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/lit/ - Literature

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5213266 No.5213266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ask a person who has huffed duster every day for nearly 5 years anything.

>> No.5213269

How's your brain?

>> No.5213273

Does it really feel like walking on sunshine?

>> No.5213278

Why are you so cool

>> No.5213279


not great


no, I don't know why I keep doing it

>> No.5214755


any more questions?

>> No.5214766

when i would visit my friend at his supermarket job back in high school, his co-workers would always do "whippits" in the warehouse. i mentally associate it with being a loser.

>> No.5214770

what's your favourite type of porn?

>> No.5214776

Yeah, what the fuck is duster?

>> No.5214779

like that endust shit for your computer

>> No.5214781


>> No.5214790

>you will never be a fuck up

Feels good, man. Never even touched a cigarette, let alone any other drug, and the closest I've ever got to drinking alcohol is when I use whine as part of my sauces for pasta.

>> No.5214795

>let alone any other drug

You've never taken aspirin?

>> No.5214796
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So the kind in a can, but do you like the feathered kinds?

>> No.5214799

Why don't you do real drugs instead of the shit your mom buys to clean her computers, you stupid preteen faggot?

>> No.5214806

>I'll n-never take drugs mommy, i swear!
>Look mom, i don't take any drugs, look what a nice kid i am :)

Fuck off

>> No.5214808

You know what, I don't think I've ever taken a single aspirin pill. Whenever my mom would offer me medicine when I was younger, I would deny them and would instead make chicken noodle soup and ginger ale or go to a really warm place to sweat out my sickness.

>> No.5214814
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>> No.5214825
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>Be a sixth grader
>Have to attend a mandatory drug awareness assembly
>Play a video about abusing inhalants
>Show Mexican guy saying an angel came from heaven and told him to huff paint
>Standard stuff
>Move on to girl who was huffing duster with friends
>She does too much and her body flips out
>Goes unconscious and friends say she felt really hot
>They put her in a bathtub and shower her with cold water
>She gets worse and starts vomiting ice cubes
>Finally her friends call 911
>She is now a vegetable
>This is why I smoke weed and don't do duster

>> No.5214832
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>go to a really warm place to sweat out my sickness.

You don't know how the body works do you?

That's fine and all, as is the never taking aspirin retardedness, but don't pretend like not drinking wine and smoking means you "will never be a fuck up." I know plenty of fuck ups who don't do drugs.

>> No.5214837
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>> No.5214912

>A can of compressed air that you inhale to get a very intense high. Used to blow dust off computers and other things.

This is pathetic. It's only one step up from sniffing glue in the sewers of Moscow with Russian street children.

>> No.5215017

Why are you posting this on /lit?

>> No.5215038

>not wanting to become a tree
>dat sweet life coming from the sun
>processing oxygen for other lifeforms to thrive
>being caught in the rain is now a pleasant experience
>no job
>you're literally made of paper, which means you're now a book

>> No.5215039

How bad does cat food taste?

>> No.5215202

Not him, but pretty bad. Cats are always trying to steal our food for a reason. My friend started buying some expensive-ass "better quality" food to give to his cats from time to time and you wouldn't believe how fucking hysterical they get when they hear the sound of the plastic where that food's enveloped.

>> No.5215306 [DELETED] 

Why huff this shit?

What neuro deficits are you feeling?

Do you have hobbies? If so, what?, and post an example.

What is your favorite book?

>> No.5215316


>> No.5215322

I agree. Dusters are genre fiction. Genre fiction is not literature. Dusters have no place on /lit/.

>> No.5215328

Don't people wear dusters in Blood Meridian?

>> No.5215343

Don't fool yourself; dusters or no, Blood Meridian is genre fiction.

>> No.5215389

>autist tripfag doesn't get the reference

>> No.5215396


>> No.5215417

I don't think he's touched one of them either.

>> No.5215420
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>> No.5215430

Are you good at art?
I don't mean "good" like in the representationl/figurative sense. I mean like, when you make paper mache masks or draw pictures of ICP, do you get really excited about it? Does it sort of feel like a spiritual experience?

>> No.5215447

Blood Meridian's enjoying some notoriety as a modern literary classic because the likes of Bloom and that obnoxious woman from Yale asserting some tenuous-at-best link to Moby Dick.

Lord even knows what these "academics" are thinking, but there will soon be a negative response toward this, and Blood Meridian will likely give up its place for other, more intelligent works like Suttree.

>> No.5215530
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He means a gas duster, or compressed air can.
It's amazing OP is even alive. Kids started hugging it like crazy thinking they were getting high, but really the 'high was just their brains shutting down. Forever.

>> No.5215550

Do you read?

>> No.5215666

>He doesn't know something
>He's autistic

>> No.5215702

Why don't you do whippets or buy a tank instead?

>> No.5215704

That's it, I'm going to eat a pound of acorns before they berry me.