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/lit/ - Literature

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5179808 No.5179808 [Reply] [Original]

>title appears in the book

>> No.5179818

>author is into farting

>> No.5179820

>cover is the movie poster

>> No.5179821

>professor is an amoralist

>> No.5179824

>new york times best seller

>> No.5179826

>green text in book

>> No.5179883

>not liking >tfw no gf and other selected greentexts by Anon Anonymous

>> No.5179890
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>autor self-inserts into the book

>> No.5179894

>Author uses himself as a character but changes his name ever so slightly

>> No.5179895

>author was a known communist
>one of the side characters happens to go on a four page rant about the perils of property and patriotism

keep it to yourself, pinko

>> No.5179898
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>> No.5179899

All writing is an inherently political act.

>> No.5179902

>plot synopsis on back of book discusses developments that don't occur until ~40% of the way through

>> No.5179905
File: 348 KB, 690x874, Ezra_Pound_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ezra Pound used to sneak in references to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.5179930
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And once again it's come to this.

>> No.5179938
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>author doesn't use jokes

>> No.5180168
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>you live or die when you play the game of thrones
I cringe every time
its just so forced

>> No.5180320
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>reading game of thrones unironically

>> No.5180343

>Implying Of Mice and Men isn't a great title
>Implying the Title drop isn't just as great

Now I know he doesn't say OF mice and men exactly, but it's a title drop in spirit.

>> No.5180359

>synopsis implies story hinges on a build-up to action, said sequence is dealt with in a page and the story moves on.

>> No.5180367
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>Title describes the main character.

>> No.5180485
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>> No.5181201
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he's not into farting (omho), it's just that when you have sex and the girl becomes really wet, the pistonic movement produces "farts" sounds

>> No.5181205

Is there really a reason to be annoyed at that aside from the epic /tv/ meme?

>> No.5181206

Or when you do anal.

>> No.5181210

" I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways."
I dunno...

>> No.5181240

never done it, i don't know.
imho it's just a way for arouse her, degrading her pussy to a farts hole

>> No.5181247

"I have taught you almost to swoon at the hearing of my voice singing or murmuring to your soul the passion and sorrow and mystery of life and at the same time have taught you to make filthy signs to me with your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches and noises, and even to do in my presence the most shameful and filthy act of the body. You remember the day you pulled up your clothes and let me lie under you looking up at you while you did it? Then you were ashamed even to meet my eyes. "

Just accept it, friend; Joyce was into buttholes and farts and poos.

>> No.5181252

He talks about her "little farties" in the same letter as he mentions smells coming "up from [her] backside." He also mentions her stained underwear.

>> No.5181270
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>epic /tv/ meme

>> No.5181276

the road

>> No.5181281

also sprach zarathustra

>> No.5181284

You are right.

In my defense I can say that I'm not into joyce (my only flow-of-thinking writer is Proust) so I've never read his letters.

>> No.5181329
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>title is a quote from a shakespeare play

>> No.5181349

>protagonist is a cis white male

>> No.5181356

>"as you recall from my lecture last fall, I've already spoken about this concept in detail so I won't now"

>> No.5181357
File: 47 KB, 403x392, 1390676080234-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be the most original 20 something political thinker of our millenium
>All X is inherently political

All pooping is inherently political

>> No.5181363

>insecurity of intellect appears in the post

>> No.5181367

>All "All X is inherently political" is inherently political

Is the set of all x€X explicitily defined?

X={x:x is inherently political}

muh tautology

muh triviality

I'm samefagging

>> No.5181370

nah, I used to be that kind of "I have taken the situationist pill" faggot in the past. I am very secure of myself as I am secure of the stupidity of that attitude.

>> No.5181372

so insecure. so sad.

don't worry, buddy. some day you'll use those super logic skills for something other than buttressing your fragile sense of self worth. then you'll show 'em. you'll show 'em all.

>> No.5181385

It is an universal rule that the first one to use the passive-aggresive card is the one who actually cares too much about winning internet arguments.
inb4 witty reply
We all have gone through that phase, I sincerely feel bad for you, really, not in a sarcastic way like you feel, I sincerely feel bad for you because I have too been an asshole in the past and I understand you.
inb4 witty reply deconstructing my words

>> No.5181446

All writing is an inherently racist act.
All writing is an inherently religious act.
All writing is an inherently progressive act.

Can I be a leet philosopher too now guise?

>> No.5182602

>user doesn't disable adblock on 4chan

>> No.5182651

>not understanding the meaning of "political" in this context