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/lit/ - Literature

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5159213 No.5159213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The idea of a reading group or ''book club'' suggested in an earlier thread seems to have some potential. If not on here, and if you're interested, what would be your preferred means of discussing the books?

>> No.5159243

bump 4 interest

>> No.5159306

I'm not involved in it, but such a thing exists on the /lit/ group on goodreads.

>> No.5159319

I don't think goodreads is really the best format for this, though.

>> No.5159340

Make a thread here.It's the most accessible and therefore more people can discuss.

>> No.5159357

It's been tried dozens of times here already, it never lasts long. Newfags pls go.

>> No.5159374

Book clubs have been tried but most fall through after one or two books due to lack of interest or time etc. I'd suggest trying a weekly short story read and discussion thread. post a direct link to a story so that way it's accessible to everyone and since its less committal than a book, more people might be willing to join in the discussion.

>> No.5159375

anything but goodreads, that shit never works

>> No.5159386

People would find facebook a little too invasive, but what else is there?

>> No.5159393

oh shit, its poke the penguin

>> No.5159399

I suggested doing the short story thing here, but i don't know if you're planning somewhere else

>> No.5159407

what is pok the penguin doing on 4chan!!! this is blwoing my mind!!!!!!!

>> No.5159408

I just think it'd work better if there was a determinate group of people reading the same book, y'know?

>> No.5159413


>> No.5159433

I get the reference.

>> No.5159435

cheers haha

>> No.5159474

I don't get OP's comic. Is there a 2deep4me meaning?

>> No.5159481


>> No.5159485

It's absurdist comedy, along the lines of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot"

>> No.5159549

I wonder what erudite and critically incisive /lit/ tripcode users Feminister, Tallis and Deep&Edgy's thoughts are on the "Pokey the Penguin" comic.

>> No.5159600

Don't lump D&E in with faggots like Feminister pls.

>> No.5159618

Why not? All of the people named have displayed a considerable degree of literary knowledge throughout their posting histories, and I'm interested in their thoughts.

>> No.5159632
File: 19 KB, 260x347, 2940000114063_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever seems interested in discussing puerile trash in an unbiased and academic manner. I always had this idea to book club the most unappealing fetishistically niche, uninspired, or edgy books /lit/ could dig up. I've already got a few to chose from.

>> No.5159640

It would be interesting, sort of like analyzing TV commercials or Michael Bay movies to see what they say about our cultural assumptions and predilections.

>> No.5159718

Make a Skype group, or an IRC channel.

Recruit fucktons of people from all around, because the majority are going to never come back to the chat after the first time they come.

Maybe get people's emails so you can send out reading plans and shit.

>> No.5159967
File: 952 KB, 4486x2128, rh478HC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to take a sociological stance like that and see what we could learn about subcultures and the constitution of the psyches that inhabit them. Pic related, although I wanted to start with the most painful thing I could find that is fiction.

Gay, teen, Christian, furry, self-help, romance bildungsroman, anyone?

>> No.5160018

Its a fyad reference

>> No.5160021

No it's not it's just a comic made by someone there get your facts straight idiot

>> No.5160031

Sorry I called you an idiot

>> No.5160043

If you're interesting oin more Pok the Penguin-related comedy, you can follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pokthepenguin

>> No.5160600

Pok the Penguin.

>> No.5161072


>> No.5162693

>considerable degree of literary knowledge

Are you trying to b8 me again?

>> No.5162897

We don't care what you think of her