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File: 166 KB, 1125x1500, cover-the-lord-of-the-rings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
515405 No.515405 [Reply] [Original]

Best trilogy ever.

>> No.515415

It's sad that fantasy is shit tier

>> No.515424

It's not even a trilogy you fucking retard. It's a hexology

>> No.515430

I'm actually trying to read this right now. Fellowship of the Rings is sitting right next to me as I type this. It's just so fucking boring. "hurp durp hobbit backstory for 70 pages"

>> No.515433


Not THIS one, you faggot nigger.

>> No.515497


It depends on how you look at it you fucking retard, go shallow shit.


Not this one.


Keep reading.



>> No.515502
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>> No.515503

Tolkien did not intend for the books to be divided into three sets of two. That was a publisher's decision. Go ingest some feces

>> No.515523

The problem is that the fantasy genre has advanced tremendously since LotR. If LotR was published now, it probably wouldn't be well received because what a reader expects from a fantasy book has shifted.

>> No.515528
File: 25 KB, 478x468, 1240585895063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.515544


Where do you think their views have shifted?

>> No.515549

Tolkien didn't write LotR for classical literature cocksuckers. I know it sounds tough, when you talk shit about fantasy in front of other highschool maggots, but you are pathetic and i would bet you know it.

>> No.515555


Tolkien himself was a "classical literature cocksucker".

>> No.515557

I didn't know he was faggot.

>> No.515559


>If LotR was published now

I'm having a really hard time imagining this, considering how much influence on fantasy LOTR had

>> No.515560


He and C.S. Lewis used to 69 all the friggin' time. Their students would be sitting in the lecture halls, waiting for them, and they'd be off in a broom closet seeing how long they could go without coming up for air.

>> No.515564

That is not gay, that is just love.

>> No.515567

And what about Narnia? Is it better than LotR?

>> No.515584

Not a trilogy.
And not better, although good.

>> No.515636
File: 38 KB, 396x604, Dicktroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best trilogy ever.
Seriously though, I hate it when people declare their favourite book(s) as the best thing ever.