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5182436 No.5182436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, the 50 shades of grey trailer is out.

The fact that this is actually happening makes me disgusted in levels I can't begin to express.

I don't want to start sounding like an edgy fedora masturbator but this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the female gender in particular.

It literally started as twilight fanfiction written by some christian housewife.

I've got nothing against an erotic novel becoming a best-seller, but what bothers me is that it's such a poorly written one.

Everything in the book is like it was written by a horny 14 year old, no sense of pacing or eroticism at all.
You could literally go to the story section of pornhub and find better writing.

Here are some ACTUAL quotes:
>Suck me, baby. His thumb presses on my tongue, and my mouth closes around him, sucking wildly. Holy fuck. This is wrong, but holy hell is it erotic.

>My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.

>My inner goddess looks like someone snatched her ice cream.

>He's my very own Christian Grey popsicle.

I mean, seriously?

The premise is so absurdly exploitative and retardedly cheap in a primal way I'm surprised this has gotten to the point it has.

Literally everything that is wrong with humanity.

>> No.5182448



>> No.5182462

I just saw the trailer and whilst I've avoided passing judgement on the book/premise so far I must say it seemed like the work of a high-schooler.

An awkward, insecure girl has an interview with a rich, handsome and confident man and he immediately whisks her off to live the life of her dreams.

Yeah, no.

>> No.5182464

Bella and Edward's favorite book!

>> No.5182468

Cool post OP , that's uh great.
So Eroticism General or 50 Shades of Grey Criticism thread?

>> No.5182474

That's no coincidence.

>The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series originally titled Master of the Universe and published episodically on fan-fiction websites under the pen name "Snowqueen's Icedragon".

>> No.5182476

Can we not do this? A shit book now a shit film. Just stop please

>> No.5182477

>this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity

You're an idiot.

>> No.5182478


>> No.5182486

>literally everything that is wrong with humanity

I didn't know fifty shades of grey had any genocide in it

>> No.5182499

The absolute death of a group of people is nothing compared to the overall degradation of the human mind and spirit.

Quit acting like a pompous faggot.

>> No.5182501

>tfw self-proclaimed fag and my friends will probably force me to watch this.


>> No.5182505

Can you stop being a tripfag fagget?

>> No.5182519

It's an excellent fucking book you fedora tipper bitch cunt.

>> No.5182521

it genosided my sides when i read it with a friend during class, it's written in present term in the first person

>the overall degradation of the human mind and spirit
you're overeacting, also yes the death of even one person is more important

>> No.5182529

Would you actually consider living in a world with stuck up homosexuals working out every single order given by the women as opposed to letting half a million leeches die?

>> No.5182673


>> No.5182712
File: 237 KB, 778x530, 1405550866822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wander what the social consequences of this movie could be.
Will bdsm become more acceptable?
Will maledom become the sterotypical image of bdsm?
Will I live the dream?

>> No.5182738
File: 35 KB, 500x421, yukio_mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So /lit/, the 50 shades of grey trailer is out.
>no link to the trailer

>> No.5182747


I would like to articulate why I dislike 50 Shades of Grey

but I would not like to ever actually read the book

suggestions? I will not take "DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT" as an answer btw

>> No.5182749

People who go who aren't just going because they like the book will MAYBE quietly try BDSM stuff and maybe adopt some of it, feeling that it is "kinky" and "taboo" and mostly for this reason, as the book lovers did, and little will change.

>> No.5182754


>> No.5182755

Absolutely nothing, the fact that it's permissable confirms every societal impact airing the movie could potentially signal. All you need to know about 50 Shades is that Deep Throat was scandalous while this is celebrated, a perpetuation of the new status quo: that female sexuality is not only to be accepted in American society but normalized and considered not even worth mentioning, while male sexuality remains perverse and ugly.

Not only will there be no consequences but there will be an unspoken ban on the idea that it is possible for there to be consequences, becaus the implication that there could be consequences carries with it the idea that 50 Shades is a deviation from societal norms. As good leftists it is our moral imperative to indulge the narrative that there is nothing unusual about this movie, that a middle-aged woman's bondage fantasies put on the big screen are as normal as an episode of Teletubbies.

Just like Pride Parades: the louder and more obnoxious they are, the more you're supposed to pretend that they're inconspicuous.

>> No.5182791

>womens sexuality scares me i dont like it :(

Book is pure shit. Movie will be shit. But your drama queen response is just you waving your sexual insecurity to the world.

Women crave to be dominated, this series is just a cheap pandering to that craving, so what?

>> No.5182806

don't say nothing but sketches a smile on your face

>> No.5182808
File: 77 KB, 259x388, fuck your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse, is that now James is capitalizing on the thirsty soccer moms and shoving merch down their throats.


When was the last time I bought all the Schoolgirl Sluts 5-sponsored merchandise while I was waiting for Schoolgirl Sluts 6 to come out so I could jack off to it? This is fucking insane.

And released on valentines day? Like this is somehow romantic?

"Gina! Which flavor of 50 Shades of Grey Lubricant do you use? I use charcoal leather. Then I have my husband whip me. I sure wish he would do it himself without my asking him to, like Christian Grey, though."

"Our sex life is much healthier now that we take tips from our copy of 50 Shades. For starters, I call my vagina my 'sex', and also, all my bruises and cuts mean he's really starting to completely own me! I even have him dominate me around the kids, too."

>> No.5182811

Maybe I shouldn't judge women given that I masturbate to anime pictures of giant girls murdering people but female sexuality consistently depresses me

>He told me what to do and I did it. Oh baby.

>> No.5182817

It's done badly, that's what OP's complaining about.

>> No.5182836
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BDSM shit is so contrived. All those whips, cuffs, straps, swings, black latex whatevers. Why on Earth do you need to many props for sex?
You don't need Batmans fucking utility belt to get off, you just need a naked woman. I guess people categorize more intense, dominant sex as needing all these toys to get them in the right mentality, but you can be extremely dominant with just your body and words.

Different strokes for different folks, but I can't imagine having such a narrow sexual viewpoint as needing to go through half a dozen paddles and french ticklers in the 'dungeon' in order to enjoy the intimacy.

>> No.5182840

>Not wanting to sexually dominate women

You have low test, son. Get it up.

>> No.5182842

how many people on /lit/ have honestly read the book?

>> No.5182846

Wow. I feel exactly the same way. Abstracting dominance away from the body just seems like a slippery slope that eventually results in some girl schlicking while imprisoned in a panopticon or something

>> No.5182855

maybe one day you'll get your little dick sucked so good that you take this all back and shut up forever. gimme some $$ and i'll do it for the sake of humanity

>> No.5182858

It's more that I don't like the way they experience it. Some guys do it, too, but they're a creepy broken minority. And their mentality is standard for women.

I like getting dommed inherently because it's wrong. Women like getting dommed in the way that a pathetic broken thing likes being pushed down even more than it already is. It's weird. The way they do subspace, the way they are open to 24/7 stuff and let D/s enter into their daily lives way less reluctantly than submissive men do, they're just amplifying feelings they already have 24/7.

At least sub men are just broken, have low test, whatever you want to call it. Women are some sort of philosophical thought experiment of what would happen if you created a mind that enjoyed having no agency and being controlled by others.

>> No.5182863

This. I don't get what you guys are complaining about. You don't even have to do it all the time

>> No.5182864


I opened it up to the middle, read a few pages, and vaguely recall a passage about some giant, silver anal beads from hell being shoved lovingly inside the main character's anus.

It was shit, but it's popularity and success doesn't inspire me to shed any tears for the degradation of humanity. One thing or another seems to always be signalling our descent. Meanwhile, I'm at a library, there are young kids around bent over their textbooks, a mother reading a picture book to her child, and two joggers hustling by outside the window.

This is just a book. Then it will be just a movie. It's not going to affect anything, and will be forgotten in the years to come. We'll have new harbingers of society's downfall to point our fingers at then.

>> No.5182869

>really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the female gender in particular
same, except for your post, and the male gender

>> No.5182875
File: 65 KB, 734x1087, inherent_vice_fan_poster_2_by_henrychastain-d70rr5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /lit/, the Inherent Vice trailer is out.

The fact that this is actually happening makes me disgusted in levels I can't begin to express.

I don't want to start sounding like an edgy fedora masturbator but this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the male gender in particular.

It literally started as detective fanfiction written by some christian recluse.

I've got nothing against an neo-noir novel becoming a best-seller, but what bothers me is that it's such a poorly written one.

Everything in the book is like it was written by a lonely 14 year old, no sense of pacing or thriller at all.
You could literally go to the story section of /x/ and find better writing.

Here are some ACTUAL quotes:
>What, I should only trust good people? Man, good people get bought and sold every day. Might as well trust somebody evil once in a while, it makes no more or less sense.

> ... as long as American life was something to be escaped from, the cartel would always be assured a bottomless pool of new customers.

>Hair and drug-use issues notwithstanding, I've never thought of you as any less than professional.

>Can't say it often enough - change your hair, change your life.

I mean, seriously?

The premise is so absurdly exploitative and retardedly cheap in a primal way I'm surprised this has gotten to the point it has.

Literally everything that is wrong with humanity.

>> No.5182877

Nah. The point is that you improvise with whatever you have available. Just tie her hands somehow, sit on a chair and have her worship your balls while you play videogames. Or read

>> No.5182879

oh no something gets minges wet


>> No.5182880

listen, this is /lit/, and we're all lonely weirdos who never go outside or talk to anyone, so I'm pretty sure this is the end of the world and women are subhuman devils

>> No.5182885


>> No.5182889

what is that

>> No.5182890

Well at least you admit sub men are broken. You are an evolutionary error. It's not women's fault they are inherently submissive, they are supposed to be. If you want to let yourself get depressed because they are following their nature then you are just wasting negative emotions.

Well yeah, that's the more natural dominance I was alluding to, I don't consider using a shirt to tie her hands BDSM, to me that's when the 5+ toys and black leather comes out.

>> No.5182900


>new thread

>> No.5182902

what bothers me is not that women find domination hot, it is inherent in their nature after all, it's that they publicly deny it. This is why nice guys are nice guys. This is why men get friendzoned and whine about it 24/7.
We don't want to accept the fact that alpha males are attractive, and that dominating the females are in our nature.

>> No.5182906

go back to /r9k/ circa 2009

>> No.5182909

>Well at least you admit sub men are broken. You are an evolutionary error.

Evolution does not have a direction. There is no greater goal, no drive to complexity.

There is just random mutations which may or may not better suit the environments the organism lives in.

>> No.5182910

what? I don't hate women, they are what they are, It just annoys me that they themselves refuse to accept their nature.

>> No.5182915

Yes. Human life is more important than someone's beliefs about homos and "leeches". Sorry not to reach your level of edge, Mr. Edgemaster.

>> No.5182916

prove its their nature
also who cares about nature

>> No.5182918


>not women's fault she is x
>if man is x, it is his fault, because its not "natural"

god fucking kill yourself

>> No.5182919

all of those quotes sound like great lines that i wish to heaven i could write as easily as he does

>> No.5182921

i didn't say you hated women (although you probably do)

rant some more about nice guys and alpha males, tho, it's really interesting and original stuff that i haven't seen on the Internet before and your philosophy intrigues me

>> No.5182924

females are way worse than any men could even imagine, this movie isn't even that bad compared to what's really going on in their heads, trust me

>> No.5182932

>also who cares about nature
Nature, obviously

>i haven't seen on the Internet before and your philosophy intrigues me
What if I told you that everything you will ever discuss have been discussed before?

>> No.5182934

You are talking about this for sure
sadpanda dot org/s/62baf814d3/51046-10

>> No.5182935

Well that cognitive dissonance has been purposefully encouraged if not completely engineering in the first place.

By wedging a gap between man and woman, in that gap you sell them everything. All the BS to attract each other because people are misled from what is really important in forming a connection with another.
If men and women could relate to each other normally, naturally then dozens of industries would go bust, and our consumer, female-driven economy is no longer viable.

Are you trolling or just being fallacious? Evolution absolutely has an agenda: Adapt and Survive. Submissive men would be utterly useless in a hunter-gatherer situation, which is how we have existed for the vast majority of our time here on Earth and where all our mating behavior stems from. That's why women have utter contempt for submissive males.

>> No.5182936

so are you a woman, or a telepath

>> No.5182940

>all that brosciency shit
>all that /r9k/
>all these misuses of "evolutionary", "nature" and other bullshit
To think this is the typical 4channer makes me wonder why I still browse this place after 6 years.

>> No.5182941

>be me
>hate maledom
>only way to get girls is to be dominiant
it's like the only way to have sex is to pretend I like things I do not and this movie is only getting things worse

>> No.5182943

yes, if you judge womankind over this, this is depressing.

>> No.5182947
File: 108 KB, 925x583, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy behaves in a way that is universally despised by women
>complains about their nature, as if that is what needs to change, not his aberrant behavior

top lel

>> No.5182949

pls stop dabbling in fields of science you don't know about, this is physically cringeworthy

>> No.5182959

Are you one of those overcompensating daddydom types that needs to turn his arbitrary fetishes into a lifestyle or rationalisation of his insecurities?

You guys are always spindly twentysomethings who have no actual presence in the BDSM scene, and usually limited experience with partners.

>> No.5182962

Well said.

Leftists society is the end of humanity.

>> No.5182964

>Well that cognitive dissonance has been purposefully encouraged if not completely engineering in the first place.
Of course. I am not blaming the females as a sex, I'm just annoyed at the "status quo"

>> No.5182971

but a male dominating a female is not BDSM, nor is it a fetish.

>> No.5182972

>Are you trolling or just being fallacious? Evolution absolutely has an agenda: Adapt and Survive. Submissive men would be utterly useless in a hunter-gatherer situation, which is how we have existed for the vast majority of our time here on Earth and where all our mating behavior stems from. That's why women have utter contempt for submissive males.

Nope, this is fucking wrong, and you're an idiot.

First, evolution does not have the agenda "Adapt and Survive". Evolution is a fact. It is the way the system works. Things that adapt successfully to their environment in order to have more offspring pass on their traits; things that don't adapt and don't have offspring don't. But there's no higher teleological ideal at work there. It's simply the way that nature operates. Things that are less adapted or that don't reproduce aren't "worse" than other things. Some things simply happen to be better adapted to specific situations. It is the operation of chance on an extremely large scale.

Second, even if you think that adapting and passing genes on is a telos in this way, it's completely fucking nonsensical to talk about hunter-gatherer environments as being relevant in any way. Even if adapting and passing on genes is fundamentally meaningful, the only environment that matters for us to adapt to is the one that we're in. There's no special status attached to hunter-gatherer situations rather than to modern civilized conditions. If you want to talk about psychological behaviors that are remnants of that hunter-gatherer time, you could make that argument, but it STILL wouldn't be linked to any concept of evolutionary fitness in our present environment.

>> No.5182973

I honestly wish I was gay. Sadly, I have to fuck idiots that think this way.

>> No.5182978

Bring back the Hays Code.

This is smut.

>> No.5182980

Most true post in the entire thread.

I like to delve into the deepest depths of a woman's sexuality, and try to get her comfortable enough to act out her biggest or darkest fantasies with me, as I love giving her extreme pleasure.

A lot of what is unveiled is honestly frightening, and a LOT more violent than I think most would expect. I love dominating but it often crosses the line into just being sad, because I can't see how she would enjoy such degradation without having a deep rooted belief that she has no self-worth

>> No.5182987

>be faggot
>but i like girls ;_;

Obviously not

>> No.5182995

It's all about trust, and pretend.

>> No.5182997

sounds to me like this guy has had sex

>> No.5182998

>6 years

lol like you are any better than anyone here

>> No.5183000

I can't be arsed to look through this thread to see how others have responded, but have a message for OP.

When you say this:
>this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the female gender in particular

I respond:
Grow up, kid. If you dislike it ignore it. I don't think anyone is forced to watch it, nor to read the books. Unless you're pathologically nursing a resentment against sex, women, and commercial success, just don't give it the time of day. Exercise some agency over your own mind and focus your attention on something that you deem more deserving. Oh, and fuck off, too.

>> No.5183003

these things frighten me some times as well. When I went through high school, a lot of people told me I looked like this guy from True blood (vamprire series on /tv/). Supposedly he had a somewhat alpha/dominating aura, and a lot of girls contacted me "secretly" over fb for that reason. The shit some of these girls wanted me to do to them. Jesus fucking christ, 15-17yo olds wanting to be raped and beaten the fucking shit out of.

>> No.5183012

females only care about cash you own, will manipulate you, leave you if they find a guy that's willing to give them more $$$ and will treat sex as either unpleasant 'must' (if guy likes femdom for example) or only theirs privilege (if men is willing to be dominant), most of them are worthless sluts and nothing more
that's the impression I got when some of them (family members of my age) spoke with me in honest manner about their relationships, every single one of their stories disgusted me, females are the scum of earth

>> No.5183017


i "liked" this post

>> No.5183018

They didn't want to be raped, they wanted to pretend you were going to rape them.

>> No.5183020
File: 2.95 MB, 300x231, bfnjfg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet up with girls who say they're curious about domming me
>get there and be all chill as hell, relaxed setting, make them comfortable with exploring/trying shit out and not being embarrassed
>so what do you want to do, what are you curious about, I know we talked about ______ etc.
>"ummm I dunno lol whatever you want!"
>figure they're nervous
>try to make them more comfortable
>try to jar any dominant/bossy/sadistic feelings they might have by doing stuff that has excited previous dominant gfs
>try everything
>imply strongly that they can give me orders and I'll do whatever they want
>"ummm whatever you want lol"
>mfw I literally have to position their body manually
>mfw they just lie there completely passively
>mfw have to cajole them to give orders
>mfw they say shit like "um kiss my feet I guess I don't know just whatever you want"


>> No.5183026

My gf is richer than me, pays for all my stuff and loves sex, sucks to be you I guess lel

>> No.5183030

personally, speaking as someone who has never had sex, i think

>> No.5183032

well of course it won't be rape, it couldn't by definition be rape if they want it, are you fucking dense?

>> No.5183036

Well it's all of the dominance and excitement with none of the actual danger because you are 'safe.'

You have to think how many thousands of years we were locked in tribal warfare with women being carried off as trophies to be fucked. Went on for so long that's how they operate now.

>> No.5183039

Well cal out this guy >>5183003 for using "wanting to be raped" in the first place

>> No.5183041

>When I went through high school, a lot of people told me I looked like this guy from True blood

The Swede or the Brit?

>> No.5183042

I'm sorry that you are short, ugly, or both, and women see you as nothing but a wallet.

>> No.5183046

>You have to think how many thousands of years we were locked in tribal warfare with women being carried off as trophies to be fucked. Went on for so long that's how they operate now.
t. Authentic Evolutionary Sociologist™

>> No.5183053

/lit/ - where to go when no one on FYAD likes your posts

>> No.5183060
File: 771 KB, 4502x5000, lolll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things that are less adapted or that don't reproduce aren't "worse" than other things.
>"w-well they went extinct but they werent any worse"
> Even if adapting and passing on genes is fundamentally meaningful
>even if
>goes on to imply the results of evolution in an organism as complex as human beings would be seen in one generation

i dont even know what the fukk you are replying to but this post is so god damn fail

>> No.5183062

so she's ugly, oh well

>> No.5183066

the swede. I look nothing like him now though, but back then I can see the resemblance.

A lot of women talk like that. Sounds more exciting than "making forceful sexual advances till the other party eventually submits to the image". I remember some girls saying they "wouldn't mind" me "raping" them before we knew each other, and before they asked for it.

>> No.5183068


BDSM is a capitalistic scheme. It's all about owning stuff and pretend to 'let go'.

>> No.5183069

Dude it's painfully obvious you have no idea what you're talking about, please stop pretending you have any educational background in biology let alone evolutionary genetics and pick up a fucking book sometimes.

>> No.5183073

This is true. My sweet and conservative Christian wife has some freaky desires floating around in her head, things she can't even voice, but comes out in bed. When we were first married I had this sense of mutual respect and concern for each other in bed, being averse to the idea of male dominating female. While she would say the same, she doesn't act it out. She's never read 50 Shades and would find BDSM perverse, regardless, she seems to want to be put in situations where she has lost agency and isn't responsible for the sensations she feels. I'm willing to bet this is common amngst uptight conservative sorts, hence the popularity of 50 shades.

>> No.5183076

Nope. I'm still amazed that I'm with her to be honest. I guess I'm just happier than you.

>> No.5183080

tbh, I'm a male and I actually enjoy giving up control in bed; I run my own company and by definition I have to be bossy towards employees, in everyday life it's ma making all the decisions whether my gf likes it or not so it's fun to willingly exchange roles from time to time (that and I also have a foot fetish that doesn't go too well with maledom, now, does it?)
if she doesn't like it, I guess I'll just get another one, it's not like she's the only golddigger out there (and I guess she is seeing how no normal girls actually enjoys being dominant for no reason other than cash, no fucks given tho)

>> No.5183094
File: 223 KB, 500x473, 1356381868092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not pretending shit homie

you implied the passing of genes if not meaningful to evolution. theres no coming back from that. youre done. finished. completed. its all over.
now scope this badass bird, this nigga will F-U-C-K you up

>> No.5183098

>implying relationships have anything to do with happiness
but then again maybe the do when it comes to normal ppl, feels somewhat bad man

>> No.5183099

Women with little experience never take initiatives in bed, and the sex sucks immensely if you're not a try-hard ultra-compensating dominant-only. I never understood the appeal for prudeness and virginity in women, it makes everything awkward and boring. I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this since 4chan is basically the /pol/r9k/ speaking ground but I'd rather have one girl who's had 72 dicks than 72 virgins when I go to heaven, the sex would be much more enjoyable. Even more entertaining are self-proclaimed feminists who walk up to you and order you to dominate them.

>> No.5183109

thats because they arent interested in your bitch ass shit. youre taking their role away from them

common in ALL women, not just that type

>> No.5183118

shit dude, I'm actually gay, just shred impression I got from my female relatives honest confessions

>> No.5183121

it's meaningful in the sense of "important to the process of evolution". it would be ludicrous to say that genes have no role in evolution. so, yes, in that sense adapting and passing on genes is meaningful.

but it's not meaningful in the sense of "providing a meaning for life or some kind of principle we can apply to things." it's a quality some things happen to have. in the same way that evolution is a product of the operation of chance among organisms on a large scale, not some process to find the best living creatures which could ever exist. dude i was responding to wants to go out and say some people are objectively bad because they wouldn't be as good at reproducing their genes in a hunter-gatherer environment, and that is just fucking wrong for all kinds of reasons.

also i am not the dude you are replying to but i am the dude who wrote the post you were originally replying to, if you follow me.

>> No.5183122

>people still think there such as thing as only dom or only sub
It's almost as if no one could ever enjoy variety from time to time. Don't you ever switch positions when having regular sex?

>> No.5183124

I've seen lots of dominant guys with foot fetishes. BDSM in general is pretty weird like that, everyone thinks they're being the essence of "dominant" when in reality every scene has extremely circumscribed activities.

But I have a really similar situation to yours. Nonstop OCD shit in real life --> fun to sub in bedroom life. Cathartic.

Pls read posts before replying.

>> No.5183134

>I've seen lots of dominant guys with foot fetishes.
how does that even work? you tie her up and have your way with her feet? doesn't' that take you out of the dom role? or is it still fine as long as you have her objectified?

>> No.5183145

I imagine its the other way around. Foot fingering, walking over her, you get the idea.

>> No.5183146

You tell him to suck your toes and kick him in the head if he does it wrong, it's not really that complex.

>> No.5183150

>An awkward, insecure girl has an interview with a rich, handsome and confident man and he immediately whisks her off to live the life of her dreams.

No wonder it's so popular though with a premise like that. It's basically the modern day 'I wanna be princess whisked of on a white horse by prince charming for no explicable reason other than me simply existing and being a girl!'

Desire. That's all it comes down to. Plain and simple desire. To be a desired object rather than someone useful.

>> No.5183153

Don't ask me. I have the same conclusions you (or the other guy, whichever) had, namely that being submissive + being at someone's feet = two great tastes that taste great together. But I've seen shitloads of dom dudes advertising basically what you outlined there, the whole "I'll tie you up and do whatever the FUCK I want with your qt feet!" angle.

Just shows that BDSM is pretty arbitrary. Somewhere out there is a guy doing exactly what I do, except he's saying "good girl" instead of the girl saying "good boy" to him.

>> No.5183163
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>I've seen lots of dominant guys with foot fetishes

>tfw I'm one of those guys

Definitely the most 'sub' thing about my sexuality but I don't know if I would qualify it as a full blown fetish. Feet alone do nothing for me, qt feet are just like the cherry on top of the sundae.

For me it's just like objectifying her and I've never been with a girl who didn't love it when it's framed this way, even if they were unsure at first. I'm not submissive about it like being into trampling or foot worship, I just like to see her toes curl from pleasure or kiss her soft soles while having sex. It's easy to remain dominant because you just do what you want and communicate her whole body, feet included, exists for your pleasure. She was born just to be your little slut. They go bananas for that shit.

>> No.5183166

I don;t think that'd satisfy anyone's regural foot fetish, from what I know they like the taste, smell, look of girl's foot and couldn't care less about their own

I guess foot fetish and being dominant just don't really go well together

>> No.5183180

as a pretty vanilla guy otherwise I must admit that this shit feels pretty good

>> No.5183182

Actually you are.

>> No.5183189
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Look I'm a low t guy, I just want to snuggle and play checkers. Is there anything wrong with that? From a meal point of view, I mean. God smiles while Darwin laughs. It turns out the kids who beat me up in grade school were the favored sons all along.

Sure, I can get behind sexual assault, but only groping women in public and stuff. I'm really a rohypnol kinda guy, and even then only after staring at a woman thru a telescope until I feel an emotional connection. This club-and-rape stuff is not my style. You can lay out all the reasons why I'm inferior in detail but I don't think I'm obligated to be pleased with it.

Is cuckoldry a respectable option, or should I go with chemical castration? I mean from a feminist point of view, which is less oppressive? So I can't satisfy a woman. It's not like I don't have other virtues.

Harmlessness is a virtue right?

>> No.5183192

I never got trampling. I want them feet on my FACE nigga.

>tfw face used as footstool while she reads for two hours

feels good.

>> No.5183193

this is so true

and so sad

females are truly scum of earth, but you either go gay or just learn to live with this somehow

>> No.5183197

Well, I don't know how foot fetish work but judgeing from what I've seen I imaged the maledom equivalent will be like that.
In foot worshipping and a footjob there is a very clear top and bottom, I just switched the image.

>> No.5183198


Cuckold? Chemical castration?

Just lift some weights, Christ.

>> No.5183203

stop hating yourself so much because of what a bunch of uncultured idiots said on 4chan jesus christ

>> No.5183207

enjoy never finding a girl who actually likes it tho

they are the ones that enjoy being bossed around, it just doesn't seem to work any other way in long-term relationship (unless they are golddiggers and you are rich and ok with them using you and possibly cheating on you with someone who is dominiant

>> No.5183209

>like to see her toes curl from pleasure
yessss this is the only time feet arouse me

>> No.5183210

>cruise on T
>blast some tren for shits 'n giggles
>get stronk
>get swole
>get puss
>become so confident you feel like a god among men

>> No.5183212

In my days not every board was infested with /r9k/ and /pol/ (which wasn't even a thing, and neither was /r9k/ for a while, God knows why moot readded it later)

>> No.5183215

So, exactly what the rich guy do to be rich? His work, I mean.

>> No.5183217

low t does this to you. Do you not understand how important testosterone is to a man?

>> No.5183225

If you can frame it right they will like it because you like it. You can't go full bitch-mode with the submissiveness though

>> No.5183227

>clear top and bottom
never considered myself a sub b4

thanks buddy for making me feel bad about myself

>> No.5183233

pls leave your brosciency understanding of biochemistry at the doormat

>> No.5183236

Six years ago, even /b/ was a source of interesting discussion.

And there was no /pol/, it was /new/ which was less about authoritarianism and ideas of racial hierarchy and more about paranoid libertarianism.

>> No.5183237

>tfw My Secret Garden will never be adapted to film

>> No.5183238

Yeah, my luck finding it in NSA has been really slim, just because dommes are in such high demand that they get taken quickly or use it to make money.

But I can 100% confirm there are dominant girls out there, and not in the cuckoldy way where they just treat you badly for being sub. Dated a super-dominant foot fetishist for two years who had the dominant inverse of every submissive kink I had.

>> No.5183243

Never specifies, he's just the perfect man. Billionaire, tall handsome, dominant and mysterious.

And this man somehow is completely enamored with a boring plain jane after one tepid conversation. Lol romance novels

>> No.5183244

please tell me how low T isn't linked with depression, lack of energy and emotional instability. And this is endocrinology, not biochemistry.

>> No.5183246

Yeah I remember when thefreemarketwillfixit was a joke
I have a feeling that the entire 4chan thingy is a joke that got out of hand because new people came in and thought old people were serious

>> No.5183250


>> No.5183258
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>> No.5183261

So back when this was fanfic... how did that work? Edward's a billionaire vampire, or something?

>> No.5183272

male fantasy
>conquer galaxy
>fuck bitches

female fantasy
>occupy space
>receive money
>daddy loves you


>> No.5183275

They were the characters but in a different universe.
Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was Batman but with Bruce Wayne's back story instead of his own backstory.

>> No.5183280

yeah, fuck women


>> No.5183283

It was AU.

Which makes it even worse, AU fanfic is fucking ludicrous.

>> No.5183298

Wouldn't.. wouldn't that just make him Batman?

>> No.5183301

That would just be Batman, where Batman has a slightly different personality and a different name.

I mean I grasp the explanation, it's just fucking stupid (no offense, not your fault).

>> No.5183304

man this is bad timing

gfs sister has been cheating on her husband for a man with more money who is willing to lavish gifts upon her and the way my gf and her two sisters talk about the whole ordeal reminds me of this fucking book

and it makes me nervous that there is a real dollar cost for human love and maybe I don't want to pay/can't afford it

>> No.5183313

there sadly is a price tag on girl's love even if some of them deny it

men's love cares only 'bout females looks tho so I guess that's somewhat fair

>> No.5183314

Nope! He is sherlock in mind, spirit and body but his cosmology is different. That is how AUs work

>> No.5183317

wow, that's the worst shit I've hared ever

>> No.5183318
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>He is sherlock in mind, spirit and body but his cosmology is different. That is how AUs work

What the fuck is happening

>> No.5183322

You haven't heard about the LOTR high school AUs yet!

>> No.5183327
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>> No.5183331

hahaha your life sucks mine is great

>> No.5183332

I see, the idea is to capture the unique and complex psychologies of the Twilight universe characters by interpreting them in a different setting while still being true to their characterizations. Well, that sounds like quite the challenging artistic endeavor; I've had the whole thing wrong all along.

>> No.5183336

lol when you boil it down to this its just depressing

>tfw society completely caters to women and their pleb desires

jesus christ, time to move on to the next epoch already

>> No.5183344

Men see a woman's tits and like the woman's tits

Women see a guy's money and like the guy's charming personality

>> No.5183347

sorry to break it down for you but that's what it comes down to
females care 'bout cash
men care' bout looks
it's evolutionary things and even tho there are exceptions, it's way too deep in our mind to get rid of (just as the natural desire to be sub that females have)

>> No.5183351

Well it's a double edged sword, because once you are aware of it it's painful knowledge, but at the same time it is liberating in realizing women are extremely replaceable

>> No.5183352
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Link to the trailer?

>> No.5183370

well my gf earns way more than me right now, and already has plenty of money saved in the bank, plus a great career ahead of her (i hope). honestly, she isn't with me for the money, but she would be happier if i earned more of course. point being, there are definitely girls out there who aren't gold-diggers.

i think what you meant to say was american girls all come with a price tag. well, that's what you get for having such a shitty capitalist society.

>> No.5183371
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>Master of the Universe

>> No.5183374

ina relationship, yeah, but not in sex.

>> No.5183390

Google, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.5183419
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And they will cheat on the beta provider with money for a dominant lover 99% of the time. sometimes the guy fills both roles for her but that's pretty rare. I've been the second type my whole life and slept with women with boyfriends and husbands that make waaaaaaay more than I do, but a womans needs are far more than just financial stability, and sex/being dominated is the strongest, most primal one.

I definitely don't like it, and wish chicks could exercise even a modicum of self control, but I know that's not happening so I just enjoy the times shared.
Basically what I'm saying is money is not the end all be all, and a lot of times the dude with money is total chump and doesn't even know it.
When I was 19 an older woman I was sleeping with took me to the Four Seasons Maui while her husband was on a business trip. On her husbands dime of course, she didn't work. There we are at one of the nicest resorts in the country, on a beautiful tropical beach... and she just wants to talk about how naughty this trip is and what a blind loser her husband is, and she is getting off major just slandering the hell out of him.
Keep in mind I am 19 in this moment, with nothing to offer this woman but my sexuality ( I worked at a god damn surf shop) yet she had ZERO problems paying the way for a infidelity vacation while trashing the man who provides her lifestyle.

>> No.5183422

there's that word again
oh just get the fuck out

>> No.5183425

The lesson is women are fucking twisted, just... off on a fundamental level. Don't try to understand it just roll with

>> No.5183428

You either trash the women and don't take part in it or you admit that you are scum and a whore too. Stop being hyprocritical.

>> No.5183433

Since when did /lit/ become /r9k/?

>> No.5183439

Oh yeah, I'm a total fucking man whore, I was just running out of room. I don't care, I'm not the one cheating. Someone is going to fuck them, why not me

>> No.5183442

>I don't care, I'm not the one cheating.
Yes you are. Stop trying to avoid responsibility.

>> No.5183443

That dog is so cute my head almost exploded

>> No.5183444


I thought it went without saying that the dude with money is a chump. I've never met a single person with excess wealth that isnt an absolute cunt

>> No.5183445

Underrated post

>> No.5183447

I'm going to do what I did to Twlight which is watch a couple of reviews ranting about how shit it is and I will then say that those are my opinions.

>> No.5183450

I'll take full responsibility and still don't care. Not my problem some guy can't handle his business.

>> No.5183461

All of the absolute shit action movies come out targeting males, you don't see me saying, "I've lost my faith in men"

>> No.5183465

less pua-tier ranting and more stories about you fucking milfs

>> No.5183466

Is it just me or do the vast majority of dudes with money just accept and almost expect they will be cheated on. It's like on the subconscious level they know they are only 'renting' the girl and it's all a part of the elaborate play. To be openly confronted with her cheating is not acceptable but if it's just out of sight it seems like they don't care. If it wasn't for the $$ the chick wouldn't even be looking at them.

>> No.5183470

>All of the absolute shit action movies come out targeting males
not true

>> No.5183475

What about 2 Guns? That movie owns so hard.

>> No.5183476

You have faith in men? Are you retarded?

>> No.5183477

To be honest he probably cheats a shitload on her too. Don't be surprised if she invites you to a threesome with you at the middle.

>> No.5183482

the whole phrase is retarded anyway

>> No.5183487

Now that's a shit fucking analogy

>> No.5183495
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Trailer over here!:
This looks either too tame or too rage inducing.

>> No.5183496

This board must have come to a new low when fucking Feminister of all people looks like the brightest poster in the entire thread. Save for >>5182972, but people who actually know their field don't count.

>> No.5183502

wtf and you just listened to her?

why didn't you buy some scissors/shavers and cut her hair off?

>b-b-but I don't care about her husband

Irrelevant. If you enable this kind of behaviour you deserve to be chuckled yourself.

>> No.5183504


cuckolded lel

>> No.5183506

In an entire book you were too lazy to cherrypick some awful quotes.

Are you a gril ?

>> No.5183510
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Yeah definitely. I've been invited for threesomes and once got invited to do some cuckold play with a couple, which I was not down for at all. That shit is more outlandish to me than hardcore S&M. I told her that's not my thing, and she said if her boyfriend being there made me uneasy it was "totally OK! he just wants to watch from behind a one way mirror :D" The fact their bedroom even had a one way mirror set off quadruple red flags, I'm talking Threat Level: Orange. And they were in their mid 20s, not married living together. Not even like they had 10+ years of marriage or something to become that deviant.

Ok sure

>> No.5183517

Where do you live, mate?

>> No.5183535


Any books on this? Like, why people find this important?

Because you can easily conceive of sexuality being a thing between you and a partner without a dozen toys and code words, right? On the most simple end of things, animals just fuck when the urge strikes, they do it for a couple of seconds usually, and then they go about their day fulfilling other needs. But then you have humans, who have big identity issues surrounding what kinds of toys they enjoy using to fuck.

I want to read some mental gymnastics as to why this is a thing, and what relevance it has to other things.

>> No.5183538

yeah you sussed out those dirty capitalists. great job tovarisch

>> No.5183541


May as well read then, because it is more efficient than thinking.

>> No.5183554

There was a really good post about it a while back, it's all about eroticism, and what's taboo.

Back centuries ago, you couldn't fuck a girl until marriage, all that pent up sexual frustration and 'muh virginity' made for great eroticism. Millenniums ago, Middle Eastern women danced suggestively behind curtains; their body was obscured, but what their silhouette suggested just out of reach, what was considered taboo, made it erotic as hell.

Now that the female body is shoved in your face 24/7, it's no longer as erotic as it once was to some and they have to find new ways to get off.

>> No.5183575

do you know how to read?

>> No.5183678
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The Gay Peoples Republic of Drug-a-fornia

I definitely cut that thread. I wasn't trying to hear that bullshit on a white sand beach. I was just surprised at how much she was reveling in it.

I'll try to green this one since it seems better for stories, this was late last year
>Meet qt older asian in line at the store
>30 and a few months broken up from a 6 year relationship with a Chinese man (safe to assume then she has no idea what its like to be truly fucked and owned. sorry China-bros you are really the lowest of the low on the sex totem pole)
>A few days later we go to the museum to see "Impressionists On Water" (if you like pretty water scenes google Gustave Caillebotte)
>shes wearing a tiny, tight ass top and yoga pants, flip flops. I want to just skip the musuem
>Usual museum date, keeping a playful sexual vibe but mostly just about building comfort
>Suddenly her switch flicks on, touchy feely, emotional language, I guess the Monets really got her going
>into a little nook not used for the current exhibit
>making out, slide my hand down the front of her yoga pants, thong is soaked through, the impressionist scenes aren't the only thing thats wet
>tease for a bit then break off, intending to finish off at my place
>Instead she pulls me into a unisex bathroom, she ready to go NOW!
>doesn't even have a fucking lock, I'm on one leg, holding her up by her ass, the other foot pressing the door shut

>> No.5183681

Most all popular romance/erotica novels are crappy. I work at a library and shelve many a dog-eared copy of Harlequin rags, they are immensely popular. Read the backs: the plots are laughably bizarre (amnesia + pregnancy + marriage contracts = ???) or fairly limited in scope. In fact, the copies we get have subheadings/title that clue readers into the general content of the book by simply reading the spine. "Country Bliss" books for example, would all be set in the midwest on rural farms while "Sweet Kisses" would all be about single moms. When you're talking about the little paperback books the publisher has authors churning books out rapidly and conforming to a very specific set of criteria so there isn't very much room to be creative. The reader doesn't have to work very hard to seek out stories set in the midwest about women in their 30s with kids where the sex is of the 'fade to black' variety. There are a BUNCH about moody, possessive millionaires.and because millions wasn't erotic enough, tons of stories about Billionaires.

It isn't anything new, one of the first breakout-hit romance novels was Pamela, Or Virtue Rewarded. Its about a girl who falls in love with her employer after he's locked her up in her house in hopes of seducing/raping her. It was published in the mid 1700s.

If you stare down into the pit of human sexuality, male or female, you're gonna find a lot of rape (and incest). Its rather depressing.

>> No.5183697

>I even have him dominate me around the kid
Sweet fucking Jesus, nothing says 'healthy sex life' like getting the kids involved.

>> No.5183745
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>"omg i never done anything like this :)"
>thinking: yep, ok. said every female I have ever been with
>shes trying to unzip my jeans while my legs are making an L shape, so shit aint working
>'fuck it' put her down bend her over.... slide her pants and panties down her thighs just below her ass
>Im staring at one of the wettest, prettiest pussies I have ever seen. Total innie. wetness clinging to her inner thighs
>decide no way I'm enjoying such a lovely flower for the first time in a museum bathroom
>turn her around and pull her close.... start fingering her because if she doesnt get at least a mini O she is going to lose her shit
>not even 10 seconds into it the door opens to the sight of the most forlorn, impossibly tired looking black security guard
>"sheeeeit, c'mon man, they is kids here"
>she is so embarrassed, im actually a bit relieved and we hurry out of the museum
>Finally get back to my place and just annihilate, I'm talking a modern day Rape of Nanking
>shes done, just a panting, naked, quivering pile of girl. big dark spot under her on the sheets
>Cuddling afterwards
>"ive never been with a black guy before hee hee"
>'well im like 1/4 black, not sure that counts'
>"one drop rule :)"

She ended up being comically racist and couldnt suck dick worth a damn. But it was a fun little museum trip. Sorry if it's not a cheating story like maybe you were looking for but I get kind of burnt out on that

>> No.5183787

who said i read it

>> No.5183797

>present term.

Theres an expression here about stones and glass houses but I can't for the life of me remember it. Oh well.

>> No.5183803

Why is this worth fussing over? Presumably you read the book just so you could have an accurate criticism, but why don't you just read something of merit or simply something more enjoyable?

>> No.5183811

>Rape of Nanking is hilarious
>one drop rule isn't
Check your privilege or something

>> No.5183817

>but this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the female gender in particular.
199 posts and 21 image replies omitted

>> No.5183819

I came pretty hard to it.
>HOLY FUCK. This is wrong. But holy hell... is it eROTIC!
I can't not hear this in Gilbert Gottfried's voice

>> No.5183824
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It's just porn for girls, get over it. It's not like porn films are well written or acted.

I have shlicked to this book like 100 times so the author did her job

>> No.5183865

Oh it was funny, I was just caught off guard that she knew about it and responded without missing a beat

>> No.5183918

r9k is that way man >
chill the fuck out

>> No.5183922

>(if you like pretty water scenes google Gustave Caillebotte

ohhh das a nice one boss

>> No.5184058

>having faith in humanity


>> No.5184111

You know what's funny is that the only reason I even know what 50 shades of grey is about is because of /lit/. Even though you all say you hate it so much, you do talk an aweful lot about it.

If you don't care, don't talk about it. And yes, I know I've already lost by posting.

>> No.5184132

Out of all the bullshit going on in the world, this is what makes you "disgusted in[sic] levels I can't begin to express"?

>> No.5184187

C) achieve personal success without the crutch of women

that way you can still jerk it when you want to, fuck lying down to the matriarchy even if you dont care about the sexes

>> No.5184211

it may even seem as if /lit/ enjoys shitting on books
and nice trips

>> No.5184220

Just a reminder that 50 Shades displays the bdsm community very poorly and inaccurately.

I really hope nobody tried anything out of this book because it's just a manual for disaster, the lady who wrote it obviously had very little to no experience with bdsm.

>> No.5184231


I came here just to say that I love this word, and I've been in love with it ever since I heard it on south park

>> No.5184264

I've dated this girl from uni for a couple of months, she was really into greek literature and had this fantasy of being taken and dominated by a barbarian type. She was a virgin when we met and very inexperienced, it's amazing how quickly and naturally she dwelved deeper and deeper into being dominated

>> No.5184285

that's how men write famela characters, that's how they want to see them when it comes to love
that's how females write about themselves and truth is actually way worse

sorry guyz, truth hurts

>> No.5184303

50 shades of grey was/is at the perfect level of dirtiness, at the right time, in the right place. Its success says a lot about society, and I don't think much of it is bad.
It says that women are getting more in touch with their innate sexuality. This is a good thing.
It says that people are getting more open to things previously considered 'perverted' or 'immoral'. This is a good thing.
It says that the dawn of the e-reader provided people with a way to read smut without feeling judged. This is probably a good thing.
It says that the dawn of the e-reader provided a way for writers to sell their work on its own merits, for cheap, without needing to go through a publisher. This is a good thing.
It says that people consume some basically worthless media. This is not new.

The negative reaction to 50 shades of grey DOES reflect negatively on a specific slice of society.
It says that some people are pretentious snobs. This is a bad thing.

>> No.5184310

Submissive guy here, maybe I can't give you a complete picture of the female mind but I sort of know where a lot of them are coming from I think.

Liking degradation doesn't necessarily mean you have no self worth. A lot of times it's even the opposite. I enjoy it precisely because I have a lot of responsibility in life and I'm thought of highly by the people around me, so it gets me excited to experience the opposite of that a little.

>> No.5184314

I feel your feels, I used to be quite moral and opinionated about the evils of being with commited women instead of exposing them. Now I'm just a whore, funny thing is that my lack of morals regarding sex started pouring into other aspects of my life

>> No.5184341

I know I've been on 4chan for too long because the moment you mentioned you are I stopped laughing. I swear I wasn't this racist before coming here

>> No.5184355

So god damn cringe worthy.

These fucking teenage girls don't even masturbate to real smut, they masturbate to a fanfiction based on a movie based on a book based on a mormon's wetdream.

And this movie? It will fucking suck 29 dicks. You don't see this much publicity for the millions of BDSM and hardcore porno movies.

Do you realize the actors will be pretentious about a fucking porno? Do you realize people won't consider this porn because it's fucking mainstream?

It's not even that bad it's fucking boring.

Want mindfuck? Read anything by comicsnix.

Fucking faggots profaning sex and making our pornstars second class citizens.

>> No.5184359

>awkward insecure girl who undervalues herself whisked away to adventure
That's the start of the plot for all these twee romance films
Twilight, hunger games, divergent, etc

>> No.5184367

You get to see middle aged women reading it in public
But if you start reading a hustler you'll be a perv

>> No.5184368

Excellent post. I hadn't thought of this book that way.

>> No.5184372

The book that best captured the psychology of a male sub was Confessions by Rousseau. I don't like my fetish being commercialized, especially this demented, psychologically unhealthy version.

>> No.5184376


>> No.5184378

I always thought that was incredibly abusive and exploitative, even if the retard protagonist enjoys it.

>> No.5184411
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>I even have him dominate me around the kids, too."
>mfw the kids start to think their dad beats up mom and this breaks their home

>> No.5184416


Use google it's pretty widely known.

>> No.5184431
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>> No.5184439
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That almost makes more sense to me and is not the same type of degrading I was talking about. First off because you are a man, with legitimate responsibility in normal life. And second because you say 'a little.'

A lot of girls I've been with don't want a little, they want a lot, and it starts to seep into normal life. Inside the bedroom I'll take it as far as they want to go. I think it enters a much darker territory when they want it in normal life. I was with a girl that got off big time on being my pet, you know naked on a leash, used rough, water bowl all that weird shit, and that was cool with me, whatever. But then she wanted to wear a little pink collar 24/7, like when we went out in public and she would randomly wear it at really inappropriate times (like meeting my little sister and mom for lunch, no bullshit) and after awhile I never knew if her behavior was going to be outrageous as more and more of her submissive nature spilled over into everyday life. And that's just one chick.

That's just pathetic to me, that it's in the forefront of their mind all the time, it's like they just live to be someone elses toy, with no autonomy, yet they get ten times the pleasure as the one using them... Bizarre

>> No.5184531

Kids these days don't know about the golden age www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3OpyO_zfP8

>> No.5184914

Why is 3/4ths of this thread complete and utter shit? It feels like I've just walked into /r/TheRedPill

>> No.5184937

Wow these actual quotes are actually funny. Maybe the interest is of the 'so bad it's good' sort? And even if it isn't, humanity has always been stupid yet it continues.

>> No.5184939

Because you're a redditor and you should return to your homeland

>> No.5184963

In your head, was the definition of "something normal to put on the big screen" really an episode of the Teletubbies?

>> No.5184965


but actiony things clearly must be better because minivan feminists are all about getting girls into 'boy stuff' since it seems 'boystuff' is just inherently better or something (i would agree).

>> No.5184972

Have you considered that you perhaps specifically attract these sorts of women due to something about you? Maybe the average woman isn't as you describe.

>> No.5185011
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All of you missed the most important question.

Will there ever be a shitty fanfiction made by a male that's socially accepted, gets popular, and is made into a Hollywood film?

>> No.5185018


Are people seriously mad that people are canning 50 fucking shades of grey?

Go back to fucking tumblr

>> No.5185065

No I'm angry that you're doing it in a lame way.

>> No.5185092


thats what they all say

>i-its not like i care about my views being threatened or anything, t-theyre just being uncool!

>> No.5185185

Are you under the impression that all or even most BDSM practitioners never have sex without the "props"?

The only one with the narrow sexual viewpoint is you.

>> No.5185213

It holocausted 6 million of my brain cells.

>> No.5185243

That poster you quoted is the worst offender.

>> No.5185252

What about a male fanfic where a man goes around and enslaves 5 nubile young women and dominates them until they can't exist without him sexually? Then it becomes a movie, opening to massive public support and socially impossible to critique without being framed as "that ignorant girl that just doesn't understand"? Action films are no fair comparison.

>> No.5185254

How is this not completely reactionary?

>> No.5185280

>She ended up being comically racist and couldnt suck dick worth a damn

That's hilarious. Why did she fuck if she was racist? Did she just do it to joke?

>> No.5185288

I took a girl to the museum recently and while the banter was lightly sexual (kind of weird, since we were at a medical oddities museum) we were also on acid and my actual sex-drive was completely shot.

>> No.5185334

it's depressing that degenerates like you populate this board

>> No.5185453

is that book good? or ishouldn't waste my time?

>> No.5185502

Wait for movie

>> No.5185516


>> No.5185520


>> No.5185580

Since when does porn have to be well written? Some of the stuff I get off to is terribly written and acted but that doesn't mean it isn't arousing.

>> No.5185635

Well 50 Shades is the opposite of well written yet paraded as something good

>> No.5185655

The real problem here is that Fifty Shades is so fucking vanilla it can hardly justify calling itself BDSM

I mean seriously it's so fucking tame it's boring as shit

>> No.5185674

Fifty shades is to real BDSM as Twilight is to real vampires. That is the worst thing i hate about it

>> No.5185680

>real vampires
Nigga what

>> No.5185684

I don't think anyone is trying to say it's actually quality literature, I think some people just think it's hot.

>> No.5185705

like the vampires in Dracula? By real i mean original

>> No.5185751

I agree with this. Plebs are just plebs regardless of gender.

>> No.5185758

Fuck Anon I know that feel. Fucking virgin friends and their love for shit novels turning into shittier cinema.

>> No.5185767


>50 shades of grey
Are we really calling this soccer mom vanilla bullshit bdsm?

>> No.5185784

Yea. Surely, The Sleeping Beauty trilogy has more of a right to be in movie form? because although the store wasn't that good, at least the writing didn't give me a headache.

>> No.5185799

In Skyfall, James Bond just goes up to a girl in the shower who has been sexually abused since childhood and has had all relationships as a sex slave, and is already established as scared shitless of him, and he proceeds to fuck her.

After she gets murdered by someone playing William Tell with whiskey on her head and missing deliberately, Bond says, "Waste of good scotch."

In real life, that would be a fucking just all around shit thing to do.

>> No.5185804

Well Bond isn't known for his empathy

>> No.5185807

No, but you kind of missed my point, which is that masculine fantasies can certainly have women being treated like shit without a massive uproar.

>> No.5185818

you have to be pretty clueless to think that scotch line wasn't about bond trying to act cool and hide his emotions and was just him not caring

>> No.5185825

In his defense it really was a waste. Silva was being rude as fuck.

>> No.5185826

>trying to act cool
whoops, I guess I missed that. well that certainly changes things

>> No.5185832

This isn't about attacking Bond's character, this is simply about dismantling the incorrect assertion that only chick flicks can get away with certain things.

>> No.5185839
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>responding to me seriously

>> No.5185861

Most women seem to find Bond's behaviour sexy, and in real life probably would've fucked him. You generally seem less stupid than a lot of feminists but Bond's really more just fantasy than "male fantasy", lots of girls like James Bond, too. I know a lot of women that go see those movies just cause they want to fuck James Bond. I don't think most girls that ain't lesbos would be reading literotica written for men.

And most action movies in general seem like they do a lot to pander to women nowadays, the Fast and Furious movies are loaded with female action characters and most of the other movies about criminals are like that

I don't think the Fifty Shades of Grey thing is a big deal in comparison with a lot of other shit that's going on in Hollywood, and I'll be happy as long the lead's a white dude, but the way you're attacking action movies is just fucking ridiculous, and the left-wing sites generally do bitch about James Bond, as do comedians when he's brought up, and whenever I read movie reviews about action movies that're in feminist-leaning papers and publications (Read: everything that's not Fox News tier retarded) they generally do seem to be assmad that action movies exist, and that shit's fucking annoying.

>> No.5185865

I'm not defending the surprise sex with the rape victim but the waste of good scotch line seemed more like he was trying not to let the villain think that he was worried

>> No.5185875

Girls like James Bond because of how he looks--I guarantee you girls didn't find Bond attractive in A View to a Kill.

Female characters in action movies not muscular body builders, they're all super skinny model physiques.

I'm not attacking action movies. I think you're missing the point that I'm saying it's retarded to "lose faith in women" because you think this movie is just mindless entertainment for women, when men like mindless entertainment as well. The whole crack about Bond directly relates to another poster bitching there could never a male-oriented film where the main treats women rather questionably, and I was taking about that assertion.

>> No.5185882

So it was a pissing contest? I'm pretty sure he grabbed a gun right after saying that, so it would seem like it was just a crack to show, "I'm too manly to give a fuck about that whore."

>> No.5185949


>In Skyfall, James Bond just goes up to a girl in the shower who has been sexually abused since childhood and has had all relationships as a sex slave, and is already established as scared shitless of him, and he proceeds to fuck her.

Did they not fuck each other? Are you seriously implying that because of her past she is now no longer able to feel sexual attraction to a man and have sex with him?

Very interesting that you'd only see that as him fucking her and in no way them fucking each other. How could you even think that you could make an objective claim of this? How could you say that she couldn't have ever been attracted to him and wanted him? A thinking person might call you a fucking idiot for trying to imply first-hand knowledge of this.

>After she gets murdered by someone playing William Tell with whiskey on her head and missing deliberately, Bond says, "Waste of good scotch."

Don't be such a fucking moron and choose to ignore basic context here.

He said this to ingratiate himself with the villain that he was trying to con. There was nothing genuine to this nonchalance and it was very obvious in the film that he was doing it in order to deceive. It wasn't meant to represent his true emotional response to the event and you know it.

I am so tired of people just choosing to ignore context whenever they feel like it.

A society of eternally wounded morons.

>> No.5186077

I've read the Wikipedia article. Holy shit it really did start as a Twilight fanfic. Although honestly there are worse things that have been popular. All of pop culture needs to go up in fucking flames.

>> No.5186139

Girls like James Bond because he's masculine, but, more importantly
Are you really this dumb? The guy's trying to shake up Bond psychologically by killing somebody he cares about. Is Bond supposed to say "You son of a GUN! You son of a BIG FAT STINKING GUN! I'm MAD AT YOU!"
The guy's life revolves around watching people close to him that he's shared his life with be killed in horrendous ways and he's supposed to freak out over this woman dying because...?
Also, why is fucking the woman in the shower a big deal?

>> No.5186147

>You son of a GUN! You son of a BIG FAT STINKING GUN! I'm MAD AT YOU!"
Since he's about to grab a gun...uh, yeah. I mean it's not like he was standing up to interrogation, he was getting the gun right then.

>> No.5186284

> this really makes me lose faith in the current state of humanity and the female gender in particular

you aren't very resilient if you can't handle one book and a movie adaptation.

I've read a little and yes it isn't great, but it's hardly a symbol of the decline of civilization.

much ado about nothing

>> No.5186309

agree, it's ridiculous to lose faith in humanity because of a book, movie, or whatever stupid distraction. This is just 2h of silly audio combined with some moving images.
How can OP deal with some documentaries about child soldiers, North korean labor camps, torture, etc?

>> No.5186313


Are we supposed to care when you do say things lol?

>> No.5186327

I wonder how people would react if this were written for men, from his perspective. This character literally doing whatever the fuck he wants, making blunt, forceful sexual advances at whomever he finds attractive, and behaving like a female's sexuality is his property.
It is only natural for us men, after all. Real women can handle our sexuality. 5/5 reviews, films, sitcom spin off.

>> No.5186330

That'd be completely fucking out of character for him, pointless, would give the guy he was about to kill the satisfaction of knowing he'd gotten to Bond, and getting overly stressed and emotional in a situation like that is suicide.
Don't you hang out with criminals or cops or soldiers ever? People that're accustomed to violence don't freak out that bad over it, giving people moral condemnations and getting red in the face in the moment makes you look like a pussy if you're on the wrong side of the law, and makes you look like an unprofessional idiot if you are the law

>> No.5186337

I agree with that OP shouldn't be hung up on 50 Shades but being facetious about something that does have a big impact on American culture is fucking annoying. It's "some audio and moving images", you fucking autist.

>> No.5186340

What do you care what happens to American culture?

>> No.5186356

Isn't American culture down the drain already?

>> No.5186362

>All you need to know about 50 Shades is that Deep Throat was scandalous while this is celebrated, a perpetuation of the new status quo: that female sexuality is not only to be accepted in American society but normalized and considered not even worth mentioning, while male sexuality remains perverse and ugly.

You do realize there's also a man in 50 Shades of Grey, right?

>> No.5186367

If you think this book had a "big impact" than you're the fucking autist.
Just because something was hyped for a few months and sold a few millions, doesn't make it a big impact.
Did it change people's values, did it influence anyone's attitude, politics, art, whatever?
Anything close to hippie movement, Elvis, Beatles, Pulp Fiction/Star wars/Citizen Kane, YT videos, ...?
Nope. Nothing. Just a lot of noise for a few months. Even /b has a higher impact on society.

>> No.5186374

>>My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.

>> No.5186377

>"This just in, the Masses enjoy poorly written pulp literature. More news at 11".

>> No.5186379

But women are actually ENJOYING something sexual! That makes me so angry!

>> No.5186384

>And most action movies in general seem like they do a lot to pander to women nowadays, the Fast and Furious movies are loaded with female action characters and most of the other movies about criminals are like that

...and you think that's to pander to women? Bwahaha.

>> No.5186388

lol, 'reactionary'

it just shows how people actually are deep down. try to de or reprogram that all you want.

>> No.5186398

>getting red in the face in the moment makes you look like a pussy if you're on the wrong side of the law
No it doesn't, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Criminals only consider anger weakness when it's not acted upon. Being able to become angry for the right reasons and act upon them is a huge part of criminal culture, and calling someone a "pussy" in most gang subcultures is calling them to become angry and act, and if they don't beat you up then they're considered impotent. Being angry with action is considered a sign of strength, Tony Montana is an icon.

>> No.5186403

>Did it change people's values, did it influence anyone's attitude, politics, art, whatever?
It has.

>> No.5186405

True enough. At the same time, part of "criminal culture" (gang culture/mafia culture etc.) is this kind of misogynistic current where you're not supposed to care about the bitch you're slagging. It'd be one thing if the villain capped Bond's brother or something, but it would be a sign of being 'pussywhipped' if he freaked over losing a girl like that.

>> No.5186407

[citation needed]

>> No.5186413

That's not really the case. Criminals put their brotherhood before their women, and they certainly don't attach any stigma whatsoever to cheating on one's woman, but it would be perfectly acceptable and even expected to cry if your woman died. Deeply loving and caring your bitch is not stigmatized, it's just a matter of priorities.

>> No.5186418
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>a sheltered female on a chinese anime inspired literature image board talking about anger and respect in gang culture

>> No.5186421

I think if you wanted to make a case that Bond actually gave a rat's ass about her, it would make more sense to reference that he's uncomfortable with his own emotions ("The bitch is dead now"), then to try to say it was some psychological ploy to get one up on the bad guy.

>> No.5186423

it has forced a huge leap towards accepting female sexuality. How could star wars or pulp fiction even come close?

>> No.5186424

I grew up in a shit neighborhood and I worked in property maintenance as a teenager and early adult. Both my parents were shit broke, and many of the guys I dated in high school were in gangs.

>> No.5186490

I don't even know how to respond to this. This is gold.

>> No.5186564
File: 69 KB, 469x463, Those+are+some+good+maymays+friend+_6f67e31c52471863af16582fedf6cfa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5186573

Meant to quote

>> No.5187309

As someone vaguely kinky, this saddens me because it's going to show everything wrongly.

To answer your question: >Why on Earth do you need to [sic] many props for sex?
Because it isn't sex. Let me break it down for you. The reason that cuffs are common is because some people get off on helplessness. The reason that flogging is common is because some people get off on pain. Latex and leather are simply for show, some people are aroused by wearing garmets made from such things.

>I can't imagine having such a narrow sexual viewpoint as needing to go through half a dozen paddles and french ticklers in the 'dungeon' in order to enjoy the intimacy.

This is where you illustrate complete misunderstanding. There is no "need" for any of it, a half competent dom can do their stuff with their body and words. The equiptment, if used correctly intensifies the intimacy, not deflates it.

>nor is it a fetish
All forms of sexual attraction that isn't a sexuality is a fetish.

>> No.5187574


just women operating as theyve always operated, especially when they think theyre not.

>> No.5187817

Is Game of Thrones getting a movie?

>> No.5188211

I've never needed props to completely dominate a chick, just seems like a waste of money

>> No.5188659

One way or the other, /new/ didn't spill, nowhere near as much. I only bothered to find out it existed maybe a few months before moot axed it.

But now? Every time someone posts anything remotely related to race, sexuality or politics it's always "yes good goyim" ad nauseam. I saw a post on /tv/ complaining about We're the Millers using white straight males exclusively as the butt of the joke (not true btw) and having a lot of swearing. A 4chan poster is sensitive to swearing!

/lit/ is actually mostly a safe haven from this kind of shit. Actually, when it comes to discussing political theory as such, this is one of the best places to do it, and I say it as someone who thinks communism and far-leftism are fucking gay.

>> No.5188795
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James Bond isn't a male sex fantasy, not in the same way 50 Shades is, anyway.