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/lit/ - Literature

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513731 No.513731 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, post your to-read piles/lists.

>> No.513740

A whole bunch of stuff by Bradbury and Heinlein.

>> No.513752
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Eep, didn't mean to post the sideways one.

>> No.513771

Why do you have three Dresden Files books if you've yet to read the first one?

>> No.513800

Starship Troopers
Survivor (Palaniuk)
Notes from Underground
The Dice Man
The Old Man & The Sea
The Metamorphosis
Player Piano
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
One Second After
A Rumor of War
The Hollow Man
Bags Of Bones
The Road
The Beach
Amnesia Moon
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
Swan Song
The Postman
My Work is Not Done Yet
The Andromeda Strain
Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Metro 2033

>> No.513808

Nice stacking OP, I always stack books top-to-bottom smallest-to-largest too.

>> No.513826
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mine is minuscule by comparison.
It was all I have in my room. it's 2 in the morning...

>> No.513864
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dem books

>> No.513905
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Westward Spreads the Fire
The Heart of the Whirlwind
They Are Seven
Avalon Landing
The Season of Sacrifice
Infestation of the Muse
The Dam at Kingston
A Whisper in the Grove

just a few i have on my 'to do' list

>> No.513923
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I'm so lazy...also shitty cell phone pic

>> No.513939
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Nah it's okay. I've been hoarding for the past few months, and definitely need to speed it up.

Meh, I don't usually do that, but considering my pile was tipping over due to my shitty stacking, reorganizing was necessary.

Because I sux cox.

>> No.513948

Don't fucking read World War Z, read The Rising.

>> No.513976

...or read both.

>> No.513997

I actually read only 70 or so pages of it...kinda boring so far

>> No.514030

The Book of Mormon?

>> No.514037

I preferred the later.

>> No.514039

I've already read the Old and New testaments and the Qu'ran . . . might as well get some Mormon action.

>> No.514067
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I don't want to fucking hear it about the Azumanga Daioh series. Girl I nailed wanted me to read it, and in exchange I gave her Murakami and sweet lovin'

>> No.514125

Three books on Realist novels, some Balzac and some theory.

>> No.514132

>Azumanga Daioh series. Girl I nailed wanted me to read it

thanks for reminding me why I am not interested in women

>> No.514133


>> No.514136

The Blood Meridian
The Road
Black Spring
The Tropic of Cancer
Gavity`s Rainbow
Various Lovecraft
Fahrenheit 451
Titus Andronicus

>> No.514146

Same as, I really need a good Faulkner book, there is always a comparison of McCarthy to Faulkner and I wanted to investigate it. Recommendations anyone?

>> No.514161

Don't worry, they're nothing alike.

>> No.514193

Two Star Trek Deep Space 9 books and 1984

>> No.514261

Crime and Punishment
Heart of Darkness
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.514288


>Book of Mormon

Enjoy your shitty religious fiction, mor(m)on.

>> No.514299

Diamond Age
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Man in the High Castle

The last four Philip k Dick books are in one anthology. I just finished Neuromancer. Holy fuck that book is awesome. You can find it online, the whole book. http://vxheavens.com/lib/mwg01.html

>> No.514344

Dune messiah
Children of Dune
THe Moor's last sigh

>> No.514353

All Men Are Brothers
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.514354

I have more books that I really care to type of the to read list.

Right now I'm taking a break and reading Hound of the Baskervilles. Then Notes from Underground.

Then I don't know after that. Maybe I'l re-read Sputnik Sweetheart

>> No.514363

Twilight saga

>> No.514377
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A Study in Scarlet
The Sign of the Four
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Return of Sherlock Holme
The Valley of Fear
His Last Bow
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

>> No.514380

Let the Tight One In
World War Z
The Stand
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Cell
Eagle Strike
The Davinci Code

>> No.514381

Let the Tight one in, eh?

>> No.514384
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>Let the Tight One In

>> No.514410

The Spare Room - Helen Garner
The City and The City - China Mieville
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
Gormenghast Trilogy - Mervyn Peake
Voss - Patrick White

>> No.514421

The Adventures of Augie March
A Model World and Other Stories
The Little Disturbances of Man
Pedro Paramo

>> No.514425
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Metro 2033
The rest of ASOIAF
All of the Book of the New Sun
House of Leaves
The Man in the High Castle
The Roads to Freedom

>> No.514446

My pile of physical books took 8 pictures. I can't be bothered posting that, but on my immediate list:
Crime and Punishment
Mazalan Book of the Fallen
Slaughterhouse V
War breaker

>> No.514599
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I'm starting from the bottom. I hope Flashy is ok being sandwhiched between two monsters of literature.

>> No.514610
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I could list a hundred books sitting on my shelves waiting to be read, but I always change my mind, so I'll just leave it at this. Currently reading Butcher Bird by Richard Kadrey (pic related) and Robert Graves' The Greek Myths (in preparation to really tackle the Fagles translations of Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid and Ovid's Metamorphoses).

>> No.514612

Catcher in The Rye
Animal Farm
Lord of The Flies

>> No.514624

Fuck ya some Flashman. I think reading a pulpy book in between two classic is the right thing to do. It gives you a bit of a pallet cleanser.

>> No.514645

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
The Name of the Rose
The Man Who Laughs
The Duplicated Man

>> No.514660

Paradise Lost
The Divine comedy
The Idiot
The Odyssey

>> No.514667

fuck year Flashman!

>> No.514675

The Honorary Consul
Travels with my Aunt
Brighton Rock
Cat & Mouse
Local Anesthetic
A Short History of the World
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
The Road to Wigan Pier

>> No.515045

"The Secret Agent" by Joseph Conrad
"Against Nature" by J.K. Husymans
"The Essential Kierkegaard" by Soren Kierkegaard
"The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin
"Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes
"The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley Under Ground, and Ripley's Game" by Patricia Highsmith

>> No.515066

>the honorary consul

lolsome characters, the bi-polar writer and his idea of machismo are win

>> No.515103

Blood Meridian
The Great Gatsby
Moby Dick
Don Quixote
The New York Trilogy
The Dead (short story)
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.515154

Bag of Bones (Started, didn't finish)
Anna Karenina
War and Peace
On The Road (Currently reading)
Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead
Islands in the Stream
A Separate Peace
Moby Dick
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler...
And every other book in the world I have not read yet.

>> No.515189

>If On A Winter's Night A Traveler...

Oh God, this book is so fucking good. I jizz in my pants at the thought of those first few chapters.

>> No.515195

the brothers karamazov
the iliad
dune messiah
war and peace

>> No.515199

thats a great list of truly great literatur

>> No.515201

The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gonna read it right off the rock.

>> No.515222

teach me akkadian

>> No.515236

Too many to list, but the immediate few are:
"Behemoth" by Peter Watts
"Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel
"Best American Short Stories 2008"
"Nocturnes" by Kazuo Ishiguro
"Crystal Express" by Bruce Sterling
"1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue"
"The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson
and "Groundwork of Christian History" by Diarmaid MacCulloch

>> No.515286

far too many to list. I suppose the next 5 or so will be:
A Brief History of Nearly Everything
Don Quixote
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Atlas Shrugged

>> No.515295

Bumping for more book stacks

>> No.515326

I'm going to read all the Harry Potter books just one more time.

>> No.515514
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sorry for being a polfag.
about 60 books total.
And I'm reading... Malazan Book of the Fallen in pdf, because I can't afford it. + Antarctica by Kim Stanley Robinson (library).

>> No.515538

Fragile Things-Neil Gaiman
The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
Franz Kafka the Complete Stories
BONE-Jeff Smith

>> No.515554

Oh my god, OP, 'The Secret Agent' is FREAKIN' BADASS. You're in for a treat.

>> No.515853

Of Human Bondage
The Road (again)
Collected Poems Ted Hughes and W.H. Auden
Collected Stories of Lydia Davis
The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Some Samuel Beckett

>> No.515871

House of Leaves
Empire of the Sun
The Wasp Factory
Rats in the Trees

>> No.516204

What are some of the most popular books written in Polish, and could you give me a summary?

I am irrationally interested, suddenly

>> No.516237

One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Plutarch, the Twelve Caesars, the Judean Wars

>> No.516276

I have a few dozen books on my shelf that I want to read NOW:

Kafka on the Shore
The Modern Mind
Journey to the East
The Glass Bead Game
Tale of Two Cities
The Dark Tower series
more of Discworld
A Dirty Job
Brave New World
Rendezvous with Rama
Catcher in the Rye
The Brothers Karamazov

on and on...

>> No.516343

True Grit
The Brief Wonderous Life Of Oscar Woa
Brave New World (again)
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.516340

You need to get to The Twelve Caesars NOW. It's like a tabloid newspaper. It's pretty awesome for Caesars 3-6.

>> No.516362

Maus II (not a book but still good)
The Killer Angels
Never Let Me Go
The Gargoyle

>> No.517182


Ah, fellow polfag! So I'm not alone!

I have yet to read:

Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
The Count of Monte Cristo
Lord of the Flies
A Hero Of Our Time.

>> No.517577
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Posted ages ago, but I still feel like I should answer.
Unfortunately, you're asking the wrong person. I was never really into Polish literature and I know very little about it in general. I can't really say which books or authors are really worth mentioning (and which of them have been translated to some less obscure language).

About latest mainstream: afaik, shitty lit hipsters writing queer and/or angsty books about nihilist hipsters working for nameless corporations; disgusting and imaginative sex every three pages; books never longer than 200 pages, often including psychodelic black and white illustrations.
Critics were all oooh about them some time ago, I hope they've stopped already.

Also, some post-communism trauma and semi-autobiographic novels about sad childhood.

The only Polish author whose books I've enjoyed lately is Jacek Dukaj, but only short stories of him have been translated so far. He has written quite a few truly epic novels, 'Inne pieśni' ('Other songs') among them.

'Inne pieśni' is set in world of Aristotelian physics, with Form defining the Substance. The Form is born in one's mind and it 'radiates', creating a field of influence. The countries are ruled by individuals of the strongest 'willpower' - their Form changes everything around: people's behavior, their appearance, language, weather, types of plants...
The protagonist is a former commander, whose Form used to make armies win battles before they recieved the orders. He lost it encountering insane(ly powerful) kratistos, whose anthos made his enemies commit suicides when he's still miles away.

The novel has an awesome plot and outstanding characters, but what makes it unique is the beautiful and astonishing hellenized world and fantastic philosophical conceptions brought to life.

Small teaser:


Pic semi related: pardon my Engrish.

>> No.517610
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2001: A Space Odyssey
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Time Enough For Love
Feet of Clay
To Have and Have Not
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.518012

Read more please.

>> No.518052

the night by elie wiesel
berlin alexanderplatz
die blechtrommel

>> No.518058

My to-read list has nearly 300 books, though....

>> No.518060

Tell us some, so I can check em out on Wikipedia to see if I will read them too :D

>> No.518081

The Wild Ass's Skin
Tristram Shandy
The Napoleon of Notting Hill
Fathers and Sons

>> No.518091

Books to Read

1. 1. Life, The Universe, and Everything by Douglas Adams 1. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
2. Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
3. Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames by Thich Nhat Hanh
4. Taming the Tiger Within: Meditations on Transforming Difficult Emotions
5. The Plague by Albert Camus
6. The Fall by Albert Camus
7. The Rebel by Albert Camus
8. Naked Lunch by William Burroughs
9. We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
10. Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
11. The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum
12. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
13. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
14. Candide by Voltaire

This is an old list; half I don't even want to read anymore.

>> No.518092

>About latest mainstream: afaik, shitty lit hipsters writing queer and/or angsty books about nihilist hipsters working for nameless corporations; disgusting and imaginative sex every three pages; books never longer than 200 pages, often including psychodelic black and white illustrations.
it's great to see we're not alone. here hip lit features all of the above with bits of local highschool canon.
you get tamerlane discussing bourdieu with a local scholar quoting tarantino with a burning Baghdad on the backdrop.

>> No.518114

Read Johnny Got His Gun!

>> No.518116

- Steppenwolf
- Something about the 7 basic stories in all fiction. It's big and rewarding and I read a few chapters but it's hard work.
- Something about how to end a god damn scene. Goddamn.
- Pnin

>> No.518124

Catch 22
Crime and Punishment
Watership Down
Tale of Two Cities
Love & Hate in Jamestown

>> No.518144

-The Science Fiction Century
-Handmaid's Tale
-Jurassic Park
-Camelot 30K
-The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted

And working on The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.518158

Don't own any books. Work at a library. If I buy a book, I donate and catalog it after I'm finished.

>> No.518175

High five for that bro.

>> No.518236

- Rashomon and other stories, Akutagawa
- The Sea of Fertility (all 4 parts), Mishima
- The Setting Sun, Dazai
- White Nights, Dostoevsky
- Jacques The Fatalist, Diderot
- The Lady of the Camellias, Dumas son
- Unexpected papers, Cortazar
- The Princess of Cleves, Mme. de La Fayette

>> No.518384

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Speaker for the Dead
The Complete Sherlock Holmes, vol 1
Fahrenheit 451
The Metamorphosis