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5145139 No.5145139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the perfect food and drink to consume while reading, /lit/?

>> No.5145144

Whatever you like best.

>> No.5145145

Coffee or tea

>> No.5145147

Cigarettes and bourbon.

>> No.5145149

Snyders of Hanover and some Spirytus

>> No.5145152

Cheese/crackers + whiskey

>> No.5145155

Orange juice and chips.

>> No.5145157

beer and frozen pizza

>> No.5145161



If you're eating/drinking you can't concentrate on reading. Jesus Christ.

>> No.5145172
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Sure as hell not frozen pizza with low grade cold ham on it.

>> No.5145176

Maybe if you only have two neurons in your head.

>> No.5145177
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>doesn't read while having lunch

>> No.5145237

*** It should be noted that reading and eating/drinking are not acceptable by patrician standards. Gloves are recommended when handling books. Menu not suitable for vegans, vegetarians, or people living simply/ in a tub***

Philosophags ---> South African/ French vintage red wine and (very) mature Stilton, maybe Camembert, brie is acceptable but cheddar is too pleb. Starter of Greek Tiropitakia; main of Labskaus (which you are encouraged to see as nature stepping from its state of otherness as it gears to satisfy your hunger); Dessert of Apfelstrudel (which you cannot truly grasp from its name for the language IS A STATE OF LIFE).

Classicistic fibrosis ---> (Above) / tea, either English breakfast, Earl Gray, Camomile or straight green (jasmine acceptable also) and must be enjoyed with a madeleine; A starter of Racelette cheese over a fire; A main of hot clam and hot chowder, mixed with pounded ship biscuit; dessert of Spotted dick (complimentary if OP)

Plebs (ASOIAF/DRESDEN FANS) ---> McDonald's/ Burger King. Add a salad if you frequently try to fanatically justify your horrible choice in reading material by fabricating alternative, pseudo-intellectual readings.

High schoolers on summer break ---> Swiss cheese sandwich and mottled milk. Refrain from raping your sister.

Tripfags ---> REI. Feminister. Butterfly and whoever else are invited to board a train car, which will invariably break down in the middle of nowhere, thereby forcing you to establish some form of government to decide whose flesh shall be feasted on first.

Stirnerfags ---> Get your fucking own.

>> No.5145628



>> No.5145648

oatmeal with coffee

>> No.5146915

gin and sadness

>> No.5147914

I'm partial to codeine and vodka. Those reading sessions seldom last long.

>> No.5147915



>> No.5147917

It depends what you're reading. Bukowski, for example, would warrant Frosties from the box with a case of beer, while Chaucer needs cheese and crackers with a tumbler of cognac.

>> No.5147918

>lie on marble bed
>eat grapes or other frvit aristocratically
>drink wine
>lavgh at plebs ovtside window jealovs of riches

svch is life in the empire

>> No.5147920

Kill yourselves.

>> No.5147932


>> No.5147941

>I'm partial to codeine and vodka.
A man after my own heart. What country do you live in? If codeine is restricted there and you are forced to CWE, try getting some DHC - dihydrocodeine. The duration is double that of codeine, the molecule is more potent needing less, and there is no ceiling dose.

>> No.5147971

Shelled sunflower seeds. Takes a long time to eat them one by one and doesn't distract you in the least.

>> No.5148030

A cold drink without a food.

Digestion increases bloodflow to the stomach, therefore reducing bloodflow to the brain. A cold drink does the inverse.

>> No.5148035


disregard this I am retarded

>> No.5148042

>Digestion increases bloodflow to the stomach, therefore reducing bloodflow to the brain

This is the most broscience thing I've ever seen on /lit/ lol

Your retarded theory only makes sense assuming a static heart rate. Blood flow to the brain is extremely well regulated regardless of how much blood other parts of your body are using.

methinks yous trollin'

>> No.5148054
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>> No.5148056





>> No.5148876

underage detected

>> No.5148881

It´s quietly happening. [bypass code:3]

>> No.5148891

I like to munch on a nice long banana when I read

>> No.5148895

coffee and dessert

>> No.5148944

chicken nuggets and mountain dew

>> No.5148965

>not sipping on raspberry flavored matte tea and smoking an american spirit


>> No.5148990

Cheese wotsits and panda pop.

Then I swap hands every few pages.

>> No.5149002

>straight edgy

>> No.5149003

>>lavgh at plebs ovtside window jealovs of riches
This is actually quite modern, nouveau rich behaviour. They wouldn't find the difference in wealth entertaining back then but a given, if not a divine right. Laughing at people less wealthy than you is a distinctive vulgar trait.

>> No.5149014

>Laughing at people less wealthy than you is a distinctive vulgar trait.


I'm not rich by any means, but I dress upper class and hang out in reasonable places - so when I go back to my home city to see my old friends and they're wearing Primark shit, I don't laugh at them, I feel kind of bad that they haven't gotten better over the years and I dress down so I can hang around them and not feel like a douche.

People who laugh at people worse off than themselves, even if it's the person's fault (and it most often is), are douchebags.

>> No.5149034


Cigarettes if you're into that

Tea is cool too

>> No.5149035

>panda pop

Where do you go that still sells this?

>> No.5149044


The corner shop that still sells 10p ice lollies, obviously.

>> No.5149061

Red wine and cheese.

>> No.5149067

I haven't been down there in a while mate. Maybe I should go.

>implying I won't go there only to find that 10p icepops are now 20p

>> No.5149073

>reading Dostoevsky without a samovar and a sack full of cabbages.

>> No.5149075

They're actually like a 50p.

Nothing's the same these days. Fucking inflation rate.

>> No.5149112



>> No.5149251

I just drink coffee and not enough water and walk around with a headache all my life.

>> No.5149265
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>> No.5149310
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>Gloves are recommended when handling books
What about a Kindle?

>> No.5149375

Necessary if you're using a touchscreen, otherwise you're fine with proper antibiotic hand sanitizer.

>> No.5150564

