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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5221141 No.5221141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.5221162

start either with either or with or

>> No.5221163

the greeks

>> No.5221167

simply epik :^)

>> No.5221195

either/or or fear and trembling

>> No.5221261

you don't, hes a hack

>> No.5221262


>> No.5221290

nice memes bro

>> No.5221352


>> No.5221359


>> No.5221365

You don't.

He's an idiot who's contributing nothing of value to humanity in any way.

He's a dunce.

The only people who like him are scandinavians because they lack notable figures and/or people who think his hair-do is cool.

>> No.5221373


>> No.5221381

>contributing nothing of value to humanity in any way

Well, he's dead now, so I'm not sure what you expect him to be contributing ...?

As for what he did contribute, he was the grand-daddy of existentialism. If you don't like that line of thinking, then whatever, but to claim that he isn't significant reveals nothing but your own ignorance.

>> No.5221382

>liking kierkegaard


>> No.5221388
File: 18 KB, 886x481, REKTPHILOFAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys should also study the spiritual power of crystals. lol fucken morons.

>> No.5221391


>> No.5221401

The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.5221410

/lit/ is just a hangout board for average young people who don't read books and would rather make a joke that's been made a million times than discuss ideas or ignore threads they have no knowledge about.

>> No.5221412



>> No.5221414
File: 51 KB, 338x288, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5221416

I've only gone through fear and trembling but its fukkin sick. Im no christian or anuything hehe [tip] but hes a cool guy.

>> No.5221419

I've read the wikipedia summary on Kierkegaard.

He's a big fucken idiot and a huge waste of time.

To think, people spend hours reading his gobbledegook.

Kant too, is a big fucken moron who wastes the hours of many college undergrad.

Numena world my ass.

>> No.5221426

terrible bait

>> No.5221433

>talking about summer

>> No.5221436

You should read the works he wrote under a pseudonym first, they are
Fear and Trembling

I'd say start with Either/Or, that was the book that garnered significant attention.

>> No.5221443

that first* garnered significant attention

>> No.5221449

>reading inferior, inexpert wikipedia
>not glorious rationalwiki master race

No fedora tip for you, goodsir.

>> No.5221489


/lit/ is part of 4chan, as you are part of it.

Stop with the whining kid.

>> No.5221499


You tried anon, philosophy is bullshit and people discussing it here are even worse; but you don't help them stop this behaviour.

>> No.5221509

I used to be like you once, anon. Then I learned that noses can be used for respiration too. I'll be praying for you.

>> No.5221518

The only credible field of philosophy still worth referencing and understanding is french post structuralism. This is undeniable.

>> No.5221535

>I used to be like you once

At age 14 nobody should write this kind bullshit.

>> No.5221540

ITT: one samefag shamelessly trying to derail a thread

what a life you must live

>> No.5221544

>what a life you must live

Surely not the amazing life of an addicted /lit/fag

>> No.5221564


With influx of kids two years ago, philosophy thread started to appear, why do kids love philosophy this much ?

Stupidity ?
Ignorance ?
Insecurity ?
Pretentiousness ?
All of this shit together ?

>> No.5221573

>two years ago

how long has this board been around for?

>> No.5221585


Four years, a young board filled with kids.

>> No.5221586

daily reminder science is a measurement of god

>> No.5221602
File: 520 KB, 1200x803, Tim Buckley, Los Angeles, CA, 1973, by Norman Seff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'comme la chanson est belle'
Chantez la mademoiselle
Dansant dans le moulin rouge

'love is a leap' she sighed
'someday I'll be your bride,
When I leave the moulin rouge'
Je vais marier ma fille de danse
Et habiter en france

'comme la chanson est belle'
Chantez la mademoiselle
Dansant dans le moulin rouge
Dansant dans le moulin rouge
Dansant dans le moulin rouge

'oh la la la' she sang
Spinning till midnight swang,
Dancing in the moulin rouge

I love her love I do,
All of her children too,
Oh I thank you, moulin rouge!
Je vais marier ma fille de danse
Et habiter en france

'comme la chanson est belle'
Chantez la mademoiselle
Dansant dans le moulin rouge
Dansant dans le moulin rouge
Dansant dans le moulin rouge

>> No.5222643

Either/Or is about austhetics and is a fun read. Even your parents would probably enjoy it.
Fear and Trembling is his anti-hegelian ethics book and will show you another view of the OT war God. It's the book with the knight of faith concept.

>> No.5222835

Is it a coincidence that, between Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, the more difficult one is also more hated on /lit/?

>> No.5222854

>Either/Or is about aesthetics

It's only half about aesthetics.

>> No.5222857

W-why are you treading on me?

>> No.5222858

Half the people who talk about Nietzsche, hate or love, clearly don't understand him (see comments like "omg Nietzsche invented nihilism so cool" or "Nietzsche was a fedora tipping faggot: 'god is dead hur dur'"), while pretty much everyone who talks about Kierkegaard seems to either admit not having read him ("plebtier Chirstfag lol") or grasps him (see the post above yours).

So who do you think is actually the more difficult one?

>> No.5223724

Yes, that's kind of the whole point if I remember correctly. The first part is written from the perspective of someone that lives an aesthetical life. This kind of life seems very inviting. The second part is written from the perspective of someone who lives an ethical live, which is seems kind of boring.
Kierkegaard says somewhere that the aesthetical life, while pleasing, is the lowest stage. You have everything here but this is a shallow life. With the ethical life you give up everything to reach a higher stage, life with some meaning. But then there's the third stage that is not presented in Either/Or but in Fear and Trembling where you sacrifice everything with a *faith* in getting everything back (the way Abraham goes about sacrificing his son to God); this is where the knight of faith comes in and a figure of a dancer that keeps jumping in the air. Some call this the "irrational" stage (in a good way) while referring to the ethical stage as rational. Ethical stage also represents Hegel, I think, with his "rational ethics".

I'm far from being an expert on Kierkegaard, this is just what I remember from reading Fear and Trembling and a few commentaries here and there a long time ago. Anyone got any corrections to what I wrote above?

>> No.5224788

He had a bit of a faggoty face, didn't he.

>> No.5224836

Not OP, can I get the penguin classics edition of Either/or? Or do I need an annoted version? Any edition you guys would recommend?