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5216710 No.5216710 [Reply] [Original]

Are audiobooks cheating?

>> No.5216718

Obviously lol

>> No.5216729

its like masturbating instead of fucking a tranny.

>> No.5216746


>> No.5216748


>not being transit/audiobook masterrace
>not walking your dog while listening to audiobook
>not listening to podcasts while doing menial work around the house

into the gas chamber you go

>> No.5216750

i used to read along with audio books when i was really young because i was having problems with sloooowing down and allowing myself to absorb the text.

>> No.5216754

>not being transit/audiobook masterrace
>not walking your dog while listening to audiobook
>not listening to podcasts while doing menial work around the house
Are you me?

>> No.5216755

I've conditioned myself not to listen so much that I never know what is going on when I try it

>> No.5216762


>> No.5216778

anyone first worlder who does menial tasks without listen to audiobooks, lectures, or music is demonstrating borderline retarded behavior.

>> No.5216812

sometimes people have "thoughts" that they don't like to drown out with outside noise.

>> No.5216859

Cheating in what?
What is this?
Who is the smartest boy in the class?
Just fucking take the time ,read, listen whtever but do it. There is no cheating in life. Fuck im Good

>> No.5216911
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>What's music?

>> No.5216941

You don't focus near as much, so your brain is not really doing anything compared to actually reading it

>> No.5217275

your spontaneous thoughts are most likely worthless given your low level of education

>> No.5217350

my thoughts are intricate stories centered around various mythos surrounding our beautiful universe.

i give time and space for these shimmering star-thoughts as they were given to me by my higher mind. i respect my sneaky psyche too much to constantly ignore it for the instantly gratifying chattering of more obvious stimuli.

>> No.5217357

>audiobooks take longer to listen to than the book takes to read
>you can't easily stop and re-read or ponder or goback like you can with a physical book
>audiobooks are usually abridged

how can it be cheating if everything is harder and worse?

>> No.5217358

Some of us have thoughts that no amount of outside noise can drown out...

>> No.5217361

i wouldn't disrespect the author or myself enough to pretend that i could pay proper attention while doing housework.

>> No.5217367

it depends on what you're listening to and what you're doing. there are limits.

>> No.5217373

I'm just starting to get into reading books often. I listening to lots of podcasts every day and have for a long time, so audiobooks have been a good transition for me so far.

>> No.5217430

when i was crazy all music played in tandem with my ever-running river of intertwined musings of the muses and mythos, passages of literature were pre-thought and disambiguated, flashbulbs of film stills skittered behind my eyes prior to seeing, billboards spoke in universal jokes. my third eye was blinking morse code in shades of purple and it was lovely.

now that it has quieted down, i've learned to give proper respect to my thoughts and not push them into corners constantly with unnecessary input. your thoughts are noisy as to compete with the thoughts of others. give them proper credit and let them bring you to the spaces of the mystics unhindered by hangers on more often.

>> No.5217439

I rarely read any philosophy texts in audio book form or anything of substance


for fun i started listening to the grand admiral thrawn trilogy for star wars and it is completely awesome. They got the wookie yells space noises RD2D not shutting the fuck up with his beeps.

Really well done and its surprisingly well written. Its depressing me that the next star wars movie probably isnt that

>> No.5217447

>if you're listening to something, you're not thinking

>> No.5217530

obviously you're thinking, most everyone is always thinking, but you're not allowing for those thoughts to take precedence. by consistently overriding your Self, you risk it, in turn, not respecting your little ego. eventually it will just stop bothering to bathe you in metaphysical treasures and leave you with your easy access media.

there's a time and a place for outside stimuli as well as a time and a place for letting your own mind come first without interruption. life gives you the gift of moments with busy hands and a free mind. don't spit on it.

>> No.5217558

>life gives you the gift of moments with busy hands and a free mind. don't spit on it.
get over yourself. holy shit.

>> No.5217694

i won't move beyond my self. i am full of myself as i have had moments of a true understanding of the universe being my self. i worship the universe and the self it creates in each moment thoroughly with each pale lilac spark i inhale. the colors we exhale are the same we breathe in and in literally seeing the energy move through me unchanged i am brought back to the purity of the one cosmos that allows my being.

it's important to love yourself beyond just loving the singular self. in accepting and appreciating the perceived constraints time gives you, you open yourself up to dimensions previously believed unattainable.

i don't feel any shame in this.

>> No.5217701

>when i was crazy all music played in tandem with my ever-running river of intertwined musings of the muses and mythos, passages of literature were pre-thought and disambiguated, flashbulbs of film stills skittered behind my eyes prior to seeing, billboards spoke in universal jokes. my third eye was blinking morse code in shades of purple and it was lovely.
I have to admit, I liked this little bit of writing.

Whatever, I don't want things to quiet down. For me it's either crazy or catatonic.

>> No.5219301


Audiobooks are pleb as fuck

>> No.5219481

I wish we had more audiobook threads

I know there are some that are done very well with great voices and effects and I want to know what they are

>> No.5219494

Of course it's not cheating, but I do consider it to be the worst form of story telling.

I was reading The Count of Monte Cristo and I thought "maybe I can listen to the audiobook while I'm having dinner". I didn't want to stop reading it so I thought that would be a good idea.

It wasn't. The voices were all wrong and he wasn't reading it right. It stopped becoming my experience and started to become somebody elses.

Worst ten minutes of my reading life.

>> No.5221039

- Dune, the full cast recording is top and Simon Vance's recording of the rest of the series is also great.
- Jeremy Iron's reading of Lolita is the best audiobook ever recorded.
- Roy Dotrice does and excellent job with A Song of Ice and Fire.
- Steven Pacey's First Law trilogy is really good.
- The full cast recording of World War Z is the ultimate way to 'experience' the story.

I only really listen to fantasy and sci-fi in case you haven't noticed. It's pulpy and doesn't require much thinking behind it like real literature would. I've heard Ulysses has a great audiobook but I'd never consider listening to it. The only exception for me is Lolita because I absolutely love that book and the recording was just that good.

Librivox is shit though. Fan made recordings with desktop mics. No thanks. An audiobook is a terrible experience if the recording is poorly made.

I'd recommend doing what I do and make trial accounts on Audible over and over again for two free books each time. But I also get lots of prepaid creditcards to make that work.

More practically, audiobooks can be pirated and Listen Audiobook Player is a great app for playing them.

>> No.5221054

>I do consider it to be the worst form of story telling
telling a story is the worst form of storytelling

fucking millenials

>> No.5221083

The RTÉ Radio reading of Ulysses is wonderful

>> No.5221130
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I am currently reading


the thread

>> No.5221683

If you have any desire to write, yes. If you're just a reader and looking for something to parrot a story to you, no.

>> No.5222582

Just checked out Grapes of Wrath for a long drive today. Gary Sinese was awesome going seamlessly from AAVE to retard to Southern Belle but I probably only digested ~70% or so. If anything you're cheating yourself unless you can retain audio really well and even then it takes away some of the imaginative experience of creating the characters in your mind.