my post:
>A prime number is a positive prime element.
I defined "prime element" in order to define "prime number". Sure, prime elements are a more modern generalization, but they're useful for seeing how prime numbers fit into the bigger picture.

And the proposed definition "a number p in Z is called prime if its only divisors are 1,-1,p,-p" doesn't agree with the usual definition of prime numbers, as I pointed out; for example, the only divisors of -2 are 1, -1, -2, and 2, and the only divisors of 1 are 1, -1, 1, and -1.

>> No.5255704
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>> No.5255746

I had a friend who would always read the first and last word before starting a book, to get some sort of feel of it. I thought it was nice.

>> No.5255827

This is interesting

>> No.5255833


>> No.5256007


Stop, you're only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5256068

Yes, I forgot to mention in the definition that p is different from +1,-1.

Also p doesn't need to positive.

>> No.5256186

Yeah, he's the one embarassing himself

Not you, no sir, not at all

>> No.5256252

hooooooooooold on
you are supposing that there are finitely many primes in the first line
then going on to prove that there are finitely many primes
so you're assuming that the thing that you're proving is true
>is this maths trolling?

>> No.5256256
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>search for truth

>> No.5256261

or did you mean "hence there must be infinitely many primes"

>> No.5256267


>> No.5256285

The usual definition of "prime number" is restricted to positive integers. If you want to refer to the more general notion that allows negative integers, you should refer to "prime elements". (And if you choose to use nonstandard terminology, don't be surprised when people think you mean something different.)

It shouldn't be phrased as a proof by contradiction in the first place. Euclid's original proof gives an algorithm that takes any finite list of prime numbers as input and gives a prime not on the list as output — it's completely constructive, albeit too computationally inefficient to be useful for finding large primes in practice.

>> No.5256339
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>> No.5256397

is this the real life or is everyone trolling here


>> No.5256399

>so you're assuming that the thing that you're proving is true
There aren't finitely many primes.
>Euclid's original proof gives an algorithm that takes any finite list of prime numbers as input and gives a prime not on the list as output
If you're talking about multiplying a bunch of primes together and then adding one, that doesn't guarantee you getting a prime.

>> No.5256407

I hate how slow of a reader I am. I can usually only get in 30-50 pages an hour.

>> No.5256445

Try reading a math textbook
>8 hours, 3 pages

>> No.5256478 [DELETED] 

⇒>8 hours, 3 pages

What the fuck is wrong with you? I read math books with the same speed as novels.

>> No.5256485

Elementary algebra and trigonometry doesn't count.

>> No.5256501 [DELETED] 

If you spend 8 hours reading 3 pages, then you are simply untalented. Drop math.

>> No.5256518

what are the last 3 math books you have read

>> No.5256524

So you understand proofs and theorems instantly?

>> No.5256546

If you're reading novel sized pages at 15 point font sure.

>> No.5256549 [DELETED] 

I seriously hope this question is a joke. If you don't understand them instantly, then it's time to drop math.

>> No.5256550


thirteen zeros


thirteen zeros

prime number

Sleep tight!

>> No.5256559 [DELETED] 

What the hell are you trying to say?

>> No.5256564

So in an airless room with scuba tanks and a book, you reach for the book?


>> No.5256565


All these are accomplished by collectively expanding the knowledge of humanity.

>> No.5256579

lol, no.

>> No.5256598 [DELETED] 

lol yes

>> No.5256599

>If you don't understand instantly, give up.

>> No.5256611 [DELETED] 

We're talking about math. Math is rigorous and highly competitive, not like your social science or liberal arts degree where you get an award for spouting platitudes.

>> No.5256624

>I dislike what you just say, therefore you major in something I look down on.
lol classic good ol' edgy 4chan.

>> No.5256630

>Math is rigorous
>Give up when you don't get it right away

Pick one.

>> No.5256644 [DELETED] 

It's a matter of IQ. Either you have it or your intelligence isn't smart enough.

>> No.5256655

>your intelligence isn't smart enough.
top kek

>> No.5256657

Yep, confirmed for trolling.

>> No.5256658

>or your intelligence isn't smart enough
my sides

>> No.5256681


You're starting to grow on me, you obnoxious little cretin.

>> No.5256698


>I can read these mathbooks so fast!
>How do I find the derivative again?

Please, leave Mathematics this to the professionals.

>> No.5256706


>Math is rigorous and highly competitive.


AAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAH. Spoken like a true man who has dropped his math degree for a liberal arts degree!

>> No.5256727

For some, math is an intellectual activity to engage in. It's like probing the abstract realities a human mind can conjure (not that much unlike literature, in a sense).

For others, math is a tool. If you want to understand how nature truly works, you use the "language of math" (I kind of hate this expression tbh).

I don't believe the people arguing against math with the "imaginary number"-argument are being serious. No one that ignorant couldn't even put a coherent sentence together...
Many things are "just invented" for no more reason than that they are an extremely useful means to an end.

>> No.5256732 [DELETED] 

Nope. Stay delusional, kid.

You must be really proud of your high school calculus class.

>> No.5256737

Did you read the statements of fermat's last theorem and instantly came up with a proof too?

>> No.5256748 [DELETED] 

Do you disagree with the quoted statement? Top delusion.

No, I don't give a shit about number theory.

>> No.5256771

>Maths is rigourous and competitive.
>Not giving a shit about something in a rigourous and competitive activity.
Top bragging.

>> No.5256774

Are you implying that you would have if you gave a shit?

>> No.5256779


You must be proud of your futile attempt at obtaining a Mathematics degree.


Of course, especially with how broad the field of Mathematics is and what you can do with it.

>B-b-but muh high school math competition that I got highest honours in!

You kids are so cute. :^)

>> No.5256802

It's a troll copypasta from /sci/,

>> No.5256805 [DELETED] 

Come back when you entered university, kid. That is, IF you ever get that far.

>> No.5256823


Yeah, tell me your thoughts after YOU enter college, little man. Your deluded understanding the field is hilarious.

>> No.5256837

You guys sure are intellectual.

>> No.5256846 [DELETED] 

Tell me about your math education. What degrees do you have? What field are you specializing in? Let's hear how many buzzwords you can google.

>> No.5256847

Are the kid at the top of his trigonometry class?

>> No.5256855


>mfw most of my colleagues have switched to Mathematics because it's laid back and easy.

Do people really think it's that competitive?

>> No.5256896 [DELETED] 

What kind of math are you talking about?

>> No.5256952

please address this

>> No.5256959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5256977 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 271x300, richard-scarrys-little-counting-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5256992 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5257158


Undergraduate Mathematics like proofs and real anal.

>> No.5257355 [DELETED] 

This is not a serious answer, right? This is an impersonating troll, right?

>> No.5257360

The page count is never prime because all books have an even number of pages.

>> No.5257390

Except for books with 2 pages, obviously.

>> No.5257393


I'm always a troll.

>> No.5257575

learn to aestheticism mate

>> No.5257597 [DELETED] 

>And then, with his final breathe, he said, "The"

Anything is possible boy

>> No.5257605

>And then, with his final breath, he said, "The"

Anything is possible boy

>> No.5257796

>If you're talking about multiplying a bunch of primes together and then adding one, that doesn't guarantee you getting a prime.
Correct — but all of the prime factors of the resulting number are primes not on the list, and the output of the algorithm is one of those prime factors.

So, for example, let's always choose the smallest prime factor. If we input {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} into this algorithm, then the output is 59, because the prime factorization of 2*3*5*7*11*13 + 1 is 59*509.

>> No.5258492

"The Bart, The."

>> No.5258710

what do I win?

>> No.5258760

If it is of such flagrant importance, it should be quite simple for you to give a logical and well-reasoned response to the request.

Instead, you appear to be dodging what as an entirely civil request with violent anger, possibly because you have fetishized the simple concept of the "pursuit of knowledge" to the point where you can no longer form a logical reasoning for your reverence that properly matches the height of the regard in which you hold intellectualism.

In other words, you feign intellectualism because you've idolized intellectualism, but your true intellectual inadequacies keep you from reasoning exactly why you do the latter.

In OTHER other words, you're an ostentatious faggot and you should kill yourself.

>> No.5258773


>> No.5258805


>> No.5258811

Do you think bookbinding is some kind of magic?
They number the pages differently though.

>> No.5258963


>> No.5259022


This is some groundbreaking math.

>> No.5259034

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and I can't stop laughing.

>> No.5259201

Naw nigga if you want strange you ain't gotta do that.

>> No.5259213

I hate that fake anal stuff.

>> No.5259215


It seems to be standard for the handful of resident schizos on /sci/.

It's useful in that it tells you who to not take seriously.

>> No.5259258
File: 272 KB, 250x250, 1375149324000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get new book
>read last line because i can't resist
>phew that didn't spoil anything
>halfway through the book you realize what it means

>> No.5259526 [DELETED] 

They also abbreviate functional analysis as "fun anal".

>> No.5259536

I didn't know Superman browsed /lit/

>> No.5259648


>> No.5260973


>> No.5260999


No one tell this guy about proofs by induction, he'll lose his fucking mind

>> No.5261078

/sci/ and /g/ here.

The most trivial and intuitive way of unequivocally showing if a number, n, is prime is to divide it by all integers less than or equal to its square root. If any of the quotients are integers, then the number is not prime.

>> No.5261429
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ mathsterrace reporting in

It's so disgusting here. The stench of low wages and pseudoscience. And rivers of tears of wannabe intellectuals realizing too late that nonfiction is superior.

>> No.5261436

lol sci is like the reddit of 4chan

>> No.5261449

did you have a bad day butterface?

Your alcoholic heterosexual lover is here for

>> No.5261471

Oh, you know I'm science booster, Sagve. (I don't even talk about Reddit) I disapprove of the trumped up fighting of these two boards

...Not me in that Blood Meridian thread either.

>> No.5261521

Very well done, OP.

>> No.5261531
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it's divisible by 7