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File: 135 KB, 604x1020, God Emperor of Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5165754 No.5165754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book in the Dune series, /lit/? Mine would have to be "God Emperor."

>> No.5166944

while I have only read up to children of dune, and I'm about to read god emperor, I'd have to say out of the first three children of dune is my favourite

>> No.5166948

is that a dick on the cover

>> No.5166955

It's Leto Atreides II, fused with a bunch of sandtrout

>> No.5166956

Probably Children of Dune. But closely followed by (if not tied with) the original Dune.

The second half of Children was excellent. Leto surviving in the desert, then gaining his crazy super human sandtrout powers and doing crazy shit with it. It was a fantastic ride.

>> No.5166958

the plot of god emperor is the only reason i even wanted to read dune at all. i recently started the first book. what do people think of the prose?

>> No.5166966
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Children of Dune has such a good ending. I'm halfway through God Emperor right now and I might end up siding with OP. The original has held fast as my favourite up until now but Leto II in God Emperor is one of the most fascinating fictional characters I've ever come across. He alone might make it worth changing my favourite.

>> No.5166969

nah that's a giant dick bro. look at it.

>> No.5166988
File: 544 KB, 1100x1178, 1405913620511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be stupid.

>> No.5166999 [DELETED] 

Oh my god

>> No.5167009
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>> No.5167022
File: 904 KB, 427x240, Wha-eEEEW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have put a spoiler on that.

>> No.5167029

Not really, it's a dog. Now fuck off.

>> No.5167032
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>> No.5168092
File: 24 KB, 675x458, baron_harkonnen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messiah. It took all the problems I had with the first book and turned them on their heads, revealing that Herbert knew what he was doing all along.

>> No.5168297

I only read the first, but I don't think I'll ever read the others. Duncan Idaho clones and fusing with sandworms sound too stupid for me.

>> No.5168433

You're missing out.

>> No.5168536

>Believing the Ixian rumors

>> No.5168620

This. I'd say the first was easily the most well crafted of the lot, and being new made Arrakis and the Sand Worms such a wonder to imagine. But it's also probably the least interesting (for want of a better word).

Duncan and Leto II are also my two favourite characters in the entire series too.

>> No.5168638

I think it's great - especially the dialogue between Leto II and others. Everything he says is ripe with meaningful thoughts and contradictions (but not at all in a bad, obscure way). He's a really compelling character.

>> No.5168649

He has a great sense of humour too.

>> No.5168654

Yeah, definitely.

>> No.5168723

I agree with this. In fact, Heretics and Chapterhouse get even more "interesting" in my opinion (the Scattering, Honored Matres, Gammu, etc.). However, since all of these events are so obviously tied Leto II's reign, I think I still like God Emperor better - it makes it even more pivotal.

>> No.5169053
File: 75 KB, 792x759, dune_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no God-Emperor

>> No.5169066

>nose plugs
>mouth uncovered
In God Emperor the Worm specifically states leaving the stillsuit's mouth flap open is a great way to lose fucktons of water by the hour.

Filthy powindah, do you even Guldur?

>> No.5169115
File: 329 KB, 685x910, Dune_Fremen_Sietch_Leader_MarkMolnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Freman ways are long since forgotten.

>> No.5169166
File: 144 KB, 750x584, 1400797203238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend didn't like God Emperor, she said I worship Leto II because I'm a nazi homphobic mysoginistic.
I'm fascist btw

>> No.5169353

Tleilaxu please go

>> No.5169433
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>> No.5169475

Leto II's doctrine is not fascism, it's militant Transhumanism.

>> No.5170591

Is the giant supposed to be Stilgar?

>> No.5170850

My guess is (from left) Stilgar, Paul, Chani, Alia, Jessica

>> No.5172607
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More pics

>> No.5172631
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>> No.5172759

Oh Shai-Hulud that Baron Harkonnen

>> No.5172773

I really like this style - makes me wonder if Dune would work better as an animated series than a live-action movie.

>> No.5172781
File: 475 KB, 600x900, -1 strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The premise always sounded a bit crap to me. Is the book worth it?

>> No.5172793

Yes, the whole series by Frank Herbert is worth it.

>> No.5172804

Dune is patrician sci-fi.

>> No.5172805

What about the premise don't you like?

>> No.5172835
File: 432 KB, 612x499, dune_japanese_covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe even an anime?

>> No.5172838
File: 1.16 MB, 276x162, allthebitches.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, then thanks.

Worm people and something called "the spice". Mostly just superficial reasons.

>> No.5172879
File: 83 KB, 492x700, 1400130329848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think Dune is best fitted for anime, for two main reason.

1. It doesn't work in live action, animation in general is the best option. The trippy/crazy sci-fi stuff would look much more natural in animation than in CGI mixed with live action. Anime tends to make inner monologues feel much more natural than live action does, for whatever reason.
2. Anime has more freedom than western animation in terms of subject matter. Censorship laws and constant morality bullshit would likely make them have to PG it the fuck up in Murrica. But Japan can get as bloody and adult as it needs to without worry, so long as it doesn't have dicks. Plus America has that cultural stigma that animation is for kids.

Give Production I.G. or Madhouse a massive budget to make a lengthy OVA series accurately covering all six Dune novels at 45-minutes and episode with a monthly release schedule. It would usher in a new era of anime and be hailed as one of the greatest work of animation of all time. My director choice would probably be either Kamiyama or Oshii. And give Yokko Kanno a synthesizer and some weird middle eastern instruments, tell her to go crazy. There's the soundtrack.

>> No.5172905

There's no Dune series.

Just a standalone novel and Herbert milking the cow after it.

>> No.5172907

You're an idiot if you don't think books 1-6 are great. Everything after that is a complete piece of shit though.

>> No.5172925

This is bait. Don't feed the troll.

>> No.5172929

Yes, I would say that the original Dune can indeed stand alone. But, it seems like that from early on, he had a much grander vision of his universe, which he expands into (with subtlety) as the series continues.

>> No.5172941

sounds like you're spacing guild

>> No.5172949
File: 87 KB, 550x1001, 894_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry pal, but missing out on Leto II makes reading Dune at all pretty pointless.
I assume you've only read the first, or never read the first, and are just parroting the opinions of others though.

>> No.5172999

>It doesn't work in live action, animation in general is the best option. The trippy/crazy sci-fi stuff would look much more natural in animation than in CGI mixed with live action. Anime tends to make inner monologues feel much more natural than live action does, for whatever reason.

>Censorship of sex
Do you think Heretics and Chapterhouse could effectively be made into an anime? Serious question - human sexuality does actually become an important part of the series (starting with God Emperor). For example, I don't think the Honored Matres would be as effective of an antagonist if they were censored.

>> No.5173025

OVAs can circumvent the TV censorship laws, nipples and sex is totally fair game. It might even manage dick and pussy if it's not being too graphic, porno- or otherwise.

Japan just has an aversion to cartoon genitals that usually a small black line over the penis tip will fix.

>> No.5173236

Dune Messiah

>> No.5173267

I'm going to say the first one. Sure, I liked both Messiah and Children, God-Emperor was interesting and the last two were great. But they didn't grab my mind like Dune itself. It's probably just nostalgia glasses talking, I think, but still.

>> No.5173416

ask this stupid cow how can Leto be homohobic and misogynistic nazi, when
>the religious and military bedrock of his state is an army of women
>he and his nigga Moneo are the hugest feminists in the universe, Leto suggests in all seriousness that only women can 'mature', and lead humanity to 'maturity' as well
>Moneo literally kicks Duncan's ass for anti-gay remarks
>Leto keeps resurrecting this nigga Duncan despite him repeatedly trying to kill him, and Duncan is anything but white
>Leto falls in love with and marries a black woman

>> No.5173445

ugh that art... why copy all from a godawful Lynch movie? It did have some good design choices as its few redeeming qualities, but why not try to come up with own ideas? Well, judging by the style the manga is pretty old and perhaps mangakas weren't as visially imaginative back then.

>> No.5173475

Hwi was supposed to be black? I always imagined most of the people of the Dune universe to be of "mixed" race - except maybe the Jews.

>> No.5173535

it's explicitly told she's very dark skinned. Though I agree that modern races have perhaps long ceased to exist or transformed into something new when the events take place.
Another reason why animation would be better.
Who do you think are Jews in the Dune universe btw? I sometimes think Fremen are Jews, because they resemble ancient Jews from the Old Testament in some way. But sometimes I think Fremen could be Arabs who left Earth and all those other planets because they were persecuted by Jews

>> No.5173595

Get ready for some spoilers if you haven't read all the books: Jews explicitly play a part in Chapterhouse. They have essentially maintained their lifestyle for thousands of years, and Judaism didn't really merge with other religions like Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity did.

>> No.5173625

Also, yeah - I remember her being mentioned as dark skinned. And new "races" definitely evolved - the guild navigators and Tleilaxu could be considered their own "race" - they are pushing the limits of humanity itself (which is certainly a major theme of the books).

Also, Futars.

>> No.5173663
File: 71 KB, 640x640, DuneCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read past dune messiah. I thought the story was just kinda meh and after the ending of the second book there was no one left i cared about.

>> No.5173680

Keep going - yes, there is a gradual flow of new characters replacing old ones (except Duncan, of course), and no one is bound to like them all. However, I'm sure as you read the later books books, at least some of the new characters will grow on you.

For example (for me, at least), Leto II and Odrade.

>> No.5173711
File: 135 KB, 1200x799, jodorowsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you.

>> No.5173736

2nd biggest hack in film-making.

Obviously the first is Fellini.

>> No.5173761
File: 1.72 MB, 372x262, 1405708488737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Jodorowsky's dune

>> No.5173813

Yes, says me. Jodorowsky's didn't work, it was too much of an undertaking and according to Herbert deviated far from the books.

It would have been an insane clusterfuck of a film that made absolutely no sense, it would have also been glorious. Dune had it's chance at a live action, and it failed miserably.

Sadly Dune has fallen too far into obscurity to get enough attention for a proper adaptation.

>> No.5174416

An anime would suck. There's no decent animators or directors for it.

>> No.5174533

>There's no decent animators or directors for it.
As always you prove that you're retarded.

>> No.5174547


Leto II never really endorses or condon
es male homosexual behavior. in fact many of journal notes references male homosexuality directly to rape and violence when it is not proper satisfied.

>> No.5174550

>Shows taste in animation
>Branded by a weeaboo

>> No.5174551

Please, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5174593

>no decent animators or director