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File: 548 KB, 1578x1164, fyodor-dostoevsky_eK44Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5228142 No.5228142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized Dostoevsky was reddit trash? Me? I was 5.

>> No.5228149

3 here.

>> No.5228155

I was really young I think, waning off diapers. Maybe 12?

>> No.5228158

I still sucked on my mothers tits, so about 16ish.

>> No.5228162

I was still a fetus.

>> No.5228166

When my mother was pregnant with me she used to whisper the complete works of Doisetjoievskij into her vagina (in Russian, of course), but even then I thought he was just a hack writer for edgy teens

>> No.5228175



But guys, what is the most patrician way of spelling this guy's name anyways?

>> No.5228177

serious question

is dostoevsky actually good? seems to get a lot of hate on here

>> No.5228180

op is le edgy butthurt reddit fedora beta virgin AND a sperg/shitlord

>> No.5228181



>> No.5228185


Yes, it's just stupid contrarian faggots that don't like him.

>> No.5228187

Yeah, he's one of the most entertaining writers I've ever read

>> No.5228190

One of my favorite writers.

>> No.5228193


yes he's good

no he doesn't seem to get a lot of hate on here


>> No.5228203

>no he doesn't seem to get a lot of hate on here

It goes back and forth, today we've had at least two threads started saying he's a hack. Probably the same guy made them both.

>> No.5228210

nabokov hates him so i hate him

>> No.5228214

Its just epic trole. Just like people pretending they like Laurie Penny

>> No.5228245

But Nabokov would have also hated you.

>> No.5228275

top kok

Have you ever actually read LP, or do you just rage because somebody told you that she's linked to the evil-tumblr-feminist-gestapo? Try reading her literature reviews, political commentary, or the gonzo style essays she writes every time she hangs out with an author. She's a decent prose stylist too. You just need to get over your "I hate x, z, z" mentality or you will be blind to the value in half the world.

>> No.5228282

What a hack. His only good book was his autobiography, 'The Idiot' I think it's called

>> No.5228294

the bros kara was the defining book of my adolescence. i think it made me kinder and to try and seek beauty & truth in the world, while it still lasts. the idiot taught me to not envy high society because their all so spiteful and crime & p taught me that a guilty concience is more horrible than any earthly punishment

>> No.5228296
File: 24 KB, 522x330, burn baby burn disco inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Decent doesnt make mark in history. Trash.

>> No.5228298
File: 68 KB, 403x275, Quotation-Laurie-Penny-politics-courage-music-Meetville-Quotes-173052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in le wrong generation

>> No.5228302

Reminder that he's better than Nabokov.

>> No.5228315

I'm better than Nabokov and I don't even exist. I'm just your interpretation of text written on a screen

>> No.5228325


>breaking the 4th wall

not better than nabokov

>> No.5228327

but the generation before us was full of courage

>> No.5228339


Does this mean whenever I think I'm talking to Anon I'm actually just talking to myself?

>> No.5228348
File: 80 KB, 520x750, 1363618864574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were just uninformed muh feelings crowd. Internet helped in instilling doubt in all of us and making us doubtful of everything including our judgement even of the most basic things.

>> No.5228353

Generation X? They were all cynical and junk.

Baby Boomers? They were all lazy assholes who ruined the country.

Neither of them were particularly courageous.

>> No.5228361

How can we have a decade of shit music when the internet allows subcultures to grow in isolation and by virtue of there being so much out there, invariably create music you will like? Fucking childish mentality that only radio pop is indicitive of a culture

>> No.5228408

Alexei Alandrovichanovna adjusted his coat. The collar never sat on his neck in an acceptable way, it was either skewed to one side or the other . He was sure everyone else noticed it and thought him hopelessly incapable of the simplest of acts. "You may enter" whispered the maid, Katarina Katyanovichna, a stocky woman with a warm if hesitant disposition. Alexishka placed his hands on the ice cold handles and the oaken doors seem to creak in disgust at the kind of fool allowed to enter the sacred study. Petrushka Petrovnisovich was perched on an arm chair, smoke billowing out of his ancient and decripid pipe that stuck from the corner of his mouth. His desk was covered in precarious stacks of papers whose leanings almost demanded an orderly man like Alexeiy come to their rescue. Petkas eyes flashed for an instant, then drew their attention back to the fireplace in a kind of disappointment. Alishka felt he may have been mistaken for someone else. "Mr Petrostskekna, I..." the words died on his tongue with a raise of Petras hand. "How much" he grumbled out, switching the pipe to the other side of his mouth . Alenixchiza was put off, he had rehearsed a speech explaining the reasons for difficulties, but Petriskas question had left him without the opportunity for any diplomacy. 'About three and a half rubels...if you please' he stammered out. The silence that followed seem to last an age. Petrolisonva smiled bitterly. 'My nigga'

>this is literally how he writes
fuck me apparently people love this drawn out shit

>> No.5228478

TBH I prefer descriptive authors. I find it hard to get into novels if they gloss over the aesthetics of the setting. I know people say 'just imagine it', well surely some prompts from the author can help to focus and enhance your imagination?

>> No.5228497

Dostoevsky is the correct romanization. E is pronounced ye so you also see Dostoyevsky

>> No.5228503

How old were you when you realized the canon was bogus? Me? I was 55.

>> No.5228536

>fuck me apparently people love this drawn out shit
Protip, that's just how people in the 19th century wrote.

>> No.5228555
File: 17 KB, 460x276, anton-chekhov-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5228569

This is excellent writing

>> No.5228697

thx m8. just for you I'll continue it a bit

Petrolisonva smiled bitterly. "Your brother is doing well as a lawyer in St. Petersberg you know". Again his voice trailed off into a prolonged silence. For Alexiea the air of the room ceased to be adequately breathable. For some reason, the smell of the clouds of pipe smoke saddened him more than his uncles condescension. "I haven't heard from him for some time" he said with attempted nonchalance. Petrushas took off his glasses and beckoned him closer. Alexi approached with heavy steps and an inscrutable face. He was unable to decide whether he expected a hug or the back of a hand. Pitya stopped him a yard away with a gesture and rubbed his chin, studying him as a carpenter would an amateurishly built cabin. Finally braced for the harshest of rebukes, his uncle burst out laughing and put his hands on his shoulders "Alexia, you can still make something of yourself you know! Theres a woodworker who lives a few miles away in S______. A portly but respectable fellow. From what I can make out, he makes more even than your brother Raktya! he will be able to teach you a practical trade....so you don't have to go around begging like this". Aleixa winced uncontrollably. Advice for him was far worse than insults. He collected himself as best he could and began to recall the words he had been practicing that morning. "Uncle, the difficulties I've run into are not of the ordinary nature. Half of my earnings I had put into the railroad..." He was cutoff by laughter. "Hah! Yes I few I know have lost a lost a fortune in that business. Not me though. I've never trusted those rusty old things. How could it ever compete with a well-bred horse?" Alxiea bit his tongue. Anger swelled in his breast as he was unable to retort given his recent failed investment. "Yes...quite true. Though I still think there may be a place for it...in the future..But uncle the other half of my money...' again he was cut-off "That's enough. You're my nephew and I will look after you. But two thirds of my...generosity...will be contingent on you meeting that woodworker". Alixias face tightened. He considered himself a man of a new world. Of technology. One of the 'temporarily unfortunate',that would end up having the last laugh as the wheels of progress left others behind.

too drunk to continue. story ends that alex ends up bulding a wooden train, sets it onfire and crashes it into his uncles housed

>> No.5228701

I love this style of writing. I hate having to fill in every fucking gap myself, it just feels like laziness on the authors part when they could have just as easily created the setting in a few lines.

Protip: If you don't like reading because 'too meny wurds' you shouldn't be fucking reading.

>> No.5228723

thats my post and I actually agree. I was just doing a bit of a shitpost, but being honest I love dostoys styling of writing, else I wouldnt have bothered to pathetically imitate it. my apolgoies if I offended you, but this place makes way more sense if you assume anyone critisiing something is doing it out of irony and secretly loves that thing