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5177270 No.5177270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do modern day classics exist?

>> No.5177277
File: 15 KB, 200x305, 200px-The_God_Delusion_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, pic related

>> No.5177276

No. Go back to the olden times. Of yore.

>> No.5177285

The Kite Runner.

>> No.5177289

The whole point of something being labeled a 'classic', is that it has stood the test of time. 'modern day classic' is a paradox

>> No.5177296
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where doth thou place the Modern Ages start, OP?

>> No.5177298

Lets make the question more specific, have any books come out since the turn of the millennium that is on par with the classics of old?

>> No.5177299


>> No.5177300

not really

>> No.5177302

yeah definitely

>> No.5177304


>> No.5177306

Fault in our Stars.

>> No.5177310
File: 113 KB, 448x352, Data correction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . .

...I'm working on it, ALRIGHT!?

>> No.5177313
File: 71 KB, 311x475, maradonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5177317

Was completely shit.

>> No.5177319

try harder next time

>> No.5177331
File: 27 KB, 257x388, zadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet

>> No.5177333

0/10 try again

>> No.5177361

No, because literature is dead. All you get today is generic genre fiction trash.

>> No.5177431

Earthly Powers by Burgess.

>> No.5177445

Only time can tell.

>> No.5177452
File: 54 KB, 434x648, Mason - Lost Books of the Odyssey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite good and shouldn't be missed by Homer fans.
Donno about "classics" though.

>> No.5177458

The ideas of 'classic' and 'canonic' are bound the the literary and intellectual culture that will die out in our century. Both terms will be anachronisms in the next century.

>> No.5177496

>80% male Chinese society occupies the rabble by sending stormtroopers into Muslim territories to carry out genocide
>United States consists of several starving dictatorial fiefdoms in perpetual war with one another
>nobody knows who Shakespeare is or what the word "feminism" means
Good times are a comin

>> No.5177504

i like that book a lot, but i wouldn't say it's a classic. it's obviously the work of a talented writer who's read a lot of borges and calvino and has a go himself, and whilst it's great, it's not at the same level

>> No.5177508

Though it'll likely pass away mostly unread in North america, I'll bet Knausgaard's Min Camp will be regarded as a classic in the future, beyond the fawning gush of the press. It really is fantastic.

>> No.5177520

Not saying it is

(I am saying The Dispossessed is)

>> No.5177530

"New Classics" was the name of a movie series run by TNT that included such masterpieces as "Exit Wounds" and "Rain Man." So in a way, sure they exist today.

>> No.5177532

January 23rd, 1874 was a modern day.

>> No.5177694

Yes really

>> No.5177729

this would make a good comedy. have you seen idiocracy?

>> No.5177750

We don't know yet. There might be a masterpiece that didn't get adequate capitalist promotion and it could take fifty or a hundred years before someone "discovers" it and then it becomes hailed by critics everywhere.

>> No.5179114
File: 24 KB, 260x390, 9781440623691_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5179127

This is the truest answer I can think of.

>> No.5179322

Did this ever happen to other books that are considered 'classics' today?

>> No.5179333

Moby Dick immediately comes to mind.

>> No.5179388

also from now on call them contemporary not modern