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File: 46 KB, 300x230, feat-dictionary-300px._V251264268_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
521368 No.521368 [Reply] [Original]

sony book reader doesn't have a built in dictionary

kindle > sony book reader

>> No.521384

Kindle is for idiots that don't have the dictionary memorized.

>> No.521391

I have the dictionary AND the thesaurus memorized. OP is a fag.

>> No.521397

I am not a native speaker and it sucks balls having to look a word every minute while reading, say, Blood Meridian.

>> No.521401

It does though. I have a PR600, all I have to do is double tap on a word and it brings it up.

>> No.521407


Blood Meridian must suck so much arse to read in English if you aren't a native English speaker. English is my first language and even I find it dense as fuck.

>> No.521416

lol sony book reader, enjoy your glare faggots

>> No.521433

Depends on the Sony Reader in question, OP.

The Pocket? No. The Touch and Daily Edition? Yes they do. And they work a fuckload better than the Kindle one.

>> No.521452

When I need to consult a dictionary, it's for words that can't be found in your average default dictionary that comes built into devices.

>> No.521459


Sure thing. Like Ghurthinlying, I can't find that word in any dictionary.

>> No.521472


Because it's not really a word?

>> No.521478


Yeah it is, you read it, that makes it a word. Random gibberish is technically words, however, they have no meaning.

>> No.521484


You just take philosophy 101?

>> No.521487



>> No.521490


No. Words have to have a meaning or concept attached before they are words, you stupid faggot.

>> No.521511


Alright then.

Ghurthinlying - A small, ugly child that is mentally challenged.

Now it is a word.

>> No.521515

now go and jerk off, wanker.

>> No.521517

>Word (n.)
>a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

>that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

Your word is not a carrier of meaning, seeing as you made the word up yourself and have to explain its meaning to any and all people who encounter.

>> No.521534
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>> No.521812


But it has a meaning.

>> No.521842

So...how long is that battery life on those things?

>> No.521884

look up private language argument

and even if you do not buy that, and i do not fully endorse its implied metaphysics either, it is clear that language as a human function is active in the social setting. your capacity to invent words is rather useless without their being accepted by others.