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/lit/ - Literature

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523560 No.523560 [Reply] [Original]


You post your /lit/ related secrets that people would normally think you're trolling with.

I've never read anything by Nabokov, Joyce, or many other "classic" authors. I find that most (not all) older books fail to hold my interest.

I fucking hate Confederacy of Dunces

I've never read anything more than (maybe) a couple of short stories by Steven King

My favorite book is Neverwhere and Gaiman is my favorite author.

>> No.523576

>I've never read anything more than (maybe) a couple of short stories by Steven King

>> No.523578

I love fantasy, but I hate Tolkien. (Much more an SRD girl.)
I read the Inferno years ago for a Dante class I had at the time, but when I attempted to read the Divine Comedy on my own, I felt like ripping my eyes out from boredom.

>> No.523583

I truly enjoy the classic romance books. I'm talking Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind.

I've never read Tolkien all the way through. 400 pages in, I put it down and never picked it up again.

My favorite books are One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

>> No.523582

I buy books. But I don't read them all.
And sometimes I feel like I'm always missing something when I do read them. Like some huge underlying theme.

>> No.523589

> I truly enjoy the classic romance books. I'm talking Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind.

I've tried to make it through Pride and Prejudice a number of times, but it bores me to tears. It feels like a very tedious form of storytelling. Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.523594

I've never read ANYTHING by King. I didn't read Harry Potter back in the day. But those aren't exactly secrets, so what the hell.

>> No.523595

My favourite novel is World War Hulk.

It's so much better than all the dumb books /lit/ reads.

>> No.523597

I can't read!

>> No.523615 [DELETED] 

ChRiSToPHer POolE (Aka mOot) haS A meNtAl ilLneSs. TINy.4ChAN.Org Is an illEgal Clone OF WWW.AnONtalk.coM. REmOve it iMMEDIATEly. AnD STop DDOsiNg Us!

q e uEe Ap v S yo PzE Lf I nJ o N U KmIv z JI jn VQ n jhozwE jb t OuVvPx p Cx dO z b zl QAn FJ j cZ sh r A s O uz U k y W m o hTF WXAM o s j q T u Z h.

>> No.523623

I found Atlas Shrugged a very enjoyable book.

>> No.523635

i think trolling lit is a huge waste of time.

>> No.523637


So /lit/ doesn't like it and has been trolling the entire time?

I was never really sure.

>> No.523641

dont start. and it's shit.

>> No.523642

I think that's a secret everyone wishes they could share

>> No.523648

I actually enjoyed Atlas Shrugged myself, in a so-bad-it's-good way. It wasn't particularly poorly written, tackles a walk of life other books don't usually go for, and was laugh-out-loud hilarious when a captain of the industry that we're supposed to BOO HISS against starts talking for no reason about how we should all be communist, letting the plucky author stand-in female protagonist step in and tell him he's a silly dickens.

>> No.523661

yes, so agree

>> No.523664

i found A Confederacy Of Dunces terribly unfunny.

>> No.523678

I take 1984 at face value as just a science-fiction story...

>> No.523684

I enjoy modern romance novels in the same way I enjoy bad movies. Everything is overstated, over-the-top, and way more dramatic than it has to be.

Really the only thing that kept me from liking Twilight was how up its own ass it was. Most romance novels know what they're there to do, namely make a female fapfic. Not Twilight, that was trying its damn heart out to be an epic.

>> No.523685

i really enjoyed Infinite Jest

>> No.523689

I read and enjoy tie-in books
ie. adaptations, novelizations, and etc.

>> No.523697

I always say "I fucking love Coelho" to get chicks. Bitches love dem Alchemists. Forgive me, /lit/ ;_;

>> No.523699

I've never read some, only some, of the books that I reply on here.

>> No.523725

I find that some movies are actually better than the books.

>> No.523732
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I read NASCAR romance novels.

Pic related.

>> No.523735

I find that extremely interesting.

>> No.523747

It's... that's...

It's like the holy bible of white trailer park trash everywhere.

>> No.523749

I read the entire bible and it affirmed my belief in God.

>> No.523782

Not sure if serious.

Basically. It's kind of ridiculous how little those writers know about racing, though. Then again, I know NASCAR fans who can string together more than two or three coherent sentences are few and far between.

>> No.523789

>I find this extremely interesting.

I was serious.

>> No.523790
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>> No.523803
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seriously though, a book for nascar fans? i didn't know they can read.

>> No.523804

I read the bible, koran and tora and I'm an anti-theïst

>> No.523814
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Dohoho. There are 16 of them.

>> No.523844

I've never read anything by Pynchon, and I don't want to at the moment.

>> No.523845


>> No.523920
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I enjoy reading the biographies of pro wrestlers. Mick Foley's books are my favorites

-I HATE HATE HATE the Zombie Survival Guide. Guy got a technical writing degree, wrote a technical book and just put ZOMGZOMBIES in it

-I hate Zombies, as a concept, in general.

>> No.523923

I've never read any Hemingway, or any Fitzgerald. And I've never read 1984 or Animal Farm, nor do I ever want to.

I'm an English major, but don't dare try to talk to me about American of British lit. Instead, lets have a nice conversation about modern German history and philosophy.

>> No.523926

Not exactly a big deal.

>> No.523930

I really like Albert Camus.

>> No.523945

>I hate The Zombie Survival guide
well I guess thats understandable, afterall-
>I hate zombies as a concept
Your fucking dead to me

>> No.523947

I really don't like most female writers. I think most of them are terrible.

>> No.523955

This is embarrassing to say even though I'm anonymous, but here it goes.....I READ AND ENJOYED THE FIRST EIGHT ANITA BLAKE NOVELS. Ugh, I'm something of an elitist when it comes to lit. So it's very painful for me to admit that every once in awhile I enjoy trashy vamp hunter books that start out as corney supernatural crime-crimefighter books and then devolve into the authors constant gang bang fantasies with the main character gaining the power to "take a dick of any size".

>> No.523959
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I was expecting that. Enjoy your smelly, shambling imaginary undead retard horde. I find nothing in it to enrich my life any.

>> No.523963


I hate most of 'em i've encountered; I've found there are few beings more narcissistic than a female writer/journalist. That said, I like JK Rowling :3

>> No.523965
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Made it a few chapters in then lost interest. Might pick it back up one day but I'm not really sure.

After reading 3/4's of A Million Easy Pieces I threw it away in disgust and got into an argument with a woman who loved it.

The book I've read the most times in my life is Mick Foley's Have a Nice day, although on my last readthrough I was less impressed.

Translations of Herman Hesse are better than 95% percent of the prescribed reading I've done in 2 years of being an english major.

>> No.523967

i dont get how zombies can be exciting. in d2 i just walk around them like they are ornaments, since they drop nothing good anyway

>> No.523972

WTF man don't you use the chaingun?

>> No.523973

ZOMBIES! I love that book. (I also have the survival guide)

>> No.523978

can I ask if you're a woman? I've only ever seen women reading this book in public and it was a woman who recommended it to me...

>> No.523982

Weird, the only person I've ever seen reading it in public was a guy who tried to dress like abraham lincoln.

>> No.523985


I think it's similar to the Sandman phenomenon in the 80s and early 90s. Guys introduced it to their girlfriends, who introduced it to their friends etc.

Most Gaiman fans are women too.

>> No.523984

i think :3 is cute.

>> No.523989

Same problem, I see a deal on books and purchase a bunch and never get around to reading them.

>> No.524003

Sometimes I think I just don't care what format your books are in...

>> No.524028


Who doesn't?

Also fuck zombies and zombie books. It's all just fat people sitting around planning how they're going to survive even though everyone knows they'll die the second the internet goes down.

>> No.524037

It's just that your average /lit/ user thinks a person who claims to like Albert Camus is just a teenager who read, and misunderstood, L’Étranger, and thus thinks they're cool to name-drop him.

>> No.524056

If a book or story featuring zombies has zombies as the main focus, it's doing it wrong.

Zombies appeal to me as a form of the post-apocalyptic scenario. Literature surrounding zombies should be less about annihilating the undead, and more about the ramifications of killing literally hundreds or thousands of your former friends, family, co-workers, just to stay alive and the mental toll it takes on a person.

Zombie stories should be able the nature of man when the cards are down and they're absolutely forced to kill these freakish abominations that once harbored human emotion.

>> No.524066

I hated The Fellowship of the Ring and loved all of Robert E. Howard's stories.

>> No.524075

I'm not a fan of Tolkien either; he came up with cool stories but his writing style is torture to me.

>> No.524241

I loathe Hemingway.

Also hated Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. Plowed through it just to find out what happens.

>> No.524248 [DELETED] 

CHRIsTOphEr POOLe (aKA moot) HAs a menTal IllnEsS. TiNY.4Chan.Org iS An ILLegal CLone of www.AnONtalK.cOM. reMove it immeDiATElY. and StoP DdOsing Us!

CC Q jxft zPS Mp j R vo ek R l uq PGvtUh hA S Wj A VfoT qOPY D X UNwQaiYG cyV Emg Cf RwF V G tX o X Y Y h KRn g j I R X Kk d C E HA s xQ V p OR q P lEAM G Rd N Ju DtK cPp ym I.

>> No.524247

i've really given up on literature, this is after too much critical theory and yes, just too much thinking i guess. it's something i've been accused of my entire life and it has to be true now. i've really loved reading but most days i truly feel like taking all of the books i own and throwing them over a bridge. there is really nothing valuable to take from reading. it is just what people did before t.v./internet. it's the same function.

>> No.524253 [DELETED] 

CHrIstopHeR poOle (AkA moOT) has a MeNTAL illnESS. tinY.4Chan.ORG iS an ILLegal cLOne oF wWw.ANoNtALk.COM. ReMoVe It immeDIATelY. And sTOP DDoSINg us!

qomE ymA e FRmw PzMT f X ou L vA OUbpHo xk MSC d D puQ q sH pYJ Sxf sUW Lg eouxbw O d V zzQN drG Ed mDtv BEe U yIjVj pj uHlq kW h I Z La W bE vq J FJJ bcv xW f k bR.

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>> No.524836


I feel like that sometimes. Just quit reading so deep into things. Take a few lessons here and there, but there's no need to let books dictate the way you think.

>> No.524843

I like Catcher in the Rye because Holden is a phony.
It is my favorite book but, I do understand why people hate the protagonist and I agree with them.

>> No.524851

I read finnegans wake.
I understood nothing.

>> No.524870

I buy versions of books that will look good on my bookshelf.

For the most part, I skipped all the philosophers up to Nietzsche, & I do quite fine.

Hemingway/Bukowski/other minimalist writers blew my mind. It's efficiency, I tell you!

My bookshelf is mostly classics, yet I've recently realized that they aren't worth shit.

I spend more time reading poetry than any other form of literature.

>> No.525590

The only non infantile books i've read are Dan Brown's

>> No.525620

I trully and sincerly enjoy Chuck Palahniuk, and think he's a good author.

>> No.525622


>implying NASCAR isn't the new Golf.

I hate NASCAR mind you but if you believe it's still a redneck sport, I suggest taking a closer look at the fanbase.

>> No.525626

I hate Rabbit, Run and hope it isn't a good representation of Updike.

>> No.525628
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>> No.525645

God, I hated Rabbit, Run. I think it turned me off Updike permanently - even when I read a couple of his short stories the style irritated the crap out of me.

>> No.525651

God dammit yes... i feel entirely the same i think he's soo good

>> No.525678


Rabbit is Rich is better.

>> No.525681

Palahniuk is really guilty a pleasure of mine. His gross stories make me laugh when I shouldn't and make me want more.