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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 310x390, 600full-fyodor-dostoyevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5217554 No.5217554 [Reply] [Original]

Dostoevsky is an entry level hack for redditors. He literally based his entire career trying to be like Tolstoy. No critics take him seriously.
Enjoy your babbys first existensial thoughts.

You want to praise and discuss Dostoevsky? >>>/reddit/

>> No.5217571

I'm starting to think that summer is real and we really do have an influx of American kids that were given Conrad and Dostoevsky to read.

btw Dostoevsky is better than Nabokov

>> No.5217573

>I'm starting to think that summer is real

Do Yuropoors etc not believe in summer?

>> No.5217574

>btw Dostoevsky is better than Nabokov


>> No.5217578

actually I just opened one of his books up on gutenberg.org

you're right OP, it's awful
realist fiction is always awful

>Immediately after the elopement Adelaïda Ivanovna discerned in a flash that she had no feeling for her husband but contempt. The marriage accordingly showed itself in its true colors with extraordinary rapidity.


fuck sake

>> No.5217581

This person just posted this comment in another thread and was so frustrated that his "erudite" opinion wasn't respected he had to make a thread about it.

By the way, you're wrong. Read Despair to see Nabokov tool on him. And I say this as a huge Dostoyevsky fan.

>> No.5217583

seriously, realist fiction is garbage

>how to write stylelessly on mundane details

>> No.5217584


post Nabokov quote m8

>> No.5217586

You don't sound like you've read any realist fiction

>> No.5217587

>staying firmly in the aesthetic sphere

>> No.5217588


Get a load of this pleb. Can't stay focused if there's no half elven rogues and dragon maidens to keep you entertained?

>> No.5217592

was your account hacked m8 wtf

>> No.5217597

realism is just artistic laziness m8
no passion or vision required, just a dull objectivity
In a realist novel entire paragraphs go by of dull commentary on meaningless facts.
This isn't how it's supposed to be. If a sentence doesn't NEED to be there it should be thrown out.

>> No.5217598

I've been feeling like absolute shit last few days so expect slightly worse post quality.

>> No.5217602

teenager detected

u got sum hot opinions m8

>> No.5217608

I think the novel form might be a complete scam.

>> No.5217611

OK mate that's enough.

>> No.5217614

Might take me a while, but I'll try to find a good one. I have to dig it out and look through it and all that. But it shouldn't be too hard. In the second half of the book, he mocks him on a fairly regular basis.

>> No.5217616


>> No.5217617

that's my speciality :)

>> No.5217623

>implying /lit/ has rules
>implying that Dosto being a hack wouldn't increase the ammount of ''what does /lit/ think of Dosto?'' bait threads wouldn't increase tenfold.

>> No.5217627

I dont know about you guys but I read Crime and Punishment and liked it a lot.

>> No.5217630

maybe Plato was right about poetry in general
first you have God, then you have a person who derives his virtue from God, then you have a poet who derives his virtue from people who derive their virtue from God. So poetry is twice removed from the truth, being a representation of a representation of virtue. So what's the point exactly?
I guess it can be "entertaining" but the way that critics talk about lit you'd think it was some hot shit. Maybe lit is for lonely people that need someone to talk to and really people's taste in lit is defined by what kind of friend they want.

>> No.5217631

nabokov sucks, especially lolita. awful hack sentimentality couched in purple prose.

read some of the quotes if you've forgotten how awful he is:


>> No.5217634

God doesn't exist and virtues are a spook. You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.5217641

the book should be cut down from him first meeting Loli to her giving him an orgasm by sitting on his lap, and then sold as what it is: erotica.

>> No.5217644

But if you're right m8 then literature is just a haunted house and the only reason for going there is to shout ayy lmao at all the spooks.

>> No.5217648

Take your meds.

>> No.5217651

Good standard prose >>poetic prose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Utilitarian prose

>> No.5217656

many poets write to glorify what is god.

>> No.5217657

it's funny that Eminem is the best poet of the last 20 years isn't it?

>> No.5217670

>purple prose.

i dont think you know what that means

>> No.5217671

It's funny that you've erupted into stupidity in this thread. To think about an hour ago I was asking to suck your dick.

>> No.5217673

Troll detected

>> No.5217683

Think about it. I'm not saying Eminem is good I'm saying that at least he had a voice. Who competes with him? Slam poets that do exactly what he does but worse and without a vulgar beat to back up their vulgarity, or academic poets who are beta cuckold men writhing in pained abstractions due to their "existential angst" i.e. emasculation, or women trying very hard to convince themselves they are "intellectual" (whatever that means)

It's OK m8 I don't like homosex anyway.

>> No.5217684

Realism is just a type of fiction.

>> No.5217686

Ahem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEaPDNgUPLE

>> No.5217688
File: 66 KB, 426x295, stabat mater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe lit is for lonely people that need someone to talk to and really people's taste in lit is defined by what kind of friend they want.

>> No.5217689

Billy Collins is pretty good. Certainly better than Eminem. I'm guessing you don't really keep up with contemporary poetry, yet still like to run your mouth about how awful it is. It's a sad display.

>> No.5217695

all this is true except
>Billy Collins is pretty good. Certainly better than Eminem.

>> No.5217697


check out Eminem in his juvenile "purple" days

>> No.5217698


>> No.5217699

Ya that tune is good, but Biggie's still da man

>> No.5217704

>see kids? learning is fun! poetry is like rap!
>now will you please buy my book...

>> No.5217712

Haha, you sure showed Heaney!!

>> No.5217713

I prefer the Demons. Let's see if brothers can beat it.

>> No.5217717

Confirmed for not listening to any hip hop, let alone reading any poetry

For all of the reasons you just described, Kanye West is superior

>Commanding authorial voice
>Vulgar music to back vulgar ideas
>Existential angst turned into dominance
>Recognition of intellectualism but slapping it aside

Eminem hasn't done anything of worth in years : Kanye is pushing boundaries further than he ever as.

Eminem is inherently hip hop for white people who don't like hip hop. At least white people who actually know about hip hop listen to better, albeit backpackin, artists

>> No.5217722

Not him, but I looked at those quotes and most of them were purple as fuck (though admittedly taken out of context).

>> No.5217731

Kanye is dogshit and that last album is a wank version of Death Grips

>> No.5217732

Brah, srs.

>> No.5217736


>> No.5217739

You're on a literature board, surely you can see that Yeezus is lyrically entirely different from Death Grips. and sonically too.
>hurrrr I know who death grips is
if everyone putting noise in dey beats is necessarily a wank version of someone else, everyone is just ripping off Dalek.
>rap god
post discarded

>> No.5217740

I'd be skeptical when some academic comes out with a stupid opinion that helps generate a buzz.

>> No.5217741

>sheltered white liberals discussing rap
So embarrassing.

Screenshot your posts so you can look at them in a year or two and feel like shit.

>> No.5217743

>Commanding authorial voice
His voice literally gets shaky like he's about to cry when he shouts.
>Vulgar music to back vulgar ideas
You mean polished music to back generic ideas? There's nothing vulgar about Kanye's music that couldn't be found in any other rap music.
>Existential angst turned into dominance
More like existential angst never acknowledged and diffused into base materialism.
>Recognition of intellectualism but slapping it aside
Oh, God. What part of Kanye's music demonstrates a "recognition of intellectualism"? You better not say "b-but he namedropped Basquiat."

Kanye makes pop music that makes you feel better about yourself, that's all.

>> No.5217744

>tfw Kanye started off as a backpackin artist

>> No.5217745

Rap God is fucking amazing dude and you're dumb if you don't think so.

>> No.5217750

The is actually nobody else in the world who could've made Rap God, and so Eminem fucking did it.

>> No.5217770

>His voice literally gets shaky like he's about to cry when he shouts.
I didn't mean his literal voice, buddy.
>You mean polished music to back generic ideas? There's nothing vulgar about Kanye's music that couldn't be found in any other rap music.
His music isn't all polished, and even when it was polished (College Dropout and Late Registration) it was far from generic. And while the lyrical content of his music isn't any more shocking than any other artist (hi Brotha Lynch Hung called), his arrogance and artistic approach is more vulgar than just about anyone else in music currently.
>More like existential angst never acknowledged and diffused into base materialism.
did you really not listen to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy or are you just that thick.
>What part of Kanye's music demonstrates a "recognition of intellectualism"? You better not say "b-but he namedropped Basquiat."
Thematically he recognizes overt intellectualism by coasting ideas of racism and sexuality but brushes past them in how he treats them. But if you want to stick to the most shallow form of recognizing more respected ideas and figures, then here's one; he sampled Can.

>> No.5217772

Kanye West is not vulgar he is very boring.

>> No.5217775

>I would never want a books autograph.
~Kanye West

>> No.5217776

>vulgar equals interesting
God only knows what trash you read

>> No.5217778

I don't read, but if I do read I read the Bible, Kierkegaard, some of the saints, and ancient books because everything modern except Kierkegaard is garbage.

>> No.5217779


Probably Joyce.

>> No.5217782

>All art is quite useless
~Oscar Wilde
>what is a joke
>if someone said something, intentionally or jokingly, that can be construed as dumb, it's fine to dismiss everything they ever did

haha wow. time to rev up that 4chanX filter I guess
hey, Joyce don't deserve that

>> No.5217787
File: 1.71 MB, 280x150, shitposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a joke?
Do you know?

>> No.5217792


>> No.5217798

This tune is fucking sick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbZidsgMfw

>> No.5217800

>then here's one; he sampled Can.
surely you dont think that actually means anything

>> No.5217801

Nice gif choice m8

>> No.5217828

>a thread about dostoevsky has turned into 'look how retarded i am'

fucking trips derailing threads

>> No.5217831

reported for shitposting

>> No.5217857


>> No.5217926

i think the hype for my beautiful dark twisted fantasy is purely bandwagon hype by people who aren't clever enough to think for themselves. its his most ambitious and imaginative work, best ideas and production but falls a bit flat on lyrics sometimes and suffers hugely on features, pretty much all of them are bad and bring the album down. theres a good share of not good hooks too.

>> No.5217959

The only thing worse than the purported influx of 'summerfags', a ridiculous hypothesis when considering the ever increasing accessibility of the internet, is the idiots yelling 'summerfags' at every conceivable chance, presumably in order to express their familiarity with the world of 4chan, or, to put it another way, 'be down with the kids'. You are no different to that middle-aged uncle who likes to wear baseball caps backwards and use out of date slang like, 'out there' or 'wicked'.

>> No.5218047

>this is what summerfags believe

>> No.5218091

You can't deny that there are definitely peak-times at which boards turn to absolute shit.

>> No.5218234


>> No.5218309

m8 are you 3 or somethink like that???

>> No.5218331

pls STFU

>> No.5218355


>> No.5218364

>sentimentality couched in purple prose.
lol you didn't get it