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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 300x288, pen-pal-mail4-300x288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5189069 No.5189069 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, do you have a pen pal?
W-would you like one..?

>> No.5189072

I have a penis pal.

>> No.5189083

Depends on what you want to write about.

>> No.5189088

Only if its for erp

>> No.5189222


maybe. how about we post descriptions of ourselves and what we like to read and talk about then if you seem appealing we can 'hook up'

>Physics 'major'
>from UK
> Living in Berlin for past year, leaving in a week to move back so Swansea
> Bolano, McCarthy, Borges, all sorts of random stuff.
>Havn't really read much recently due to too much uni work but when I do it's only german literature, Hesse and Frisch most recently.
>would probably write a letter every week or two.
>I don't write myself
>also into: football, boxing, /fit/ in general although I'm pretty dyel atm due once again, to school taking over my life.
>tried to start correspondance with people on /lit/ before and it never worked out so I haven't got my hopes up about this either

>> No.5189242

>>tried to start correspondance with people on /lit/ before and it never worked out so I haven't got my hopes up about this either

>> No.5189247

I'm visiting a friend in Berlin next week. Anywhere you would recommend visiting beyond the obvious tourist traps?

>> No.5189250


How is it m8 how is it

You did go to Berghain right

>> No.5189256

I struggle to keep in regular correspondence with people I know and am friends with, let alone people I don't know. I'll pass, I think.

>> No.5189263

Cardiffian physicist here, are you from Wales or just study in Swansea?

>> No.5189265

We had pen pals as a class project in 4th grade to help us practice writing. They were all from Canada I think.

I remember being really jealous of my best friend because his pen pal got leukemia and he didn't have to write anymore letters.

>> No.5189270


every now and then something good will crop up in the critique threads someone will post something good that I like and I'll comment and they'll say they'll send me more of their work but never do. This has happened like twice, it's not a regular occurence.

>> No.5189278

i don't have one at the moment but i used to correspond with some chick who posts audio fap material on /r/gonewildaudio. i found out about that after we first started writing each other.

>> No.5189289


what are you into? there's a lot of shit to do in Berlin. If you're into art check out some of the galleries. like the me collection. Just buy a beer from a Späti (24hr convenience storem theyre everywhere) and wonder around. Try and get to Sisyphos if you can. Catch the sunset from Viktoriapark. Or a rooftop bar called Klunkerkranich.
personal tip: get the cheesecake at 5 Elephants in Kreuzberg, it's the best in the world.


na m8 never made it


study in Swansea, grew up in Brecon.

>> No.5189311

What's it like to live there? Was considering permanent residency.

>> No.5189314

I used to write letters to a girl in Manchester KY. We met in an Appalachia Lit course and hit it off well, but she graduated and moved back home. School kept me from driving all that way, and she said she was trying to get into our Alma Mater for graduate school. We thought that when we weren't so far away we'd be together.

It's been about a year since I got her last letter. She met someone at her church. She's engaged to him now, and is moving to Boston soon.

I don't really want another pen pal after her. Sorry anon.

>> No.5189316

It would have to be an e-pen pal because letters would be too much of a faff.

>DPhil drone in logic/computer science, UK.
>Don't really have a theme for my reading. Just go down to Oxfam and grab whatever catches my eye.
>I like to pretend I can read in five languages.
>Haven't touched any of my 'novels' in five years.
>Occasionally write terrible, terrible poetry and never look at it again.

>> No.5189328


It's an amazing city, I would recommend it to anyone. There's this thing where Berlin was always the best city the year before you moved there, but thats just trendy wankers. Lots to see and do, lots of freedom, lots of history. Its fairly multifaceted, there's really something for everyone. I'm thinking of moving back here in a year to do my masters.
Would try learning the language though, that way you can really interact with the place and not be another person just here because of the reputation, passing through trying to get the 'genuine experience' if you know what I mean.

>> No.5189330

Just a question, is DPhil the same as a PhD or is it different?

>> No.5189331

What aspect of compsci? I'm planning on moving from experimental biology into computational biology, and have been reading up on genetic algorithms and machine learning, it's pretty cool stuff.

>> No.5189334


oh and if you have any more specific questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

>> No.5189335

Yes I have a pen pal in south korea that I've had since high school

>> No.5189343

Damn, there's very few welsh people on 4chan, it was worth a shot. Even on /int/ there's no welsh speaking threads

>> No.5189345

I'm learning German at Uni actually, but how common is English amongst the people there, would someone who didn't know German have a very hard time?

>> No.5189351

I'd very much like to learn Welsh, but it's very difficult without the opportunity for immersion.

>> No.5189364

Yeah, Cardiff and Swansea aren't known for their welsh speaking communities. Even if you went to a welsh speaking school like I did, it's likely your first language is English and you'll not speak it much afterwards

>> No.5189365


Same thing. For historical reasons different universities use a different contraction.


Machine learning is very cool. My gripe with it, however, is that the algorithms themselves are very simple but the devil is in the details. You won't learn shit about machine learning by reading a textbook or doing a course. It seems the only way to actually get a grip on it is to try and implement it on a large, real world example. But no one's got time for that shit.

But since moving into research I moved away from the useful areas of computer science. Most of my work tends to come back to complexity results. I guess where others see blondes or brunettes I see Turing machines waiting to be encoded. I don't have much faith in my work, it seems just so much intellectual masturbation. Will probably try to leave academia once (if) I get a Dr. before my name.

>> No.5189371

If someone is willing, would you want to do it via email, or some IM format like Kik?

>> No.5189375

My father's first language was Welsh, which meant his written Welsh was awful, as he'd never been taught it in school. I might try and spend some years in North Wales learning it if I ever have the money and free time to do such a thing. I tried learning from Rosetta Stone for a while but the sentences I could form were completely ridiculous to any Welsh speaker. It was garbled as fuck.

>> No.5189389

huh? I am welsh, Brecon is in Wales. Did welsh up until GCSE, lost it all now though, I really wish I ad paid more attention instead of dicking around and perving on my hot teacher.
Rydw i'n wrth fy modd yn y pwll nofio is about all I can remember. Parents live in Methyr Tydfil now so I'm there fairly often

>> No.5189394


Mae pen fy modryb yn yr ardd.

>> No.5189398

>Maths student
>Dante, Kafka, Lowry, sporadic collection
>I don't write I'm shit at it
>into lifting, football, philosophy, video games, elektronischen musik
I know great spots in central park to cheat on your gf

>> No.5189401

How is this /lit/-related?

>> No.5189428

>going to start studying maths & shit
>Gothenburg, Sweden
>Spengler, Nietzsche (I try to read them in German), Carlyle, Evola
>don't really anything serious, just random scraps every now and then
>into fencing, going to start historical fencing
>only corresponded when I was 10-11. Worst decision ever, as one of the guys I was corresponding with me got me to start playing Runescape, and I was addicted to that game for years.

>> No.5189430

As a general rule, most British posters are from England (makes sense as they have a much bigger population).
My Aunt's head in the garden?? wat?

>> No.5189438


Okay, I'll bite. I do historical fencing, so let's be best friends for life and shit. What medium you on?

>> No.5189499

>from Eastern Europe, going to uni in the UK
>studying Maths/Theoretical Physics
>speaking three languages fluently
>making my way through the /lit/ essentials
>into quizzing and trivia, so I have a lot of superficial knowledge and often feel bad about not digging deeper
>enjoying long-distance running (half-marathons/marathons)

hit me, could be fun I guess

>> No.5189534


Sorry, Appchan X notifications seem to be broken. I'd quite like to write physical letters, but we'll need to find some way to safely exchange details. Got skype? If so, add Valvarexart.

>> No.5189616


i'm this guy back again, anyone in this thread seems sound enough, just email me at 662076jonesATgmailDOTcom if you want

>> No.5189644

>hello people
>from austin, tx
>started in pre-med; graduated as "rhetoric & writing" major lol
>content editor for a website (a job that is not remotely /lit/)
>favorite books: Mrs. Dalloway, The Fall, The Name of the Rose
>felt overwhelmingly self-conscious just now because I wanted to insert Taipei instead of The Name of the Rose but didn't want to scare of /lit/erates or turn this into a tao lin autism thread
>actually fuck it
>favorite books: Mrs. Dalloway, The Fall, Taipei
>favorite albums: Sound of Silver, ITAOTS, Donuts

that is my real email (well, icloud alias that forwards to my real email)

i just finished A Portrait of the Artist and would be down to read something with some random internet human but also not, it doesn't matter

>> No.5189647

where r u from

>> No.5189668
File: 100 KB, 710x530, 1405609836457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wales is the New Zealand of the northern hemisphere

it's a joke

>> No.5189699
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Would YOU like one

>> No.5189705


>> No.5189727

>all these STEMfags ITT
Quite the surprise coming from /lit/

>> No.5189797


I find people studying scientific disciplines are often more knowledgeable about humanities/literature than vice versa. Not sure why that is, just something I've observed.

I mean take the quarks for example, a subatomic particle named after some nonsense from Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.5189919


Hey, we're the folks who actually read and know how to do so. Liberal Arts are just for people who want to brag at parties.

>> No.5189922

This is why I come to /lit/.

>> No.5189939


You still there? Anyway, I guess I'll just say fuck it and let everyone have my email. root[at]ademonos.net

(I'm this >>5189428 guys in case anyone is too lazy to follow multiple backlinks).

>> No.5189975
File: 75 KB, 728x540, 1405203171892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so deprived of human interaction we feed off history and books.

>> No.5190855
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 0002520A4_3_02_LRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psych major (cognitive neurosci)
>from UK but german heritage
>brisbane. not for long ideally
>just got my british passport in the mail, as soon as i finsih undergrad here i'm moving to berlin/anywhere in germany
>used to think i liked literature but dont really. read mostly non-fiction now (giorgio vasari, hl mencken, RA wilson). did enjoy reading jd salinger & hemingway though
>interests are long-distance running, visual arts, bundesliga

>> No.5190944

A DPhil Drone is somebody who is addicted to Dr. Phil.

>> No.5192061

>all these people wanting penpals
>not posting email adresses

>> No.5192083


I have a theory that most boards are made up of shitposters from other boards.

Much of /lit/ is shitposting on /sci/.

Much /sci/ is shitposting on /lit/ and /x/.

>> No.5192103

I don't really want a penpal at the moment as 4chan's anonymity allows me to post whatever I'd post to a penpal.

I would like someone to read through my stuff to see if it's lame etc, though I'd only do so if it was recprical (otherwise I'd feel guilty) but i just don't have the time to read other peoples' stuff atm

>> No.5192136 [DELETED] 


>>5190855 here

email is bjornagen@outlook.com

>> No.5192172

itt everyone too beta to actually start corresponding

>> No.5192178


send it to me here >>5189616
if you want, I'll definitely read it but if it's lame I'll probably stop reading pretty quickly.

>> No.5192190


>>5190855 here

keep it in your pants nerd. will respond in the coming days

>> No.5192222

This board has the largest non-american population of any board I've been on

This could only be coincidence

>> No.5192228

I am a manipulative mythomaniac
I also like lifting, drugs, german philosophy, pop music and pointless acumulation of knowledge
If you are a grill I will probably play with you, you may want to correspond with someone else
Would love to be psychoanalized
I am impossible to offend

>> No.5192242

le latvia

>> No.5192246

>all the rest of that post
Anon, I don't know if anyone's told you this before, but you're an utter faggot. That will be $125.

>> No.5192743

>Chemistry/English/French student
>Moving to MA, Brit.
>Milton, Baudeliare, McCarthy, Zola
>Can hold a conversation in French
>Budding "novelist"
>Into spooky films, kink, Ghibli, cooking and hiking

>> No.5192901

What do you even write about when you have a pen pal?

>> No.5194169

Well I have one from /lit/, we talk about little girls.

>> No.5196762

I am a gril. What do you want to play with me? Video games?

>> No.5196791

>Just graduated high school and taking year off to pursue many different personal studies
>I've recently constructed a curriculum for myself where I will attempt to read 50~ books this year. I'm near the beginning, still, recently finished Early Greek Philosophy and The Trivium, and now I'm on the Histories
>I put the cirriculum on a recent hold to study programming, physics, and math since I'm an aspiring video game director and currently working on one
>Despite being a video game director, I don't really play games that much since I find studying, reading and watching my pretentious art house films to be more enjoyable and worthy of my time
>Still play Smash Bros. tho

>> No.5196809
File: 292 KB, 500x282, myfeels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always wanted a pen pal...

>> No.5197379

check fountain pen and calligraphy forums, there you can find people who are searching for pen pals. but a reminder first, they actually seek for pen pals who have beautiful handwriting.

>> No.5197542
File: 31 KB, 425x528, Garçon_à_la_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from US
>Took year off from college/uni
>Love McCarthy, Keats, Dostoevsky
>Can read spanish, and am learning french
>I write a little but I haven't read enough to be good
>I listen to classical music everyday
>Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Ravel mainly but many others
>I work part time
>I have no intelligent friends that understand my interests, and I have low hopes of meeting them in college

>> No.5197553


why low hope of meeting in college? just take liberalartsfag classes (poetry, lit, history, etc)

>> No.5197615

i've met some of the people in those classes and they were not impressive

that does not dictate the future of course but i have low hope

>> No.5198003

C'est Beaudelaire *secoue la tête*

>> No.5198015

>Journalism & CompSci double major
>NJ, though very close to NYC
>No favorite authors as of yet, just trying to get back into reading at the moment
>I don't write much, generally only during the school year although my papers are supposedly good
>also into: vidya, music, MUDs

>> No.5198024

I gave a guy (what I though anyway) was decent feedback on a play he was submitting for a grad school application.
He never got back to me on what I said, or some of my questions.
I also had two correspondences with two "writer girls" I met on Imgur. One ended disastrously and the other just stopped talking.
If I had a pen pal, I'd just want to talk about mundane shit.

>> No.5198039

Not so much a pen pal. Just someone who plays vidya while also maintaining in interest in literature/philosophy/politics.

>> No.5198224

>One ended disastrously


>> No.5198252

>Girl posts crazy ink drawing on Imgur
>Hit her up because we have similar styles
>Find out she's a "poet"
>Ask if she'd like to swap poems sometimes
>She agrees
>Ask her about her writing and what not
>Gives me some flowery bullshit and several pictures of herself
>I write some new poems to give to her for review
>Weeks go by
>Gets back to me finally, with no feedback or comment
>She gives me a link to the preview of her self-published Amazon book
>It has one five word poem and a black and white photo
>Ask her to send me stuff she hasn't published
>Months go by
>Sends me these teenage drivel poems that are riddled with spelling errors, cliches, and garbage "metaphors"
>Give her legitimate critique, and suggested some revisions and edits
>Never heard back
Maybe disastrously was too extreme a word.

>> No.5198261

Here's one of her poems. You judge.

In Time :
Free radicals saturating us to our core.
so fast or globe training on its axis it mocks I've gone where has the time gone o'clock is falling off the wall
father nature of all the time and mother Nature's love child ring ring pick a baby called technology no trying to make amends with the owner of her wound worshiping her father's the whole way through
don't we all those staring at the clock like it was a fire station time instead backwards waiting for shift to start need schedule know that your whole life is just a piece of work these days is his boil down to the X Y generation expecting others to lay bricks for them sacrifice is what it takes blood sweat and tears it's what of Victory tastes

>> No.5198297

>swapping poems with somebody you don't know to be a good poet or an interesting critic

It's like you want to be shit.