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File: 62 KB, 621x369, Laurie Penny twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5167071 No.5167071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Amazon allow their authors to game reviews like this?

Apparently people who don't like Laurie Penny's books are now sexist trolls, and she's called on her twitter followers to leave positive reviews, and mark down the critical ones as unhelpful:


>> No.5167076

Anything that helps create buzz is kosher with Amazon, I'm sure.

>> No.5167080

Do you think they don't do this already? Her crybaby antics aside, I expect books by people like her to have bullshit ratings.

>> No.5167100

If you actually go and read the reviews it is obvious that it's just a bunch of boners trying to sink the rating.

Over 50 1 star reviews posted within 24 hours of each other? Sounds totally legit, brah.

>> No.5167103
File: 7 KB, 401x155, typical amazon distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5167119

They should have it to where only confirmed buyers can post reviews. I don't understand this free for all bullshit currently in affect.

>> No.5167173

Wasn't she fucking imploring men to review her book?

>> No.5167179

so has anyone here read the book? link to epub/mobi/pdf?

>> No.5167187


Probably a reaction to her trying to unfairly get positive reviewws.

>> No.5167189

She has? :-/

The interesting thing with people is that we tend to enjoy the best or the worst, because they are more interesting. The worst thing one can be is boring.

Consider Michael Medveds books about bad films. Consider the cult followings of Florence Foster Jenkins and Ed Wood. Even Shock Xpress 2 that takes film serious devoted one article about bad films and a collection of bad short stories. (Science Fiction Stories, or something).

This raid is fairly easy to counter. For every 1-star review, there will be a 5-star. And they are laughable similar. Most are just 1-line placeholders or something.

But check out the 3-star reviews. They really hurt:


>This book seemed to start off well but went downhill towards the end. I thought the first two or three chapters were well written and thought provoking. She discusses her time in hospital with anorexia and talks about self harm and how both males and females are affected deeply by our patriarchal society.

>She then discusses porn and and cybersexism but as I got to this part of the book I began to get bored and felt I couldn't relate to any of it. She discusses her experience of harrassment online which is her personal experience and thats fair enough but it isn't a typical experience for the vast majority of women online. Most women don't have thousands of followers on Twitter. Most women don't receive death threats and bomb scares from hundreds of trolls. Of course this kind of thing happens to high profile feminists online because men are threatened by this kind of thing but we knew that anyway. Nothing new is being learned by any of this. It's just the experience of high profile middle class feminist writers on Twitter.

>Laurie then goes further into detail about her online life and discusses the misogyny among geeks online etc and again I just felt this was her experience but still nothing new to learn or say about misogyny apart from men are misogynists in an online environment just the same as they always have been everywhere else. Well so what?

>I have seen other people review this book as the future of feminism and things like that but as a woman I see nothing to relate to here. Nothing new is being said. I normally enjoy feminist literature but by the end of this book I just felt a bit sad inside. I really wanted to love this but I didn't find it that inspiring I'm afraid.

The only ting that I can object to is that death threats isn't trolling.

P.S. 1 and 5 cancels each other out to 3. Because (5+1)/2=3

>> No.5167205



>Laurie Penny is a well known sexist internet troll who dresses up as a woman and writes garbage to discredit feminism. Two stars because he's at least dedicated to the facade.

>> No.5167210


>Negative reviews begin July 20th

>Laurie Penny tweets on July 20th that trolls are sinking the rating for her book

Which caused which? I wonder. What makes more sense to you?

>> No.5167876

Can anyone think of a writer who would react like this to such obvious shitposting/trolling?

Imagine if Tao's work was bombed to one star. Would he care? Or would he just say that it was "funny, or something" in an interview and not care that much?

Laurie obviously doesn't trust her readers' ability, or the ability of the "super nerds!" on the internet she admires so much, to be able to tell this is a prank.

Narcissistic, hollow champagne slurper

>> No.5167884

>"Clearly, this book, and the fact that I’ve written it, is making some bedroom misogynists incredibly angry. Somewhat ironic, given that there’s a whole chapter in the book about how structural sexism works online."

>making some bedroom misogynists incredibly angry

>bedroom misogynists


>> No.5167886

Laurie slut pls go.

>> No.5167894

I'm fairly sure she's done this herself for promotion, riding the tired cliche, "all publicity is good publicity."

"Criticism is one thing – and the book has received its fair share of that from writers who think it’s too personal, too politically strident, too left-wing, too queer or too dark, as well as rave reviews from critics who love it for precisely the same reasons. But this is not fair criticism, any more than the men who’ve been sending me death threats for years are merely expressing their opinions.

I am not going to lie back and take this. Here’s how you can help.

-Firstly, you could buy the book! Or pre-order it, if you’re in the USA. I wouldn’t normally ask this so directly, but it’d be fantastic to see this latest bit of sexist sabotage massively backfire. If you’d prefer not to use Amazon, you can support your local independent bookshop here." -- Laurie penny

Come on tumblr womyn, lets smash the patriarchy. We can do this together; we can end misogyny. All you have to do is buy my book.

>> No.5167903

Surely the IPs are traceable, no?

That's how they nabbed Johann Hari after he edited his own wikipedia in a good light and attacked other peoples' pages

Also on amazon can't you keep changing your public name and post multiple reviews?

Either way I'm pretty sure you need to have bought stuff on there to post a comment.

And yeah that final line sums it up.

Laurie is a unique, independent person when she wants to be, and a representative of womyn everywhere when she needs to be. Criticize her as a person she says you're criticizing all women, criticize another woman and she becomes representative of that, and all other women. I trust that people won't suffer this fool for too long. She's already been caught faking quotes and misrepresenting her interviewees, calling a male Occupy organizer a c**t and so on. SHe'll slip up again

>> No.5167918
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>David Starkey

>> No.5167919
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The reviews make good points about Laurie and in general the delusion of feminists.

Penny got REKT and is blaming sexism, typical.

>> No.5167921

>terrier yap
the sassiest gay conservative

>> No.5167925

>like a skittish celebrity memoir with no celebrity attached.

Hah! If it wasn't for /lit/, I wouldn't even know who this stupid bint is. It's sort of impressive how insatiable /lit/'s appetite is for pop schlock garbage and the Almost-Famous crew.

>> No.5167927

iF you look through the 5 star reviews, most accounts have been set up recently with Laurie's review as their sole post

Hmm, something fishy's going on methinks

>> No.5167929
File: 36 KB, 550x364, 1364693584476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Well, it’s been quite a weekend. In the past 24 hours, I have been subjected to a stream of vile sexist and anti-semitic abuse on Twitter and elsewhere. This has become a normal part of my life as a person who dares to write in public whilst being both female and left-wing, but this weekend it’s been particularly full on. Rape fantasies and pictures of dead children were coming faster than I could block individual users. In the end I had to step away from the internet, which was a pain because I need the internet to work.

Today, they moved in on my book, ‘Unspeakable Things’, which was released two weeks ago. On the 20th July, a racist, misogynist Twitter account going by the moniker ‘@TurboHolborn’ posted a link to the customer review page of ‘Unspeakable Things,’ with the instruction ‘let the trolling commence’. Subsequently, over 20 one-star reviews full of vile sexist and scatological language were posted on the UK page of ‘Unspeakable Things’, almost all of them from users who had reviewed nothing else. I’ve taken screenshots. Amazon ratings really do matter to the publishing industry, and this is an obvious attempt at sabotage. Clearly, this book, and the fact that I’ve written it, is making some bedroom misogynists incredibly angry."

>> No.5167932

Follow up:

Those who have bought the book have a "Verified purchase" next to their name. At the moment it's like one in every 30 accounts

>> No.5167933

>dead children were coming faster than I could.
>In the end I had to step away from the internet.

>> No.5167935

Explaining what Jon-Jon Goulian is -- to himself, to his parents, to us -- is the animating force behind The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt. Do we care? That's the hard call. Mr. Goulian has written a talky book with a terrier yap, one that reads like a skittish celebrity memoir with no celebrity attached. It's a shallow, callow thing. If you dropped a penny into its well, you'd hear it click and rattle at the bottom.

>> No.5167936


>hey guys rate my book highly on amazon for no reason
>bawww muh soggy knee

>> No.5167954
File: 72 KB, 537x399, pls no cyberbully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the end I had to step away from the internet

Is there someone out there with a gun to laurie penny's head forcing her to read every message that is tweeted at her? Who actually gives a shit about people's opinions especially when you are never going to meet them.

>> No.5167958

Based Starkey

>> No.5168002

Oh Laurie, you publicly educated middle class champaign socialist - do love to hate you...
The worst thing is the only way I can find to talk about Penny and her work is to employ sexist rhetoric - shrill, nagging, shrewish etc. By being so affected and tedious she really is a traitor to her own cause. Feminists give feminism a bad name. And I consider myself a feminist, or an equalist, if that's a thing.

>> No.5168007

You have to admit self-victimizing "feminists" and internet trolls have a nice symbiotic relationship going.

>> No.5168020

That strikes me as a legit review, yet it's been removed.

>> No.5168023

Umm no, it's not "legitimate"

It's another troll

>> No.5168049

It at least indicates a familiarity with the book's contents. There are less substantial reviews than that up for basically any other book you search for on Amazon.

If the one star reviews are being removed then I hope the five star reviews are too. Both sides are guilty of the same thing here.

>> No.5168056


>> No.5168074

>Doesn't agree with my view of the book.

>> No.5168082

>That strikes me as a legit review, yet it's been removed.

It hasn't been removed. Here is David Starkey's profile. His review of Laurie Penny's book is still there, with his other three reviews.


>> No.5168084

Wow that's pathetic

>> No.5168097

Most of the one star reviews actually seem more substantive than the five stars reviews.

Essentially it seems as though feminists love the book and non-feminists hate it, basically rendering its whole publication a pointless and onanistic exercise of preaching to the choir. No one is being challenged, just using the book as an occasion to rally around their preconceived ideas.

>> No.5168173

I did see one 3 or 4 star review earlier that was clearly from a real person, even a fan, and it was pretty scathing.

Something about it reading like a series of half-assed essays and petering out halfway through. Similar to this >>5167189

>> No.5168199

stop giving this cunt attention. that's all she wants.

>> No.5168213

Step 1: write shitty book
Step 2: pretend to be two-spirited transvestite midget jew
Step 3: antagonize a dozen 4chan trolls into a reaction
Step 4: oy vey anudda shoah!! 10 articles about how you are being oppressed by patriarchy trained Ben Garrison squads of murdering neo-nazis

>> No.5168290

Feminists are whiny cunts that can't stand any form of criticism.

So I unno why there is such a surprise here, we all know this bitch is a psychopath like the rest of them. Nothing different.

>> No.5168296
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>>Negative reviews begin July 20th
>>Laurie Penny tweets on July 20th that trolls are sinking the rating for her book
>Which caused which? I wonder.


>> No.5168300

>stop giving this cunt attention.
Fuck you, Captain Privilege, Laurie Penny is the queen of /lit//

>> No.5168327
File: 16 KB, 409x160, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you actually go and read the reviews it is obvious that it's just a bunch of boners trying to sink the rating.

You'd draw the same conclusion if you checked the positive ones with the same rigor.

Go and click on a few names: a handful have reviewed other books, but most of them have only ever reviewed Laurie's with their glowing five-star praise.

That, plus the fact that the five-stars keep magically growing to match the one-stars (it was 47-47 yesterday, then >>5167103 and now this), clearly indicates Laurie has her own private sockpuppet army.

>> No.5168345
File: 26 KB, 720x404, tommy-wiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is a valuable new synthesis of the left and will define it for decades to come. Out with the old, in with the new. Together with fellow academic elite philosophers like Suey Park she sets the tone and develops the new core theology of leftism.

>> No.5168348

Read the article she wrote:

She asks her little feminist army to help:
>Here’s how you can help.
>-Firstly, you could buy the book! Or pre-order it, if you’re in the USA. I wouldn’t normally ask this so directly, but it’d be fantastic to see this latest bit of sexist sabotage massively backfire.
>-If you’ve read and enjoyed the book, please post a good review – every little helps.
>-If you haven’t, you can downvote the poor comments – or you can share this post. It’d be useful for the publishing industry to understand exactly what women writers are up against right now.

>> No.5168350
File: 4 KB, 147x126, Emperor-Palpatine-300x217-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's nothing you can do about it.

They are the empresses, whoever resists become racist nazi social pariahs for life.

>> No.5168355
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> It’d be useful for the publishing industry to understand exactly what women writers are up against right now.

>> No.5168361
File: 379 KB, 650x823, nicolas_cage_2011_cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’d be useful for the publishing industry to understand exactly what women writers are up against right now.

Fifty one star reviews

This is the Kristallnacht of feminism.

>> No.5168393

> but it’d be fantastic to see you idiots giving me even more money
FTFY Laurie

>> No.5168566

>I did see one 3 or 4 star review earlier that was clearly from a real person, even a fan, and it was pretty scathing.

True, true.

And btw, shall we send postcars to her literary agent and just call out on the bullshit?

>> No.5168582



>> No.5168592

>waaa, people don't like my book--must be because I'm a woman!

I actually am impressed, because this excuse could be a total comfort when anyone critiques anything you do. It's applicable to everything.

>oh, I didn't get the job? IT'S BECAUSE I'M A WOMAN

>my book gets bad reviews, because MEN ARE TRYING TO SUPPRESS ME!

Anything to keep yourself from coming to terms with the fact that you simply don't have talent enough to write a good book.

>> No.5168600
File: 245 KB, 501x322, postcards_top_right_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, postcards.

Just a simple postcard where we are civil and just call out the bullshit.

>> No.5168607

>Sexist troll are trying to sabotage my feminist book.

Is troll singular? As in, there is one troll sabotaging her feminist book? hmmm. Her use of 'are' would imply the plural, but as she has an English degree from Oxford and writes for some major tabloids, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps "sexist troll" is the name of a Norwegian metal band; would that make sense? "[the Norwegian metal band] Sexist Troll are trying to sabotage my feminist book?"

>> No.5168608

>Back: Your author Laurie penny is a second rate essayist who dispels all criticisms with accusations...

>> No.5168619

>Thinking of you
>Love, Anon

>> No.5168646
File: 44 KB, 500x739, 3753395886_a590c5578c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly! :3

Her agent is Juliet Pickering at Blake Friedmann, UK.

And remember. Be polite and be civil. We are going to send Pickering postcards, plain and simple.

>> No.5168650

>waaa, people don't like my book--must be because I'm a woman!

The same reason everyone hates The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, 50 Shades, Twilight, and Divergent-- OH WAIT everyone fucking loves that crap despite being written by women who are braindead

>> No.5168656

The difference is that Collins, Rowling, James, Meyer and Roth doesn't ride the waahmbulance.

Because that is not part of their persona. They just do two things: 1) Write book 2) Count money.

>> No.5168666

I like some of those books because the female authors keep their fucking mouths shut about real issues, and focus on entertaining me with a fantasy story.

>> No.5168683

Shut it Starkey you club-footed bum bandit. Sexist troll is clearly just a typographical error of a missing 's' borne by annoyance and frustration at the patriarchy. If you weren't such a waspish prick getting your thrill from your pathetic little stings you might be able to offer some relevant critique of her work. For instance the elision in the second sentence which suggests she is asking people to help her troll sexistly. Checking the grammar of tweets seems at about your level.

>> No.5168692

Penny's career is literally her saying what's wrong with everybody else. Should anybody be surprised she can't take criticism herself?

>> No.5168694

we /b/ now

>> No.5168702

Therefore we shouldn't critizise her, but rather criticize the one who is pandering her.

>> No.5168715

>Penny's career is literally her saying what's wrong with everybody else
*Penny's career is literally her writing about what's wrong with everybody else, deliberately antagonizing everyone else, and getting paid a huge sum of money to do it.

This thread is basically just fanning the flames, and will ultimately translate into a few more coins for her.

>> No.5168718

Artists with unlikable personalities get their works unrightfully (and rightfully) shat on all the time. Do you know how many iTunes reviews of Yeezus were just "man Kanye you an asshole"? It's just part of being an artist.

>> No.5168720

Does anyone else want to lick honey out of her sweaty ass crack?

>> No.5168728

But, if we send her literary agent postcards where we call out this humbug, Penny will be unable to earn coins from that.

>> No.5168731

I admire your continued attempts to make me think of Laurie Penny sexually, /lit/, but Laurie shot any chance of that happening down by tweeting that she's only started exercising for the first time in her entire life this year. The woman is literally a pile of blubber.

>> No.5168739

Lennart please, stop it with the postcards already.

>> No.5168754

Why do you want to further her persecution complex?


You want to be responsible for more headline news that she can wallow in?

>> No.5168779


>over 50 5star reviews within 24 hours?
>sounds totally legit, brah

>> No.5168806
File: 24 KB, 395x311, jake1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you all care so much my god

she has no real power
she has no real influence
she's not even very bright

>> No.5168835

I don't even like the slag, but this spew coming from one of the worst tripfags on /lit/ is damn rich.

>> No.5168868

It's just lads having a laugh at the expense of people taking themselves very seriously.

>> No.5168920

>Why do you want to further her persecution complex?
If we are civil and to the point, it would be very hard to feed the fire of her persecution complex. It would be like making a fire with wet phone books - possible but hard.

>> No.5168928

big words from a nameless coward
her ridiculousness is good bant, but she's a bit of a loser. doesn't deserve 24 hour threads imo.

>> No.5168947
File: 2.00 MB, 447x402, 1369105384535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, it's you

>> No.5168954

>Sales up 2432% on Amazon.co.uk

That'll show her.

>> No.5168955

First rule of the internet: if you're ruffleable, you gonna get ruffled

It's like an instinct.

>> No.5169401

/pol/ wrote that because I mentioned there were almost no 2-star reviews.
I love /pol/ sometimes.

>> No.5169405

>Until this men were just being polite and not saying anything
>She literally is asking for it
Does it count as rape if she LITERALLY asks for it?

>> No.5169426

This is the sort of thing that happens when you train a whole class of people that the only criticism they receive is due to the other person's "irrational hatred" and that criticism, even scathing criticism, cannot be legitimate. This whole "men only disregard your words because men are sexist" attitude is taken too far.

Laurie Penny is a hack and a drama queen. The fact that she's so popular in the feminist movement abductly harms the feminist movement.

>> No.5169432

Good /b/oard! Here's your shekels.

>> No.5169458
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>> No.5169464

>Book zooms up in sales

Just according to Keikaku.

Well, personally I really want to hear more about how much of a slut Penny is. I hope someone posts extracts from it.

>> No.5169465

>taking amazon reviews serious in the first place

they are only useful for information concerning format e.g. quality of paper, font size, editing etc.

>> No.5169466

Cross promotional buzz is a sweet temptress, eh?

>> No.5169468

>best revenge

You mean the revenge that Penny probably orchestrated?

>> No.5169469

boy you know, if I were Laurie Penny I would love all the attention my books got on here, any publicity is good, after all.


>> No.5169471

Anyone else honestly hope she is tremendously successful for being so fucking boring?

She slapped together ten whiny undergraduate blogpost essays about being called a fat slut on the internet and people are calling her a hero. Feminism neuters another potentially productive person's potential by rewarding them for merely existing.

>> No.5169486

Why would any self-respecting intellectual use twitter in the first place? I mean look at Dawkins. Regardless of his views, he ccan write well, but on twitter he's no different from edgy teenagers.

>> No.5169491

No, I'm more interested in the lesbian stuff. Or anal, whatever really she has nothing of an value whatsoever to contribute towards anything except perhaps suffering from anorexia and treatments for it (even if she just blames the patriarchy for it, at least she has experience that might prove helpful towards other people suffering from that condition).

>> No.5169505
File: 62 KB, 741x288, le crush faec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Penny is the voice of a generation, and the generation uses twitter, therefore Penny must use twitter, just like she must dye her hair red, because she is hip and with the times like them young folk.

>> No.5169518
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>> No.5169524

Is there any particular reason you named your image similarly to my name?

>> No.5169532

>too left-wing

But she's insufficiently left-wing.

>> No.5169544

Amazon ratings are bullshit. Niggers rate every single book they read five stars (or, if they didn't finish it / like it, one star). Do people seriously consume media in such a mindless manner? Everything they read is either flawless or irredeemable?

>> No.5169555

That's why we need to spam two star scathing reviews, that end with "on the plus side, it burned well"

>> No.5169557

Flawless post. Five stars.

>> No.5169562

Are tripfags really this egocentric?
You derived your own fucking name from seeing 'le ___ faec' and when you see 'le crush faec' you think it's directed towards your name and not the broader thing? Holy fuck

>> No.5169564
File: 993 KB, 250x250, fdiv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers rate every single book they read

>> No.5169572

>Are tripfags really this egocentric?
If they weren't, would they be using a tripcode?

>> No.5169575

If whoever was behind the Penny Barrage this time is reading this thread, I have some advice: next time, spam her with three-star reviews. Anyone complaining about a conspiracy to make them look average would just look silly.

>> No.5169576

Is spelling faec as such a thing? I may have done that unintentionally, but I wasn't conscious of anything besides "le" being a thing.

>> No.5169588

Of course I'm egocentric, but at least I don't appeal to asinine, inhuman standards and "objective" conversation about inane topics.

>> No.5169614

>I wasn't conscious
If tripfags had self-awareness, would they be using a tripcode?

>> No.5169626

Tripfags are the only thing about 4chan that vividly remind me of vbulletin forums in the early 2000s

So fucking bad

>> No.5169632

Are you even human?

>> No.5169635

>muh superiority in self consciousness

yeah, and being so conscious that you're a social cripple is better?

Anonymous posters are the worst part of 4chan; they can say deeply retarded things and contradict themselves without a lick of accountability. Do it for too long, and they forget their own faults and develop an increasing condescension that they rain down over everyone else because they've forgotten who they are.

>> No.5169640

Yes, I am human.

>> No.5169646

>if I play up the TRIPFAG RESPONDING TO EVERYONE AND BEING IRONICALLY SELF-CENTERED gimmick people will forget I'm literally retarded


>> No.5169656

>yeah, and being so conscious that you're a social cripple is better?
Indeed (:

>Anonymous posters are the worst part of 4chan
What's the best part of 4chan?
I can't think of anything that you couldn't have on facebook with non-anonymous posters.

>> No.5169660

>Feminism neuters another potentially productive person's potential by rewarding them for merely existing.
Is that a bad thing?

>> No.5169677

Look, here's another example of the "complete devoid of all content except for scathing criticism" type of post that so many posters love. Why don't you prefer to make an actual statement? Does using your brain to articulate a cogent sentence really stress you that much?

>What's the best part of 4chan?
The ability to discuss areas of interest without pandering

>> No.5169684
File: 435 KB, 1307x900, 0yUppA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous posters are the worst part of 4chan

Confirmed for Laurie Penny sockpuppet

>> No.5169696

Feels good knowing I was in that thread.

>> No.5169697


Wait, she's a jew?

>> No.5169710
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>> No.5169711

That's something I've been wondering about for a while. Penny says she's of "Jewish, Irish and Maltese descent"

But she also says:

>I don't have any #leftyancestors that I know about, but trying to change the world anyway, because someday I want to be one.

Penny, a British citizen, says her family tree is 100% made up of people who suffered under British rule, but not one of them were left-leaning. Is Laurie Penny's famliy tree made up entirely of traitorous collaborators and Uncle Toms?

>> No.5169718

She's of Jewish, Maltese, and Irish descent I believe.

Her farther is the Jew though, so it barely counts and she seems pretty unjewish anyway. It wouldn't jive with her 'woman of the poor people' thing though.

>> No.5169735

are there nudes of her??
pls yes pls

>> No.5169747

She's fairly short, very underdeveloped (probably part of the reason she acts the way she does), and no doubt quite flabby.

But if you like flat chested flabby midget porn, then I'm *so* sorry but there aren't nudes of her. Yet.

You'd think with all the men and women she sleeps with one would have gotten some pics but no, apparently there's one thing she's got on Lizzy Vaid.

>> No.5169748
File: 37 KB, 579x292, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, what the fuck is this. Has anyone, ever, been asked out of the blue whether they were Maltese? How many people in fucking Brussels think of Maltese people as looking distinct from everyone else? How many people in the world, period, think of the Maltese people as a distinct ethnic group? I refuse to believe people walk up to this woman and ask her if she belongs to a tiny Southern European ethnic group without being prompted to.

>> No.5169749

>The ability to discuss areas of interest without pandering
Why can't you do that on facebook?

>> No.5169766
File: 98 KB, 1820x848, ruse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on her amazon page...

>> No.5169771
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>> No.5169782
File: 95 KB, 510x348, 2014_27laurie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But if you like flat chested flabby midget porn

Flabby midget maybe, but...

>> No.5169783

>nameless coward
>anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard

Tripfags, everybody!

>> No.5169787

Fuck you, that's why.

>> No.5169790

she would be my favourite little midget

>> No.5169800
File: 34 KB, 300x450, wee-man-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her beeing seduced by this crafty lil´ fella

>> No.5169808


>that fucking tattoo
>that fucking haircut
>that fucking hair dye

The woman is built of edges and angst. Will she ever grow up and become a respectable person?

>> No.5169833

What you have to appreciate are the proportions, they may loot like a handful on her from that photo but considering that she's quite small even smaller breasts will look slightly larger, relative to her body, whilst still being tiny in terms of actual breast sizes.

Having said that she may not be as flat chested as I though and on top of there's actually nothing wrong with having small breasts (the opposite in some cases).

I'd still sleep with her, I bet she's a submissive little minx in bed and therefore I think sex with her would be great. I just don't think she's very attractive.

>> No.5169853

>Laurie Penny Viral Advertising
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>> No.5169877

>wanting her to be submissave
>not wanting to be having casual sex
>not wanting to suddenly say "bitch make me a sandwich"
>not wanting to enrage her feminist wrath mid sex
>not wanting her to knee you hard in the balls, your only male weakness
>not wanting her to proceed to spit into your mouth and force you to lick out her unwashed, unshaven pussy
>not wanting her to piss in your mouth in a desperate attempt to humiliate and degrade you for being male
>not wanting to bow to her superiority and become her slave and servant


>> No.5169900

Sage doesn't work any more nigga, moot disbanded it.

What can men do against such viral marketing now?

>> No.5169906

Literally ignoring Penny is the absolute best way to handle her.

>> No.5169914

is she trying to appeal to the bull dyke demograph?

>> No.5169916

Sage still works, you dummy, it just isn't visible so you faggots aren't allowed to attention whore with it.

>> No.5169943

>she has no real influence
>she's not even very bright

Neither were the heralds that shouted messages and news from the monarchy. Yet the heralds were were a part of a system that had influence over the clueless subjects of the throne. Just replace the herald with Laurie, the monarchy with dumb feminists and the clueless with bandwagon retards who can't form a coherent thought for themselves.

>> No.5169953

Her bristling at the slightest criticism used to be funny but now this is just ridiculous. How is this anything other than being coddled? Admittedly there are some nearly incoherent/purely vitriolic reviews seemingly thrown in for yucks, but otherwise is mostly people citing an inconsistent, lazily-written book.

>Imagine if Tao's work was bombed to one star. Would he care? Or would he just say that it was "funny, or something" in an interview and not care that much?

He would tweet "I feel out of control" but otherwise do exactly as you said.

>> No.5169968
File: 91 KB, 510x720, 189566_10151130556104628_341932692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this is only tangentially related, but what does /lit/ think of Caitlin Moran?

>> No.5169979

I guess the problem is that if its documented enough, and in a large enough wave, it might be the only thing people see if they Google the person, which could get annoying.

Private citizens out of the limelight have fuck all to worry about though, so I don't really know how cyberbullying actually kills people no one gave a fuck about to begin with.

>> No.5169980
File: 27 KB, 574x595, taolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5169987

Report the thread as spam/viral advertising
You know moot doesn't like people posting ads here.

>> No.5169995
File: 16 KB, 578x309, taolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually going to read Taipei specifically because of these tweets

>> No.5169996

i like her. i actually like most feminist commentators, it's only penny that really annoys me

>> No.5169999

>iTunes reviews

Are you from 2008?

>> No.5170004

Good banter tho

>> No.5170013

Made my night

>> No.5170022

>Novel titled "My Novel"


>> No.5170028

she's just flaunting her ethnicity for book sales dude

>> No.5170035


i imagine her body looks like peter dinklage naked, all weirdly proportioned and stocky

i would call her penny dinklage until she pinned me and smushed my face into her pancake titties

>> No.5170039

Are you laughing because he spoiled the ending?

>> No.5170146

>yfw that's actually what the book is about and that guy's the only one who read it

>> No.5170175
File: 39 KB, 589x239, requiem for a chubby dwarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So brave

>> No.5170201