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/lit/ - Literature

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5197570 No.5197570 [Reply] [Original]

Don't think we've had one of these in a while e/lit/es, so let's get a share thread going. We've had some really good ones in the past, so post stuff, request stuff, whatever.

Here are four novels by László Krasznahorkai for starters:

Seiobo There Below
The Melancholy of Resistance
War & War


>> No.5198176

thanks OP for starting this thread, I love sharethreads because people are always posting authors I've never even heard of. case in point, I've never read a single hungarian book, but this author sounds interesting.

I'll keep it rolling and share some of the shit I've picked up from previous threads. Unfortunately I can't tell what most of them are from the zip names so I'll just upload random ones.

here's some classic icelandic lit

>> No.5198190

some /lit/ basics: thomas pynchon complete in epub format

>> No.5198773

Collection of short stories by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky. Look out in particular for 'The Unbitten Elbow'.

>> No.5198895

I don't have any to share, but these are all great and thank you all for contributing!

>> No.5198900

kill yourself

>> No.5198916

There must be some mistake OP, Krasznahorkai is Hungarian, these texts are in English

>> No.5198926

ok.. cool dubs btw!!

>> No.5201260


>> No.5201442
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You heard of a think called translation?