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/lit/ - Literature

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5217533 No.5217533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, so I just picked up this book. I posted in one of the threads that this is the first time I've read since high school (6-7 years). What should I read out of it first?
>The Odyssey
>The Eumenides
>Oedipus the King
>Divine Comedy
>A True Story

I also got "Into the Wild" and "The Metamorphosis". It interested me more than the trial.
I read all the /lit/ recommended back in High School, trying to find more stuff.

>> No.5217555

Man, those are good stories. Just read it in that order man....

The Eumenides? Isn't that the second story to something or am I confusing it?

>> No.5217566

Yeah, in the book it's

-----(The Oresteia)
-The Eumenides

There's actually a LOT more than what I put in the post, those are the stories that stood out to me though.

>> No.5217568

lysistrata should be the first thing any person reads.

>> No.5217589

Here's the full contents

>Masterpieces of the Ancient WOrld
The Old Testament
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Lyrics (Sappho of Lesbos)
The Oresteia
Oedipus the King
The Apology of Socrates
Poetics (Aristotle)
Lyrics (Catullus)
The Aeneis
Metemorphoses (Ovid)
The Satyricon
A True Story
Confessions (Augustine)

>Masterpieces of the MIddle Ages
The Koran (Sura 1, 5, 12)
Lais (Marie de France)
The Divine Comedy
The Decameron
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Canterbury Tales
The THousand and one Nights

>Masterpieces of the Renaissance
The Ascent of Mount Ventoux
The Praise of Folly
Letter to Francesco Vettori (The Food which Alone is Mine)
The Prince
Orlando Furioso
The Book of the Courtier
The Heptameron
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Don Quixote
Fuente Ovejuna
Paradise Lost

And that's highly condensed
INSANELY daunting.

>> No.5217594

Why, because saying so makes you feel "progressive"?

>> No.5217595

Wait, it are all off those unabridged or are we talking selections? How fucking big is this book?

>> No.5217603

I'd say 65% are full, the other 35% are sections
It's 2500 pages long

>> No.5217604
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>> No.5217607
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>tfw you will never read the aeneid for the first time again

>> No.5217626

>65% full
>2500 pages

My Don Quixote is like 1200 pages.

>> No.5217633

I meant 65% of the stories, so Don Quixote would fall into the 35%

>> No.5217647

because it's important thematically along with being hecka clever linguistically

i live my life by lysistrata and the backlash i receive is as entertaining as it is eyeopening.

>> No.5217655

Is that a Beardsley?

>> No.5217678

>wanting to read prolix propaganda involving the conquest of a moma's boy.

>> No.5217685

tf is a beardsley my nigga

>> No.5217693

Norman Lindsay

>> No.5217720
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Huh. Sort of looks like Beardsley's style.

>> No.5217747
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I like Lindsay better. He's an erratic (erotic) artist, but Beardsley's style always made me a little ill.
Here's him putting in more effort.

>> No.5217773
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Could anyone who's seen it tell me the literary equivalent of this? Or Nostalghia?

>> No.5217799

What a plebeian.

>> No.5217843

You filthy pleb

>> No.5217871

Please don't tell me any of these abridged. The Odyssey and the Divine Comedy are both still far greater than Gilgamesh, Agamemnon, Eumenides, and Oedipus combined.

Should have bought them individually.

>> No.5217885

Actually didn't buy it, just got it fromt he library on long term rental. Gonna go to a used book store tomorrow and look around for some stuff they didn't have at the library (Naked Lunch, Mysteries, Junky, and am taking any good rec's)
From what I can tell, most of the poems are unabridged. I know The Divine Comedy isn't.

>> No.5220224

u a shit

>> No.5220257

>you will never read Purgatorio for the first time ever again

>> No.5220292

I'm pretty grateful I get to do all this shit.
It was like when I first started getting into film - the first time I saw Mulholland Drive, or 2001, or Chinatown, or Amadeus - it's a blessing.

>> No.5220837

Nice book OP, at least youre not reading Stephen King, 1984, Murakami and the other shit that pollutes /lit/. I rec you read some russian lit too, at least Crime and Punishment, Death of Ivan Ilyich, Gogol short stories, Chekhov, etc.

You'll be well rounded enough.

>> No.5220960

That book seems solid. May I ask about the translations ? What version of the Iliad is it ? What about Oedipus Rex ?