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5177399 No.5177399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some books on work refusal and justifications of idleness.

>> No.5177402


>> No.5177405

Not a book, but Bob Black's essay "The Abolition of Work" is the best thing I've read on the subject:


>> No.5177407

Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.5177415

Maybe this isn't the place, but it seems close:

I've been NEET for almost a year, and I want to know what others say when their parents ask them if they found a job or are looking for a job. What kind of things can you say that'll keep them from asking again the next day?

Also, any quick and easy ways to commit suicide? there's a low ceiling in my room, so hanging is out of the question. Preferably something painless, thanks.

>> No.5177430

You could stab yourself in the stomach and slowly exsanguinate, then with your dying breath say "tfw...no g-gf"

>> No.5177432

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.5177434

What the fuck? No wonder you want to kill yourself. even when I failed out of college I got a job at Walmart. There are jobs out there dude, there's really no excuse for not having one while you get back on your feet (I'm not going to bother asking why you became NEET).

Also, chemical suicide is really the way to go. Whether you take some benzos like Xanax and wash 'em down with a fifth of whiskey, or you go the straight up poison route is your call.

>> No.5177471

I don't want to be a wage slave.

I also don't want my parents to ask me about shit like if I was looking for a job.

>> No.5177475

I just tell anyone who inquires that I'm wilfully unemployed. If they get righteous about it, any argument they can muster up is easily and happily refuted.

Most people who think that one ought to work have never given the subject much thought.

>> No.5177483

>My parents might talk to me
>I might have to do something other than smell like rotten balls and be a broke piece of shit all day
>Better kill self

You know what I'm glad you recognize that you should take yourself out.

>> No.5177487

M80 you're fooling no one. Enjoy being alone and miserable forever with no way out.

>> No.5177489

>I don't want to be a wage slave
How the fuck are you an adult? Time to grow up. Even if you're 18 and just graduated you should be ashamed of yourself.

Face fucking reality, or kill yourself. Anything else would be pathos epitomized.

>> No.5177490

>Recommend me some books on work refusal and justifications of idleness.
No. You didn't even say 'Please'.

>> No.5177498

Fooling who with what? I'm neither alone nor miserable. Do you really think having a job is the key to happiness?

>> No.5177502

Who are you sucking off of? Mom and dad? The State?

>> No.5177512

>He believes this

If you aren't lying you are all of 19. Again, enjoy dying alone and miserable like the insufferable parasitic piece of garbge that you are.

>> No.5177529

The state.

The idea that being economically productive is the height of the good life and the deciding factor in determining one's self-worth is a fairly new and silly one.

>> No.5177542

Some of what I'm reading here is similar to what Kaczynski said about industrial society, namely, that it forces too many people into degrading forms of labour due to increased specialization.
I honestly feel that industrialization has been a curse upon humanity. Yeah we get warmer homes and more toys, but we have to be brutalized and degraded into robots.

>> No.5177556

That's great. So again, enjoy never doing anything fun, or seeing anything cool, and dying alone and miserable. In 5-10 years when it sinks in that you're stuck forever you'll look back on this day and resume chugging Skoal out of a plastic bottle to numb the monotony.

>> No.5177558

But, the only reason you're able to enjoy your NEET lyfe is because so many are out there working and paying taxes so the gub'mint can just hand it over to you for nothing.

It's cool, I guess, but you realize that if more people did what you're doing, there'd be nobody working to chip into the fund, right?

>> No.5177563

You can tell how civilized a person is with how they spend their leisure time.
OP, NEET is a wonderful opportunity. I've been NEET for a while and I regret using this time in distractions. You should throw your computer away and all electronic media, get yourself some good books and study. Godspeed OP. I wish I had spent this time more wisely, now I have to go into wage slavery. Hopefully the 8-12hr work day isn't that wearying and I have enough life in me to study what I want to study.

>> No.5177575

Leisure: E Basis of Culture, by (can't remember)

>> No.5177588

Early era industry, sure, but modern factories have removed the need for legions of human workers to act as robots in a brutal regime of mass production; the machines do that.

>> No.5177593

>If you aren't lying you are all of 19

Truth be told, I thought like him when I was 19. I was that guy: "Why do I need a job when I'd be content living in the fucking woods?" "Why go to school when I could go to the library?" The fact is those are the ridiculous ideas of a naive kid. And the ironic thing is me saying that will only make him disagree with me more. He's probably thinking about what a sedated sheep I am, because he just doesn't understand yet.

He just has to grow up. For most people, it just comes with time. But OP may want to expedite the process. I recommend moving out and seeing how the world really fucking works.

Pro tip to get OP started growing up: You are not Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.

>> No.5177597

I think the act of selling yourself to an employer is degrading. I think it's more degrading than being a slave in fact.

>> No.5177602

Tell me. How DOES the world "really work"

not that NEET guy but I'm curious

>> No.5177604

Why do you think one has to be employed to experience fun or see cool things or socialise or be happy?

If everyone were a doctor we would all starve.

Also, automation has rendered a large part of the population superfluous as producers and this will only increase. The primary contribution to society of most people is to consume. We simply need more consumers than producers.

>> No.5177605

I think faking some illness or disability so the government can hand you a paltry sum every month is far more degrading.

>> No.5177609

Not OP but this is a pretentious argument. Yeah youths have illusions but it's not like adults don't have illusions.

brb I will get you a quote

>> No.5177614

No, it shows initiative and entrepreneurship, a willingness to make the most out of an opportunity

>> No.5177616

Time enjoyed wasting is never wasted time, m8.

>> No.5177628


But far more desperate than this is the mistake that despair belongs only to youth. In the main it is a great folly, and precisely it is a lack of sense as to what spirit is, and moreover it is failure to appreciate that man is spirit, not merely an animal, when one supposes that it might be such an easy matter to acquire faith and wisdom which come with the years as a matter of course, like teeth and a beard and such like. No, whatever it may be that a man as a matter of course comes to, and whatever it may be that comes to a man as a matter of course -- one thing it is not, namely, faith and wisdom. But the thing is this: with the years man does not, spiritually understood, come to anything; on the other hand, it is very easy with the years to go from something. And with the years one perhaps goes from the bit of passion, feeling, imagination, the bit of inwardness, which one had, and goes as a matter of course (for such things go as a matter of course) under triviality’s definition of understanding of life. This . . . improved condition, which true enough has come about with the years, he now in despair regards as a good, he readily assures himself (and in a certain satirical sense there is nothing more sure) that it now never could occur to him to despair -- no, he has assured himself against this, yet he is in despair, spiritually in despair. Why I wonder did Socrates love youths -- unless it was because he knew men!

>> No.5177629

You have yet to provide some actual reasons why it's ridiculous and naive.

>> No.5177630

In praise of idleness

or some similar title.

>> No.5177633

It shows no initiative and entrepreneurship to pretend to be retarded so the State takes pity on you.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool that we live in a society that gives Autismbux to the dregs, so they can at least live somewhat comfortably, but let's not pretend it's something it isn't.

Nothing about sitting back and sucking on a fat tit is "entrepreneurship".

>> No.5177634

That message in that pic only applies if you don't want to accomplish anything in life. Accomplishing things doesn't have to be totally related to self, you might actually want to better the world in some way.

Some people are just too selfish and or stupid to contribute to the world in a real way. So yes, they should stay at home.

>> No.5177650

It is the most efficient way to secure a stable income to those whose plans in life don't involve expensive materialistic desires but require a lot of free time.

It shows a whole lot more initiative than just settling for peddling cappuccinos.

>> No.5177651

How is having a job "contributing to the world"? What is "contributing to the world" exactly? You mean the State?

>> No.5177655

It doesn't have to be a job, but it has to be something that doesn't allow you to be idle.

>> No.5177662

No. What is contributing to the world? I could go on a slaughter spree - that isn't idleness, but is it contributing to the world?

>> No.5177667

What aren't you comprehending? Whether you're giving people good art or building homes for the poor, these are things you can't do by just sitting on your ass getting drunk and collecting a check.

>> No.5177669

>but it has to be something that doesn't allow you to be idle
good god the subconscious protestantism runs deep in this one

>> No.5177671

Wow you're dumb, or just have no interest in comprehending what's being said.

>> No.5177672

Let us not ignore the fact that society is a contract. You're sitting here communicating to me, likely in an another country, as a result of a nationwide industry. Everything is done under an agreement of co-operation. Believe it or not, there aren't many people who want to spend their lives working, but they do so as they recognise the merit in co-operation and the many rewards it gives. If we wanted to, we could smash it all. There is nothing stopping us from doing that.

There is no master and slave dynamic. If you employed by a villain who treats you poorly, can call him a cunt, spit in his face and leave. He has no power over you.

There are no slaves in the western world. They've been gone for a very long time.

>> No.5177677

OK. So what about the bankers and stockbrokers etc
that caused the crisis. They were working; were they contributing to the world?

What the hell is contributing to the world? What world exactly? What's your idea of a good world and how do I contribute to it?

>> No.5177678

It IS inherently pretentious, but only to those who haven't yet realized what I'm saying is true.

And what I left unsaid should not be filled in by extrapolation. I'm not saying "Don't follow your dreams because part of being an adult is giving up", or anything of the like. I'm simply saying that children--and 19 is still a child no matter how "mature" they are-- are the only ones who think things like what OP is saying. And that's fine--necessary even.

I'm 26. If somebody had told me five years ago what I'm telling you now, I'd have the same thoughts. It's just one of those conclusions you have to get to on your own.

Getting older is such an odd thing. You don't make a conscious effort to become wiser, it just happens, and one day, you realize it did. And the best part is that it never stops. I'm twice as wise as I once was, but not half as much as I probably will be just a few years from now. And yeah, nobody comes close to getting to a point when they know exactly what to do and what's going on even half the time, but as you get older situations in which that's true become more common. It's all about making mistakes, and learning from them. Unfortunately, nobody can make mistakes for us. We have to learn the hard way, but that's part of what keeps life interesting, Cliche or no, it rings true: The downs are what make the ups so fucking good.

>> No.5177682

What if my company delights the ones I drink with? What if I bring them happiness?

If you're going the utilitarian way, all people who do more damage than that they bring happiness are worse than the relatively neutral NEET. Being idle is preferable to a lot of activities then, since sitting around doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.5177686

I wish slavery would return. It was more humane.

>> No.5177688

Holy shit.

Okay, let's see how I can say this. I'm not saying EVERYTHING that gets you off your ass is contributing to the world positively. Get it?

>> No.5177689

There is nothing inherently wrong with being idle. The superstition that this is the case is prevalent in protestant cultures. They're known for it.

>> No.5177690

The Bible.
>It doesn't matter what you do with your life since you go to an enternal afterlife anyways.

>> No.5177695


Fight the system by not working yo!

>> No.5177697

So you say that if you get the chance to choose between being NEET and selling cigarettes, you should stay on welfare?

>> No.5177698

>children are the only ones who think things like what OP is saying.

False. You don't seem wise. You seem worldly wise at best.

>> No.5177699

NEETs don't have friends so let's close the book on the fantasy right now.

Also I'm not saying don't be idle, a lot of people should be seeing as they lack the brainpower to actively do something positive.

>> No.5177701
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>> No.5177704

good one. i just so happen to read the bible right now

>> No.5177706

In my first post you responded to I said some people should be idle. Not everyone has what it takes to navigate the world without falling into some pitfall of a "job".

>> No.5177710

>telling someone to grow up as your browse an anime image board with an infantile culture

Never ceases to make me laff

>> No.5177711

I get where you're coming from. If you owned a slave, then you had a great deal more responsibility to their livelihood than you do with an employee.

A slave was fed, had a roof over his head, and was -hopefully- cared for by his master.

An employee is more of a whore, that turns up, does what his tasked to do, takes his money, and vanishes from your place of work, out of sight and out of mind.

It depends on whether you feel somebody handling your affairs for you is comforting, or deeply unsettling. I'm sure plenty of people voluntarily sold themselves into slavery back in the day, just for an easier life.

>> No.5177716

>NEETs don't have friends so let's close the book on the fantasy right now.
not all unemployed people are hiki's like in your indonesian shadow plays, anon

>> No.5177717

What is something positive? To be honest I think the people with "brainpower" have done the most harm in this world. All this idiot inventors who developed technologies for the sake of it not knowing what affect they would have on the world.

>> No.5177719

>if you get the chance to choose between being NEET and selling cigarettes, you should stay on welfare?
Yes, you should stay on welfare. Unless you have some longterm goal of using the money from that job to actually do something positive. In which case you would be smart enough to skip that toxic job altogether.

>> No.5177726

>NEETs don't have friends so let's close the book on the fantasy right now.

Do you really think every NEET is the stereotypical neckbeard hikki that is portrayed on 4chan?

>> No.5177728


>> No.5177732
File: 175 KB, 960x960, NERVOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real right now?

>> No.5177736 [DELETED] 

The book by Miriam Joseph is damn good.

>> No.5177739

I'm bringing intelligence into this because a lot of people, even in this thread, can't seem to comprehend the idea of doing anything other than a slavish job. It's either be a NEET or in a shit job. If you can't even find a way to avoid both then yes, check the fuck out of society because life gets much tougher than this.

>> No.5177744

>Do you really think every NEET is the stereotypical neckbeard hikki that is portrayed on 4chan?

>> No.5177746

I think geniuses are the biggest idiot children of all. They just follow their hobbies mindlessly and end up causing havoc more often than not.

>> No.5177751
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>> No.5177759

psssst, your inadequacy is showing

>> No.5177761

Let's face it, working is fucking shit (unless you are one of the few people who enjoys your job) but it's pretty much necessary. Most of us could work less, but normies would never allow it because they venerate work too much, just like you see people do in this thread.

NEET life is fun though, so if you can do it, all the more power to you. Very few are going to be able to sustain it for the their whole lives so you are eventually going to have to get have job.

>> No.5177763

I turned 20 four months ago. I just wrote a bunch of bullshit truisms with pretentious overtones thinly veiled in humility. Not that the things I wrote should be disregarded. They're realities.

>> No.5177765

>i am become death destroyer of worlds, did it anyway though haha

>i'll just have me a nip of rum and go for a swim
-useless person

>> No.5177766

>Face fucking reality
aye, face reality, with spear in hand!

fight the beast, op, stop the machine that grinds away at this man's mind

pass the cheetos also

>> No.5177767

I'm serious. Most of the great books ought to be burnt and forgotten, for example.
Almost all modern books are wretched and ought to be burnt. You think geniuses like Hume and Kant have done good? No, they've only contributed to the evil. And most geniuses with their spectacular "contributions" have contributed to evil. The cult of technology and its contributors is a great example.

>> No.5177771

You have yet to provide arguments as to way the NEET life is ridiculous and naive, young one.

>> No.5177775

>Most of us could work less, but normies would never allow it because they venerate work too much, just like you see people do in this thread.

Eh? I've been praising being active in society, but killing yourself over it is a little crazy. I personally only work 30 hours a week. It's enough to cover my expenses, and affords me a comfortable extra day off a week. I find it makes such a massive difference to my appreciation of my free time. You can be both employed and work only a bit, you just have to set your lifestyle up properly.

>> No.5177782

>i am become death destroyer of worlds, did it anyway though haha

most geniuses have been narcissists looking to make a name for themselves
They don't care what affect their work has as long as there's somebody to admire it. Many of them naively think they are doing good, and these are the real idiot geniuses. These are the people that would have benefited from a conversation with Socrates about the nature of the Good.

>> No.5177800

Everyone who is mad at OP needs to re-evaluate their own life. You are most likely living in desperation. Maybe only 1% of the population actually enjoys their work andis fulfilled by it. The other 99% would stop immediately upon winning the lotto and never bother thinking about it again.

OP is asking a fair question. But the communist utopians and NEETs need to realize that it's not "the system" that needs to be blamed, it's not "the man" that is forcing you to work---its really nature or God. Man is subject to so many conditions and forces he needs to overcome in order to simply live in this dimension, what "the man" has done is disperse those forces and problems upon society so that you don't have to bear 100% of the burden. You don't need to learn how to farm or hunt, or build anything, or sew or perform surgeries, etc...You really don't have to know much at all these days except how to fit your screw into its proper hole at the factory you slave at.

>> No.5177810

The funny thing is that normals all have this secret dream of "making it" where one day they'll write that great book, or get a super-promotion, or get that masters degree and find a high paying job that will let them RETIRE EARLY --- so that they can finally start enjoying life, lol. Everyone I know has this "retire early" delusion deep down somewhere. Most supress it unless you really start talking to them about what they value in life, what they are trying to accomplish. And what does RETIRE EARLY mean? It basically means EARNING the right to live like a NEET.
The reason all these losers on /lit/ get mad at OP is because they feel like NEETs haven't earned their "freedom"...they just found a short-cut to it.

But there are different lifestyles to choose from. NEETs are the modern day cynics. They are those lovers of wisdom that reject the normal pleasures of life, entertainment and sex in order to pursue higher levels of Truth. They protect their virginity at all cost and shield their minds from the senseless pleasures, drugs, and escapisms all us mundanes use to distract ourselves from the moment. NEETs are modern day monks, the last of their kind, like Diogenes, Hakuin, Bodhidharama, Jesus, St John, etc...

>> No.5177818

Oh, you're still on that?

Well, if it makes you happy to live with your parents and accomplish absolutely nothing of value for yourself or others, go for it as long as your parents are willing to enable you.

If you don't want a meaningful relationship with a person of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if that's your thing), because you have no home to share with them and nothing to offer beyond your "love" (see how long that relationship lasts) by all means continue living off your parents' financial independence instead of accomplishing that yourself.

No, money can't buy happiness. But people with the financial freedom to, I don't know, travel comfortably, live on their own, buy their own food instead of being fed after no contribution towards that food, like a pet, are indeed happier.

Or, I guess you could go live in the woods (likely on someone else's land) and sleep in a tent or some shit. But I doubt you have the wits, the skills, or the balls, to do that successfully.

>> No.5177821

What makes you think that being a leech to society makes you any better than someone who even minimally contributes to it? Especially when you don't contribute anything with your free time besides various wastes.

>> No.5177823



>> No.5177827

I wish you could read your own words how somebody else does and realize just how pathetic you sound.

Unless that was sarcasm. Which just makes it brilliant.

>> No.5177831

Why moot or whoever programmed this shit thought saving trips across boards was a good idea I'll never fucking know.

>> No.5177836

>Well, if it makes you happy to live with your parents and accomplish absolutely nothing of value for yourself or others

99.99% of people who work have never and will never accomplish anything of value to themselves or others.

If you and your partner are working 40+hours a week your relationship will suffer, your relationship will be almost non-existent. You won't have time to develop any talents or skills, you won't have time to find spiritual fulfillment or athletic mastery. You won't have much time for anything at all since your day is punctuated and ruined by a worthless commute and a worthless job.

The life of a wage slave is truly disgusting.

>> No.5177840


the last part was satire, the first part is pretty true...most ppl do have this "muh american dream" of making it one day and not having to work. The masses get fed this delusion regularly.

>> No.5177842

Now I get it, you're not from the first world. You don't realize NEETs can live on their own or with their girlfriends, cook nice meals every day and have enough money left over for some luxuries and travel.

Still, while all of these things are available and most welfare NEETs have them and enjoy them, there is nothing ridiculous and naive about choosing a life without them.

>> No.5177850

>NEETs don't have friends so let's close the book on the fantasy right now
i regularly hang out with plenty of NEETs

>> No.5177851

So where the fuck are you going to live and what will you eat while you're "mastering athletics" and "developing talents"? Do tell. You have to work, and that's always been the case. Whether you're it's hunter-gather living 11,000 years ago, or a barista at Starbucks. You don't just get to live and not do anything. That isn't life, and frankly, that's fucking boring.

>> No.5177855

>Whether you're it's hunter-gather
Default Google keyboard fucking sucks.

>> No.5177858

What horrifies me is how peasants in the middle ages had more free time than the average wage slave today

the world has been ruined by usury and industrialisation

>tfw you will never grow up on the family farm / in the family trade having an emotional connection with your work

>> No.5177859

So my making someone's coffee, explanation of a product, or doing someone's taxes is a valueless act? How do you go about justifying that one?

Or are you going all "big picture" here? If you want to ignore the foundations of society that's your perogative, but it doesn't suddenly make what they do have any less value to the rest of us. Just because we won't have our names in a history book or our work in a museum doesn't mean we should all abandon our posts.

>> No.5177872

>So where the fuck are you going to live and what will you eat while you're "mastering athletics" and "developing talents"?

I was wondering this myself. Unless he is actually trying to legitimize the idea of living with one's parents permanently.

>> No.5177873

Trip dubs but you're dumb and wrong. Slaver beat their slaves and broke up families. They were, by and large cruel and brutish.
Fuck you


>> No.5177880

>year of our lord 2014
>not knowing the difference between a house slave and a field slave

>> No.5177881

>You have to work, and that's always been the case.

Well, somehow quite a few people manage not too. And all of them aren't poor NEETs either.

>> No.5177883

Well, some people are born rich.

>> No.5177887

Ironic shitposting's humorousness is contextually dependent, and this isn't a successful case of its use.

>> No.5177893

It would seem then that the parasite has dragged you down to its level, filling your head full of congratulatory lies. I will admit you have a more reasonable argument than the NEETs in this thread do but you're consumed by the same naivete and arrogance that they are.

>> No.5177895

>So where the fuck are you going to live and what will you eat while you're "mastering athletics" and "developing talents"? Do tell.
An apartment.
>You have to work, and that's always been the case.
Only if you were a pleb. Now, even the plebs can refrain from work.

>Whether you're it's hunter-gather living 11,000 years ago, or a barista at Starbucks. You don't just get to live and not do anything.
Yes you do. It's the 21st century m8, you seem to be stuck in another one. If people didn't get to do that, why are people whining about welfare leeches?

>That isn't life, and frankly, that's fucking boring.
If you can't enjoy life without having a job then you are boring.

>> No.5177896

Statistical outliers don't make a substantive argument. If anything, they just reinforce my own.

>> No.5177898
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Jesus Christ. Why do both sides have to justify their life so much? Both of them have pros and cons, and both sides are just deluding yourself with some things.

>i love my shitty call center job, it's so fulfilling! Man, i can't imagine how NEETs can go without doing this for 40 hours per week!

>it sure is great being completely dependent on others for my existence!

>> No.5177901

In Old Catholic societies living with your parent's into adulthood was the norm. I think it still may be so in some Asian countries

The nuclear family where you "launch" your kids as soon as they reach adulthood is an outgrowth of Protestant culture. It's pretty sick tbh. Men kicking out their 18 yr old daughters to "earn a living".

>> No.5177904

yeah, fuck protestants

>> No.5177905

everyone here really just wants to sit at home reading and writing and hopefully live of their royalties

the problem is, do you sell yourself out and write bestseller trash for money, or do you strive for your art and potentially die poor and unexalted?

>> No.5177906

>If you can't enjoy life without having a job then you are boring.
You work, you reap the rewards, you enjoy them that much more. Getting handed everything is dull.

>> No.5177908

NEETs don't want to work and manage to do so. They only need an argument if you buy into the whole "one owes it to society to work" idea, which NEETs obviously do not. So if you want to argue against a NEET, you should be able to demonstrate why one ought to work.

>> No.5177914


So are we.
I'm playing around with some ideas now, making youtube vids & freelance writing. Also might go live in a cheap country like thailand or taiwan where rent+food = $500/month.

>the world has been ruined by usury and industrialisation

Yes but they also only bathed twice a year, ate crap all day, had lice and smelled like rancid sweat. Their work was also very intense, which is why they needed a lot of "breaks"...and being wiped out by a simple lack of rain must've sucked too.

It's not "society" that imprisons us, it's Nature itself. Society has just shifted the nature of the problem around...made somethings a bit easier.

>So my working at starbucks is valueless.. explanation of a product, doing taxes

a human becoming a coffee dispenser is a waste of life. a human describing menus or doing taxes is also a waste of life.

I"m sure if you asked that person when they were a teenager or kid if they wanna grow up and dispense coffee or do people's taxes for a living they wouldn't be excited or interested.

And when I go somewhere and see a human turned into a coffee dispenser I feel sorry for them. Because coffee is disgusting and if I wanted to drink bitter shit I can just make it myself.

>> No.5177917

Maybe that's the case for you because you feel like you need to earn it. That's fine with me, but I'm the opposite way. I've tried both methods and enjoy things the most when I get them for free. Gettings things without doing something in return feels much more like a successful endeavour than having to do a lot of things I don't like for it. The latter feels more inefficient and incompetent.

>> No.5177918

>I think it still may be so in some Asian countries

I work in Vancouver and all the asians in my office who aren't married live with their parents. Some of the older asians have taken their parents back and their parents live with them now.

Basically if you aren't married, asians don't see the point in you "moving out"

>> No.5177920

Having a job means you get handed everything. The only true independent man is the one who is self-employed.

>> No.5177922

I wish i had the skill required to write a shitty best selling novel (or two) so i wouldn't have to work again

>> No.5177923

i bet you could do it if you try

>> No.5177925

>living with your parent's
It´s still the norm in many poor countries. Even married people with kids sometimes can´t afford to move out from their parents.

>> No.5177926

>The only true independent man is the one who is self-employed.

being self-employed just means you are a slave to your customers and wholesaler. It's even worse than being a wage-slave since the responsibilities and risks are not commensurate of the rewards.

>> No.5177935
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>tfw born too soon to live the upcoming post-scarcity society

>> No.5177934

>i love my shitty call center job, it's so fulfilling! Man, i can't imagine how NEETs can go without doing this for 40 hours per week!
You're misrepresenting that side. Nobody is arguing that everyone will be fulfilled with the work they do per se. The resulting financial independence is what will really lead to fulfillment. To put it simply, when you have money you can do lots of fun shit.

Furthermore, job satisfaction remains a possibility. Not everyone will love their job, but as long as you don't remain stagnant you CAN find a fulfilling job. Can a grown person with the behavior of a toddler--being completely dependent on other-- really be fulfilled? Hypothetically, yes. But is that a reality for the majority? No, and it never will be. You can find a better job, but you can't advance to the next level of dependency on your parents, unless you want them to literally start spoon-feeding you. If anything will allow fulfillment in the NEET lifestyle, it's reducing your dependency on others. And that's where the arguments made in this thread fall apart completely.

>> No.5177936

Cormac McCarthy was basically a NEET.

He said in that Oprah interview that ever since he found out what "work was" he never wanted to do it. He hated the idea of working and that's really why he became a writer.

She asked him if writing is his "passion" and he said that's too strong a word, he just likes to do it and it's better than working.

A LOT of super-successful people are actually NEETs at heart, they hate working and see how idiotic it is.

>> No.5177940

>muh bi-weekly bio-survival tickets
Send me off where I can forage for roots and club wild game to death with my dick and I'll have a job that doesn't place my survival into the hands of people I don't agree with.

>> No.5177941

>The resulting financial independence is what will really lead to fulfillment.

that's bullshit and you know it.
You can't have a "fulfilling" life when half of your waking life is spent doing soulcrushing work you have no real interest in.

You must think that the money you get from that shitty job is sufficient to buy you products that will fulfill you? That's how most people function and why consumerism is rampant.


Ya idiot, you aren't working for any reason at all, you're just working so you can afford that car so it can take you to work.

>> No.5177943

>tfw cormac turned 81 three days ago
>tfw he will be dead soon

>> No.5177944

This is the best reason for being a writer imo.

>> No.5177950

Goncharov's Oblomov.

I thought /lit/ liked it, but no one has posted it.

>> No.5177952
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>you aren't working for any reason at all, you're just working so you can afford that car so it can take you to work.

>> No.5177953

also when you write something really good the feeling is incomparable

>> No.5177954

Damn, this is pretty much my reasoning. Although i will never be a successful writer because that's still requires too much work.

>> No.5177957

>a human becoming a coffee dispenser is a waste of life. a human describing menus or doing taxes is also a waste of life.
>I"m sure if you asked that person when they were a teenager or kid if they wanna grow up and dispense coffee or do people's taxes for a living they wouldn't be excited or interested.
>And when I go somewhere and see a human turned into a coffee dispenser I feel sorry for them. Because coffee is disgusting and if I wanted to drink bitter shit I can just make it myself.

But that's not what I asked at all, that's just a tertiary diatribe. Do those acts, in your eyes, lack value? I don't give a shit on your thoughts about people's dreams or your disgust in coffee. I want to know whether or not you think those contributions are valueless.

>> No.5177960

>financial independence
>you have money you can do lots of fun shit
Open your eyes. If you live and work in some third world shitthole, you´ll only have money for rent/food.

>> No.5177962

The best thing he says in this is the suggestion of cutting down the working day from 8 to 6 hours. It doesn't sound a lot, but i think that could improve the quality of life for many.

>> No.5177964

Every time, /lit/, every time.

>> No.5177968
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>tfw modern medicine will allow us to live for centuries if not indefinitely so we get to experience it after all

>> No.5177970

>arguing with NEETs about financial independence

You do realize that most NEETs will only be able to get a minimum wage job? The only thing they will be able to afford that they currently can't is (and this is just a maybe) a place of their own. They won't be able to buy much more luxuries than they had while NEET, or be able to travel more or anything like that.

>> No.5177975

Conscious strawman or did you just not read the post? Having a job isn't like being NEET. You can actually work towards getting a job you find fulfilling if you think the one you have is "soulcrushing". When did I suggest consumerism is the way you should use your money? Personally, I'd use it for experiences, or things that will allow me to have experiences. When I have the money, I'll buy a sailboat. I love sailing on the ocean. It's...fulfilling.

And fuck, if you find fulfillment in buying iDevices and cardigans, there's nothing wrong with that either.

>> No.5177977
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I think both of you would like what I'm going to propose.

Why not combine the mentality of both work and idleness. Or rather to have a more free work environment that isn't punctuated by some sort of authoritarian figure because they told you so, and they rigidly try to maintain some sort of image of "professionalism" or "intellectualism" without actually having the spirit of actually constraining yourself, or the actual intelligence to call yourself an intellectual. Instead we could all have some sort of control over our working environment and to appropriate the classical human needs of companionship, desire to benefit from and to benefit others in a much more direct and less soulless way. It is not a utopian soulless society, even if said utopia has consequences, but if the fire of passion lit enough people in the ass, we could at least hope for some sort of anarchistic society where man rules himself, and his comrades at the same time. To be both a slave, and a king. To intimately feel the closeness of your neighbors in such a psycho-sexual way, that you cannot help but to experience some sort of mental orgasm through your shared responsibilities to your loved ones. Not because there is laws, but because there is duty, honor and empathy in all of ours hearts to do what is necessary for everyone's happiness.

>> No.5177978

we're a naughty bunch aren't we ;)

>> No.5177980

>Do those acts, in your eyes, lack value?

Value that promotes human flourishing towards true fulfillment? Yes they lack value and suck value out of life.

The word 'value' has to have significance beyond simply turning man into a machine that performs a mindless, repetitive act.

>> No.5177984

i hope he finishes his book soon

>> No.5177985

At least a portion of /lit/ is well-read enough that both sides can potentially make substantive arguments. If this were any other board it would be a name-calling circlejerk (more than it is here).

>> No.5177986

>tfw we miss out on immortality by a few decades

>> No.5177989

>You can actually work towards getting a job you find fulfilling if you think the one you have is "soulcrushing".
maybe if you were born middle class, rofl.

>> No.5177990

Unless you are addressing those very outliers and telling them they shouldn't be outliers, which is silly.

>> No.5177993

What about value towards their standard of life? Value towards the other people they serve? To their employers and companies?

Is that not value as well?

>> No.5177995

>And fuck, if you find fulfillment in buying iDevices and cardigans, there's nothing wrong with that either.

no one finds fullfilment in doing that, otherwise people would buy 1 cardigan and be happy for the rest of their life. it doesn't work that way, it's a vicious and empty cycle that never satisfies anyone.

>> No.5177999

I'm going to work in McDonald's for 15 years and write a novel about a man that turns this gruelling work into something human. It'll be about how he comforts world weary folk and gives hope to those jaded with life, how he becomes a secret doctor of souls despite his work receiving no praise or recognition in the world. This is my dream. Actually it's just one of the daydreams I have and have little intentions of fulfilling.

>> No.5178000

>When I have the money, I'll buy a sailboat. I love sailing on the ocean. It's...fulfilling.
You confused satisfaction with fulfillment.

>> No.5178001

>work free environment combined with idleness

This will surely not fail.

>> No.5178003

You just shot yourself in the foot

>standard of life
you feel better on welfare not working 50 hours a week to make ends meet
>people they serve
no one looks at you
cog, easily replaced

There's your value

>> No.5178004


are you talking about brainwashing myself into enjoying "work" and thinking it has some higher purpose?

>> No.5178006

Read up Harold Rosenthal interview. He says just that. That the masters give people meaningless baubles that never satisfy them. Also, da joos

>> No.5178009

It´s utility, not value.

>> No.5178010
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>> No.5178011


I've made a lot of typos, but what I was trying to gauge out is that the solution to everyone's woes is anarchy. Granted that is also unrealistic, but I think it might be possible to have some sort of uber-socialist society in like...10 years. If there was enough shaming of capitalism to go around.

>> No.5178020

>Harold Rosenthal interview..masters give baubles that never satisfy

Yes, but this isn't a particularly jewish phenomena. It's part of human nature to not be satisfied by externals.

I mean, buddha found this out 2500 years ago. We are basically drinking salt water over and over thinking it will satisfy us, when it just makes us thirstier.

>> No.5178023

>shaming of capitalism
The day Jobs aids-ridden corpse is dug up just to be burned will be a beautiful day indeed.

>> No.5178026

>you feel better on welfare not working 50 hours a week to make ends meet
Unless they have an ounce of moral fiber. Not all people are content to suck money from the government for nothing, and many that do feel miserable about doing it.
>no one looks at you
Have you ever worked? Lots look to you and at you, so long as you are at the very least competent.
>cog, easily replaced
Maybe if you suck at your job. And even if you do you're still a cog that they found valuable enough to hire.

You keep on generalizing, though.

>> No.5178028


dictionaries don't define words, context + humans define words.

Dictionaries suggest possible "uses" for a word...when will ppl get this?

>> No.5178033

It's easily both.

>> No.5178042

I hope you're kidding. Ya know what? I won't even touch it.

Just explain to me how "fulfillment" and "satisfaction" mean different things in the context of this thread, and specifically my post.

>> No.5178043
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>going out in the least alpha way possible
It's like you don't want bitches in the afterlife.

>> No.5178045

So what do you do for a living?

>> No.5178050

The moral fiber you speak of is a construct created to rationalize bio-survival being reduced to a ticket redeemable for what it takes to live. Before that people barely worked, at least not as long or as hard as we do today.

>Have you ever worked?
I don't believe you've ever been in a retail position. It's just robots roboting set-phrases at robots.

>Maybe if you suck at your job. And even if you do you're still a cog that they found valuable enough to hire.
Confirmed for never having had a minimum wage job.

Keep them eyes closed, kid.

>> No.5178053
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>running on the hedonic treadmill

I thought you were better than this /lit.

>> No.5178058

Caregiver for my special needs sister. Using my job for your argument isn't a brilliant move. My parents find my services infinitely valuable and I get a nice check every two weeks from the government for actual work.

>> No.5178063


I'm saying that the structure of work has removed all human empathy and compassion for your fellow man. Even if said empathy and compassion leads to you murdering them, I believe that it's best to feel intensely about your human fellows than it is to view them as another way to satisfy your hedonistic, black desires of love through lust objects.

>> No.5178068

I worked pizza delivery for four months before trying to quit and they begged for me back. I was valuanle enough to them in four months that they needed me back and didn't just pull some schmuck off the street. Just because you're terrible at working doesn't mean I am.

>> No.5178073

>saying work is good while third world citizens work 100 hours a day for $0000.1 so you can buy some extremely cheap shit

>> No.5178080

That´s worth respect, but I would´t even call it a job.

>> No.5178087

>100 hours a day

>> No.5178091

>Constantly having to keep an eye on her
>dressing and undressing

I'm basically her nurse.

>> No.5178097

>When did I suggest consumerism is the way you should use your money? Personally, I'd use it for experiences
>he thinks a trip to thailand is any less consumerist than buying a new tv

>> No.5178106

Cog in the machine. I've been begged to come back until I make my new wage bid. Suddenly I go from being more important than half of management to not deserving getting paid more. Then I went and became an electrician and no one is more grateful than a hominid when you return their electric fire to push away the night darkness.

>> No.5178108

Don´t get me wrong, I understand that it´s a hard work. But work =/= job. It turns out that you depend on your parents.

>> No.5178124

A group of people get together every week and discuss various topics. They decide as a group that the word "large" means "small". They continue their conversations, but whenever the word "small" is necessary, they use "large" instead. To them, the word large is defined as small. And in the context of their discussion meetings, that is its definition.

But have they changed the definition of the word? No. They're misusing it. The accepted definition of "large" is not "small". Certainly, the language could evolve over a period of many years, resulting in that definition being correct, but the discussion group has merely changed the definition in the context of the group. More importantly, just because they have agreed to misuse it, doesn't mean that is now correct usage. Large does not mean small just because they used it that way and because it's contextually correct usage for their discussions.

tl;dr: You're stupid.

>> No.5178136

I guess the really summary would be: Words have specific meanings, and you deciding they don't because it make sense "in context" (or even if it DOES make sense in the context) doesn't actually change the meaning.

>> No.5178139

Actually, large used to mean small and small used to mean large, but a group of people did exactly what you described and now here you are, agreeing with them.

>> No.5178142 [DELETED] 

>Words have specific meanings

which humans decide and modify. dictionaries prescribe usage not meaning.

for meaning go to a philosopher or linguist or the person who is doing the writing.

>> No.5178157

I already acknowledged that languages can evolve. And that discussion group could very well have started the trend that eventually would lead to the changing of the definition. But again, they did not change the definition simply because their new definition made sense contextually.

>> No.5178161


You gotta be pretty stupid to look up the word "fulfillment" in the dictionary in order to know how to fulfill yourself, others, and what the word truly means.

If you are looking for more than simple "usage" then you have no idea what a dictionary is for.

You might as well look up the word "happy" in the dictionary to find out how to make your girlfriend or dog happy. Good luck.

>> No.5178168

>dictionaries prescribe usage not meaning
No, they offer both, and you can't have one without the other.

>> No.5178172


When I was 12 I wanted to know what "I" was, what "self" meant, what it meant to "be" -- so I looked up the word "self" in the dictionary to find its meaning.

Needless to say I was an idiot and the dictionary was useless.

>> No.5178174

Most stories by Bukowski are pretty lazyish

>> No.5178178

Not really. I pay rent and buy my own food/gas. Military covers our insurance.

>> No.5178180

What the fuck are you on about? You're not even fabricating parts of an existing argument, you're fabricating an argument entirely.

I don't believe any of those things and never asserted them overtly or otherwise.

>> No.5178199


Some dimwit in this thread (you?) looked up the word "fulfillment" in the dictionary to find out what it really means.

When the word has so many philosophical nuances that describing its usage in one or two sentences will never do it justice. I think he saw a synonym "satisfaction" there and thought that elucidated the situation for him...lmfao

Someone in this thread, I dunno who, was trying to make the point that temporary satisfaction is not the same as true fulfillment...but the goofball (you?) contradicted him by pulling out a dictionary definition --- you totally missed the point that language and context aren't so simple and rigid.

If a person wants to make distinction between true fulfillment and call it "fulfillment" (something that lasts long-term, perhaps your whole life) versus a simple transient, momentary satisfaction called "satisfaction" then he is allowed to make such a distinction; that's the nice thing about language and having a brain.

>> No.5178204

>it's a vicious and empty cycle that never satisfies anyone.
That's a pretty fucking ridiculous generalization that reeks of angst and self-loathing.

I buy shit that is fulfilling all the time, honestly I am working on feeling it's OK to just get new shit when you need it and can afford it.

>> No.5178218

Everyone is completely dependant on others for their existence, whether they are bankers, cleaners or NEETs.

>> No.5178222

>That's a pretty fucking ridiculous generalization that reeks of angst and self-loathing.

What angst and self-loathing? It's a fact that these things don't satisfy us and never will. They offer a momentary distraction, that's about it.

>I buy shit that is fulfilling all the time

I'm glad you call it "shit", that's not a slip of tongue, that really is what you are buying.

It isn't fulfilling you if you have to keep buying stuff all the time. Obviously.

>> No.5178228

you mean workfags, right?

>> No.5178234


Some have giant webs with 10000 strings of dependencies and worries trapping them.

Others have only one or two strings attached, and even those can be cut easily.


>> No.5178235

If they remove the sister, will you die?

>> No.5178242

>They're misusing it.

laughing linguists.exe

>> No.5178258
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>thinking you can live the literary lifestyle while being a wage slave


>> No.5178261
File: 28 KB, 640x341, The cry of the flesh is not to be hungry, thirsty, or cold; for he who is free of these and is confident of remaining so might vie even with Zeus for happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are people on the philosophy board that think trinkets and social status will actually bring them happiness

>> No.5178274


isn't it true that a lot of the great writers were jobless or on welfare?

McCarthy was poor as shit at one point, he couldn't even afford toothpaste he said lol. He was determined never to work and stuck to his guns.

Even when his wife was yelling at him to get a job. He's an example to us all

>> No.5178275

>tfw I can't find the low hanging fruit of the award and title world

>> No.5178281


b.b..but all my friends are buying trinkets, i gotta keep up! the tv tells me I need to have fun all the time otherwise im self-loathing and not actualizing myself!

>> No.5178287


>having never sat in a maserati

some things are worth it, bitch ass

>> No.5178290

Henry Miller was also a notorious NEET.

I'm trying to think of a writer that considered work to be a good thing but I can't think of any.

>> No.5178291

Do you own a Maserati?

>> No.5178294

>sitting in a nice car
>worth toiling for 40 years

Do you suffer from mental illness?

>> No.5178303
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Notice how he said 'sat' rather than 'driven' as well. Some wealthy uncle probably let him ride shotgun once.

>> No.5178316

Yes, that was me. And your argument remains every bit as ridiculous:

If a person wants to make distinction between true satisfaction and call it "satisfaction" (something that lasts long-term, perhaps your whole life) versus a simple transient, momentary fulfillment called "fulfillment" then he is allowed to make such a distinction; that's the nice thing about language and having a brain.

See what I did there? :)

In not so many words, you tried to tell me I wouldn't be fulfilled by sailing, because that was really just satisfaction. How the fuck else do you obtain a satisfying life, if not by individual moments of satisfaction? Satisfaction in individual areas of your life--your job, your relationships, the way you spend your free time (sailing?)--are what lead to a satisfying life overall. Or a fulfilling life. It doesn't fucking matter because they're synonyms you nitwit.

>> No.5178326


No, but i've driven one.


What is the point of your post?

>> No.5178374

The funniest thing about people who hate welfare leeches is that they probably think that the government will lessen taxes when there are less unemployed people.

If you're not stupid enough to believe this, why be mad? Your money gets taken any way, if it's spend on ugly architecture and pet projects or unemployed people really doesn't matter much.

>> No.5178376

Ayn Rand

>> No.5178384

>If a person wants to make distinction between true satisfaction and call it "satisfaction" (something that lasts long-term, perhaps your whole life) versus a simple transient, momentary fulfillment called "fulfillment" then he is allowed to make such a distinction; that's the nice thing about language and having a brain.
>See what I did there? :)

Yes and that is totally fine if that is what you want to communicate and discuss. Words are fluid and what matters is their context and how you are defining them in a discussion.

Instead of saying "long-term-existential-satisfaction" it's much easier to label this idea as 'satisfaction' and then call "short-term-momentary-pleasures" 'fulfillment' --- or vice versa --- it doesn't really matter as long as you are being clear.

> It doesn't fucking matter because they're synonyms you nitwit.

Most people recognize the difference between a quick "satisfying" hand-job, and a longer lasting fulfillment like saving someone's life, or overcoming a personal handicap.

But we don't really have words for such distinctions, so you have to figure them out contextually and by what the author is implying...A dictionary won't really help much.

> How the fuck else do you obtain a satisfying life, if not by individual moments of satisfaction?

If you're constantly running after momentary hand-jobs you won't really find that long-term fulfillment now will you? Much like a heroine junkie looking for his next "quick fix" he's in a constant up and down, crash and fall, hell.

The problem for most people is that this hell is not as obvious as the heroin junkies immediate hell. It's a slow-drip poison, something that kills slowly over time.

>> No.5178388

Right, that's what she said, but she was on welfare herself so I don't think that counts.

>> No.5178395

>this same thread again
>gets 200 replies in 4h
>actual threads get purged because no one posts

Fuck all jesus christs kill yourselves wastes of space all of you are shitgod fucking damn it athgghgh wu tang kill them all odd future wolf gang

>> No.5178400

It's because most of them hate work and hate the idea that people don't have to do it to live. Why should they have to work if others don't have to? It comes down to basic envy. People want others to be as worse off as them.

>> No.5178409

>but she was on welfare herself so I don't think that counts.
The ironing!

>> No.5178410
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You need to chill your pill Yung Lean

>> No.5178411
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I woke up in a new Bugatti if that counts.

>> No.5178423
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At least last time the posts were kinda cool and people were seeking advice and then got shat on, I feel as if /lit/ is very phlegmatic and lethargic due to the summer heat or something, I mean even the quality of shitposting has gone to...well, shit lately.

>> No.5178425


this is the only interesting thread on /lit/ today. contribute or i'm reporting your shitposts.

>> No.5178429

This is fucking hopeless. You're still repeating the same shit.

They mean thing. Fulfillment isn't defined as "long-term feelings of happiness" and satisfaction is not defined as "short-term feelings of happiness." There is no philosophical nuance. The words are interchangeable whether they're used in a philosophical context or in the dictionary. Fulfillment is satisfaction and satisfaction is fulfillment. That's it. This argument literally cannot go any further.

10/10. You really succeeded in eliciting both emotional and verbal responses. And now I'm done.

>> No.5178434


summertime feels

>> No.5178463
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well in my OPINION, these threads have served me as material about my book (working title: On Consumerism, Technology and Instant Gratification), and it's sparks up some ideas about shit I've talked about on this board for years now.

basically, being a NEET is great because just paying for an internet connection (which you do via e-banking anyway) is the only thing you need.

everything else you can order, not even go outside your room/flat (if you know what apartments in japan look like, a la NHK anime).

you can be a self-sustained fuck, you can even find a job online doing data entry or something equally as shit but it pays very well since your needs are not astronomical at all. all you need is electricity, running water and internet and you can stay like that for 30 years and live by a certain degree of comfort and pleasure.

constantly entertained due to movies, tv shows, music, VIDEO GAMES, chink girl cartoons.

it requires almost no maintenance too, since as long as your PC doesn't overheat and die (which it won't since PCs don't do that), you don't need to leave the house, and even if that happens you can have shit get delivered to your door.

it's like living the life of a disabled person, except not being disabled.

it's self-disablement.

don't be NEET kids, don't fall into the temptation of instant gratification!

>> No.5178501

>They mean thing. Fulfillment isn't defined as "long-term feelings of happiness" and satisfaction is not defined as "short-term feelings of happiness." There is no philosophical nuance. The words are interchangeable whether they're used in a philosophical context or in the dictionary. Fulfillment is satisfaction and satisfaction is fulfillment. That's it.

Well you are just being autistic and dense on purpose. Words take a lot to unpack despite having many synonyms. If you're interested in having a discussion you have to be aware of how the other person is using words and what he is trying to say.

If a doctor is trying to educate you about short-term-health and long-term-health and he uses "fit" for the short-term and "health" for long it does you no good to say "YA DOC BUT THOSE ARE SYNONYMS--HAHAHA--SEE MY DICTIONARY DOESN"T DISTINGUISH THEM"

it's like you missed the entire point of what a discussion is.

>10/10. You really succeeded in eliciting both emotional and verbal responses. And now I'm done.

It wasn't me. you did it to yourself.

>> No.5178504

>caring about a "lifestyle"

>> No.5178515

>you can be a self-sustained fuck, you can even find a job online doing data entry or something equally as shit but it pays very well since your needs are not astronomical at all. all you need is electricity, running water and internet and you can stay like that for 30 years and live by a certain degree of comfort and pleasure.

What kind of data entry job, where did you find it, what is the pay?

I was thinking of starting a youtube channel and making some vids on video games or ASMR...seems like easy money too

>it's like living the life of a disabled person, except not being disabled.

There's no need to live locked up in your apartment...a NEET can go outside and enjoy life, have relationships...the best things are free anyway (except internet)

>> No.5178535

>What kind of data entry job, where did you find it, what is the pay?
I'm not gonna enable you, as that would be morally wrong. I just know that there's NEET fucks that play weeb JRPG games, watch anime, and jerk off all day that work as "pornography descriptors", get like 300-350euros a month, but for a NEET in a 3rd world country that's a university degree pay.

>> No.5178546

>300-350euros a month

my student loan payments are higher than that lmfao

>> No.5178569

You're both morons, but you are by far the bigger of the two. You keep giving non-examples and analogies that aren't actually analogous. I'd guess you're 17 at most just based on the way you write. The other guy is probably a little older, but equally as asinine.

I forget the userbase of this board sometimes.

>> No.5178570

>normies getting mad at neets

every time! why does it infuriate them so much?

>> No.5178594

>why does it infuriate them so much?

they are afraid to take the risk and invest in becoming a NEET

>> No.5178602

ayyy lmao different countries different life standards

>> No.5178612
File: 147 KB, 341x334, 1406073725373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up every day, make breakfast for my parents, brew some tea, and sit down with a book, bread, and cheese as I watch the sun rise. I spend part of my day reading, part of it playing the piano, part of it working on language studies, I go outside to have a nice run every now and then, and in the late afternoon I start getting things ready for dinner. Either I make something for the family or I get stuff ready for my mother so she has less to do after a long day of work.

After dinner, I clean the dishes and maybe do some baking or some cooking preparation for the next day, and then I read a book in bed until I fall asleep.

Wow, what a terrible life I have, pursuing my intellectual interests while giving my parents time to relax after work. This NEET life sure is terrible! How horrid and unproductive!

>> No.5178616
File: 9 KB, 248x233, smug rei face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a fag.

>> No.5178621


>> No.5178625

Your basing your entire image of what a NEET is on your Burmese moving pictures. In reality, all it means not having a job and not going to school. Otherwise, a NEET can have all kinds of lifestyles.

>> No.5178634

>I wake up every day, make breakfast for my parents, brew some tea, and sit down with a book, bread, and cheese as I watch the sun rise

I did that for 4 months when I was 20 and then had to move out on my own accord. Although my parents are nice folk they are both super-achieving workaholics who don't understand what it means to "take it easy".

It just felt wrong being in that environment and lazing about the house all day.

Unfortunately I went back to school, got two degrees and now I have a high-paying job I hate. I'm a NEET at heart. But I don't see how I can do it long-term...eventually my savings will run out

I wanna become a writer but I feel like I need 1-2 years of intense practice to git gud at it

>> No.5178638

>sagve-ing with a picture

>> No.5178640

>that well-balanced independent life

You know how I know this is mostly a lie? Because you fail to mention shit-posting on chinese cartoon image boards for about 9-10hours of your day. Nice try senpai

>> No.5178642

pls be in london

>> No.5178650

What kind of job that doesn't require a degree and makes just enough to get by while doing minimal work is there?
I just wanna be able to pay low rent and internet, so that I can pirate books and films, I don't need anything else

>> No.5178652

I live in America, land of freedom.

The only board I bother to read frequently is /lit/ and it doesn't move fast enough for me to actually spend nearly that long on 4chan. My posting is just interspersed throughout the day.

I would suggest moving back home and starting to write. Spending over 50% of your waking hours doing something you hate is a terrible, terrible idea.

>> No.5178661

>not caring about how you live your life

what else is there to care about?

>> No.5178672

>I would suggest moving back home and starting to write. Spending over 50% of your waking hours doing something you hate is a terrible, terrible idea.

It would destroy my parents emotionally. My parents pride themselves on raising kids and working/success.

The idea of their overeducated son quitting his job and living at home to "write" would probably give them an aneurysm.

Basically I have to maintain the image that I'm a normalfag while secretly being a NEET. I love learning though and to me being in University is like being a NEET....

I wouldn't mind being a perpetual student but it's hard to justify getting a third degree...

>> No.5178678 [DELETED] 

Been doing my own research on possible options, here's what I've got so far minus the ones you have already listed.

write online content from home and are paid a minimum based on the number of articles they create. However, compensation increases with page view growth.

Writers are paid based on the performance of their "brand" or page views of the news content they write. Payment is based on page views and contributers are paid in minimum $100 increments.

Writers sign up and publish their work. Revenue from Adsense and affiliates is split with HubPages, which receives a 40 percent share.

Calls itself "a human-powered search engine dedicated to delivering carefully curated search results featuring the highest quality, spam-free links available." It hires freelance writers for $10-12 an hour for a minimum of 20 hours a week to fulfill this mission.

Hires editors, often as part-time telecommuters, to comb through the day's business news stories from a wide range of sources and distill the news related to a specific industry into a daily newsletter.

Is an online magazine written by freelancers who are experts in many fields. Writers must submit 10 articles in every three month and are paid based on ad revenues for their work.

Writers choose from a pool of avilable topics and write articles for a rate of $10-$14 per article. Five articles per week or 20 a month are expected. Articles are edited, and a byline is given. Payment is through PayPal.

Search Indeed.com for "freelance writer."

Avatar Press
Artists/Illustrators, Writers, Colorists
Comic book publisher hires for these artistic jobs on a freelance basis

The Sun Magazine
Writing, Photography
Pay ranges for freelance writing assignments (essays, interviews, fiction and poetry) from $300 to $2,000. One-time use of photos pays $100-$500.

Close Captioning, I have removed from my list because I neither have or plan to use a stenograph.

>> No.5178682

>I love learning though and to me being in University is like being a NEET....
>I wouldn't mind being a perpetual student but it's hard to justify getting a third degree...
I can't say that I understand this mentality--the purpose of a degree is just for signaling to employers that you're at least somewhat competent. You can attend lectures without actually paying money and being a registered student, and you can also talk to professors--they'll assume you're a student, and even if they know you're not, most will be happy to talk to you in person or over email. Books, of course, are just as easily bought whether or not you're a student.

To me, university was a chore and I seldom attended lectures; I simply studied at home and attended exams. I learned the most not from my coursework but from the independent work I did under professors in labs.

>> No.5178687

Option trading. It doesn't require a degree, but it is pretty hard to learn.

>> No.5178707

>To me, university was a chore and I seldom attended lectures; I simply studied at home and attended exams

Me to.
what I liked about University is student loans. They allowed me to live work-free for 6 years while simply attending classes a couple hours a week, reading things I enjoyed and having all the free-time I needed.
There were cute girls everywhere and I made some great friends.

It was like a 6 year vacation and I enjoyed what I was studying, so it was win-win.

>> No.5178713

That sounds nice.

I didn't make any friends, but the ones I have on the Internet are good enough for me.

>> No.5178719

>if he disagrees with me it's shitposting

>> No.5179481

Yo, if you're doing some kind of job for pay, y'all ain't a NEET. NEETism is distinguished by the fact that it requires DEPENDENCY on others in order to be comfortable. Either you are on welfare, living with your parents, or being supported by another. Either that or you had some sort of monetary windfall or you worked previously, made mad ducketts, and are now living the unemployed life. That being said, NEETism is generally not the same as being retired.

>> No.5179489

anything about ethical egoism

>> No.5179539

Anything Buddhist.

>> No.5179548

Pray tell what's the difference between being retired at 30 and being retired at 60.

>> No.5179560


huh? obviously 30 years difference, one is still young, the other has a foot in the grave.

>> No.5179578

Please, being 60 in the 21st century is hardly 'having one foot in the grave'.

>> No.5179663

If youre middle-class/upper-class, sure
Everyone else... Hahaha

>> No.5179685

>Please, being 60 in the 21st century is hardly 'having one foot in the grave'.

if you're the average 1st world resident then yes, you probably have diabetes and defective vision, your dick doesn't work and traveling is a huge hassle

anyway why would you want to wait until 60 to retire, you could be long dead before that. Retire asap, like this year, this month...

Life isn't worth wasted on some job

>> No.5179697

No thanks, I already get over 140k a year for minimal effort.

>> No.5179699

>australian dollars
sry, lol

>> No.5179706

Are you being a idiot on purpose?

>> No.5179713

I know you're jealous NEET friend, that I am in a position to do exactly what you're doing only to get paid 800% more for it, but you can achieve it to. Why only early last year I was in the same position as you.

>> No.5179719


Australians enjoy high inflation and currency worth, they pay the highest OECD comparative price levels in the world. If you ever met an australian of the same class as you overseas, he would be an extra 50% richer than you.

>> No.5179721


so you work 0hours per week and have no work related responsibilities?

Please spend a few minutes to come up with this fantasy job of yours and how you got it.

>> No.5179727

While I am currently NEET, I'm highly, highly qualified and intelligent, so. I wasn't taking a stab at you, mate, just joking. I actually very much like your personality as /lit/ goes. (I'll probably move to Australia at some stage in the near future, we should have a drink!)

>> No.5179732

As Account Manager I am responsible for making sure the team gets the work done, and that I convince our clients that our advertising will work for them.

It might be difficult for others, but for myself it's a walk in the park.

>> No.5179737


>ignores cost of living
>50% "richer"

they make 20-30% more income, and their food, rent, transport, cost of living is 20-40% more expensive.

Are they richer? Only nominally. In reality they might be poorer since the cost of living differential doesn't make up for their increased wages.


>> No.5179751


>managing a team
>dealing with office bullshit
>following a schedule
>answering to a boss and clients
>pretending it's a walk in the park

Well after you've conditioned yourself to be a slave, of course it gets easier doing soulless, pointless work. This happens in EVERY job, it becomes mundane and mindlessly easy...to the point that it drains all your energy

Comparing yourself to a NEET who is actually free is just a fantasy

>> No.5179761

Define 'drink'

While it might seem like 'soulless and pointless work' to you, it's quite enjoyable for me, and I get to fight back against the kikes while I do it.

>> No.5179765

>Define 'drink
I'm Irish.

>> No.5179770

No thanks.

Also I just want to make the point that as I can afford to hire someone to do menial tasks for me, I am no less a 'slave' than any NEET.

>> No.5179774

Oh, so you're all about health and whatnot then, eh?

>> No.5179777

I'm all about keeping my mind at its optimal level during my fleeting existence.

>> No.5179784

I don't see the point in making more than bare minimum $$ unless you are doing what you absolutely love and want to master.

>> No.5179788

>do exactly what you're doing
kek, these workfags are always underestimating their obligations

>> No.5179793

This is one of those moments where there's a complete breakdown in communication for me. Granted though, I have some qualms about absconding from the world myself, but they're conditional.

>> No.5179817

>workfags are always underestimating their obligations

when we are in workmode obligations seem normal. I don't notice them that much until I go on vacation or have an extended break.

That's when I start dreading going back to work.

>> No.5179829

I actually enjoy working. I spent 5 years as power station maintenance, a literal Homer Simpson, and it was awesome. It's just like going hanging around with the lads all day, really. I'm growing sorry I left that job now. It was also worth a fortune -- I'm still living off it 2 years down the line -- which being NEET is not.

>> No.5179833

I have over 15 million in the bank and more than 40 million in assets. I could retire whenever I wanted to. Do you really think I would keep working if I hated it?

>> No.5179840

Gimme fifty thousand dollars. I need it so I can move to NYC and live like a bohemian. I promise to make amazing art.

>> No.5179845

Where the fuck did you get all that?

>> No.5179847

>actually believing this


>> No.5179855

Fits in with his person that he's wealthy. Either way, a story is a story.

>> No.5179860

>Do you really think I would keep working if I hated it?

>arguing with children on a chinese image board

Ya, you sound very fulfilled. It's not really a matter of "hating", you just got stuck in a rut, like most wage-slaves.

You probably don't even know why you are working but the idea of losing wages, losing potential earnings is a cost you aren't willing to bear.

>> No.5179862


>> No.5179864

Inherited 10 acres of valuable property from my parents. I've also bought a few apartments in capital cities across Australia. Also with all the freelance work I do on top of my job, I make roughly $300,000 a year. On top of this I have off shore bank accounts which ensures I pay minimal tax.

>> No.5179868

That's dumb.

>> No.5179877

>Do you really think I would keep working if I hated it?
Yes, because your sense of self-worth depends on it.

>> No.5179885

>I have over 15 million in the bank and more than 40 million in assets.
>makes 140k/year

Now this is delusional. Anyone with $55 million in total assets would not waste 1 minute working a shitty middle-management job that only pays $140k/year.

Craft your lies better.

>> No.5179892

Do you lot actually buy this line or what? Granted, it's probably correct, but to lord it over someone is ridiculous -- especially if you're useless/broke.

>> No.5179903

Money doesn't buy happiness, anon. Purpose does.

Of course the useless will take purpose in being useless. See the kid who gets called dumb by his teachers and tries to own it.

>> No.5179912

I actually got interviewed early in the year for taking a higher paying network executive role. The way I see it my potential keeps growing, one day I could even be in a position to wield real power in the world. But for now making a bit of coin for something I don't mind doing isn't a complete tragedy.

>> No.5179918


The tripfags lies don't make sense. I understand roleplaying is fun, but he (you?) is not being smart about it

>> No.5179926

Oh wow, what an epic post. What age are you, dude?

>> No.5179927

>muh life story

are you trying to convince us or yourself?

>> No.5179932

Himself, I think. See there he took your calling him delusion and turned it to something relevant? That's evidence of him telling the truth, IMO. But we are all lost.

>> No.5180010

>yuh life story

You asked for it.

>> No.5180021
