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File: 52 KB, 579x307, queen of lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5144997 No.5144997 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/?

>> No.5145013

I'd love to see a man take the plunge into her big unspeakable thing and review her woman

>> No.5145025

No one cares, Laurie

>> No.5145028

>Why won't anyone respectable pay attention to my book ;_;

>> No.5145036 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.5145038

it's just embarrassing at this point.

she doesn't bother me, but I hope she stops for her own sake.

>> No.5145049 [DELETED] 

No one is going to put there head on that chopping block.

>> No.5145053 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.5145070

She is so transparent. She wants a man to review it so she can find something to object to and have an excuse to manufacture outrage for publicity.

>> No.5145088

was it really necessary to post this twice

or at all?

>> No.5145092 [DELETED] 

/sp/ is proud they finally came up with something since the adventures of Lel

>> No.5145093
File: 113 KB, 500x375, Toilet-plunging-fl-KEVRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I always make my woman take the plunge.

>> No.5145132

Tumblr has come full circle.

They are now the Internet trolls.

>> No.5145137 [DELETED] 

>He doesn't know about something awful

>> No.5145158

I wonder if feminists ever stop and think "hmm, I MAY be making an ass of myself"

>> No.5145159

Looks staged.
I sure as hell never plunged a loo with water as clean as that.

>> No.5145179

What's SA up to anyway, if anything? I've heard some conflicting stories. Or maybe the stories are not so conflicting, and they have simply undergone metamorphosis from le ebbin troll masterminds to chickenshit PC anti-drama.

>> No.5145195 [DELETED] 

That's what happened with ironically being PC faggots and attracting real ones being the deciding factor

>> No.5145227

Lowtax is addicted to pills and keeps marrying slavegirl chinamen

He let a Triumveryfat of SJWs mod the site for eleven years and they transformed it into a nexus of tumblrsjwreddit shit that is basically the polar opposite of the site a decade ago

Lots of mods them have been doxed and it turns out they did it because they had nothing else to do with their fat lives and had worthless graduate degrees in nothing so they spent all day being insane cat ladies with no friends ruining SomethingAwful by turning into Feminism Help Zone. Also FYAD was licking her big fat snatch the entire time and FYAD has now been Weird Twitter - Joke About Anything (Except Internet Feminism)!! forever

Recently Lowtax said he would do a thing but then he's addicted to pills so he just forgot and nothing happened

The site is now a SJW filled reddit with people who get angry at boobs in video games, one of the biggest tranny havens on the internet, filled with limpwristed leftist Antifa Marxist Shemale Brigade circlejerking that would make revleft cringe, moderated by circlejerking FORUMS CELEBRITY mods stolen from a 1999 anime vbulletin board, and Lowtax is addicted to pills and let's an insane shemale rapist babysit his china toddlers

Honesty and comedy are banned, self-righteous self-loathing is encouraged everywhere, everyone's unconsciously terrified of annoying the latest flavor-of-the-month feminist shemale mod who bans you if you don't upvote their blogposts, goons are still insane but not the funny kind anymore

tldr; mostly just shemales

>> No.5145242

did sp really invent that?

>> No.5145248

Well, that certainly sounds worse than anything I could have imagined. Do we have any screenshots of modern goons in their native environment?

You know what, I'm not sure I even want to see this shit.

I swear to God, the internet is slowly driving people insane.

>> No.5145251

>weird twitter - joke about anything but Internet feminism

Wow. I am a fucking fool. You have no idea how ashamed I feel of myself right non.

>> No.5145264

She's just insecure and knows that the only way she'll get an objective response is from a man. Of course if that response is negative she will do that.

>> No.5145296

I was actually kinda interested in reading this book. But I also don't want to spend money.

Was asking a man to plunge into her unspeakable things supposed to be a joke? If so I like her sense of humor...

I guess I just worry that as a journalists she can't be terribly well philosophically educated. She's probably going to advocate some weak SJW-version of socialism which would have Marx rolling in his grave.

>> No.5145322

I don't think that's a joke anyone but a 4chan user will notice.

More likely, the joke is that reading her work would be frightening for men. Obviously we're all cowards for not throwing our money at her. Damn, I wish I had more courage!

>> No.5145340
File: 23 KB, 547x128, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a book for betas

>> No.5145352

i fucking hate pussies like that guy, why do they think the fact that there squirming awkward betas makes them a feminist

>> No.5145381
File: 61 KB, 631x728, moscaddie_status_488784702049107968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a thesis waiting to be written about these castrated voluntary eunuchs.

>> No.5145400

I wanted her to say mansplaining.

>> No.5145403

I honestly think that a major reason for feminists hating men is that they mostly only interact with emasculated wimps in circlejerk SJW and far left cliques. It is a physically repulsive trait to women no matter what the ideology says about it.

>> No.5145407 [DELETED] 

AYY btfo

>> No.5145416

I don't see a problem with this. The guy made a really obvious point in a really dull way. He deserved to be mocked.

>> No.5145418

i been there; this is truth.

>> No.5145422

Glad I never parted with my :10bux:

>> No.5145425

It's textbook feminism: they criticize traditional masculinity for repressing emotions. Then, when the poor male sucker starts to believe in feminism and lets his emotions flow free, the same feminists that told him to express himself tell him that he's whining and that he should shut up.

A feminist man doesn't actually change in behavior from a non-feminist man. Both are externally stoic and have to keep their mouths shut while women talk, the only difference is tht the feminist hates himself for it.

>> No.5145433
File: 82 KB, 628x701, 1405292337642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a consistent pattern of interaction between the males and females in the SJW and far left communities. Rationalize it up and down, rationalize this one as well. The thing is it's a law of physics in those cliques and it will forever remain disgusting to both males and females on a deep psychological level. It is however amusing to see just how much some of them can squirm before they attempt the first suicide or start to talk about severe depression.

>> No.5145436

No one told him he was whining, someone mocked him for saying something really obvious that everyone already understood. He added nothing to the discussion and didn't even make his non-contribution in an interesting or amusing way.

The fact you see that through the lens of a woman having the AUDACITY to criticize a man demonstrates that your own masculinity is a little fragile.

>> No.5145437

Jesus, that's painful to read. It's worse than Movieblob.

>> No.5145444

Is that you, Laurie? Your hilarious sarcasm doesn't change the fact that MRA is exactly what feminists begged for when they attacked traditional masculinity, and now that they've turned men into castrated MRA posters they treat them even worse than they were before they were infected with feminism.

>> No.5145446
File: 115 KB, 626x893, 1405408058836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying something obvious

Thanks for showing everyone in the thread that feminism really is just plain hatred of masculinity.

You're basically just a klansman of the vagina.

>> No.5145447

What does this have to do with one person mocking another person for saying something dumb and obvious?

>> No.5145450

Hi laurie.

>> No.5145453

the embarrassing thing was the guys pathetic reaction to her taking the piss out of him

>> No.5145456

Dunno about outright hatred. There's just no reason to respect these men when they're being sniveling sycophants all the time. Women must instinctively feel that these people are useless manchildren. Babysitting them is only fun for so long.

>> No.5145458

holy shit, this makes me cringe harder than animal abuse videos

>> No.5145460

>Women must instinctively feel that these people are useless manchildren
That's exactly it.

The ideology demands it, the biology rejects it.

>> No.5145465

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.5145467

It's obvious to anyone with a brain that men have fragile egos, especially when it comes to questions of masculinity, and that they respond to slights with violence (on average). That's basically the entire summary of human history.

>> No.5145468
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>> No.5145476
File: 354 KB, 725x684, 1365857223799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all you plan to do in this thread is invoke the male equivalent of "hysteria"?

How progressive

>> No.5145480
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>> No.5145483

He manages to sound patronising even when publicly chastising himself.

>> No.5145485

What are you talking about? The dude's observation was, "I think masculinity is violent or abusive precisely bc of its fragility". That's self-evidently true. There's no argument for hysteria here, it's a really obvious observation about human nature that has been marked and understood since the dawn of recorded history. Guys don't like to have their manhood challenged, and will come to blows over it. Duh.

So, what's your angle? Do you dispute this? Then by all means, please go to the gym, find the nearest weightlifter, and tell him that he's a pussy-ass faggot. See how it goes for you.

>> No.5145491

Laurie missed the point in any case. The guy is squirming and prostrating himself before his superior, from the beginning to the end. He's a house slave telling his massa how useless his race is and how sorry he is, can he make it up to him somehow?

And secondly, that is not the only problem you have with masculinity. All of masculinity must either be dismantled or appropriated by women. Feminist "men" may not keep any part of it but must instead work to become lesser forms of females, females capable only of feminity. Unless they go trans*, in which case they're allowed to have some masculinity again.

>> No.5145496

>Laurie missed the point in any case. The guy is squirming and prostrating himself before his superior, from the beginning to the end. He's a house slave telling his massa how useless his race is and how sorry he is, can he make it up to him somehow?

And this doesn't deserve mockery? How else should she respond? How else should anyone? His words are like a fart in the wind. Worse than worthless.

>> No.5145498

The only way forward is for people to become assertive, to get jobs and to avoid online echo chambers for a while (both left- and right-wing).

Generation Y men who want to improve themselves will certainly not have time to read Judith Butler and/or sit online all day apologizing to complete strangers.

>> No.5145499

It's funny that in order to "prove" that men have fragile egos, you're posturing like an insecure bodybuilder.

>So, what's your angle? Do you dispute this? Then by all means, please go to the gym, find the nearest weightlifter, and tell him that he's a pussy-ass faggot. See how it goes for you.
>feminists actually believe this is how men think

>> No.5145506

Read >>5145433

You keep missing the point. I don't know if it's intentional or if you just can't see how your slave-master theater appears to the outside because you're so drenched in dogma.

>> No.5145509

What do you think would happen if you did that, and why would it happen?

>> No.5145513

How should she have responded?

>> No.5145515
File: 26 KB, 720x404, tommy-wiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL women's egos aren't fragile. Thank you, /lit/!

>> No.5145519

They are, but in different ways, and with different modes of response to threats.

>> No.5145520

Not the same guy, but I'm pretty sure people in general don't like to be insulted by a complete stranger.

>> No.5145524

what kind of inane argument are you making?

>> No.5145531

Guys, they're both being cringetastic. "bert" sounds like a twelve year old kid. The feminist is being an asshole.

>> No.5145534
File: 7 KB, 225x225, wittg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you talking about? The dude's observation was, "1. The world is everything that is.". That's self-evidently true. There's no argument for formal logic here, it's a really obvious observation about the world that has been marked and understood since the dawn of lion-speak. Worlds don't like to have their existence challenged, and will come to blows over it. Duh.

So, what's your private language? Do you think this is tautological? Then by all means, please go to the ecole superieur normale, find the nearest nietzschean, and tell him that he's a pussy-ass faggot. See how it goes for you.

>> No.5145535

I'm more bothered by how she uses the word 'corroded' with regards to sand.

>> No.5145536

You keep missing it.

These "men" deserve to be mocked until they either end or re-evaluate their lives.

The thing is feminism and far left hugboxes in general dictate the demonstrated sychophant behavior. There is no alternative mode of expression for a CIS person with a penis. Those that make a misstep are crucified and driven out. And at the same time, the biology and psychology of humans are completely against men behaving this way. It awakens a deep disgust and this is cultivated by evolution to protect the woman's bloodline from weak DNA.

Do you disagree with any of this? Then say what it is instead of missing the point.

>> No.5145537

I wasn't even sure if the feminist was being an asshole or if she was legitimately blown away by the insight and happened to have left the capslock key on. Guess I kinda figure most feminists are slightly stupid...

>> No.5145542

Wow, shit, I thought I was the only one who didn't like the choice of word.

>> No.5145545

Masculinity is fragile. It cannot countenance even small challenges. Let's say you see one guy ragging on another guy -- calling him names, etc. -- and the other guy just takes this abuse without fighting back, without shooting back with insults or punches. What do you think of that person? He's a beta, or a pussy, or however you want to put it.

Men are very sensitive toward how others see their masculinity, it affects their social standing, their role in the hierarchy. Hell, the entire language of this very thread has been predicated on how these simps aren't real men because they aren't masculine enough. So this observation, that masculinity is easily wounded, and that men get violent over it, is hardly new and it's hardly disputable. You have 6,000 years of history to argue against if you want to claim it isn't true. I can't believe this is such a controversial claim.

>> No.5145550

I don't think the guy's point is obvious or dull, I found it rather clever; not mind-blowing or life-changing, but clever.
Nevertheless, feminists are ill women and men who talk to feminists (even those who talk "against" them) are ill men, which makes feminists even more ill in return.

Usually these feminists are fascinated by pure potent men, like rappers or fighters.
For example, that "Moscaddie" girl from Twitter just posted a tweet about how cool the rapper Chamillionaire is. But such feminists will always despise the poor and depressive working-class man. Hypocrite "leftists" really.

>> No.5145560

I refuse to believe /lit/ actually gives a fuck about this woman. This has to be viral marketing.

>> No.5145562

Men are just useless toads really. Broken women. We need to reshape them into sensitive souls in touch with their feminine side. This is what soaks our panties.

>> No.5145564

It's cause we're all fucking monkeys, man. Did you watch that new planet of the apes movie? The only reason the monkeys don't fall into violent patriarchal fascism is because the good monkey, "Caesar", manages to be the evil monkey, "Koba", in hand-to-hand combat. But isn't that the way it works in a household too? Doesn't matter if you can beat your dad in an argument if he's bigger than you and your siblings and your mom and can beat the shit out of all of you. Masculinity and social standing are disgusting plagues upon our species. Ironically, however, I support feminism to some degree for that reason alone.

>> No.5145573 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x300, ayy lmao 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sensitive souls in touch with their feminine side
ayy lmao

>> No.5145574

Look, you can tilt at windmills all you want, it doesn't change the simple facts of human nature. The easiest way to get under a man's skin is to suggest he isn't man enough. Men go fucking nuts with anxiety over being man enough.

>> No.5145580

It's probably viral marketing and it's insufferable IMO.
No one cares about that minx, we will never buy her books nor even pirate them, let us discuss in peace...

>> No.5145585

Lel. Never seen anybody fall for that after grade 10

>> No.5145588

Funny how you ask for that specific example, because that's exactly what happened to a friend of mine. Some fat guy walked by and called him a 'fitness homo' and when we saw him afterwards he just looked amused and confused.

>> No.5145589

Masculinity and social standings exist because women are attracted to them.

>> No.5145591

Daily reminder only well-to do white people with blogs are the people complaining about shit this asinine, she probably has never even been punched yet she feels fit to comment on how violent men are.

It's really quite amusing, let's airdrop her in Uganda and see how she feels about rape then.

>> No.5145595

>the other guy just takes this abuse without fighting back, without shooting back with insults or punches. What do you think of that person? He's a beta, or a pussy, or however you want to put it.

but I don't think either of those

>So this observation, that masculinity is easily wounded, and that men get violent over it, is hardly new and it's hardly disputable. You have 6,000 years of history to argue against if you want to claim it isn't true. I can't believe this is such a controversial claim.

because it's a massive generalization

>> No.5145596

Machismo is fragile and must be defended with violence because, like the feminine mystique, it doesn't exist outside the violence it inflicts in its name.

>> No.5145598

>social standing are disgusting plagues upon our species
Feminism and all the related ideologies are more rigidly hierarchical and based on social standing and perceptions than anything else, you mindboggling hypocrite. It replaces a hierarchy where you can socially rise through an endless list of virtues that we all generally find agreeable.

In feminism, men must kowtow to women.
White women must kowtow to WoC.
Straights must... etc.

In the void of this ideology, history only demonstrates this level of kowtowing in feudal hierarchies. Yet even the vassal of the lord was part of a mutually beneficial dynamic.

>> No.5145600

What is the point of what you're saying? This stuff people with half a brain realized going through secondary school.

Nobody is arguing with you - and that you take so seriously this cliche and embarrassingly superficial gender analysis of yours adds to the hilarity of your entire SWPL derived diatribe.

>> No.5145601
File: 560 KB, 1800x2156, O5S5WTp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some fat guy walked by and called him a 'fitness homo'

I didn't know these comics were autobiographical

>> No.5145602

Maybe you should reread the post with your thinking cap on this time around. No one "fell" for anything.

>> No.5145604

Capslock just underlines what is going on. Bert tries to sound like a good yes-man, but he's not zealous and interesting enough so he has to take a turn being used as a punching bag.

The feminist ends up looking like a comic book villain yelling at his oafish cronies.

>> No.5145606

>What do you think of that person? He's a beta, or a pussy, or however you want to put it.
If your ideas about masculinity come from bad action movies, perhaps.

>> No.5145611

I fell for Laurie Penny...

>> No.5145612

in the same way that women lose their shit and go into cat-fights when one calls the other out for being an ugly girl

haven't you ever been to a public highschool?

>> No.5145614

This >>5145588 was meant for you, not the other guy

>> No.5145616

>What is the point of what you're saying? This stuff people with half a brain realized going through secondary school.

That was my fucking point in the first place. What the guy in that screenshot said was obvious. When I pointed this out, people disputed it. Read the thread again, you illiterate moron.

>> No.5145619

>What do you think of that person? He's a beta, or a pussy, or however you want to put it.

More classic feminism: invoke stereotypes under the guise of fighting them. Then, once the person you're talking to has surrendered to those stereotypes (which they were never under the influence of before you convinced him that they were real) you "save" him from those evil stereotypes by validating the insecurities you gave him, and telling him that he doesn't have to conform to those evil patriarchal standards (which he was never trying to conform to before you told him that society wanted him to conform to them)

>> No.5145621

jesus. sage in all fields. be advised, by responding to this thread you are feeding trolls, idiots, or both.

>> No.5145622

That's true and it has nothing to do with the discussion. It's just another obvious truism.

You people are terrible at following a line of conversation.

>> No.5145623

Post-modern culture is a far more level playing field for moving through the hierarchy of social standing and perception than patriarchy could ever be. Might does not make right. If girls were attracted to primitive primate violence as >>5145589 claimed, then I would not be getting laid, QED it is a false assumption. Just because you can't into the modern liberal game doesn't mean no one can rise through the ranks.

>> No.5145626

you're making a generalization on "masculinity" while knowing you're actually discussing a society wide issue with self identity

you're disingenuous

>> No.5145629

You're saying you soak the panties even though you're beta, and that you believe you hold a high social position within feminism despite being a CIS male.

If you're truthful and happy under this delusion then sure, enjoy.

>> No.5145633

>getting laid
That's quite a masculine thing of you to say

>> No.5145634

Let's look at some lines from this very thread:

>There's a thesis waiting to be written about these castrated voluntary eunuchs.
>they've turned men into castrated MRA posters
>There's just no reason to respect these men when they're being sniveling sycophants all the time.
>Feminist "men"

It seems like most people in this thread are fine with dredging up the specter of emasculation.

Besides, you're arguing against a complete strawman. I never said anything about feminism. I'm talking about the claim (well demonstrated in this thread) that a man's masculinity is easily challenged, and that men HATE it when in it is.

>> No.5145638

you are completely a stupid fuck. your entire "point" besides trotting out elementary school gender analyses was that the woman wasn't mocking that guy for simply being a man - even when it's obvious from a 10 second glance at her profile that she disdains "mansplaining" like any other token tumblr feminist in existence. that you have actually taken time to argue the opposite is really quite funny in a moronic way.

>> No.5145643

>If girls were attracted to primitive primate violence as >>5145589 claimed, then I would not be getting laid, QED it is a false assumption. Just because you can't into the modern liberal game doesn't mean no one can rise through the ranks.

You just admitted that modern sexism has nothing to do with patriarchy, mate.

In case you forgot what you wrote:
>Post-modern culture is a far more level playing field for moving through the hierarchy of social standing and perception than patriarchy could ever be. Might does not make right.

PUAs, MRAs, everything that feminists complain about, operate by blogging and mind games. They are what happens when men stop valuing strength, and you just admitted in your post that feminist values, not partiarchal values, are what caused them.

>> No.5145651

> that a man's masculinity is easily challenged, and that men HATE it when in it is.

and everyone is saying "well no shit, but that's only a part of the larger picture" and blah blah post-modernity blah blah anecdotes defying said generalization blah blah

again, you're disingenuous

>> No.5145656
File: 75 KB, 198x252, 543523345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still responding to this thread

>> No.5145660

What do you mean by "strength"

I can hardly believe you'd suggest we should revert to the old standard of whoever can conk the most women over the head and drag them back to his cave, wins. So you must mean metaphorical, "mental" or "emotional" strength, and what is MRA/PUA but a bid to reclaim, project, and take pride in those qualities?

>> No.5145661

Ain't no delusion. I got a job, a girlfriend and I'm getting an education. I also enjoy modern science and technology and the subsequent connection to cultures available through it.
I'm probably a bad feminist but one need only pay lip service to play the game.
Mind games have always existed. Patriarchal analysis of valuing strength can always be undermined ideologically. People also value truth and justice. I believe in both masculinism and feminism and neither, I suppose. But you're ignorant.

>> No.5145667
File: 472 KB, 450x320, ayy lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread who are posting non-ironically

>> No.5145669

I think even the most radical feminist in this thread can agree that the PUA movement is the best thing to ever happen. A strawman come to life

>> No.5145672

>and everyone is saying "well no shit, but that's only a part of the larger picture"

Literally no one has said that. They've been flat out disputing the original claim and trying to deflect it. In fact, there's a lot of people doing precisely the opposite of looking at the larger picture, coming back with this weaksauce, "well myyyyyy friend got insulted one time and didn't do anything!" annecdotes, as if that means anything.

>> No.5145676

>one need only pay lip service to play the game
You aren't a feminist at all. You're a charlatan.

>> No.5145679

Connor and the rest of them proclaim the same happiness. So do scientologists.

Five tweets later the discussion is about how the SSRIs aren't working out.

The fact is you have to grovel, walk on egg shells, defer and concede any argument based on race or sex; you have to live in denial of yourself as a valid and equal human being.

>> No.5145683
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nothing wrong with fucking some whores

>> No.5145686

I am a pussy ass bitch who talks shit about dudes who could beat me up behind their backs like an actual feminist so I'm actually only pretending to pretend. Feeling rused by my postmodernism yet?

>> No.5145690

Not the person you're responding to, but how do you know she was mocking him simply for being a man and not for stating the obvious? You seem overly presumptuous of her motives based on a glance of her profile.

>> No.5145692

See >>5145638

>when it's obvious from a 10 second glance at her profile that she disdains "mansplaining" like any other token tumblr feminist in existence.

>It's a consistent pattern of interaction between the males and females in the SJW and far left communities. Rationalize it up and down, rationalize this one as well. The thing is it's a law of physics in those cliques and it will forever remain disgusting to both males and females on a deep psychological level. It is however amusing to see just how much some of them can squirm before they attempt the first suicide or start to talk about severe depression.

>> No.5145693

I'm not making a normative claim. I'm observing that you aren't a feminist. Not even a bad one.

>> No.5145696

I think you're so deeply mired in irony that it's folded back into itself a become sincerity. A new sincerity, if you will.

>> No.5145701

>by responding to this thread you are feeding trolls, idiots, or both
In which category are you located?

>> No.5145703
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>this thread

>> No.5145704

Although of course you end up becoming yourself.

>> No.5145706
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>normative claim
I'm not the person you were originally talking to, fag.

>> No.5145707

Wait a minute... is that Laurie Penny?

>> No.5145708

Then stay the fuck out of the conversation. It's not like you're adding any value to it.

>> No.5145709

Says the person who generalizes all males as being insecure about their masculinity.
So let's assume that your generalization is correct (which it largely is). Who the fuck cares? You have said absolutely nothing.
Shall we kick some more open doors in?
Grass is green, women get mad when you insult their femininity, people get mad when you insult things that define them.
B-b-ut they were arguing with me.

>> No.5145712

doesn't twitter allow colons, or is twitter just one big colon

>> No.5145714

Masculinism and feminism both presuppose some sexual essentialism -- at least in name if not necessarily in theory. My values are asexual and non-gender binary. Get on my level. You worry about being a man? I worry about being a human. I worry about being at all.

>> No.5145717

If it was a colon it would be removing shit from a system.

>> No.5145718

You're saying exactly what I said, only to me, instead of the rest of the thread.
B-b-but I was arguing with you.

>> No.5145719
File: 95 KB, 461x336, 1353659497879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's not like you're adding any value to it.
>implying this thread isn't just one big bait

>> No.5145720
File: 49 KB, 619x642, monkeysricecold_ srsly, no matter how much you ___' - twitter_com_monkeysricecold_status_486742736465592321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism has become a racist hate ideology over the last 4-5 years, it's way beyond just manhating. I dare you to find a feminist with a significant social presence who doesn't go on these kinds of rants or doesn't who hang out and agree with these people.

>> No.5145723

You have a strange interpretation of feminism. Ever read any bell hooks?

>> No.5145724

>I worry about being a human

Entry level shit. I'm Loki-kin and my values are asexual and non-gender binary. You worry about being a man? You worry about being human? I worry about being a god.

>> No.5145730

Why does the educated upper middle class continue to romanticize the lower class?
Lower class women are among the least empowered and most subjugated, and they aren't even aware of it. The uneducated are consistently uneducated, and as such carry a great deal of uneducated dogma. Yet these are the people the radical left continue to champion as the heroes who should be making the decisions.
Which is not to spit on the underclasses, they make up an important part of any country and are frequently neglected, only wondering why we continue to ask them to seize the nonexistent means of production when they refuse to read Marx because he's a communist, and that's enough reason for them to hate him

>> No.5145731

ITT: mental illness

>> No.5145732
File: 519 KB, 1265x2651, priya alika elias - twitter thewordy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a whole little feminist circlejerk squadron and some choice tweets of theirs that I dug up over the course of 10 minutes. There is, of course, far more.

>> No.5145734

Nope, I'm largely agreeing with what you say, but I'm also saying that it's totally irrelevant and pointless and that you are a sad individual for arguing about it and I'm an even sadder individual for actually responding to your dumb comments.

>> No.5145741


>> No.5145746

>Poorly thought out and quickly typed thesis, you unoriginal insult
This trope shows up far too often for a site that pretends to champion originality

>> No.5145748

This is an underrated post. Strength is not the be all end all value unless you are talking about mental and emotional strength as well. But why would these be purely masculine values? Women often possess mental and emotional strength greater than many men, even if they are also allowed to express more weakness. Insofar as feminism being accepted by men would allow men to show more weakness this should hypothetically be seen as a good thing right? In the process, women can become assimilated into the male struggle to be a man (in a non-sexist way, to be an exemplar of mankind [still sounds sexist, guess I'm just a shitlord]).
Are you a pansexual starseed otherkin? Me too! :)

>> No.5145753
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 1404102634271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorly thought out and quickly typed snark
>witness my aloof superiority over the plebs

>> No.5145758

What you should be saying, is that they are making a debacle of their own viewpoint by attacking people for being a product of the society rather than the society itself.

If the vision of current feminism wasn't ___guilt and trying to fight for female equality by stepping down on men I don't think anyone would really argue against the fact that society pressures the individual into a particular mold.

It's largely driven by vitriol and the biggest voices are the ones that encourage the most blind appeal to pathos, albeit angry and sometimes inane. Who respects anyone being stepped on by anyone else? That's why nobody respects "feminist men", they act like lickspittles.

>> No.5145759

Quantum Electrodynamics is one of the best understood aspects of modern quantum theory.
To call it a false assumption puts you almost a century behind the times

>> No.5145760

>black people hate white sjw
>feminists hate male "feminists"
>working class people hate upper class leftists

why do these people actually bother lol

>> No.5145762

I bet that man would either laugh at you or smash you into the dirt. Either way his masculinity continues intact, regardless of the manner in which he proves it.

>> No.5145768

Identity politics has ruined the left.

>> No.5145769

Eh, these people seem insecure and it manifests through socio-political ideology. Seems like it stems from desirability by the opposite sex. I don't feel threaten although I'm not a white male.

>> No.5145772

adding to that, gender/sexuality shouldn't even be a real factor for disdain for the weak. Eunuchs/homosexuals have rose to forces of power in greek/roman/chinese/etc early histories

>> No.5145773

>Women often possess mental and emotional strength greater than many men
I also like vague weasel platitudes that make me feel good.

>> No.5145774

Quod erat demonstrandum. Are you a STEM major? Gross. Get away.
As a true leftist I have no identity. We are anomalous, forgive and forget, xD

>> No.5145775


>> No.5145777

*tips fedora*

>> No.5145781

It's not wrong for somebody to defend their masculinity. If anybody insults anyone over anything you would expect them to defend themselves.
Unfortunately feminist believe anything associated with masculinity is inherently wrong.

>> No.5145785

It also ruined the right. There's a reason the Republican party is in the gutter right now in the US -- all this tea party "rah rah you're not a real American if you don't do x, y, z" bullshit has alienated anyone who isn't a boomer hick.

>> No.5145788

>Pictures of overweight people wearing fedoras
There's not a single original thought or valid argument in your head

>> No.5145792

you now realise that all politics are motivated by self-interest and if you are a straight white male then the new left's interests are inherently incompatible with yours. modern identity politics is a pure numbers game and the left will win because they have a limitless amount of shitskin voters they can import to consolidate their power.

>> No.5145797

What do you want? Statistics on psychological studies of men and women's emotional strength. Shit. Then you'd just question the methodology. I know your type. If it's really just a vague weasel platitude then I'd urge you to examine the grace and nobility of the females in your life. They endure suffering with great dignity compared to men. If you could look past your biases I think you'd find you're opposed to a straw-feminism.

>> No.5145803
File: 21 KB, 555x346, 1405303001351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure reaction and insults
There's not a single original thought in your head.

>> No.5145804

>Statistics on psychological studies of men and women's emotional strength

sure, gimme

>> No.5145806

No. Never in all of Human history.

>> No.5145811

You may be a stupid shitlord, but at least your unrelated pictures are chuckleworthy

>> No.5145819

Whatever pleb, while you bitch on your blog about why most of the writers people read today are shit, I'm going to be making real money doing real research

>> No.5145821

What if I'm a straight white male who's lower-class and degenerate? Maybe I want to drink cheap tequila and discuss politics and fuck brown women. I'm only gonna find that with the new left. The right never cared about me. Not like they did a whole lot of good for the world outside themselves when they ran the show anyway. You're basically confessing to be not only personally but politically racist as well as sexist.

>> No.5145824
File: 420 KB, 576x792, 7dd451a5d6a1d415d294c5bee3149834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd urge you to examine the grace and nobility of the females. They endure suffering with great dignity compared to men
You overplayed your hand here. We've extensively discussed these pathetic sycophants in the thread so you need to be subtler.

>> No.5145825

It's about how to be smart. End review. There, happy?

>> No.5145826

>with the new left

just go to bars and get laid, not even brown women care about politics of ANY sort to even bother asking you what you like

>> No.5145835

This thread is now just making me feel ill, maybe even worse than the screenshots of those child-like sycophants. Yes, masculinity is fucked up. The fact that we can't discuss it anymore without both sides venting their frustration really speaks volumes. We're all sitting online shaking our fists at each other, bickering over how our enemies infect our media (our precious opium) and I can't even tell anymore which side is uglier, which side has faster contrarian reflexes and which side has the most serious anger management issues. We piss away our time on this ludicrous shit, digging our heels in until all that remains is "fuck you, nazi" versus "fuck you, pinko-commie" with no end in sight. Meanwhile, the baby boomers play golf. I think I'm going to throw up on my laptop.

>> No.5145838
File: 1.34 MB, 900x900, go home faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5145843

you know, you're right. I should be reading Siddhartha for my German lit class now. Cheers, guys.

>> No.5145844

Are we the only people who give you attention Laurie? Are you seriously trying this hard to pull an Anita Sarkeesian with us?

Sorry but we aren't /v/, it's not going to work.

>> No.5145845

Try looking up statistics about different rates of mental illness amongst men and women. In some categories, there are more men than women and vice-reversa in others. I think the thing here is that men and women can both enrich each other and your retarded women need to go back to the kitchen like in ancient rome while you fuck your eromenos and talk about how men are superior to women is real faggotry.

>> No.5145853

so you go from pooh-poohing politics to glorying pooh-poohing generational politics


baby boomers are more than likely doing the equivalent of /lit/ by bitching to their spouse about what they read on the paper today

>> No.5145855

Yeah, they are an embarrassment to actual squirming awkward betas like me.

>> No.5145861
File: 8 KB, 200x267, 5634563756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru, but really applies mostly to radical feminists of the tumblr variety

>They endure suffering with great dignity compared to men
LEL. 7/11 made me stop for a piss take. Please, no one else dignify this with a serious response.

My god, trolling, idiocy, and a false left right dichotomy. Best new thread, everyone :^)

You should have realized this from the get go, mates

to this whole thread, i give a hearty 9.2 best new kek

>> No.5145872


> "Then by all means, please go to the ecole superieur normale, find the nearest nietzschean, and tell him that he's a pussy-ass faggot. See how it goes for you."

I don't think he'd be shaking in his boots

>> No.5145886
File: 480 KB, 474x632, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking enlightened bruh, holy shit.

>> No.5145889

>It's not wrong for somebody to defend their masculinity.
I never said it was.

But something that needs such constant and stringent defense is surely fragile.

>> No.5145895

Nah, she's the "shut the fuck up" feminist up in Canada

>> No.5145897

Masculinity is fragile because, like femininity, it does not exist. See >>5145596

>> No.5145900


Can you not post a gif that reinforces rape culture? kthx.

>> No.5145901

Defense without an attack?

Don't you see the contradiction and what, with your own tortured logic, you are saying about feminism?

>> No.5145921

You presuppose the attack must be coordinated and orginate from some overarching conspiracy. That's preposterous. Men, now and throughout all of time, have faced the slings and arrows of a thousand tiny challenges to masculinity, real and imagined, from innumerable sources.

>> No.5145925 [DELETED] 

Ah. I found my fellow gentlefolk.

*tips trilby*

>> No.5145930

I rarely feel the need to defend my masculinity because I'm completely confident in it. People who constantly need to defend it are fragile, not masculinity itself.

>> No.5145938

You should rephrase 'fragile' to 'working as intended'. Traditional male behavior confers on them an advantage in the world. The same goes for women. Women who have their womanhood threatened by other females will seek a goal similar to that of a man except without violence. She instead will manipulate, lie and gossip to destroy her opponent. Men and women just have different methods of achieving a similar goal. It doesn't mean their egos are fragile (fragile in an unhealthy sense, since that is clearly what feminism is trying to label it as). It's perfectly healthy behavior for a human being in both cases, male and female.

>> No.5145941
File: 6 KB, 252x256, 138073663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. Pic related.


>taking this bait

>> No.5145944

I disagree. Egotism has been a consistent barrier to human progress. Humanity would greatly benefit if people stopped caring about all this posing and posturing to live up to some artificial ideal that no one really lives up to anyway.

>> No.5145945

People defend masculinity as a spook all the time. They think, "ooh, better react in this way so as to appear masculine". Must be stoic. Must be strong. It is a hungry ghost which consumes your soul but you identify with the phantasm instead of the reality and thus fear the feminism which offers only to liberate you. It's the cosmic kek.

>> No.5145946

Don't feminists always say men have no right to define women or femininity? Beauty standards are oppressive concentration camps and so on.

Yet all they ever to is define, attack, and tell men what masculinity is supposed to be. (female lite for your information, shitlord)

>> No.5145947

*tips fedora

>> No.5145952

Zizek has a joke about a german soldier talking about concentration camps who gets asked why they're called that. And the soldier goes, "the Jews do the camping, we do the concentrating".

>> No.5145954

I agree, I have never really felt the need defend my masculinity. People need to stop crying all the time like lil bitches.

>> No.5145956
File: 109 KB, 625x626, 1388070765374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fear the feminism which offers only to liberate you

You've done an excellent job, but you've overplayed your hand

>> No.5145959

Yes, let's all liberate ourselves from our masculinity and achieve the same funtastic results as >>5145433
these enlightened gents.

This will make men happy.

>> No.5145961



>> No.5145962

Do you have anything else to add?

>> No.5145967

*shakes fist at baby boomers*

Fine. Instead of taking turns nit-picking over details now, we really should leave this thread to die.

>> No.5145972

What you see in >>5145433 or >>5145381, however, is not true liberation. These people do not know how to play either female or male games. Either way, they're out of their elements. Do they know these girls well? Why are they attempting to give unsolicited comments? I post a lot of bullshit on various social media sites that I don't want random cumstains, male and female, to comment on -- especially if they are not well-known to me or being insightful to me in any way.

>> No.5145974

>Let's say you see one guy ragging on another guy -- calling him names, etc. -- and the other guy just takes this abuse without fighting back, without shooting back with insults or punches. What do you think of that person? He's a beta, or a pussy, or however you want to put it.

If he managed to defend himself with wit while keeping composure/not hurling insults or fists, that's typically seen as more masculine.

>> No.5145980

If you go back to the root of the discussion, they're actually talking about defending your dignity. People coming up to you and verbally abusing you and so on.

Accepting the definition of anything but meek acceptance as toxic masculinism you are far too fashionable for makes you the sycophant eunuch they want you to be for ideological reasons. You can never defend yourself within this framework. No matter what you do, if it's disagreeable to feminism, you're now wrong. You're just mansplaining and defending because you're insecure.

>> No.5145985

it's a troll.

>> No.5145987

That defense really amounts to a subtle form of insult, though. Not all insults have to be YEAH WELL... UR MOM!!

>> No.5145994

try again, guy. maybe your next post will b good babe~

>> No.5145995

This. This. This!

>> No.5146002

>Accepting the definition of anything but meek acceptance as toxic masculinism you are far too fashionable for
Who here has argued for that?

>> No.5146003
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x843, 746282621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just let it go. this whole thread is a clusterfuck of moronic opinions and trolling. That people (including you all) are posting sincere reactions it was tragedy but is quickly becoming farce.

>> No.5146005

Word up. This is an important point. If a guy came up to me and started insulting me and I came up with a clever retort then I will have proved my intellectual strength. And then if this inferior man-ape tried to beat the shit out of me because I was the superior philosoraptor then he would be more "strong" and "masculine" in a gross sense but will have showed a weakness in a more subtle sense. Feminism is all about exposing these subtle weakness. And true feminism is equality for both sexes. And that starts with respect for the subject and the intellect and the understanding, such as my clever and witty retort should hope to demonstrate.
Straw-feminism. Feminism is not about meek acceptance of anything but about fighting against things that you might not possess the strength to accomplish through force alone. This is a form of resistance and courage beyond masculinism.

>> No.5146007

to it*

>> No.5146014

I agree wiv women. More men sd be more evil, like me. Also they sd be fat & the women should all be prostitutes, i fail to see any disharmony. The problem all starts when you get girlish boys. We sd kill them like in sparta. Pure & simple, no more annoying idiots. I'm thinking of going into politics. I'm looking for three subordinates. Send a message to my eternal masculine soul if you are interested. Greetings, not an awfull pastiche of nazis.

>> No.5146015
File: 165 KB, 642x618, leftist male eats wife's placenta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need feminism because it helps me to get in touch with my inner feminine spirit through placenta eating.

>> No.5146017


>> No.5146018

Aztecs used to kill people and carve open their chests and pull out their hearts in order to burn them as a sacrifice to the gods for blessings. I fail to see how eating a placenta is really that big of a deal. Lots of animals do it too.

>> No.5146022
File: 143 KB, 1024x683, 1405392424927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic trole, reposted it to my tumblr. Down with the patriarchy!

>> No.5146024

Good luck then. Human behavior as rooted in biology has been the norm since humans first evolved to this very moment.

True, just because we haven't experienced an alternative doesn't mean one is nonexistent. It however puts a great burden on anyone who says "If only people did X, then things would be better".

We have great insights into human behavior but we fall quite short of a concrete, all-encompassing model. To propose a new model ("If only X") means you have zero evidence to back it up. Why? Because our current 'model', if you wish to call it, is wholly inadequate for even our own purposes. To suggest we could confidently arrive at a better alternative would be akin to using broken math to arrive at one of Einstein's equations. Since you cannot envision an all-encompassing model of human behavior absent of egotism (since our only comparative 'model' is woefully incomplete) you are going in blind.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of variables connected by a vast web behind the curtain and we don't know how they interact. Maybe changing one would do nothing, maybe it would effect fifty other variables. The point is that any significant change can only be done blindly, and you can't get mad if it doesn't work or backfires.

>> No.5146026
File: 145 KB, 660x564, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146029

You are a homosexual person, who engages in sex wiv your same sex parent in your psyche.

>> No.5146032

>fear of change
All things are flux, milad. The cosmos is an everliving fire. Progressive thought does not imply we believe we are immune to backfires. It merely implies we believe that any change is better than no change. We are at crisis. It's happening. How is it happening you ask? Gradually at first, then suddenly.

>> No.5146036

If you gave him a gun do you think he would let out a high pitched eeek and run away, or shoot himself on the spot to end it all?

>> No.5146045

Are you saying that by refuting claims against a person's character, in this case their masculinity, makes them fragile?
If someone feels they are able to question or insult some aspect of you, then you have every right to say "No, that's wrong, because it is not as such". That is, of course, you're not some limp bitch.

>> No.5146046

then why don't you leave, new guy. obv unwanted here

>> No.5146047

I apologize i,mistook you for el proginator.

>> No.5146050

sounds more like a symbolic threat to mother and child than an act of ritual humiliation.

>> No.5146053

You say QED in research papers all the time you half-wit. You just started and struggling with basic analysis and think you are cool?

>> No.5146056

Oh Christ, is that Ahufakename Hafakename?

>> No.5146066
File: 506 KB, 1188x1515, Commielesbanenarutard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget his name as well. Ahuyivia-something. I love the guy, leftists melt down into hilarious fits when you strawman with his pictures.

>> No.5146082
File: 287 KB, 960x1280, ascended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146086
File: 729 KB, 800x600, 1376911066420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is why my author pseudonym is a black name.

>> No.5146087
File: 55 KB, 540x720, 925745_desc_1389472392.079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so awful, why did you have to remind me he existed?

>> No.5146090

/lit/ must have more beta bitch losers than I thought, for so many to be hanging on this preening attention whore's every word

>> No.5146091
File: 857 KB, 900x1298, girl__imprisoned_by_mlm_ahuviya_harel_gq-d5v5p8g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying, Squirtle.

>> No.5146096
File: 83 KB, 788x685, e4534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur so cool, brah.

>> No.5146099

It's not fear.

>All things are flux, milad. The cosmos is an everliving fire.
I disagree. Human civilization has followed a particular model of behavior (which we don't quite understand) since day one. It has never changed.

Suddenly, after X number of thousands of years, in the year 20xx humanity decides to begin vast trial-and-error experiments of social engineering.

Surely you recognize that the forces which resist do so not out of fear but personal self-interest. Those who have aren't going to risk throwing the die to potentially end up in a place where they have not. (I guess you could call it fear, but it is certainly justified)

The problem I have is that there is no small scale, isolated experiments. If that were to exist you could pit different systems of behavior against each other to find the best. But overhauling the entire system each time I find foolhardy. Each trial will be biased toward itself and blur objectivity in analyzing previous and upcoming trials. Change for the sake of change is pointless unless you have some way to orient yourself. Otherwise you can change and change all you want but can never be certain that you've truly arrived at the best position, the greatest end goal.

>> No.5146115

Social engineering is not new. Human civilization. especially as we know it, is a relatively new invention, not a steady fact of life for most of human existence. Moreover, if you don't understand the model then how do you know we're not refining our societal model to be more accurate to human nature through feminism rather than less accurate? Finally, even if the system were a certain patriarchal way because of evolutionary or historical reasons it would be an is/ought fallacy to say that it should be kept that way.

>> No.5146126

>muh fallacy


>> No.5146127

>yfw you realise most posts in here are by her
>yfw you realise she's sub-human

>> No.5146131
File: 534 KB, 480x480, ichimonji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread
>that picture

Don't cry...
It's the gods that weep for us.

>> No.5146137

What is feminism's 1984 - has anyone even tried to write one?

Would be fun as hell to read and doesn't necessarily have to be that political. It could even sell to women considering their taste for that Fifty Shades BDSM shit.

>> No.5146142

You're just jelly cause you're bluepilled and still subscribe to the left/right, masculine/feminine, bullshit dualities that the politically non-euclidean greenpills like myself breeze by with ease as we have hot tantric sex with our goddess(es) and fight against the illuminati.

>> No.5146172


u are 1 fucking cheeky cunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol fuckin sad mate really sad jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer

>> No.5146175
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it again, lol

>> No.5146217

I should really clarify where I'm coming from. Think of all the different political, social, economic systems used through history. (In a general sense) Some are more flexible than others, some can't exist without certain conditions, and so on.

I view all of these as tools in a toolbox. These tools can be applied to humanity. In this sense, social engineering is not new. The social engineering I'm talking about, for which I should use a different word, is actually changing, adding, or eliminating the tools themselves in toolbox. I'll call this meta-engineering for now I suppose.

I can't help but see a great amount of hostility for the existing tools coming from progressive inventions. They are trying to meta-engineer.

This is where I see the difference between you and me:
>refining our societal model to be more accurate to human nature
I see human society as already in line with human nature. I would rather funnel natural behavior into different "paths" to find a better societal model. I view progressives as people using meta-engineering to actually change human behavior to find a better societal model.

Interesting conversation, but I don't see us reconciling views here.

>> No.5146241


i'd love to see men take the clunge

>> No.5146249

Didn't Atwood write a pretty decent dystopia? I should probably read it, right after I finish Zamyatin's We.

...Do you think she wrote it to get off on masochist fantasies? I'm not so sure.

>> No.5146255

Atwood has yet to write a decent anything.

Fingers crossed, though!

>> No.5146257

why are the feminists so toxic anyways? not even atheists are so aggressive.

>> No.5146261

Oryx and Crake was pretty good

I wouldn't call it "Feminism's 1984," though. It involves a eugenics program to replace humans with retarded humans that have blue dicks.

>> No.5146288
File: 58 KB, 500x371, rev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoting Tumblr-types as representative of feminists, is like quoting revleft as representative of Marxists.

>> No.5146296

People that are convinced that they're absolutely right will do the dandiest things (atheists). But when they think they're absolutely right and that they've been absolutely wronged it becomes a boiling sore (feminists).

>> No.5146314


wtf? are you actually suggesting you have NEVER ONCE seen a woman handle a situation with more mental strength than a man?

that's retarded, its nto a "platitude" to say that women, as a whole, are capable of mental strength

>> No.5146319


why would i want to liberated from feeligns that I 'must be stoic' and 'must be strong' ???

>> No.5146320

lmao, laurie penny. Imagine her being in a private school Despite the occasional horsiness, private school Prime Teen Pussy is best Prime Teen Pussy. She must have been outclassed on every level. No wonder she gave up and became a feminist

>> No.5146327
File: 531 KB, 1152x1536, 1375268535906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the majority now. You won't find non-tumblrfied feminists except a tiny percentage who go out of their way to say they're equalists and hate what the other feminists are doing. I can only think of Cathy Young right now.

I didn't say that women are incapable of being mentally strong. You must be suffering from a psychotic break right now. Or are you a feminist?

>> No.5146329


I actually have never seen that.

>> No.5146336

Ever heard of the term "silent majority"?

>> No.5146342

I think generally women handle romantic rejection a lot better than men. At least in my experience.

>> No.5146349


>I didn't say that women are incapable of being mentally strong

the guy said "women are capable of being mentally stronger than many men"

and you said its just a "vague platitude that makes you feel good"

if you think im psychotic for thinking that this means you dont believe women are capable of mental strength greater than men, then I accept your judgment oh wise one

>> No.5146352

No no, it's called The Handmaid's Tale, I remember now. Apparently a dystopia involving Christian theocracy.

*tips femdora*

I might ask for opinions on this some time later. This thread is kind of ridiculous.

>> No.5146359

If you aren't psychotic then certainly your lack of English comprehension causes you to blunder into hilarity. Are you a method actor working on a comedy role?

>> No.5146361

>They're the majority now.
I don't know of any major feminist theorists who is in line with the Tumblr crowd.

>> No.5146391


yup you caught me

>> No.5146417

Isn't trying to get rid of feminism trying to "eliminate one of the tools from the toolbox"? Feminism has existed in various forms since antiquity. And it does not espouse an elimination of all masculine values. You are arguing against a straw-feminism here. This whole description of "meta-engineering" seems just as likely to apply to your own program as much as anything I've suggested.

>> No.5146511

I read a 20 or so page sample of the book and barely finished it. Vapid garbage, and it looked like a loony opinion piece vs. something verifiable and actually based in reality.

>> No.5146622

>Being a whiny bitch who believes in the left right dichotomy

>> No.5146710

Thank you for telling us something obvious that does not contribute to the conversation. Now fuckoff.

>> No.5146818

You sound upset. Why are you so mad?

>> No.5146837

Did you happen to get the rec for We from a certain thread on /tg/?

>> No.5146840

>vocal minority argument
if it's a vocal minority why doesn't the majority do anything to shut them up? Are they oblivious or uninterested?

>> No.5146892
File: 75 KB, 500x375, feminism should be called slutinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would a guy read and review her book when feminists don't care about what men have to say?

>> No.5146894

Because they obviously want you to be a histrionic, weepy, emotional wreck so you can be "in touch with your feelings".

>> No.5146896

Nah, it's been on my backlog for ages.

I like dystopian themes, even if /lit/ will say it's all high school shit. Even Fahrenheit 451, my least favorite dystopia so far, has some merit.

>> No.5146908

Fahrenheit 451 is kids stuff, yeah. We is pretty good, especially from a historical viewpoint because it touched off the modern dystopian genre as we know it. Also, you gotta respect a book that gets its author exiled by the Soviets.

>> No.5146918

Well, I assume they're busy having normal lives. They don't show up on the deepest pits of tumblr and 4chan thinking "what do I want to get angry about today?"

>> No.5146929
File: 27 KB, 705x412, 1331008141342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're busy having normal lives
The feminists, and I mean academic feminists, journalists and philosophers, see their ideology grotesquely ruined not by anti-feminists but by people who claim to be feminists themselves and they see nothing wrong with it because they have normal lives? they don't write about and try to fight what is bad for their cause because it would be, like, very uncool man, to get angry about it?

>> No.5146934


I swear images like these make me wonder just how much these people are still actually connected to the reality of everyday society.

We have all known some huge sluts in our time, and if you ever started to date one you were getting cheated on sooner or later. It was just a given.

Same as douchebag guys. Everyone knows a few true douchbag guys. And everyone knows that if a girl were to ever date one she would be taken for granted and eventually cheated on. But if a woman were to proudly proclaim "I would never date a douchebag" she'd be met with approval. As she should be, because douchebags are fucking douchebags.

So much for basic common sense.
I guess now that is frowned upon too.

>> No.5146974

Well I mean, how do you define "douchebag"

For that matter how do you define "slut"

There's a certain kind of sexual promiscuity that I would steer clear of in a romantic partner, but the mere fact of a woman having had other partners before me isn't an issue. Nor should it be for someone who's mature and comfortable with the facts of adult sexuality.

>> No.5146992

/lit/ is always saying how 1984 is high school reading material, popular with edgy teens who just want to have a "babby's first definition of evil" book that spells it out for them. But then people still ignore this message. I assume /pol/ would just say "not me - only commies do this" and tumblr would just say the book is misogynist because Winston has some bad thoughts during Hate Week.

The internet is this big disgusting hydra of infighting and inbreeding. It's impossible to keep up with it, let alone try and calm everyone down. Also, I think many of the internet's more avid users are slowly turning into distraction-addled sperglords who couldn't get through an academic article even if they wanted to.

>> No.5147007

>/lit/ is always saying how 1984 is high school reading material, popular with edgy teens who just want to have a "babby's first definition of evil" book that spells it out for them.
/lit/ says this? I don't. What a bunch of tools.

>> No.5147018


>Nor should it be for someone who's mature and comfortable with the facts of adult sexuality.

There's a difference between that and dealing with people who're overtly sexual and caustic to the point of inappropriateness.

Look, I get that you want to trot out an academic sort of rebuttal here but people are able to intuit a person's character from their behaviour fairly easily.

Most of the time these positions that I read seem to me to run contrary to basic common sense.

>> No.5147019

Mother of fuck, in twenty years time the concepts of modesty and personal dignity will have largely disappeared. Being a slut is admirable, what the hell. Do theses people actually realise what they're saying/writing? How clueless do you have to be...

>> No.5147027

>overtly sexual and caustic to the point of inappropriateness.

What meets this criterion for you may not meet it for someone else. And all power to sluts who pair up with manwhores and have crazy polyamorous pansexual furry cosplay orgies together. If everyone is satisfied with the arrangement, that's fine by me.

>> No.5147034

The discourse goes on offline too, and at the very least not just on networking sites like twitter, reddit and tumblr. laurie penny literally has a job made out of "straw" feminist-style quasi arguments.
what i'm trying to understand is why the others don't just even try to flip them off. This kind of shit seeps into other media all the time, and that's since before "tumbr feminism" was a thing.
I feel as if the "vocal minority" and "straw feminist" thing gets invoked when someone actually thinks that people are accusing feminists of being many little solanases or dvorkins while there's a lot of problems in non-manhating third wave feminism. And I've actually seen people who define themselves as feminists get their distances from these, so why not the writers?

>> No.5147047


>>overtly sexual and caustic to the point of inappropriateness.
>What meets this criterion for you may not meet it for someone else.

This doesn't apply just to the people(s) in the relationship, but also how they behave when in public.

You think douchebags and sluts stop acting like that just because they're in public?

Usually the people who have been ascribed the title "douchebag" or "slut" by the people around them have been so because they're seen to have little regard for anyone who isn't them, as they are continually dragging people around them into inappropriate, violent, or lewd situations. It's a sign of poor character.

>> No.5147050


>this pic

Marxism is pipi and pupu, but God forbid to list Stalin with these people. Stalin was so socially conservative that SJW would be rotting in gulag faster than they could think.

>> No.5147057
File: 71 KB, 636x409, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because despite the "vocal minority" argument to the contrary, it's the online retards who hold the power.

See: based Julie Bindel, the lesbian activist who made the mistake of interviewing transexuals who regretted getting their operations, and who herself said, hilariously,
>I don't have a problem with men disposing of their genitals, but it does not make them women, in the same way that shoving a bit of vacuum hose down your 501s does not make you a man.

Now, you'd think that a lesbian activist would have some clout within the feminist community, but because she dared to speak out against the sacred trans-cow, this happened:


And the Army of Penny ate her alive

>> No.5147070

Modern feminism.

>> No.5147087


>And the Army of Penny ate her alive

These idiots equate political correctness with intelligence byproxy.

Like all those new little atheists who haven't read a book in their lives but think that of course they MUST be smarter than those hopeless believers simply because they're an atheist in 2014.

These people all try to out-do each other in militant political correctness thinking themselves all the more smarter because of it.

What they don't understand is that they're become something far from progressive because now they tacitly support censorship as a means of controlling discourse and will go out of their way to silence and harass people who even have a slight degree of difference from their own ideological standpoint.

And this is ideology. The more they abuse censorship to meet their own ends the more it becomes very specific agenda-driven ideology.

>> No.5147094

This is exactly the kind of shit i'm talking about. On and offline criticism of feminism is, at best, scoffed at, to the point that you can't scrutinize it even when a platoon of ninnies is hijacking it for their teen rebellion agenda.
Of course online it's worse: they bully people, censor differing opinion whenever they can and make buzzwords (I have no idea why they're so fixated with buzzwords) like MRA or TERF, but it's still happening in other media too.
By the way it's rich that laurie penny would complain about infighting when she criticizes other social justice intellectuals when they don't fit her ideology 100% to the point of harassing them during conferences. on an unrelated note, what a ridiculous choice of words: "if i were the patriarchy i'd be laughing", fuck's sake this person is a journalist.

>> No.5147096

>This is stupid. If I were the patriarchy, I'd be laughing at us right now.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.5147099
File: 41 KB, 530x213, Screen_Shot_2013-01-14_at_8.13.19_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julie Burchill got it even worse, probably because she wasn't protected by lesbianism.

>To have your cock cut off and then plead special privileges as women—above natural-born women, who don’t know the meaning of suffering, apparently—is a bit like the old definition of chutzpah: the boy who killed his parents and then asked the jury for clemency on the grounds he was an orphan.

Unlike Bindel, Burchill's article was scoured after the backlash

>> No.5147107

>Laurie Penny
I'd hit it. Very, very carefully and with plenty of documentation I'd demand she sign to prove that everything was consensual, but I'd hit it.

>> No.5147108

>Modern feminism.
We need a new name for the whatever it is because feminism, LGBTQIAXXCTULHU and marxism has merged and feature the same concepts, spaces, proponents, behaviors. (there are a very few holdouts, and anomalies such as TERFs who reject one minor part)

I think the activists would violently resist any such label because they're already having great success covertly marketing the same book with different covers for different demographics. All we've got, I guess, is the New Left.

>> No.5147113

I just call them freaks.

>> No.5147114
File: 173 KB, 366x580, productimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a new Enthusiastic Consent affidavit for every stage of the sexual act, starting from the very beginning with the first touch of any part of the body.

Safety first!

>> No.5147118

And what the hell is a TERF?

>> No.5147119
File: 20 KB, 338x403, DrMartinLutherKingJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that picture

There you have it, people.

This is the level of public discourse that we're at right now.

>> No.5147128

I really do think she's a timebomb. Some poor bastard is going to have drunken sex with her without realizing who she is and the next the headline to her blog will be HOW I GOT RAPED AND WHAT I'M DOING ABOUT IT

>> No.5147129


>> No.5147132

I'm not clicking a link to any feminist blog, they are all scum who should be killed. I'll just assume it stands for 'not batshit enough'.

>> No.5147135

The first line reads
>Sadly, I am not immune to abuse, harassment or threats online (hint: I’m female).
Men are immune to "abuse, harassment or threats online."

I just can't be afforded the opportunity to take any of them seriously at any time, can I.

>> No.5147139 [DELETED] 


God damn. It's always the same shit with them. Why do feminists think they are breaking some sort of new ideological ground? This is the same shit women have always pulled: please pay attention to me, I have a cunt and I'm worth listening to because of it.

>> No.5147140

Feminism didn't coin MRA. MRA is a real thing with real proponents.

>> No.5147142

>Systematic plagiarist
>Pic not related

>> No.5147145

It's all a cesspool. A bunch of parasites and social diseases circlejerking over who's the most oppressed. Why bother? Just pick up the pieces after they're done fucking up society.

>> No.5147149

>Men are immune to "abuse, harassment or threats online."

That's not quite what that means. Maybe an analogous statement would help you understand the syllogism.

>I am not immune to being set on fire (hint: I'm a human being).

>> No.5147154

Yes I read it and there's a lot of bullshit. Even the notion that "terf" is a slur because people say bad things next to the word terf is retarded. it's a slur because it gives them another neat category for their hate pigeonhole, not because they posted angsty pictures attached to it.
>Feminism didn't coin MRA
Fair enough, but it's used spitefully most of the time by non "MRAs".

>> No.5147157

I love the claim that being harassed means you don't have freedom of speech, as if the right somehow guarantees people won't be dicks to you about your opinions. and further, the claim that this is used to silence women, while true, is also true of basically everyone. look to any reaction to an anti-feminist opinion, and it will be equally nasty and threatening as on a feminist one.

>> No.5147160

>MRA is a real thing with real proponents.

>> No.5147172



MRA is just effeminate reactionary trash.You can't bet feminists by playing at their own game. I don't know why any of these fucking dumbasses even entertain this cowardly shit.

>> No.5147176
File: 141 KB, 655x960, 1403096528317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it comes off, and that's just the start of what's wrong with it. With it's "sadly," it is clear that xhe asserts that it's desirable for an internet in which people are immune from (the feminist definition of) harassment. The feminist definition of harassment covers such ridiculous territory as asking questions or favoriting a tweet that your racial group is not allowed to touch (see earlier ITT screencaps to see this tortured logic explained by a feminist). But in any case, legitimate harassment or not, xhe makes it clear only one sentence in that we're dealing with someone who is mentally a child in emotional and other significant ways.

>> No.5147192


On the other hand I appreciate xer role as far as unmasking the toxic bile waiting to splurt out from feminists at any opportunity. Xhe'd do the same to non-TERFs in a heartbeat, but hey.

>> No.5147209

I say heterosexual men should not have the right to independently choose their sexual partners based on what they personally find attractive in a woman. I think the government should institute a "Sex Draft" that all heterosexual (white) men over 18 are legally required to sign their names to. On yearly "Assignment Days" a randomly selected batch of recent sex-draftees are put up for auction to whatever women choose to participate in the event (Think of an 1800s American slave-trade event, but MUCH more progressive). The winning women receive their draftee and they carry out a relationship that may be terminated by the woman and ONLY the woman at any time.

This system would effectively eliminate the societal stigma men have against sluts, WoEWs (Women of Exceptional Weight), trans* women, otherkins, WoAPs (Women of Alternative Psychologies), female frontrunners inhabiting male multiple-systems, and non-gendered vaginal units.

>> No.5147210

lol you're so full of shit, you probably post with those weirdos on SomethingSensitive. Your view on FYAD especially is hilarious, go back to fucking GBS.

>> No.5147217

43,174 notes

Human Rights Champion of 2014 award is already in the mail.

>> No.5147226

You're going to need to provide an argument. His view on SA is the consensus everywhere except SA, the ultra-stalinist SJW hive full of trannies.

>> No.5147245

Stop being retarded. I'm not an MRA for the same reason I'm not any kind of internet activist but there are serious problems with child custody and divorce laws and it's time to stop pretending drawing attention to the fact some rotten bitch took your kid isn't 'manly'.

>> No.5147251

You understand you can check the forums without paying to post, right? At least you used to be able to do that.

We all know he's right. We've all seen it.

>> No.5147253

His argument is actually pretty common in SA itself, mostly among the disgruntled GBS neckbeards. SJWs are funny and contemptible but not for the reasons you /pol/ or GBS dorks think....they're both just as bad, just in different ways.

As ever, the only people who see SA and the rest of the internet clear-eyed and can identify the funniest elements are people who post on FYAD. These guys are generally Marxist but NOT SJW (sjw are usually identity politcking liberals), ie manyak, dinosaur jerk, haoma, mr crow, and so on. They make fun of the SJWs when they do or say something ridiculous, but they also make fun of GBS idiots like the guy i replied to, who make fools of themselves even more often in other ways.

>> No.5147256

>As ever, the only people who see SA and the rest of the internet clear-eyed and can identify the funniest elements are people who post on FYAD. These guys are generally Marxist
But marxists are retards, anon. That's what they really truly are. And you worshipping/namedropping a bunch of goons like anybody gives a fuck is terribly sad.

>> No.5147257

So you're a marxist and you say he's an idiot for unspecified reasons.

Consider me converted to your position.

>> No.5147258

Don't call me "anon", I only come to this neckbeard shithole when I'm bored.

>> No.5147260

Three months later, ends up on the "Your Fave is Problematic" tumblr blog because (s)he/(h)xe didn't include demisexuals or hyper-souls in a list of oppressed groups. Career is ruined, is put to death in the international courts for Crimes Against Alternative Biologies and/or Humanity

>> No.5147262

I don't care about some 4chan nerd's opinion, I just saw that and felt compelled to call him on his shit because everyone else was circlejerking over it.

>> No.5147264

lel sorry, would you prefer commie dumbshit or delusional turd?

>> No.5147269

Thankfully, with this post you've effectively restored your reputation on this anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5147270


lol jesus, 4chan is so fucking gay

>> No.5147271

What shit? That's the issue. What did he say that was incorrect? You're not lucid.

>> No.5147274
File: 100 KB, 800x568, 1402115481561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the way you shriek and behave basically confirms everything he said, right?

>> No.5147278

i don't mean to be antagonistic, but would the mods pls ban this homophobic subhuman piece of shit before his continued presence triggers me

>> No.5147286
File: 36 KB, 256x224, welldone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I'm glad I posted that here and not in SA or else I'd be out ten bux for not using the communally agreed upon internet slang.

>> No.5147296

The thing he doesn't realize about SJWs is the reason they're a laughing stock isn't because they're leftist harpies or whatever, that's something a reactionary loser from /pol/ would think. The contemptible thing about SJWs is dragging down political leftism (a worthy project) to the atomized, neoliberal level, within the framework of capitalism.

So instead of valiant proletarian women calling for the heads of their bourgeois overlords, you get pasty white girls complaining that there's not enough badass female space marines in Gears of War, a complete non-issue because video games contain no prior worth anyway. Nobody is liberated because a programmer gives a shitty character in a shitty video game tits.

An SJW is degenerate because their concerns are petty, solipsistic, and easily incorporated within the bounds of capitalism.

People who attack SJWs as if they're TOO LEFTIST have it completely wrong. SJWs are in reality small minded and fundamentally too liberal (right wing).

>> No.5147304

What's the issue with calling people out on typing like a faggot? The whole "le" thing started off with making fun of reddit, why can't I make fun of the way dullard 4chan people talk too?

>> No.5147315

This is a great post

>> No.5147321

That hits the spot.

>> No.5147328

Great summary. We need your analysis and ideas for praxis around here.

>> No.5147330 [DELETED] 

Right on. Copypasta worthy.

>> No.5147334

fuk off commie scum you just want to genocide white14/88 fuk u

>> No.5147339

Alright, you have some good points.

Go back to /pol/, neanderthal. This is above you.

>> No.5147344

Signed. Thumbs up.

>> No.5147405

>What's the issue with calling people out on typing like a faggot?
But the only person doing that here is you. See your previous post for reference.

>> No.5147418

Oh yeah, and
>all posts two minutes apart
The most transparent samefag I've ever seen and I've seen some doozies. You are one sad human being.

>> No.5147430
File: 3 KB, 630x185, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5147442
File: 41 KB, 422x342, hi mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger that's the easiest shit in the world to clean up even with paint itself. Just look at those fucking posts. Who do you think you're fooling? Honestly?

>> No.5147444
File: 75 KB, 1024x385, samef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who wrote that post and I knew someone would accuse me of samefagging after that response.

I guess someone else could have somefagged on my behalf though, I don't know.

>> No.5147460
File: 10 KB, 574x233, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.5147714

Those long samefaging threads are so sad.
You dont convice anyone.

>> No.5149022

whether he was samefagging or not, he's still right