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5144088 No.5144088 [Reply] [Original]

He's written 31, and I've read 6. I want to do this. He reminds me so much of DFW, and that's almost totally a good thing, plus he beats DFW in some ways, like the focus on Jewishness. Anybody else like Roth a lot?

>> No.5144097

Do you personally know that girl, OP ? She's cute; albeit young.

>> No.5144098

Kill yourself.

>> No.5144101


Stop being so new pls.

>> No.5144103

> albeit

>> No.5144104

>He reminds me so much of DFW

He couldn't be more different to DFW, what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.5144110

Educate me oldfag.

>> No.5144312

Classy old-school troll, 10/10, would reply again any day.

>> No.5144327
File: 65 KB, 375x719, 1403329575555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5144342


Angie Varona, young grasshopper.

>> No.5144453

Thanks. I'll add her to my list of "Internet girls I should stalk", I guess.

So that makes one entry in my list.

>> No.5144488

Just read about this girl. Sad story.

You guys are really pigs. That's why 2D waifus are morally superior.

>> No.5144514

Wrecker? I hardly knew 'er!

>> No.5145041

>like the focus on Jewishness
The almost complete focus on Jewishness is exactly the reason that I put Goodbye, Columbus down 50 pages in. There's something incredibly boring about American Jews.

>> No.5145062

gr8 b8 m80 i r8 80/80

captcha: batpop assuredly

>> No.5145090

posting in a sunhawk thrad

>> No.5145953

I miss Sunhawk. This is so good I'm not even sure if it's actually Sunhawk.

>> No.5147769

great blog post, op

>> No.5147824
File: 4 KB, 691x597, 1366255591187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel kind of bad for her but in a way she took a dickload of slutty photos of herself and put them on the internet, not the brightest move. That's something we brave 4chan fags know to avoid in ourselves and encourage in others.

that qt face + figure tho

>> No.5148468
File: 103 KB, 246x232, RP7BZ5J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-her panties are really low

>> No.5148485


>I feel kind of bad for her but in a way she took a dickload of slutty photos of herself and put them on the internet, not the brightest move.

Wasn't her computer hacked or something ?

>that qt face + figure tho

That's the hardest part. She evokes unknown feelings in my dick that I have to ignore because that would be participating in something I despise.

>> No.5148497


the fact that she never stopped, even in her "terrible torments", posting pictures of herself in a bikini online has eroded all my sympathy

its one thing if a 14 yr old girl posts 1 pic of herself and it blows up, thats tough. but she never stopped tweeting bikini pics, even as she sought to sue people for photoshopping her pics

anybody who is willing to attract attention to themselves online must be willing to deal with the consequences of being famous on the internet

and frankly, being shooped into porn is just not that bad, nor are threatening rapey emails all that bad

>> No.5148508
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-07-17-05-19-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like 22 why would you not participate

>> No.5148519
File: 70 KB, 720x960, eufedoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white knights

>> No.5148524

Wasn't she like 14 when it began ? When I'm not sure about the details rather retract from participating.

>> No.5148525

lol you're an idiot

>> No.5148544


Is that a weird blob of flab on her ass or what?

>> No.5148552

>being this gay

>> No.5148558


Don't mistake my standards for homosexuality.

>> No.5148575

Well you're either gay or a virgin.

Also, this thread should really just die, worst one I've scene in a while

>> No.5148892


I love her.