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/lit/ - Literature

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5213270 No.5213270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/

I am quite new to the fantasy genre, I read the GoT series then moved onto the Malazan Book of the Fallen series which I MUCH preferred.

I am now looking for something new to read since finishing that and was thinking something along the lines of..

Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
Black Company - Glen Cook
Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson
The Tyranny of the Night - Glen Cook

Any other recommendations or preferences out of the above?

>> No.5213308


Black Company

>> No.5213312


Wheel of Time
The Gentleman Bastards Sequence
His Dark Materials
Valerie and Her Week Of Wonders(it does have fantasy elements to it but it's more of a fairy tale)

>> No.5213329


I actually started this as it seemed similar, the whole military group thing which I enjoyed in Malazan. The style of writing is a bit different (am I right in remembering it is written in a first person view, I did this I did that etc) which will take some getting used to.


A friend just started wheel of time and seems to be enjoying it. I will look into the others thanks!

I like the sound of Tyranny of the Night, the whole fantasy thing with demons etc. Has anyone read it?

>> No.5213338


I have only read the first book myself but I found it pretty derivative of Lord of The Rings with a feminist touch to it. I think it's a little unfair to judge on the first book alone but i'll look into the others if I can find them cheaply at a charity shop or something.

>> No.5213445


I guess you mean Wheel of Time?

Most things I have read describe it as a LOTR type series that sticks to what Tolkien did but say it is still a solid series.

>> No.5213701
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Not the guy you're replying to but the first book of Wheel of Time was pretty much a shameful rip-off of LOTR.

The next few books were pretty good though, before the series turns to shit.

Some recommendations. What makes you prefer Eriksson to GRRM? That might help with suggesting stuff.

>> No.5213774


Mainly the characters. I loved the whole Human/Ascendant/God thing and the crazy powerful characters and gods.

It was also pretty funny too sometimes and I enjoyed the chapters of the soldiers in the army.

I guess I just liked the whole powerful magic/fighters/gods thing and the scale of the whole thing by the end.

>> No.5215560
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>Steel Remains
Don't touch that shit OP unless you like gay buttsex.

OP, if you want Fantasy Recs look at this list, the red arrows.

>> No.5215570

Could someone write down the main differences between this and GoT?

>> No.5215586

Fuck you, fuck your pirating. Get off the internet before I tell the police.

>> No.5215710

>Scott Lynch is that you?
Are you mad I read Locke Lamora? The book isn't all that great, I just read it because I needed a distraction.

Or is it Tao... you mad because I'm not reading your shit?

>> No.5215778

>Could someone write down the main differences between this and GoT?

Lots of battles
Little to no Magic

Lots of Battles
Lots(PLENTY) of Magic

The only difference is the magic:
with GoT the little magics had the books depending a LOT on intrigue to keep the reader glue, along with a little "flash of skin"(magic) to make you think, "if I go a little bit further I'm gonna get to stick it in" but it never pays off.

with MBoTF the abundance of magics allows the author to have things take place in different settings/dimensions. He doesn't have to rely only on intrigue(there is a lot there too).

>> No.5215794
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GoT is the name of one of the books. The series would be ASOIAF

>> No.5215813

But magic is still something "special" in MBoTF? Or can any faggot do some epic flameball?

>> No.5215878

It's a specialized skill, if you want to put it like that.

Like in the Army, you have specialists, well in MBoTF its the same shit there is a branch for wizards.(What I grasped so far only read three books, the fourth's change in narrator is putting me off it).

If you read Black Company its like that.

>> No.5215923

Well that´s sound fine.I just hate when every faggot is able to do some crazy Magic.

>> No.5215975

It's still a specialized skill. A random dude on a street won't be doing shit. The difference is there's enough mages to be regular components in armies, for example. Plus there's specialization within the magic. It's not like Eduardo Wizardhands gets shot down, and Jack McRandom picks up his wand and tome for the first time ever to go to work lobbing balls of liquid hatred at the enemy. Takes training and commitment. (No they do not actually use wands and tomes. I just like longwinded illustrative anecdotes that backfire on me as often as not)

Seriously though there is so much fucking magic in these books. Floating fortresses, gods and demigods, freaky monsters, alternate dimensions, humans using magic best they can to get by in the form of healing or attacks, long-range fast-travel, shapeshifters, non-human sentient races, bizarre and vaguely defined eons-long curses upon people who deserve even worse than what they got.... I really need to finish this series. I'm making that list out of the first 3 books.


I read the first tyranny of the night book from glen cook. It is basically "The Crusades, with demons, magic and vikings." I had fun with it but haven't grabbed more yet. Some down-to-earth military dude perspectives, as well as a point of view from one of the northmen. I found I didn't care what was happening long-term and read more for the moment to moment hijinks of the characters.

If you want glen cook I enjoyed the black company series more. The whole thing was so good. I also liked his dread empire books and read the main trilogy of them.

>> No.5216400

Black Company was great

>> No.5216467

>tfw got showfags don't stop at ruining asoiaf now they're moving over to MBOTF

>> No.5216813

come on man it's exciting that fantasy is getting new attention since the hobbit isn't doing it and twilight only invited more urban fantasy

>> No.5216844

I finished the 14th and final book of Wheel of Time last week and I recommend it.

It's quality lowers from books 8-10, but picks up again 11 onward.

Based on the fantasy series I've read I'd say:

WoT>ASOIAF(1-5)>SoT(1-4 haven't read the rest)>Inheritance Cycle

I'm moving on to Malazan next, but I'm giving fantasy a break and reading Cicero right now.

>> No.5217677


>tfw this idiot assumes there even was a "show" when I read them

You know what they say about assuming.
Sounds like the Black Company is really worth a read then

>> No.5217687

>tfw MBOTF tv adaptation
>kalam played by kevin hart
>quick ben played by tyler perry
>whiskeyjack played by sean bean
>sorry played by kristen stewart
>crokus played by jesse eisenberg
>lorn played by megan fox
>tool voiced by eddie murphy
>kruppe played by danny devito

>> No.5217724

>Someone else read the Black Jewels Trilogy and enjoyed it

Holy christ I was under the impression I was one of 5 people who cared about the series and always wanted more.

>> No.5217909

The Way of Kings is the best epic fantasy book in a very long time. It's by Brandon Sanderson so you could replace Mistborn with that.

Sadly, only two books out of ten have been released, so it's not for the impatient among us. If you want a complete series, stick with Mistborn, it's still a very enjoyable ride and one of the more unique fantasies out there.

Avoid Book of the New Sun unless you've been reading for a long time, not just fantasy but literature in general. That shit is amazing, but very dense.

>> No.5217929


Stop besmirching every fantasy thread with this shitty pleblist.

>> No.5217939

Maybe Bakker's Prince of Nothing books then.

>> No.5218180

>>tool voiced by eddie murphy
Wait, what?

>> No.5219497

can you make a torrent pls

>> No.5219539

/lit/ suggested it to me a few years ago The loli rape gave me weird boner and turned me to reading fantasy books with heavy tones of incest or rape Thanks a lot /lit/.

>> No.5219567

b-but it increases every month!!
Most of those on the list /lit/ recommended them, or goodreads recommended them on what /lit/ recommended me in the first place.

Like I usually same some(a lot) are pure shit, some started off good and turned to shit(Anita Blake, Kim Harrison, etc etc) and some are really good.
I suggest books based on someones likes.

>> No.5219572

It's 130+ GBS... so yeah not happening.

>> No.5219682

Yeah, but once you're past that particular bit the story is great, its nice to read a book where the protagonists have downtime to enjoy living without the near constant threat of DOOM upon them, time to just dick around and be people. That and I don't read alot of shit big on drama, so that was probably my best intro to that particular subset.

>> No.5219710

Split it into several torrents
what do I have to do to have your collection

>> No.5219814

Get them from trackers, demonoid is back up(i started my collection from there). It's probably a honeypot now but you can take your chances.

>> No.5220071

>Tawny Man Trilogy
Only if you want to ruin the Farseer Trilogy for yourself