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/lit/ - Literature

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5244108 No.5244108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5244119

>die soon

please god

>> No.5244130


>> No.5244132

But Neetshee said god is already dead.

>> No.5244135

Can you idiots seriously think of no other image to post than this fucking frog?

>> No.5244138

Pepe is the official /lit/ mascot

>> No.5244139
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don't EVER speak on frog

>> No.5244143

isn't he a /r9k/ thing?

>> No.5244144
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>tfw no little bald man

>> No.5244148

Would you prefer a drawing Max Stirner or a photo of Slavoj Žižek looking somber?

>> No.5244149

>murrican's jelly they can't use whilst

that's what you get, you revolting bastards

>> No.5244150
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>> No.5244159

I love the word thou but god fucking forbid you dare use it non-ironically on this board.

>> No.5244169

Supremely bored so I just checked /r9k/s catalog

I counted 20 feels guy threads and 14 sadfrog threads

Didnt bother with costanza or trashman

4chan really does have a narrow range of interests and repetitive thoughts, consult the DSM

>> No.5244173

hahahaha amerilards can SUCK IT

>> No.5244183
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>> No.5244192
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They're best friends

>> No.5244193
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I like this shit.

>> No.5244214
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but muh chinese cartoons

>> No.5244222
File: 71 KB, 396x385, Sadschopenhauer2 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer Froggenhauer

>> No.5244295

>Americans thinking they have a say on the usage of English words

>> No.5244302

any american author has done exactly that.

>> No.5244860
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>would that

>> No.5244874


>> No.5245398
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>you will never hang out with Pepe and Wojak

>> No.5245421
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>top kek
>lewd or "l-lewd"

>> No.5245424

whats the difference between frog and white bald man?

>> No.5245430
File: 37 KB, 300x314, bubba gump getting head from your main bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5245439

So his name is Pepe?

>> No.5245446


>> No.5245461
File: 44 KB, 508x532, Anton Bardem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>England invented English, therefore they....

>> No.5245468

I hate how Americanized Canadian English is.

>> No.5245911

Then change it.

>> No.5245950


>> No.5245977


>> No.5245980

It's 'colour' in Canada

>> No.5246005
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>American authors

Wow. What a great authority.

>> No.5246273

>that's not how anatomy works

>> No.5246292
File: 158 KB, 1256x1075, 1402958285595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Using "literally" where it isn't appropriate or doesn't make sense
> Calling someone "ignorant" because they ignore you

>> No.5246303
File: 40 KB, 587x474, sad frog gas'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5246313
File: 7 KB, 266x190, 1396058944276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> systematic

>> No.5246318

What's wrong with truck?
I understand learnt, spelt and colour. What is wrong with truck and apartment? Is it suppose to be Lorry and Flat? I was taught British english in school but I don't live in Klapistan or Yuropoor.

>> No.5246319

Why, it could be, greased lightning?

>> No.5246325

Fuck you, I was trying so hard not to type that

>> No.5246333

He's a KC thing

>> No.5246471
File: 496 KB, 1217x475, poor pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta check /r9k/ more often, I think

>> No.5246539

Lewd is actually a really great word.
I will never stop loving lewd and you can't stop me.

>> No.5248908

For me, sad frog is, well, sad and depressed, but not necessarily a lost cause, whereas feel guy seems emotionally stunted and more like a permavirgin lost cause. I associate feel guy with Krautchan, that's why I shun its use.

>> No.5248911

my fucking sides...

>> No.5248917

What exactly IS r9k?

>> No.5248921


>> No.5248937

i remember when that board started and it was people having fun fucking around with the script trying to post original phrases and shit. it was like a new /b/ with slightly better quality control.

i just went back there after years away and the robot isn't even on any more? what is even the fucking point of it?

>> No.5248980

So the impression I get after browsing for 10 minutes is that it's a congregation of permavirgins complaining about their lack of sex while denouncing promiscuous women as sluts. That right?

>> No.5248989

you sound like a fucking whoreslut skank yourself, cunt.

>> No.5248991

Come again?

>> No.5249004
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>> No.5249019

oi what is this? right then, I hear it all the time on me telly but I don't understand yank customs, they're a wee piece too cobbleploppy for mine queen's ears

>> No.5249181

I am available at anytime of the day for a fistfight or any type of sword or crossbow duel. I just purchased an automatic pistol crossbow. It's a mix between a gun and a crossbow, it's like a pistol but it fires arrows. I killed a goat with a shot in the stomach at point-blank range by alluring it with grass; the beast died three hours later. I will do the same with you. I know that you like grass, like all sheep do.

>> No.5249210


You sound like a man who appreciates the finer things.

I'll duel you, but I don't want your trash weapons, and pedestrians use their fists.

I'll instead bring a trash can lid and a fistful of shattered glass. The trash can lid is like a mix between a trash can lid and a shield. I killed a bum once by alluring him with a handjob then beating him with the lid and then smearing the glass all around the inside of his mouth; the beast died three hours later.

I will do the same with you. I know that you like handjobs, all shibby wibby fibby.

>> No.5249216

shut up

>> No.5249242


be quiet

>> No.5249586

Ignorant even has ignore in it, though.

>> No.5249591

He has a name, you know.

>> No.5250344

It's the old permavirgins mixing with the new generation of /b/tards turning 18/going to college for the first time and learning that their collection of anime and shitposting for years did nothing for them socially so they blame girls

It used to be just be a culture of melancholy for heart break but the teens were too stupid to get it and now it's unironically an MRA circlejerk

>> No.5251676
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>> No.5251701

underrated post

>> No.5251702
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>break our fast on the morrow

>> No.5251720

I like that shit

>> No.5252578
File: 1.33 MB, 236x161, 1401385024827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me thinks

>> No.5252590

I'm literally dying right now! Ex dee.

>> No.5252642

no space

>> No.5252647

Thanks Mr. Skeletal.

>> No.5252651

good bones and calcium to you

>> No.5252713
File: 5 KB, 290x174, 1364940180652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit in here?

>> No.5252728

scoobs has read the classics