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5185893 No.5185893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your face when no Stirner thread

Give up any spooks lately, faggots?

I have...the price was that one of my eyes is pretty much permanently damaged.

>> No.5185897

It's okay. Depth perception is a spook.

>> No.5185900

>posting the biggest spook

Nice hero worship faggot

>> No.5185912

This is /lit/s version of Neutral Milk Hotel, isn't it?

>> No.5185916

>"liking Max Stirner is a spook"

There's a certain proportion of /lit/izens who refuse to understand the idiocy of this argument...and when you really think about it, it's basically a semantic grammar nazi argument and if you are the kind of person that is so persnickety and OCD that you need to do that to boost your self-esteem, kill yourself.

>> No.5185922

I read somewhere in his biography that his early writings where mainly to get one of his neighbor's young (<13) daughter to find him fatherly because he wanted to have sex with her as if she was his daughter or something really messed up.

>> No.5185923
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>> No.5185924


*tips thesaurus*

>> No.5185928

The bourgeoisie is the aristocracy of DESERT; its motto, "Let desert wear its crowns." It fought against the "lazy" aristocracy, for according to it (the industrious aristocracy acquired by industry and desert) it is not the "born" who is free, nor yet I who am free either, but the "deserving" man, the honest servant (of his king; of the State; of the people in constitutional States). Through service one acquires freedom, i. e. acquires "deserts," even if one served—mammon. One must deserve well of the State, i. e. of the principle of the State, of its moral spirit. He who serves this spirit of the State is a good citizen, let him live to whatever honest branch of industry he will. In its eyes innovators practise a "breadless art." Only the "shopkeeper" is "practical," and the spirit that chases after public offices is as much the shopkeeping spirit as is that which tries in trade to feather its nest or otherwise to become useful to itself and anybody else.

But, if the deserving count as the free (for what does the comfortable commoner, the faithful office-holder, lack of that freedom that his heart desires?), then the "servants" are the—free. The obedient servant is the free man! What glaring nonsense!

>> No.5185932

Holy fuck dude drown yourself

>> No.5185933
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NO! They suck!

>> No.5185936
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Shame that Hegel is too patrician for /lit/ who prefers babby phiIosophers such as Kant, Nietzsche, Stirner, and Schopenhauer who any intellectually 13 year old French postmodernist homosexual can understand.

>> No.5185940

Stirner: The anti-commie

Stirner: The anti-jew

>> No.5185943

With the time of the bourgeoisie begins that of liberalism. People want to see what is “rational,” “suited to the times,” etc., established everywhere. The following definition of liberalism, which is supposed to be pronounced in its honor, characterizes it completely: “Liberalism is nothing else than the knowledge of reason, applied to our existing relations.”[34] Its aim is a “rational order,” a “moral behavior,” a “limited freedom,” not anarchy, lawlessness, selfhood. But, if reason rules, then the person succumbs. Art has for a long time not only acknowledged the ugly, but considered the ugly as necessary to its existence, and takes it up into itself; it needs the villain. In the religious domain, too, the extremest liberals go so far that they want to see the most religious man regarded as a citizen — i. e., the religious villain; they want to see no more of trials for heresy. But against the “rational law” no one is to rebel, otherwise he is threatened with the severest penalty. What is wanted is not free movement and realization of the person or of me, but of reason — i.e. a dominion of reason, a dominion. The liberals are zealots, not exactly for the faith, for God, but certainly for reason, their master. They brook no lack of breeding, and therefore no self-development and self- determination; they play the guardian as effectively as the most absolute rulers.

>> No.5185944


Sounds like that sound my mom makes when she is clearing her throat like she has a hairball or something.

It's kind of a unique thing that I associate with her, thanks for the cozy feel m9

>> No.5185946

get a load of this pleb

What kind of music do you like butterfly?

>> No.5185952

We are freeborn men, and wherever we look we see ourselves made servants of egoists! Are we therefore to become egoists too! Heaven forbid! We want rather to make egoists impossible! We want to make them all “ragamuffins”; all of us must have nothing, that “all may have.”

So say the Socialists.

Who is this person that you call “All”? — It is “society”! — But is it corporeal, then? — We are its body! — You? Why, you are not a body yourselves — you, sir, are corporeal to be sure, you too, and you, but you all together are only bodies, not a body. Accordingly the united society may indeed have bodies at its service, but no one body of its own. Like the “nation of the politicians, it will turn out to be nothing but a “spirit,” its body only semblance.

The freedom of man is, in political liberalism, freedom from persons, from personal dominion, from the master; the securing of each individual person against other persons, personal freedom.

No one has any orders to give; the law alone gives orders.

But, even if the persons have become equal, yet their possessions have not. And yet the poor man needs the rich, the rich the poor, the former the rich man’s money, the latter the poor man’s labor. So no one needs another as a person, but needs him as a giver, and thus as one who has something to give, as holder or possessor. So what he has makes the man. And in having, or in “possessions,” people are unequal.

Consequently, social liberalism concludes, no one must have, as according to political liberalism no one was to give orders; i.e. as in that case the State alone obtained the command, so now society alone obtains the possessions.

>> No.5185959

stupid cunt this thread is about realizing our spooks, not posting tl;dr quotes

>> No.5185962 [DELETED] 

It's a fucking Stirner thread, homo, this is fucking literature board, not a meme board, faggot, fuck off to reddit or /b/ or [s4s] if you want be a retard that bitches about tl;dr on the fucking LIT FUCKING BOARD

>> No.5185965 [DELETED] 
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This is an anime image board. If you want to read a book, go read a fucking book, queer.

>> No.5185966

The laborer will utilize society for his egoistic ends as the commoner does the State. You have only an egoistic end after all, your welfare, is the humane liberal’s reproach to the Socialist; take up a purely human interest, then I will be your companion.

I gave up all my spooks a long ago. The easiest way to detect spooks in generally by insecurities and susceptibility to the idea of something being glamorous.

>> No.5185977



[scoffing internally]

There is no such thing as "detecting" spooks and blah blah blah in other people. Spooks is about introspection, not some way for you to harass and bully people because you think they are spooked and you are high and mighty because you are not spooked (what you imply).

>> No.5185978

This is a literature board on a pretty large forum and you're just a blatant retard. Congratulations, you got called retarded. What a winner you are.

>> No.5185980

Feminister: an EBIN MEME shitposter

w h a t a s u r p r i s e

Honest question: how is it that you've "read" all these classic works of literature and philosophy, and yet still be so moronic?

It's a sincere question

It'd be nice to have a trip that isn't a attention whore / isn't an ebin shitposter and yet that apparently isn't possible

>> No.5185983

>It'd be nice to have a trip...
>This spergout in general

Kill yourseld

>> No.5185984

I never said I was high and mighty. Once you forfeit spooks, there is an awful lot you have opened to you, and I have not scratched the surface of that.

>> No.5185986

>It'd be nice to have a trip that isn't a attention whore / isn't an ebin shitposter and yet that apparently isn't possible




Take your pick. There is zero reason to have a trip unless you suffer from one of the above mental illnesses.

>> No.5185989

I haven't posted any memes in this thread, dog. The second post you quoted isn't me, and first post is a Stirner quote in an image that I made.

>> No.5185990

Of course it's impossible. If you are a tripfag, you are an attention whore. It's the same level of narcissism as those girls who post a picture of their face on instagram everyday.

>> No.5185991

anon being so cool on a lit meme thread

ayy lamo

>> No.5186003

>muh psychiatry
>I have to psychoanalyze and shame every behaviour that some pack of stuffy commie dildos in universities have decided are problematic
I think you're likely an unpleasant person to hang out with, and that you probably do not get your penis touched by female women as often as people who do not behave in the manner in which you behave do.

>> No.5186008

>those girls who post a picture of their face on instagram everyday
You mean every girl that's not an uptight twat or shutin?

>> No.5186012

nice shitpost brah

>> No.5186013

>my meme level understanding of stirner makes me patrician
>what? there's no Stirner thread? better post a copypasta with a stirnermeme
>stirner meets catcher? hilarious!
>ugh you guys just don't get it

>> No.5186015

Yes, we have a culture of narcissism, Anon.

>> No.5186025

five hundred years ago people were having paintings done of themselves

twenty-five hundred years ago, athletes were having statues done of themselves

>> No.5186036

no shit

>> No.5186042

Isn't that a spook?

>> No.5186044

That is a fine thing. There is something perverse in the idea of it being wrong to find yourself an idea you are very interested in, to posit vanity as a sin.

>> No.5186048

I personally think Stirner's personal political philosophy is similar to Proudhon's mutualism even though he calls out Proudhon

All it takes is a read of "The Conquest of Bread" to find out why Mutualism is bullshit

>> No.5186054

Better than everybody being a fucking boring faggot that sits around bitching that Christians exist while you play Skyrim and avoid telling girls they have a nice ass because that's "sexist" somehow or whatever the fuck you fucking nerds do with your time

>> No.5186059

Stirner doesn't really have a political philosophy (except that he desires more personal power, because to him power and freedom are synonymous), he just explains how politics might work if everyone where an egoist, but his outline is quite rough. And he isn't an ethical egoist, so he's pushing for a normative that everyone out to be a voluntary egoists. A union of egoists could be a group of corporate CEO's just as well the proletarian egoists Max talks about.

>> No.5186068

Social media is different in that one receives constant external validation through likes and comments.

>> No.5186074






THIS Treatise, which is grown up under your lordship's eye, and has ventured into the world by your order, does now, by a natural kind of right, come to your lordship for that protection which you several years since promised it. It is not that I think any name, how great soever, set at the beginning of a book, will be able to cover the faults that are to be found in it. Things in print must stand and fall by their own worth, or the reader's fancy. But there being nothing more to be desired for truth than a fair unprejudiced hearing, nobody is more likely to procure me that than your lordship, who are allowed to have got so intimate an acquaintance with her, in her more retired recesses. Your lordship is known to have so far advanced your speculations in the most abstract and general knowledge of things, beyond the ordinary reach or common methods, that your allowance and approbation of the design of this Treatise will at least preserve it from being condemned without reading, and will prevail to have those parts a little weighted, which might otherwise perhaps

>> No.5186076




>> No.5186079

be thought to deserve no consideration, for being somewhat out of the common road. The imputation of Novelty is a terrible charge amongst those who judge of men's heads, as they do of their perukes, by the fashion, and can allow none to be right but the received doctrines. Truth scarce ever yet carried it by vote anywhere at its first appearance: new opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. But truth, like gold, is not the less so for being newly brought out of the mine. It is trial and examination must give it price, and not any antique fashion; and though it be not yet current by the public stamp, yet it may, for all that, be as old as nature, and is certainly not the less genuine. Your lordship can give great and convincing instances of this, whenever you please to oblige the public with some of those large and comprehensive discoveries you have made of truths hitherto unknown, unless to some few, from whom your lordship has been pleased not wholly to conceal them. This alone were a sufficient reason, were there no other, why I should dedicate this Essay to your lordship; and its having some little correspondence with some parts of that nobler and vast system of the sciences your lordship has made so new, exact, and instructive a draught of, I think it glory enough, if your lordship permit me to boast, that here and there I have fallen into some thoughts not wholly different from yours. If your lordship think fit that, by your encouragement, this should appear in the world, I hope it may be a reason, some time or other, to lead your lordship further; and you will allow me to say, that you here give the world an earnest of something that, if they can bear with this, will be truly worth their expectation. This, my lord, shows what a present I here make to your lordship; just such as the poor man does to his rich and great neighbour, by whom the basket of flowers or fruit is not ill taken, though he has more plenty of his own growth, and in much greater perfection. Worthless things receive a value when they are made the offerings of respect, esteem, and gratitude: these you have given me so mighty and peculiar reasons to have, in the highest degree, for your lordship, that if they can add a price to what they go along with,

>> No.5186083

proportionable to their own greatness, I can with confidence brag, I here make your lordship the richest present you ever received. This I am sure, I am under the greatest obligations to seek all occasions to acknowledge a long train of favours I have received from your lordship; favours, though great and important in themselves, yet made much more so by the forwardness, concern, and kindness, and other obliging circumstances, that never failed to accompany them. To all this you are pleased to add that which gives yet more weight and relish to all the rest: you vouchsafe to continue me in some degrees of your esteem, and allow me a place in your good thoughts, I had almost said friendship. This, my lord, your words and actions so constantly show on all occasions, even to others when I am absent, that it is not vanity in me to mention what everybody knows: but it would be want of good manners not to acknowledge what so many are witnesses of, and every day tell me I am indebted to your lordship for. I wish they could as easily assist my gratitude, as they convince me of the great and growing engagements it has to your lordship. This I am sure, I should write of the Understanding without having any, if I were not extremely sensible of them, and did not lay hold on this opportunity to testify to the world how much I am obliged to be, and how much I am,
Your Lordship's most humble and most obedient servant,


>> No.5186100

Does Feminister actually believe in ethical egoism and stupid shit like that or is she (he?) rusing?

>> No.5186101

>and when you really think about it, it's basically a semantic grammar nazi argument and if you are the kind of person that is so persnickety and OCD that you need to do that to boost your self-esteem, kill yourself.
as I pointed out last time you posted this inane dribble, you are wrong. Misapplying the term spook is more like the exact opposite of being a grammar nazi, because instead of being very precise to the point of impracticality, you are being very imprecise when you use the term spook in an inflationary manner.

>> No.5186111

Max Stirner is not an ethical egoist, he's a psychological egoist.

>> No.5186131

That's a pretty idiotic and disingenuous thing to say, really

You're essentially writing that interest in one's own self as the same thing as narcissism when the two are obviously not ever related nor is essentially ever called a "sin" IRL.Love your neighbors, my little ebin trip, [take notes] **as you love yourself.**

Hint: narcissism is gone into greater detail in a myth that a decently educated primary schoolboy or girl could recite to you.

There's an obvious difference between these things; and really, only a trip who thinks they are being clever would confuse the two. The farcical and narcissistic EXCESS self interest with the essential drive of humanity; eg the interest in selves / self-discipline / self-love

inb4 navel gazing wordplay on excess and self interest. in the real world this stuff is evident.

I'm somewhat sorry for the condescension and rude tone, but you're one of the worst trips for this sort of thing

>> No.5186137


>> No.5186144

Are you that retard that thinks Nietzsche's an an-cap fag that's scared of war?

>> No.5186150

What point, exactly, are you trying to make?

>> No.5186170

Only distinction between Narcissism and being interested in yourself is that Narcissism is "excessively" interested in yourself.

>> No.5186201

That's literally what i just wrote. You in >>5186044
are equalizing a "normal" self interest to a "excess" self interest.

Are you saying it is perverse to find Narcissus' self-interest a "sin"?

>also me expecting a non-bs response


>> No.5186209

You said the two are not related, when they very clearly are.

Would you say anything above average is excess?

Would you say that average is not normal?

>> No.5186238

Kek at your hiding behind word games

Once again

You in >>5186044
are equalizing a "normal" self interest to a "excess" self interest.

Are you saying it is perverse to find Narcissus' self-interest a "sin"?

>> No.5186249

You are positing normal interest as excess.

I do not think anything is a sin.

>> No.5186253

There's nothing wrong with self-interest, however there is a clear distinction between self-interest and self-love. It's rather silly to equate the two.

>> No.5186270


I'm not asking you about your personal opinion on sins, I am asking you if you think it is perverse that other people find Narcissus' Self-interest (excess or not) a sin.

>> No.5186283

No, I think it expected as long as sin as an idea exists.

>> No.5186291

>there is a clear distinction between self interest and self love
Is there? What is that difference?

>> No.5186299

I can be a dick who steals things from other people to appropriate them for my own use and still hate myself for reasons unrelated to me being a dick

>> No.5186304

People who feel a lot of self-hate would probably not be able to steal a lot of shit without feeling very guilty or worthless because of it.

>> No.5186305

So everybody needs to hate themselves as much as you apparently do?
Is this a white guilt thing?

>> No.5186310

That makes no fucking sense at all.
refer to the different definitions of


The difference between 1. "the instinct by which one's actions are directed to the promotion of one's own welfare or well-being" and 2. conceit/vanity is the difference between self interest and "self love" in the narcissistic sense

This is getting into semantics, hopefully you can get what I'm putting down, ya dig?

>> No.5186312

I also want to say you're one of the best baits (unintentional or not) I've ever seen on 4chan, and I love you for it. N-no homo..

>> No.5186314

the true redpill is that "spooks" are spooks

stirner is a ladder, which you kick away when you're at the top

>> No.5186338

>stirner is a ladder, which you kick away when you're at the top
more like 'a ladder you kick away when you can't handle the truth', like Marx and Nietzsche did. You could have used the ladder to get the grapes, but you've been taught as a child that ladders are naughty so you say 'I don't even like grapes. Fuck Stirner, fuck ladders, and fuck grapes'.

>> No.5186347

A true stirnerian thinker would deny being influenced by Stirner and instead use his philosophy to further HIS or HER own ends instead of worshipping a dead hero.

>> No.5186350

What is it with 4channers that makes them shun and hate people who seek attention?

>> No.5186365

and fuck you

>> No.5186372

> the true redpill is that "spooks" are spooks
this doesn't make any sense if you have actually read stirner

>> No.5186375

One thing I never got was why did Stirner even write a book?

Like I'm reading this book the ego and it's own and it's like ok dude why are you telling me this shit? what's your motivation? why should I even care? why are you such an edgy faggot?

Stopped reading halfway through couldn't handle it

>> No.5186382
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I think you need to refer back to what I originally said, which YOU simplified as "self-interest" in the traditional sense
>the idea of it being wrong to find yourself an idea you are very interested in

>> No.5186389

But not only not for your sake, not even for truth’s sake either do I speak out what I think. No —

I sing as the bird sings

That on the bough alights;

The song that from me springs

Is pay that well requites.

I sing because — I am a singer. But I use[gebrauche] you for it because I — need [brauche] ears.

>> No.5186391

You're getting posters mixed up.

>> No.5186394

He writes to procure his thoughts an existence in the world. Hehehe.

>> No.5186401

Well the whole use of "self-interested" as tangential to narcissism here traces back directly to a shortening of actually being interested in yourself as an idea.

>> No.5186404

Ha, that too.

>> No.5186406

w/e dude

>> No.5188110
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Another great thread. As informative in Feministers knowledge as it is entertaining to see all the flummoxing anons (and a few fair ones)

I fell asleep. I like a lot, but gave NMH plenty of chances to hook me. They're just terribly bland to me.

>> No.5188376
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>tfw my glorious Stirner threads always ruined by one or two tripfags

>> No.5188409

How is it ruined? It's very informative.

Why are you still anonymous?

>> No.5188464

fine, I shall reluctantly become the tripfag desperately needs.
be warned, I don't read and I make up my opinions on the spot according to how good they sound in the moment, but I'm sure I'll prove myself more worthwhile than the noxious FemButt duo

I was around during the golden age of lit tripfaggotry so I deserve respect

>> No.5188479
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>I was around during the golden age of lit tripfaggotry so I deserve respect

>> No.5188491

>Anon hanging around /lit/ who don't read
Big surprise.

>> No.5188534
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>give up spooks
>spend the whole salary on prostitutes

Well, i didn't expect that. But i guess it's fun, in a way.

>> No.5189469
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>> No.5189509

well you're posting in a stirner thread despite not having read him so i'm not sure what your point is

>> No.5189552

I read the first few chapters of The Ego recently, about "God's cause" and how "God and mankind have concerned themselves for nothing, for nothing but themselves," and laughed at how petty a book it was, with all its exclamation and self-righteousness, from a little sack of flesh soon after extinguished.

>> No.5189587

Hegal sucks. Philosophy can not be defined by systems I can prove this by breaking up with my fiancé and starting fights with homosexual journalists who write for magazines named after ships. Everything I sAy is right because I am the exception to my philosophy also not tripfagging this is a pseudonym

>> No.5189598

I egoism the only rational followup to existentialism?

I mean, if I'm the one in charge of creating meaning in life, then that means as far as I'm concerned I'm #1, I'm practically my own god. I can create any meaning I want and replace it as soon as it fails me, since their only purpose is to make my own life more fulfilling.

Or maybe I'm missing something, call me out on my bullshit.

>> No.5189600

> price was that one of my eyes is pretty much permanently damaged.
Did you actually believe in Odin up until recently?

>> No.5189612

Why does nobody ever talk about The False Principle of Our Education by Stirner?

>> No.5189615

You're familiar with Nietzsche's Ubermensch, right? Pretty similar to Stirner's egoism, I think.

>> No.5189678

where to start with Hegel?

>> No.5189832


nietzsche was a syphilitic faggot with delusions of grandeur.

the idea of the "ubermensch" means nothing.

Even the biggest strongest man in the world could probably be beat up by two spics with baseball bats. There is no such thing as an ubermensch. Ubermensch is 100% pure unadulterated spook.

>> No.5189998

He claims he doesn't read AT ALL. But as anonymous he could waltz in these threads and claim to have read it. This of course happens all the time.

>Orders a load of books including you-know-who

Start a thread.

Mostly that, I believe.

>> No.5190835

It's pretty amazing.

>Knowledge must perish and be reborn as will.

>> No.5190849

>Even the biggest strongest man in the world could probably be beat up by two spics with baseball bats. There is no such thing as an ubermensch. Ubermensch is 100% pure unadulterated spook.


>> No.5190887

>greentext quotes you fistcunt
>you did quote 50% of the text appearing in those posts ya

>> No.5190897

>le anti-trip fag

>> No.5190898

>no one can tell if you're quoting or not
>goddamnit stop spamming

>> No.5191249


had nothing to do with odin or pagan faggotry

>> No.5191326

My version of your life is much more interesting than yours.

>> No.5191653

4channers are overmen. They are beyond seeking affection. They are their own gods.

Haha jk. Maybe a handful of ppl on /lit/, /k/, and /out/ are truly happy being completely on their own in the world.

>> No.5191659

How does people not realise that raging against trips, or anything really, damages their own credibility more than whatever they are raging against. It reveals their own deficits, not those of their target.

On topic: If you are reading Stirner try seeing his spook terminology as a tool allowing a holistic approach. If you understand something your ability to use it at your leisure is increased.

I myself value the above approach a great deal, working in the knowledge industry. However it can be used in all aspects of your life, if you have the balls to apply it.

>> No.5191666


>> No.5191673

That's a whole lot of words without much actually said.

>> No.5192260
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Enough shitpoasting. Time to talk about post-Stirner Stirnerite lit...

Anybuddy read Horrible Workers by Donald Nielsen?

>> No.5192362

An edgy pretentious ex-nihilist virgin professor and philologist was teaching a class on Friedrich Nietzsche, known co-murderer of God
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the ubermensch and accept that he is the most willfully-powerful being the returning world will ever know eternally."

At this moment, a brave, individualist anarchist who had read all of Max Stirner's books 1500 times and understood the essentialism of ethical egoism stood up and held up Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum: First Edition.

"How important is this book?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Polishly and smugly replied "Zero importance, you stupid untermensch!"

"Wrong. Nietzsche and all of his concepts are quite obviously spooks. SPOOKS!"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. He stormed out of the room having suppressed those nihilistic crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all joined the union of egoists that day and accepted themselves as their own lord and savior. An eagle named "Ego" flew into the room and refused to conform by perching on anything or shedding a tear on anything.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of black syphilis like his hero and became an actual spook.

>> No.5192413

Didn't Stirner kill everything?
There's nothing post-striner?
Who is this Strinar fellow?

>> No.5192415

Fucking shit myself at the nationality-as-an-adverb part every time.

>> No.5192419
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Feels good, mane

>> No.5192611

i just don't like that you have such strong opinions on authors you admit to not having read. glad you're going to get around to it tho

>> No.5192680

I held off judgment for quite a while, and I'm still open to further discussions. All in order to learn