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/lit/ - Literature

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5228194 No.5228194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So my friend and I made a promise back in our first year of uni that when we graduated we would both get a tattoo.

Well, that time is coming up, and while she's been pretty adamant about getting something based around the Odyssey, I've kinda been lost.

So, a few weeks ago, I was rereading some Whitman, Melville and Hawthorne and came upon this:

"(O something pernicious and dread!
Something far away from a puny and pious life!
Something unproved! something in a trance!
Something escaped from the anchorage and driving free.)"

The words have been on my mind ever since, and I think I've resolved to get it.

What does /lit think? Any of you have tattoos or have a specific phrase or image you'd like to get screwed up by an illiterate needle jockey?

Pic related: I'd like to get it on my shoulder blade.

>> No.5228205

Superficial faggots

>> No.5228209

You guys sound like you're getting a tattoo just to get a tattoo

That's a pretty stupid reason. You'll probably end up hating it in a month

>> No.5228212


A tattoo is a cheap way to look interesting.

The more tattoos a person has, the more they're trying to broadcast an image, and the more likely they lack anything beneath the surface.

>> No.5228215

Wait, that came out wrong. The more likely there is anything beneath the surface. That's what I meant.

Fucking late. Give me a break. Fuck you.

>> No.5228219

>has tattoo


>> No.5228225

We promised each other we'd get a tattoo to celebrate our commitment to literature and our friendship, and while she's had her heart set on the Odyssey ever since, I've been kinda clueless as to what to get.

So yeah, maybe I'm just doing it to follow through with that promise, but that's enough for me. And besides, the verse itself is beautiful. It honestly made my heart flutter the moment I read it.

>> No.5228226
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>> No.5228235

Jeez, I was doubtful about coming on here with this.

You know, you can go to the ballpark and eat a hotdog every once in a while, /lit. You don't have to be so goddamn high-minded all the time.

>> No.5228236

funnily enough, i think judging people for having tattoos is pretty superficial. you're literally just drawing conclusions from their appearance

>> No.5228241

>celebrate our commitment to literature and our friendship
That's going to be a painful reminder of the folly of youth when you're not talking to each other in about five years. I recommend something melancholy.

>> No.5228246

>you can go to the ballpark and eat a hotdog every once in a while, /lit

maybe if i was some american smear of shit

>> No.5228253

Yeah, but would you want a hotdog permanently attached to your lips? I didn't think so.

>> No.5228259

No, you're judging their foresight and respect for their body. Also you can draw conclusions about their values based on what they decided to scar themselves with. All of this is based in their character, not their skin. Skin just happens to be the medium they choose to broadcast this information.

>> No.5228263


We make judgements based on phenomena all the time. Who are you to say that we can't decide based on appearances? I theorise that the train of thought that leads to acquiring a tattoo is the product of a bland, bastardised sense of aesthetic and a lack of concern for future consequence. If something makes me overlook the stain, i'll accept it gladly but from the outset it is still stained.

>> No.5228273

>taking about people as "stained" and "untainted"

Stay classy, /lit.

>> No.5228286

>"(O something pernicious and dread!
>Something far away from a puny and pious life!
>Something unproved! something in a trance!
>Something escaped from the anchorage and driving free.)"
This is how I know you're an idiot. You're getting it tattooed on your body because it sounds cool, completely oblivious that the verse is so vague it's borderline meaningless. This is what passes for deep among morons: just spout nonsense and hope everyone is too dumb to notice it is without substance.

You might as well get this instead:
It means exactly the same thing.

Make sure you get it on your forehead, OP, so everyone can see what an enigma you are.

>> No.5228293

I'll remember not to judge next time I see someone with teardrop tattoos. [/sarcasm]

>> No.5228299
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So are you being sarcastic? I'll take the compliment as is my interpretation because I have evidence to believe that it is stronger than your hazy position.

>> No.5228313

I like to believe you think you have moral superiority over another person. Moral dogmatism makes the world go round.

>> No.5228331

when going to a sleazy parlor to let a high school drop out with three-inch gauges and a skillrex haircut permanently scar your body with a needle that could be infected with a cure-less disease-- I think it's exactly the right time to be a little high-minded

>> No.5228351

Yeah, I guess you're right.

(Walks away)

>> No.5228357


Horizontally preferable position actually.

>> No.5228383

I was thinking the same thing. This is meaningless pomp.

To get it tattooed elevates it into pretension.

>> No.5228553

>Any of you have tattoos or have a specific phrase or image you'd like to get screwed up by an illiterate needle jockey?
Yo OP, I have the perfect quote for you:
>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>> No.5228614
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I have this on my left pectoral, I started with Socrates when I really delved into philosophy and this phrase/mentality is something I try to live by.

I don't pretend to be a huge philosophy buff but it is an interest of mine never the less and I've read all the Socratic and pre Socratic texts in their original text because I can speak Greek coming from a Greek family on my father's side, which has benefited me in a big way because I see a lot of people misquote or misunderstand things that get lost in translation here and it's a shame.

Criticising someone for a tattoo is stupid, plain and simple. The only exception is if it's a dumb ass tattoo that is illiterate or misquoted, etc.

>> No.5228649

>Criticising someone for a tattoo is stupid, plain and simple.

Stop trying to defend your poor choice and go fix it up. I know that there are ways to get rid of tattoos.

>> No.5228660


>> No.5228663

What an incredibly pretentious tattoo, not to mention plebeian (you apparently speak and can read Greek but you decided to go with an English translation? You're either a liar or a dumbass)

judging you hard

>> No.5228664
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fucking hell

>> No.5228685


You continue to prove me right, stay classy /lit/

>> No.5228705

OP, get

>(bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner- ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!)

Down one forearm.

>> No.5228707

I agree with you post and agree with those you quoted

>> No.5228745

My tattooist (tattoo artist?) is a 50 years old flegmatic Buddhist. I'm not even sure that he has ink in his body.

Guy is awesome.

I avoid the kind you caricaturated.

>> No.5228765
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You're so godamn desperate for attention.

You've also deluded yourself into thinking that getting a literary tattoo makes you have more dimensions to your uninteresting self.

>> No.5228767

if you want to get something from the odyssey, i'd go for a picture of odysseus wrecking some cunts with a spear
it'd be badass
just a giant wedding massacre across your back maybe

>> No.5228779
File: 127 KB, 1024x806, London National Gallery Next 20 12 Luca Giordano - Perseus turning Phineas to Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, not a wedding
ignore that, i was kind of thinking of this which is how i always pictured the homecoming scene in the odyssey (minus the turning to stone bit)

>> No.5228785

>[anon liked your post!]

>> No.5228786

I think having one as " Yossarian Lives "

>> No.5228808
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there are like those 3 dimensional sick ass tattoos made by that artist in sweden or something, you know the kind.
so you'd prefer to have some stupid line like overcome your fears but written in a fagotty way than a masterpiece like this?

>> No.5228821

Ogden Nash

You will still look like a faggot, but not a pretentious one

>> No.5228847

I agree

the only cool tattoos are the ultraviolent and complicated ones that serial killers might get

>> No.5228856


shove a knife up your arse

>> No.5229253

Google "letter-of-law-laws-for-lettering"

Read this page before considering text tattoos, they are one of the hardest to do well, easiest to mess up and require a lot of dead space.

>> No.5229256

>(Walks away)
-grabs him by the throat- back the fuck off!?!?

>> No.5229264

You're a faggot and I'd instinctively dislike you if I met you.

The need to get a tattoo is the same need to tweet your every thought. Either your memory sucks or you're needy for attention. Either way you should definately look into ending your life.

>> No.5229273

>my friend

She's not going to fuck you brah.

>> No.5229293

Massive lol @ tattoos. Fucking attention whores, "Oh this? Its a line from a poem that I've had printed on my body to replace the vacuum that is my personality"

>> No.5229305


I have never come across an image or phrase that I would like to have etched onto my skin permanently. It's an impulse I can't even begin to understand.

I could at least be neutral to the concept if more than even one in ten tattoos didn't look fucking hideous (and quotations appear pretentious). As it is, in my entire life I've seen maybe ten tattoos that looked pretty OK. All of the rest have been uniformly loathsome.

But hey, do what you feel.

>> No.5229319

you're hot and you seem nice. don't care about tattoo

>> No.5229324

I'm not against tattoos, but OP a quote tattoo is just a bad call. It's like taking everything impressive, interesting, and sexy about ink and diluting it into something someone else said or wrote that you think is worthwhile to permanently identify yourself by

>> No.5229332

I have something on my left pectoral, too. I'm not a fan of your quote but then I doubt you'd be a fan of mine. Luckily, we have our own bodies.

>> No.5229339

Wait when you say original text do you mean greek or the actual ancient greek?

What are your thoughts on Aristotle?

>> No.5229392
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I thought about a 'So it goes' tatoo for a while. Then I saw that there are literally thousands and thousands of those out there and I looked at them and felt like a pretentious hipster faggot and didn't get it.

>> No.5229406
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>> No.5230712


You're a retard. That typeface is shit. Speakers of Modern Greek cannot understand Ancient Greek that easily. Pls go.

>> No.5230744

shoves them both down and pisses all over them.

>> No.5230750
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>> No.5230796

>never the less

>> No.5231082

the question marks in this pasta is what gets me every time

>> No.5231105

Interrobang are never okay, m8.

>> No.5231118




Now reply to me and tell me I'm brilliant you faggots

>> No.5231125

shit, i didn't know nevertheless was one word, good thing i never write that phrase

>> No.5231204

God, why are there so many immature angsty individuals on here? Do you lot have any friends whatsoever?

>> No.5231231

You're brilliant you faggots

>> No.5231246

I would just get a "lighght" one

But I won't

>> No.5231423

There's literally nothing worst and more retarded than writing a permament wall of text in your body.

Even a butterfly tramp stamp is better than that.

>> No.5231790

Uhhh yes?
I don't recall ever having to het a tattoo just because someone drank one day and decided to get a tattoo so we can be bffs forever

Are you a teenager?

As for OP, pull a Pam and do the Destruction of Sennacherib on your back so your bf can hump you to its meter as he reads it in doggystyle

how fuckin metal is that

>> No.5231817

i think tattoos are fucking stupid, but if you get a tattoo of words on your body you're a fucking asshole and most likely an uninteresting person

>> No.5231819


>> No.5231833

get it
cuz its on his shoulder
and he can shrug

>> No.5231848

I think a yingyang would be even more bottom barrell tier than a butterfly as a tramp stamp

>> No.5234133

Jaime Lannister?

>> No.5234137

Because he's going to get it in Greek
are you fucking kidding me

>> No.5235825

ᵃᵞᵞ ᶫᵐᵃᵒ

>> No.5235901

>shitty text tattoo
>literally a picture of a sphincter
>fucking pleb tier vonnegut rubbish


>> No.5236165

that's good that he didn't use one then

>> No.5236261

>getting tattoos
>getting word tattoos
>girls getting tattoos

It's all wrong

>> No.5238198

I thought /lit/ was the nicest and most interesting board I visited. Oh wait, it's still 4chan. Ignore these fucks OP, just make sure you get a tattoo that means something to you personally

>> No.5238205

I want to get a tattoo "God is dead"

>> No.5238226

Why the fuck wouldn't he get it Greek? That's the language he apparently read it in, that's the language that he apparently grew up hearing and appreciating, that's the language he apparently can speak, he's apparently wary of misquotes and misunderstandings due to translations, so why in the fuck would he prefer to permanently etch the English version of his beloved phrase into his body instead of the original text?

>> No.5238238
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