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File: 37 KB, 459x362, barnes-and-noble-booksellers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5177646 No.5177646 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to go to Barnes and Nobles and read for a good four hours while drinking Starbucks. This will be my first time doing this and I'm rather excited. It's practically a library but much better in the sense that it's free, it has a better collection, and I believe it to be a better setting; not to mention I'll be drinking some really good coffee as well.

Do any of you guys have any experience with doing this? How did it work out?

>> No.5177659

> Starbucks
> Good coffee

>> No.5177663

They let you into a book-place with hot beverages? Also at least get something good.

>> No.5177664

This isn't your goddamn motherfucking blog, faggot.

>> No.5177665


>> No.5177666


mastr le trol faec 7/8 m6

seriously, find a park and brew your own coffee.

>> No.5177668

>really good coffee

I did, with local Borders, but I have no book stores nearby

>> No.5177674

I am actually new to coffee. I've been been drinking tea for many years though. Any recommendations?

The Starbucks cafe is actually inside of the store. I'll be reading "A People's History of the United States," "Mao II," and I'll dabble a bit with "Finnegans Wake." The fourth novel is up to you - recommend me something please.

How did it go?

>> No.5177692

As someone who works at B&N I just want you to know that we don't really like it when people come into the store to read without buying anything. It's like you all forget that it's a bookstore and not a library. If you buy a book then go to read at the coffee shop then that's fine, but otherwise go to an actual library for all your mostly free readings.

>> No.5177714

I'll be purchasing at least one of my four selections.

How are your coworkers in terms of lit knowledge and their behavior?

>> No.5177718

As someone who doesn't work at B&N, I just want you to know that I don't care whether or not you like it.

>> No.5177724

And he probably doesn't give a fuck that you don't give a fuck.

>> No.5177727



Common Sense - Thomas Paine

>> No.5177731

>How did it go?

Seems nobody was buying the books. They just came by to read them an drink coffee.
Their coffee was better

>> No.5177733

Then what was the point in posting in the first place?

>> No.5177740

don't get into the habit of drinking coffee.

>> No.5177747


Well, it depends on who you talk to. At my store for instance it is more of an after thought since we rarely have people come to us for lit recommendations. People usually just ask for old books that are out of print or books that students need for classes that sold out weeks before. Otherwise, we just kinda wait around for people who need help and screw around on the computers.

>> No.5177749

>Common Sense - Thomas Paine
Thank you for the recommendation. I've read most political treatises; this being one of them.

English is not my first language so I may have made a mistake. I wanted to know about your personal experience.

Does Starbucks have any alternative drinks?

>> No.5177756

How about when someone does ask for a recommendation? Do you and your fellow workers discuss literature at all?

>> No.5177764

>I've read most political treatises

Really faggot? Most of them?

>> No.5177770

>buying coffee
>sitting in a chair to read a book
>not parking down crosslegged in the middle of an aisle to read comic books

Your kung fu is weak.

>> No.5177774

>people actually do this

I'm not reading anywhere in a retail space unless it's for the sole purpose of killing time.

>> No.5177780


Well we usually ask for what they are looking for or what kind of books they've read and like then go from there. Generally I avoid the "classics" when giving recommendations since a lot of people are not gonna actually finish them. I'd rather get people to read whole books and come back looking for new ones than recommend them books that they'll never finish.

>> No.5177789

>Does Starbucks have any alternative drinks?
I get the green tea frap or one of their other tea things. It's all so expensive, so I have no qualms about renting their chairs out for hours on end

>> No.5177796


Bane of my existence right here.

>> No.5177802

I read at my local mall occasionally. I find the ambient noise helps me concentrate.

I would think a bookstore would be way too quiet and they would expect you to buy something.

>> No.5177833


you could do the same thing at the library where it's more socially acceptable

>> No.5177837

>b&n has a better collection of books.
too much bait in this post

>> No.5177841

parks don't have books to read just lying around
b&n does

>> No.5177844
File: 55 KB, 900x506, fgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a public library in your area open every day of the week (until 5PM on Sundays) which has two massive floors and a Starbucks inside

>> No.5177929

>reading damaged books

>> No.5177938


>> No.5177939

>not into urban decay.
What are you, some kind of Jehovah`s Witness

>> No.5177956

i'm starter than you

>urban decay
because fedora wearing faggots such as yourself getting cheetos on the binding qualifies as "urban decay"

>> No.5178039

Books are almost universally in excellent condition. Only a couple of books I ever got were in bad condition, and where they're paperback that's actually preferable because the library uses so much fucking tape on the cover, and in combination with the damage, the book will just stay open like a soft leather Bible does.

>> No.5178061

i still destroyed those fuccbois


>> No.5178070

Yeah, it does, pretty much anything can be urban decay. Would you really expect the crumbling, graffiti-coated public library where bums shoot up to be full of pristine volumes without it spoiling the decorum?

>> No.5178079

it really took you that long to reply and that was all that you could come up with? pathetic

>> No.5178110

>How did it work out?

I don't know what insight anyone can give into reading a book and drinking coffee.

Also this seems tryhard as fuck.
"Oh, I'm just gonna go chill at the starbucks and read some books"
Fuck Starbucks

>> No.5178134

I went to a JC for one semester before transfering to a univeristy. I used to have a few hours to kill between classes on some days so I would pour a 4loko into a waterbottle and drink it in the library while I read graphic novels. It was nice. I've only been in my new school's library twice in 2 years though. I just drink and read in my dorm room.

>> No.5178923

As someone who stole from a B&N I just want you to know you probably have bigger issues to deal with like living in a fantasy world with absolutely no security than feeling a bit perturbed at some innocent guy getting a nice cup of coffee and trying to have a nice day

Thank you for free girlfriend gifts

>> No.5178980

Starbucks burns their beans for consistency. Everything they serve is shit. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or is european.

>> No.5178981
File: 235 KB, 1365x2048, MetArt_Milliou_Emilie-A_by_Domenic-Mayer_medium_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still stuck on Telemachus Anon? I thought you started that two days ago. It's okay, don't go all red, you can still play with miss kitty tonight you big sensitive reader animal.

>> No.5178987

>that pic
yuck. is that what you find attractive?

>> No.5178997

>letting people be plebs
Fucking faggot you're the worst.

>> No.5179005
File: 237 KB, 403x397, neckbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5179006

You've obviously never worked in any job with a sales component. The other poster is doing the right thing, because it's right for the bottom line. You qualify what the customer wants, and you guide them to that, ideally in a manner that leads to repeated sales. If you suggest a classic book that they never finish, they'll probably never come back looking to read another book. If you give them a taste of what they want in a package that they can consume, they'll probably come back for more.

>> No.5179019

come on bro, she's like a 5 or a 6 at best

>> No.5179021

>desecrating an art for muh salez

>> No.5179077

>Not making an art out of your sales.

>> No.5179095
File: 86 KB, 600x485, myspacetom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing the word art to promote hawking nonsense to randoms even though you don't even get paid commission

>> No.5179106

Reading comic books at a community college library while sipping out of a water bottle containing 4loko. This might be the best satire of the NEET lifestyle I've ever seen (technically since the character actually attended class there its not NEET but you know what I mean)

>> No.5179160

>It's practically a library but much better in the sense that it's free
Isn't it being free the whole point of a library?

>> No.5179176

You mean that socialist institution paid for by the sweat and labor of the producing class so that free-loaders can engage in leisure activities instead of creating tangible value?

>> No.5179187

I pray you jest.

>> No.5179190


most everywhere else in the developed world we have good condition books

>> No.5179191


>> No.5179203

>implying starbucks is popular in europe
>implying italian coffee isnt best coffee

>> No.5179204
File: 285 KB, 1365x2048, MetArt_Presenting-Emilie_Emilie-A_by_Domenic-Mayer_medium_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always thought she looked kind of cute and approachable, plus she's french and slutty french girls are an instant boner for me.

>Come on Anon! I want to start Andrei Bely by august. Can you finish for me baby?

>> No.5179206

But the Juan Valdez ad says that Colombian coffee is the richest in the world.

>> No.5179232

hmm that's a much more flattering picture and angle.

that's it. I just don't like french phenotypes

also wtf was she wearing in the first pic. insane, man

>> No.5179248


>Giving a fuck about "sales" when you're an entry-level cashier at a major bookstore chain

I guess the world needs idiots like you to do all of the peasant-tier work.

>> No.5179256

Why would some menial stock boy care about who buys what? Shut your mouth and point me to the YA section.

>> No.5179264

I thought the stereotype was to write at Starbucks, not read.

>> No.5179274

Europeans produce overpriced shit goods people buy for the style rather than the quality. Americans produce shit goods to shovel down people's throats for cheap. As someone who has lived all over the US but lives in Texas, I can say that the best goods come from Mexico. They make stuff simple and good and cheap. You ever get coffee from a Mexican market? Shit fuckin rocks. I like Cinnamon in my oatmeal. Not cinnamon sugar, not cinnamon spice or blend, just powdered fucking cinnamon. Shit costs a fortune until you go the mexican aisle, and presto theres a fucking ajax can of it for 2.99. Same thing with chili powder. All good quality stuff. I figure its cus they're poor but productive people so they sell alot of quality raw materials for cheap.

Oh, and Topo Chico is the shit. Fucking lords over other mineral waters like Perrier and you don't feel like a fuckin faggot buying it.

>> No.5179337

Farmer's markets are the best

>> No.5179355

EVERY single time I go to Barnes & Noble there is an androgynous teen/20something sitting cross-legged with a giant Pikachu stuffed animal or backback reading manga. And it's not the same person each time.

Also, a kid running around scared because they can't find their parents.

That said, I do like Barnes and Noble, but I almost never by anything in store. 99% of the stuff there is at least 50% less on their website or Amazon.

>> No.5179363

>have B&N giftcard
>go to the mall looking to buy something for my bae for her birthday
>have to go online to find the book
>decide to order it giftwrapped even though its overpriced
>shows up without wrapping

Fuck their site. Amazon or in-store.

>> No.5179376


Haha fuck you bitch

>> No.5180193

Though I wish it were a purple straw.


>> No.5180462

you seem like an insufferably pretentious cunt
>drinking overpriced shit coffee
>going out in public to be seen reading something hip & intelligent
>not spending 10 bucks at a used bookstore, going home with at least 5 good books to read in bed while drinking booze
>using a slow board like it was fucking twitter or facebook

You sound like one of the creepy sad people that used to hang out in the bookstore I worked at. Completely oblivious to their own douchebagginess and the fact that everyone in the store hated them.
Like the dude that would come in, sit & read for several hours or more, then dogear the pages & hide the brand new book somewhere so he could come back to it the next day. Or the creepy guy who lived with his mom and would always leer at the lady employees. He would special order weird shit all the time and never fucking buy it, and we'd be forced to call his ass over & over, whereupon his mommy would answer & we'd have to beg her to tell her asshole kid (he was in his goddamn 40s) to come and buy just some of the 20 books we had sitting behind the counter for him. He was eventually banned from ordering anything, ever, and made his mom call the store to complain on his behalf.

And then there were the real crazy people. The schizophrenic dude who stole a bunch of shit, and eventually had some moral crisis and returned them (there were at least a dozen books) All were covered with stains that I hope were just coffee. They were too nasty even for clearance section.

Or the guy who bought a Satanic bible, and then about a week later returned it, and bought a regular bible.

The drunks who came in when they were 86ed from the bar next door were almost always good for a laugh, except sometimes they would get...touchy. Ethanol does that to some people, and it's really fucking disturbing. It is guaranteed of course that none of the people thus afflicted are the kind of people you'd WANT to try and grab your ass.

>> No.5180488

you know library cards are free right

>> No.5180533

yeah he sounds pretentious, but you sound like an asshole, you intolerant idiot

>> No.5180540

a-are you a girl?

>> No.5180547

>Or the guy who bought a Satanic bible, and then about a week later returned it, and bought a regular bible.
Fucking lol.

>> No.5180551

What the fuck are bookstores doing selling Satanic bibles?

>> No.5180557

Why not? They sell all sorts of religious shit

>> No.5180565

I dunno, that's just weird. I mean if there was ever a thing you wouldn't want to associate yourself with, it'd be Satan, right?

>> No.5180570


>The drunks who came in when they were 86ed from the bar next door were almost always good for a laugh, except sometimes they would get...touchy. Ethanol does that to some people, and it's really fucking disturbing.

Something about this writing is really irritating.

> It is guaranteed of course that none of the people thus afflicted are the kind of people you'd WANT to try and grab your ass.

Yeah you sound like an asshole

>Or the guy who bought a Satanic bible, and then about a week later returned it, and bought a regular bible.

That's amusing for some reason though.

>> No.5180587
File: 286 KB, 123x116, 1385717048556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mexican here, Veracruzan coffee is the jews curls

>> No.5180643


>> No.5182524

>I figure its cus they're poor but productive people
Mostly only the ones who live outside of the country.

>> No.5182539

Can you please be my gf?
I've always wanted an oblivious qt gf.

>> No.5182546
File: 77 KB, 520x701, 1391615853176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking intellectual thieves

>> No.5182955

I'm a dude.
Where did I imply that I wasn't?

I'm not really that much of an asshole. Just worked in retail for too long. Having to put on that happy face all the time while dealing with the stupidity of the general public would kill the compassion of Siddhartha himself.
I did it for 4 years. Now i work in a coffee shop, and the customers are actually nice most of the time, and a lot less crazy. And not once have I ever had to remove soggy magazines from the bathroom.

>> No.5183138

>Where did I imply that I wasn't? >>5180462
>It is guaranteed of course that none of the people thus afflicted are the kind of people you'd WANT to try and grab your ass.

>> No.5183168

>mfw irony in that post

its you who is oblivious.

nice reading comprehension btw bro.

>> No.5183187

>implying drunk middle-aged woman don't get inappropriately touchy

>> No.5184415

at a bookstore? how and when did that happen?

purely for research purposes

>> No.5184418


>> No.5184434
File: 30 KB, 500x367, javier-bardem1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people making this big of a deal out of sitting down in a coffee shop and reading

>> No.5184444

this. unless he's actually working for commission which he isn't then he's clinically retarded for caring about his managers' sales goals

>> No.5184464


>actually worrying how long a person takes to respond to you
>actually keeping track of this

The anon above certainly has you pegged as a fedora wearing nerd.

>> No.5184471

I met my current GF doing what OP says he was about to do.

We're still together for 2 years now and last night we cuddled in bed reading. Then we woke up and had morning sex.

I love life.

>> No.5184486

c-can I have some of ur life?

>> No.5184488


>Something about this writing is really irritating.

it's the fact that s/he decided to call it ethanol instead of alcohol, like everyone else. this on top of the fact that she chose to stupidly refer to the substance in the drink, rather than using the universally accepted short hand "drinking" for consuming alcoholic beverages

>Drinking does that to some people,

would have been much less pretentious

>> No.5184496

>Good coffee
Please, america...

>> No.5184500

Get a French Press
Starbucks packaged coffee is actually pretty good

>> No.5184509

could've been legit ethonal

>> No.5184536


>> No.5184548


>> No.5184590

At least not publicly

>> No.5184607

>go to B&N
>looking at poetry collection
>mostly generic poets and collections of poems
>leaves of grass is only 7 USD
>pick it up
>go to fiction
>mostly popular books like LoTR, True Blood and shit that will be a show or is a show
>there is a westerns section
>only me and some older lady there
>its a small shelf for westerns
>200 page books that are part of series
>no great westerns
>lady has like 5 books in her basket
>open up random book
>mfw its a romance damsel in distress kind of story
>move to different section
>notice some old guy is trailing me
>must just be my anxiety
>go to historical section
>nothing interesting
>spot same old guy at end of row with book up to his face and his eyes gaze at my direction
>start to get anxious
>test if hes really following me
>go to anime section
>see a bunch of shit I been wanting to order
>grab some Lupin and Berserk
>get to line its like 20 people in line
>old guy is now behind me in line
>he gets closer and closer to me as line progresses
>I can hear him sniffing and shuffling behind me
>he coughs and after covering his face with his hands his hand comes down and graces my glutes
>oh im so sorry, really my god he says
>glance at him and his books
>Death Note manga and a book with his picture on it
>did you write that book
>oh yes its about perversion in Christianity
>its a christian town and every stares at him
>I can feel their eyes on me too
>my hands get sweaty and breathing heavy
>"sir your next sir" is her canto
>my mind strains searching for an answer in a world of sniffling, shuffling, piercing gazes
>I try to step foward but I cannot walk
>my legs cannot move forward
>"we are waiting" the line behind me complains
>the cashier stares
>"you are next, sir"
>the line cries the tears of an impatient mob with little time
>in my mind I scream
>the cashier spinning with her arms open her song is not a deep vivrato
>she is angry
>"what is wrong"
>I have Slavoj Zizek engraved in my left temple
>i dont understand
>everyone around me angry
>I run to the corner and cover my self with my hands
>weeping there I sit
>finally the room stops spinning
>I can fidget my feet back and forth
>my body remembers how to run
>I am at the door
>They open and it feels as if I've just past the pearly gates
>I hear them shut behind me
>there is no sniffing and shuffling sounds on this side
>feel a force pull me back
>oh no my mind screams
>let go of me you pervert !
>my voice cracks as the 3 meter sprint has left me with no breath
>turn around and notice all the eyes staring into me before noticing my cape had been pinched in the closing automatic doors
>an employee was so kind to approach and the doors opened
>I yanked my cape, stood up and sprinted for the lot
>fearing that man would be in the same bus as me I decided to call mother
>mother its me again I had an emergency
>I know son she replied the store called again
>I am at the lot waiting for you
Never again B&N never again

>> No.5184618

Coffee quality factors importance guide:

Bean factors:
Freshly ground and fresh (roasted no more than one to two weeks ago) > Freshly Ground >/= Fresh (depends on how old) > Light/medium roast (darker roasts destroy the flavor)

Prep factors
Precisely measured water temp/time/weight > Non-filtering prep method (no drip, cone thing, etc) > not a drip coffee maker

It's possible to get something relatively good compared to your average cup of joe using just a grinder and a drip and starbucks beans, but if you take your shit seriously, get good beans, fresh beans, grind them right, measure them, and use a french press, and use the right temp water for the right time, you get something that tastes like an almost completely different drink. You can also bump quality by doing a few or any one of these things.

>> No.5184636


>> No.5184638

Yeah I mean if you have a science or medical background its really not that unusual to think of it as ethanol and sometimes accidentally refer to it as such.

Quit picking apart that person's post. They had a shitty time working in retail for years and like to bitch about it now. Big whoop.

>> No.5184644

FYI all the good westerns are in their fiction/literature section. The "Western" shelf is reserved for genre trash. Although I did find a sweet copy of the collected western stories of elmor leonard there for a reasonable price.

>> No.5185330

Don't be a corporate shill.

>> No.5185338
File: 49 KB, 500x380, 1371253318406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or the guy who bought a Satanic bible, and then about a week later returned it, and bought a regular bible.

I lost it.

>> No.5185351

If Borders bookstores were still around, maybe I'd go to the one that was near me. Alas, they're gone, and all the joy and comfort I gained over my teenage years has been destroyed.

It was replaced by a Charming Charlie and a Triple A insurance building. Really a sad sign of the times when stuff like that supersedes one of the comfiest book chains around.