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5205293 No.5205293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>best selling book of all time
>started out as twilight fanfiction
and you still believe women don't shit up everything.

>> No.5205301

>>best selling book of all time
[citation needed]

>> No.5205305

Not to be sexist, but I'd gladly trade all the good female writers like Woolf, Shelley, and Beauvoire for the shite ones to have never written.

>> No.5205318

>good female writer

>> No.5205322

>tfw writing It's Always Sunny' erotic fan fiction

If I don't get a boner during a scene I re-write.

>> No.5205334

>best selling book of all time
>not the bible


>> No.5205337

Write a scene where Dennis and Dee bang while Frank watches.

>> No.5205338

How problematic is it that the most popular book for women is basically a rape fantasy?

>> No.5205342

>women in charge of decency

>> No.5205352

between 2011-2012 100 million copies were sold.

>> No.5205359

Does 2011-2012 sound like all time?

>> No.5205360

surprisingly predictable

>> No.5205372

It depends. If you believe only men don't give a shit about a hot person "raping" you, then it is very sad for you. If you are rainbow-pilled then you probably won't give a fuck.

>> No.5205374

do you understand that 100 million copies puts it 5th on the all time list of individual book sales with only one year elapsed.

The other books on that list are decades to hundreds of years old.

>> No.5205383

Who the fuck is buying this shit? I don't know anyone who's read it. Where are these people?

>> No.5205392

Look I dislike the movie Idiocracy, but this is Idiocracy.

>> No.5205401

>problematic as an adjective

American detected.

Also, rape fantasies among women are incredibly common, I'm surprised you managed to graduate High School without learning this. And, no, fetid neckbeards, this does not give anyone license to rape. Fantasy is not reality. Besides, their fantasies tend to be of a particular kind of which your physiognomy alone would except your participation.

>> No.5205405

Still need a source on "best selling book of all time". Wikipedia gives the whole series 100 mil, which means it's about the 20th best selling series of all time.

>> No.5205454


>> No.5205466

Gotta love how women are exempt from the "rape culture" conspiracy. They just want to be raped, what's wrong with that? But if you look at big titted cartoon girls, you're responsible for rape culture.

>> No.5205467

do you know anyone with a vagina?

oh wait this is 4chan

>> No.5205469


why does /lit/ complain about neckbeards but I've never seen anything neckbeardy here (besides the occasional fantasy genre thread)

>> No.5205476

I don't think you actually understand what rape culture is.

>> No.5205485


I know plenty of vaginas, just not the tired, used up kind that read smutty pap

>> No.5205489

It's one of those go-to insults that has lost it's original meaning. Like "fedora" and "edgy".

>> No.5205498


>> No.5205510


>women have rape fantasies
>but don't want to be raped

Yeah fuck that.


Fantasies exist because we secretly want it to.

>> No.5205515

"We have a perfect name for fantasy realized. It is called nightmare."

>> No.5205516

You're conflating people with different opinions.

Nobody made a complaint, sweetheart. I just wanted it to be clear that a rape fantasy is specific and individual with its own elements that have nothing to do with actual, real life rape. A point that would only have to be made clear to neckbeards.

>> No.5205527
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>I just wanted it to be clear that a rape fantasy is specific and individual with its own elements that have nothing to do with actual, real life rape.

women mental gymnastics

>> No.5205528

>it's about the 20th best selling series of all time

That's a pretty high spot considering what the series is. It's apart of the Western canon now and a good document on how individualism ruins societies.

>> No.5205546

>Dennis and Dee bang while Frank watches.

Yes, that has crossed my mind.

The plot basically centers around the gang videoing each other fucking Dee and posting it on the internet for cash.

>> No.5205550

No, just an understanding of fantasy v. reality that most people grasp upon entering middle school.

You can fantasize about fucking on the top of mountain without realizing how thin the air is. And anyway, I've already alluded to the fact that most rape fantasies are very particular, with conditions that would not be met in real life.

>> No.5205551

Never knew the bible is fanfiction. learn something new every day.

>> No.5205571

>yfw the bible is fanfiction of the Iliad

>> No.5205612

but HP tho

>> No.5205616

More like Enûma Eliš.

>> No.5205618

I'll take symptoms of patriarchy for 500, Alex.

>> No.5205620

>good female writers
>list can be counted on one hand

>> No.5205621

This. Plenty of women are complacent in rape culture.

>> No.5205625

It boggles my mind how popular this book got.

>> No.5205630

You mean bottles boggles isn't a word

>> No.5205632

Are you disagreeing with me or joining me in my jab on women?

>> No.5205634

Not this anon, but enlighten me. What exactly is the agreed upon definition of rape culture that isn't overreaching and infused with paranoia?

>> No.5205637
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I beg to differ.

>> No.5205638

It was an object that women could use to convey the idea that they have a edgier, naughtier side, despite living a perfectly vanilla consumerist lifestyle. How could it not sell?

>> No.5205640

Uh, yeah it is.

>> No.5205641

It's when a community of men meet in secret conventions every month and discuss how to better rape women. What part of this are you not understanding?

>> No.5205643


>> No.5205646

Social attitudes about sex and gender that causes female sexuality to be seen as male property.

>> No.5205661
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>feminists claim we live in a patriarchal society based around rape culture
>millions of women buy and become obsessed with a book about sexual submission

superior kek

>> No.5205664

it's so gloriously ironic how dumb women are.

>> No.5205665
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the only place that nonsensical interpretations of society like that actually circulate is the universities

incidentally, the majority of reported sexual abuse in this country comes from the same place

>> No.5205666

That sort of proves the point.

>> No.5205667

Luckily, all women have agency. They certainly don't have to market themselves as property, and if they do...it's their choice!

>> No.5205672

>he thinks this is a contradiction

Some of you are really, really bad at logic. Maybe you should pretend you're being graded for your posts...would that help?

>> No.5205674

>nonsensical interpretations of society
How is it "nonsensical"? Because you don't believe it?

Hell, a vast majority of the comments on this site support the assertion.

>hur dur all women are inferior
>women aren't real people yo
>fuck bitches the stupid cunts
and so on.

>> No.5205677
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>women are raised to enjoy rape!

why can't people just accept the wisdom of antiquity with respect to women? they are the second sex in every possible respect, and their nature reflects that. it's okay. if the sexes were predestined for equality, they would not be two

>> No.5205678

"Selling" being the relevant word.
The Bible might be the most printed, translated. Maybe even the most read, but most of those copies are given out for free.

>> No.5205689

This also proves the point.

>> No.5205693


Y'all totally missed the Talladega Nights reference

>> No.5205695


all these displays of mental gymnastics and ad hominem.

women are truly hilarious.

>> No.5205699

Probably because I don't watch shitty fratpack comedies.

Isn't there a beer can you should be chugging and subsequently crushing on your forehead?

>> No.5205702


Brontë sisters, O'Connor, Austen, Rand

>> No.5205706

>names 5
>there are usually 5 fingers on a human hand

>> No.5205709

No, but I do think I need to get off 4chan and enjoy life before I end up as wretched as you.

>> No.5205710

You're perhaps on some level, correct. However, the view is so hilariously narrow it leads to an incestuously deformed birth child of a worldview. The world turns on the gears of desire and wants and people who want the power to satisfy those wants and desires. Every day, one has to shore oneself up against those who want things from you and set boundaries against them. People will take you and chew you to pieces if you let them, man or woman. Your struggle is not special and neither are you. Accept that, grow up, and become a healthy goddamned human being.

>> No.5205711


>board on 4chan
>representative of general society in any way

now you're really grasping at straws

how about you just admit no one really understands female sexuality and leave it at that? because it seems to me that all the feminists have done is say 'woman is thus and thus because man has made her so'. But that's a lie. It's infinitely more complicated than anyone in the feminist movement has ever been able to appreciate. But they have the arrogance to label everything they don't like,everything that is questionable or dubious in woman as 'oppressions derived behavior'. In any event, the number one 'oppressor' of women and girls is without question other women and girls. Gender roles, if such exist, are passed on not through male-centric oppression and mold-making, but through female-centric disciplining and pigeonholing.

There are a ton of things wrong with feminism and its effect has on the whole been disastrous for female health in the western world. With the movement spiraling into absurdity and extremism as of late, we can only hope it will soon be tossed in the bin of exploded ideologies, right alongside Marxism and Christianity.

>> No.5205714

I do not want women to be oppressed, but I find "rape culture" to be a term useful only for pointing at bogeymen and avoiding responsibility.

The problem with a lot of recent feminist dialogue is that it is...dialogue. Actions speak louder than words. "Raising awareness" and "an important conversation" make you sound impotent and nobody will change their behavior that way.

>> No.5205716

including woolf shelley and that french slut

>> No.5205720


>Ayn Rant

Please. At least give us an author with actual talent, like Mary Renault or something.

>> No.5205721

>ad hominem.

You demonstrated an inability to understand contradictions, I didn't force your hand.

>> No.5205733

You didn't address the question but danced around it with sophistry and rhetoric.

You'll find it on any internet forum, and any frat house party, and even in the elevator at Goldman Sachs. It's pervasive.

>> No.5205738
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>it is an ad hominem argument to call someone out for using ad hominem

>isadhu shigye

>> No.5205741

>now you're really grasping at straws

I was on the populist website Reddit frontpage today and the top voted comment on one of the top voted posts was a screencap of 4chan. We're not some obscure shithole, we're popular.

>> No.5205747

best selling book of all time is the bible...

>> No.5205750

I was quoting you, junior.

>> No.5205758


>implying problematic isn't an adjective

why would you use it as a known when the word problem serves that purpose and is the root of problematic

fucking non-americans

>> No.5205764


>internet forum
>frat house party
>Goldman Sachs

>implying these are not three places that typical adolescent-minded dickheads gather in number

Go into actual society and you'll see other things from men, like ridiculously over the top displays of romantic love, fanatical attachment to their wives/partners, respect for female insight and people skills, and so on.

Men generally objectify women who objectify themselves. That's a significant portion of the female population, but it's hardly any majority. There's no good reason to respect someone who clearly doesn't respect herself.

>> No.5205765





>> No.5205772
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>not some obscure shithole

>> No.5205785

I didn't feel the need to because I wasn't that anon. I was the first one who asked the question. I'm the one who asked for the definition. Your accusations, however, are false. I'm simply explaining to you how the world actually works. Take responsibility for yourself and don't expect anyone else to care or do it for you or you will forever be stuck in your hole of hatred and resentment.

>> No.5205789


Figures. I live in an urban area.

People have mentioned the movie, but I don't know if they're secretly going to see it or what.

>> No.5205795

it sold 100 million copies.

It's not a urban-suburban thing you fuckwit. It's universally loved by women regardless of location.

>> No.5205797

On top of that, I feel there is an inherent sexism in feminism. Not only should females be responsible for themselves and their control of their sexuality, but men should too and help keep it in their control. This is why we are laughing at you. Because no man worth anything expects this kind of inherent social help and yet you somehow feel it is obligated to you. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.5205798

Gyms, bars, car repair shops, convenience stores, the fucking street. It's everywhere.

Rape culture isn't a guy raping a woman, or talking about how much he wants to, it can be as simple as thinking a woman can owe you sex. Married men who love their wives are capable of this sort of thinking.

>Men generally objectify women who objectify themselves.
That women objectify themselves doesn't help your case, it strengthens mine. Rape culture is internalized by both sexes.
Furthermore, even if a woman objectifies herself, that doesn't give anyone the right to exploit it.

>> No.5205800

"problematic" as adj is an american bastardization of the concept of the problématique, which comes from their misreading of crit theory.

but you can argue that the current usage is valid, since that's how language works, etc.

>> No.5205832

I didn't realize The Bible is twilight fanfic
I didn't realize only women read The Bible

>> No.5205840

fucking terrible thread

>> No.5205842

the bible isn't a sold book you idiots. It's printed and given out.

also sales/time this is the best selling book OF ALL TIME

>> No.5205845

>also sales/time this is the best selling book OF ALL TIME
Because there are more people on planet earth now you fucking autist

>> No.5205849

who did you disagree with honey?

>> No.5205856

What book?

>> No.5205857

you don't understand math at all do you, english major?

>> No.5205861
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Do enlighten me. What am I missing?

>> No.5205892


>> No.5205903

the previous highest selling books of all time have sold between 100-300 million copies in decades, even hundreds of years. That amount is not fixed. They are still selling.

This book sold 100 million copies in ONE year. If the sales were to decay at the same rate as the other top selling books, this book will sell over 1 billion copies, leaving out population inflation.

>> No.5205913



There's that word again!

We're all sexist even if you can't prove it!

>> No.5205921

It's proven in behavior.

>> No.5205924




>> No.5205944

You're so dense you don't realize you're mocking someone who is mocking someone who you disagree with.

The modern man, ladies and gentleman. Quite a specimen.

>> No.5205977

You're so dense you don't realize I'm mocking someone who is mocking someone who you disagree with while he is ironically mocking the mocker.

The modern woman, ladies and gentleman. Quite a specimyn.

>> No.5205986

Except I'm male.

You just outed yourself as sexist though. Oops!

>> No.5206010


you're so dense you dont realize that he was joining in the joke, not mocking the person he responded to

>> No.5206019
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>> No.5206196

>male feminist

well... there you go

>> No.5206300

>sales/time it is the best selling book of all time
who measures it like that?

>> No.5206321
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>this book will sell over 1 billion copies
>no timeframe